It ain't easy, being a toon actor... · 9:44pm Jan 19th, 2022
...but we look for the best.
Just an average insane brony, doing average insane things. Professional Fanfiction Writer and Purveyor, relevant links are on my profile page.
...but we look for the best.
And now, we come to the final G5 pony of the new main crew. With only four levels and the power of David Silver's Ponyfinder, it's time to finally address the elephant in the room--what happens when you take Rainbow Dash and force her to think for herself? Well, the end result stands before you, and her name is...
From the top of Zephyr Heights, with four levels and the help of David Silver's Ponyfinder work, prances the penultimate pony in this pentagon of premiere pop stars! And would you look at that, she's an actual pop star. Everyone, put your hands, hooves, or other appendages together for the one, the only...
It's time for Numero Tres in this series, and boy howdy is it going to be a wacky one. With only four levels to work with, multiclassing is a risky, risky business--especially in D&D Fifth Edition. Luckily for us, David Silver and his Ponyfinder setting have a few very crafty tricks to make things... a little easier. And who is the pony we're going to be statting up this time around? Well, everyone, prepare to meet the instigator of
Once more we delve into Fifth Edition D&D, with the help of David Silver's trusty Ponyfinder work. Once more I say that these G5 characters are only fourth level by the end of the film. And once more I select a pony to provide statistics to. Today, of course, we're choosing somebody Sunny's known all her life...
In the interests of WELL THIS IDEA WON'T LEAVE MY HEAD I've decided to whip up D&D character stats for the Gen5 pones! I am using some elements from the Ponyfinder setting crafted by David Silver, because they actually fit pretty well into what we're going for here. That said, since all we've got is a single movie, I'm going to say that they're all only at fourth level. And who better to start us off than...
Seriously, I posted my last blog... three hours ago? And a bunch of you decided to pitch in. Uh... Thank you. Seriously. I mean it.
I guess I should work on some ponyfic. See if I can get anything out for... let's say halloween? Yeah.
Definitely going to go for some creepy pone!
It's been a long time, huh? Almost a year. And I'm back to beg for money.
Le sigh...
I love this fandom. I truly do. I love the fanworks, the collaborations, the creativity. And it bothers me to no end that I've left so many of my works hanging here (while working on things for other fandoms). I still keep tabs on ponyfic--I still have plans for ponyfic--it just... sometimes feels like, there's so much to do I freeze up?
I've got most of my workload for the month done, via my new RWBY/H:ZD fic, and a number of chapters in the pipeline! That said...
this is awkward to admit but I kinda need sixty dollars to pay off my internet bill before the day is out.
Technically, I'm at my parent's place and therefore don't need to pay NOW to keep using internet, but you know, better to get it paid sooner and not have late fees, hahaha!
There is so much I have to do....