• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 22nd, 2017


First and foremost, Twilight Sparkle is the pony after my own heart :3 and as such, I love books quite a bit as well as the art of the story. I hope you enjoy the tales I weave.


So I may have just bought this... · 4:24am Nov 2nd, 2014

Late night purchases after a several hour roadtrip...

I will regret absolutely nothing once this arrives and I proceed to place it in my grove of ponies... :facehoof: :rainbowlaugh: :moustache: :yay:

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Finally back with those creative juices flowing... · 1:46pm Oct 15th, 2014

I know it's been a while, but I am indeed still alive. A lot of crud has been going on and the best of it is that I'm now the proud Uncle of a very hairy little guy. Seriously. This kid has Einstein hair :rainbowlaugh: As such, I'm starting with an update for my friend, MythrilMoth's Family Planning Center (of which, I've done several guest chapters as well). Shortly

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Update coming as soon as I figure out how to computer :b · 6:30pm May 19th, 2014

So I have so many pictures on my phone, I'm trying to upload them to my computer but I can't remember how to find photos on Itunes :b I'll be looking up this stuff once I get the chance and I hope you are all prepared for almost one hundred pictures and a wondrous account of a wonderfully, and gloriously exhausting convention :twilightsmile:

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Hotel blues · 1:21pm May 16th, 2014

So everything is going great... Except that I would have to pay $13 a night for internet... So sadly, I'm updating my blog via my phone, so I can let you all know that I'm going to have an absolutely massive blog post Sunday night once I get home -.- also, no Dandy :c

until Sunday that is... :trollestia:

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Acencon daily bog update · 2:07am May 14th, 2014

Starting Thursday, I will be in attendance of Acencon, the largest regional anime convention in the states. I'll be making blog posts every evening with various pictures and a recount of my day and the various activities I've done. If any of you reading this will be attending as well, feel free to message me and perhaps we can hang out at some point during the convention :D In addition, I will be updating Crusade Thursday evening as well :D

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Dandy is a pudding skin stealing d-bag and other fun things · 10:12am Apr 20th, 2014

So the next chapter is coming along greatly and I figured I should give an update of sorts. Explosions, mass panic in the streets, fillies plotting "bad" things and more will be in store for you in this next chapter of A Dandy Crusade. Once I finish this chapter, His Life to Live is up next on the block and we'll see what goes on next after that.

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Today is a good day to do some good · 3:44pm Feb 5th, 2014

As I'm sure all of you know, we have another storm going on -.- I happen to live in Northwest Ohio and I can honestly say it sucks. A lot. If it's like that to me, you can only imagine how it can be for our elderly and handicapped neighbors that you may or may not know. I know one such person and made sure to help shovel her out, refusing her offer of money because I know she lives on a fixed income. I know it seems like a pointless mass pandering of my good deed (that may or may not have

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Report divinearcadia · 376 views ·

I'm back, and bigger than ever! · 12:09pm Jan 19th, 2014

Well, holidays and all that good stuff pushed back my writing with excessive and possibly dangerous amounts of desserts (except for a certain pink mare we all know lol) along with the good feels of seeing family one normally doesn't get to see very often. A birthday was thrown in there for myself as well, so now I'm 25 as of the 13th of January. I'm even seeing generation gaps now...

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A doozy of a new story · 10:42am Dec 17th, 2013

First of all, I must apologize to all of my readers who have been irked by my long absence from writing. I have no excuse for it aside that I have had a mental fog, followed by a ravaging idea for a new story. To put it succinctly, it'll be a romance involving an unlikely pairing and the first chapter is already over 12,000 words. This has taken much of my time as of late and it will likely be coming out within the next 7-10 days after it goes through a preliminary screening via

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Report divinearcadia · 377 views ·

So Gamestop has some totally awesome mlp keychains... · 5:07am Nov 12th, 2013

They only have Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie in their rewards section right now, but they are both high quality and very well detailed... despite the fact that they both look like they went a little heavy with the eye liner lol If anyone has a rewards card with them and around 5,500 points, I'd recommend checking it out. If you don't, then I would recommend pestering Ripple Junction, the creators of said keychains and seeing if they're available for

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