Halo Wars 2 Story Vidoc · 8:17pm Jul 22nd, 2016
This looks 10x better than Halo 5, now hopefully the actual story is not being held back by Halo 5...
Oui oui baguette! Honhonhonhon!
This looks 10x better than Halo 5, now hopefully the actual story is not being held back by Halo 5...
"I just… didn’t have much of a reaction to the Halo Wars 2 trailer.
It looks good, I’m sure it’ll be interesting, but… eh.
Cutter looks… literally nothing like Cutter? It says ‘Cutter’ on his uniform, that’s the only thing that gave his identity away to me. It’s not even just “he got older”, he looks like he’s gone and regenerated…
Today is a good day for me, eh.
I'm gonna go out with some pals, and get smashed whether I want to or not, eh.
I never heard of this movie until like, three or four days ago, even then I never watched the trailers or anything, eh. I just heard it was a pretty great movie, eh. So, I had some free time, and I chose to go to the movies and I was at an impasse, eh. I couldn't choose what to watch, eh. So, I chose to watch Zootopia just because it was playing sooner than other movies, eh.
Watched it so you don’t have to:
Halo LegendsI appreciate that I’m very late to this party, but it recently came out on Netflix. Frankly I’m glad I didn’t spend money on it.
Some minor spoilers may follow, I don’t recommend that you care enough about this piece of media to worry about that though, because I don’t recommend actually watching it.
Well, time to make another dumb blog thingy, eh.
So, some of you nurds may not know, but I have recently taken up Role-playing as another hobby of mine in attempt to stave off the cabin fever, eh. Of course this shit is like taken to a private location so as I don't break the site rules, eh.