• Member Since 9th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 29th, 2022

Visiden Visidane

Is that a terrorist?!?


Shout outs/References/Ripoffs or whatever you call them · 2:00am Feb 26th, 2013

There are a lot of these in the fic. I'll list what I consciously added here, there's a good chance that I shouted out to something without even realizing it.

Dark Souls - one of my favorite games. Can't wait for 2 despite all the griping I read about how it's going to be easier or more accessible.

Pony in Terrato's flashback who shouts "Praise the Sun!" - Solaire of Astora
Title of Chapter 45 and Blue Moon's feminine appearance - Dark Sun Gwyndolin

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Blogging · 10:49am Feb 25th, 2013

Well, I suppose I shouldn't waste one of this site's many features. I've never tried my hand at blogging before, figuring that it was better suited for people who have a lot of interesting things to say (or at least think they do), but I think I can have some use for this blog maybe more as a source of updates that aren't the chapters themselves for one thing. Alright...

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