• Member Since 3rd Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 23rd, 2016


Coffe a day, keeps the world around me grey.


It's Over · 3:31am Jul 25th, 2016

(I'm not killing myself. I'm just logging off here because I need to get my life on track. So this is the last time you'll see a blog, story or even a word from me. Sorry for the scare.)

Report Manes · 1,306 views ·

Thanks Guys · 9:16am Jul 24th, 2016

Thanks guys for the kind messages. At the time, I was feeling alone and depressed to the point I wanted to hide from everyone and just vanish without a trace, but seeing this helped me a bit with the issues. I didn't make the other blog because I wanted attention or a cry for help, but to be honest I really wanted to vanish.

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Report Manes · 591 views ·

I Might Be Gone Forever · 10:01pm Jul 23rd, 2016

Due to personal issues, I might not ever come back online when I sign off. I might come back on later, but all knows. I'm sorry to do this to all of you, but it's for the best.

Report Manes · 630 views ·

Good news! · 2:35am Jul 4th, 2016

I managed to get internet from my big brother giving me his hot spot password. So I can write Higher Senses now~ I decided to make chapter eight into two parts since it's taking long to write all in one. Plus it'll feel less...stuffed.

So the first part should come out soon. I don't know when, but hopefully soon.

Report Manes · 507 views ·

So · 10:44pm Jul 1st, 2016

So Good news I found a place to live for the time being. Bad news it's in a room....inside a house with other people.

Yay me right?

So Im currently using a tablet to reach you guys so expect no update anytime soon because internet cost money folks. Sorry. I'll be writing on Google docs off online like the poor person I am. Til next time folks!

Higher Senses tagged because explainition for why there's no update.

Report Manes · 611 views ·

In Need Of Help · 2:32am Jun 25th, 2016

I'm trying to get the revised chapters posted, but I keep making changes because I feel either it's going too slow or too fast, should Sunset Shimmer meet Twilight in this scene or would it be better in the other scene, etc. I'm stuck in a loop that I cannot not get out of and the only option I'm seeing is to cancel the story.

I do not want to do that to you guys.

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Report Manes · 408 views ·

Update on Progress · 5:49pm Jun 22nd, 2016

Because since I graduated from the big HS, I got to worry about depressing things such as getting job and finding a place to live. (Which is damn near impossible in Philadelphia.) So I have no idea when this story will be updated, but I'm guessing in mid July or hell even the beginning. Sorry to have you guys wait even longer, but I'm sure you got other stories to keep you entertained until then.

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Report Manes · 371 views ·

Scootaloo Would Like To Wish Her Dad A Happy Father's Day! · 9:08pm Jun 19th, 2016

...Oh wait.

Report Manes · 784 views ·

I'm free! · 1:48pm Jun 13th, 2016

No more goddamn High school! Fuck you, teachers! (Nah just kidding, love you guys. Thank you for your support) Yeah fuck High school! I'm done with that shit!

Now onto Adult shit!

Which is shit!

Report Manes · 677 views ·

Small, But Progress! · 10:02am Jun 6th, 2016

Chapter eight minor spoilers.

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Report Manes · 530 views ·