• Member Since 11th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Okay, I admit it, I'm probably not your mom. But odds are I'm old enough to be. Now with Patreon account (under alarajrogers) and short stories on Amazon (under Alara Rogers).


Dream log, epic Fluttercord edition · 6:00pm Dec 29th, 2023

Had a dream during a nap that is perfectly suited to be a story; I'm not even sure I need to tweak it.

So in the dream, Fluttershy was dying of old age, and Discord couldn't fix it. (She also had insulin-resistant diabetes, but that's kind of less important.) Discord was very upset by this, and decided to take drastic steps to prevent it.

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Dammit, just discovered a friend here's been dead for two years... · 6:31pm Oct 24th, 2023

Today I learned that Jordan died in April 2021, and I had no idea. I was re-reading some of my older fanfics, saw his comments, thought, "Huh, I wonder how Jordan's doing", and the answer is, he's not. Dammit.

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FUCKING DONE FINALLY · 10:00pm Oct 10th, 2023

"The God of Breaking Rules In The Land of the Dead" is one of my oldest stories on this site. It's not my oldest incomplete -- "The King Who Would Be Man" and "Stumble In My Footsteps" are both older, all part of my initial rush in 2013-14 when I'd first gotten into the fandom and the writing came like a river. But it is old, posted almost 10 years ago (closer to 9 years, 11 months), and unlike the others, it's short. I thought I'd wind it up within weeks, at the time. I posted 4

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I'm back, bitches! · 6:02pm Oct 5th, 2023

I don't know for how long, because I never know these things.

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A thing y'all should maybe know · 5:45pm Oct 31st, 2022

I may or may not make the change here on Fimfiction, but on Archive of our Own and Fanfiction.net, I am changing my handle to Kaleidolon. Mainly as a branding differentiator between fanfic and profic. It's not like I can hide that Alara J Rogers writes fanfic, not after posting it to the Internet for literally 29 years, but when I get published in real life I want it to be slightly less blatantly obvious.

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Topsy Turvy Day may finally end · 5:15am Apr 2nd, 2022

I think I may get the last chapter of "Topsy Turvy Day" in A Year Of Holidays out this weekend. Maybe. No promises, but I'm hopeful.

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Hey guys! I finished a thing! · 12:37am Mar 26th, 2022

Remember how everyone wanted me to have things happen in Being Chaos that aren't just a repetition of things from the episodes? Well, your wish is granted! We are still staying well within canon, but the entire chapter is about things we didn't actually see in canon.

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The Filly Buster · 3:26pm Aug 14th, 2021

In earth pony democratic tradition, when a minority group of council leaders, in opposition to the will of the majority, wish to stop or slow down a vote on a proposition they are opposed to (but believe will have the votes to pass), they may engage in a Filly Buster, in which opposition members of the council will continue talking once given their chance to make their statement in opposition.

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Can't argue with the muse · 7:47pm Jul 7th, 2021

I know it probably wasn't on anyone's high priority to see more of list, but I am working on Being Chaos because the story started talking to me again. The next chapter is not directly based on any of the episodes; still following the canon timeline but we're finding out what Celestia wanted Discord for, and Eric is learning more about Discord's powers.

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Very minor change to Not the Hero · 12:18am Feb 26th, 2021

In "Blueblood, This Is Your Life!" I changed language about Cadance being related to Sombra to being related to Amore, since later on I decided to accept the Umbrum backstory for Sombra.

This is minor enough I wouldn't even bother to bring it up, except that someone, who I think might have been DannyJ, called my attention to the inconsistency when the chapter about Sombra and the Element of Hatred came out. So, fixed!

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