• Member Since 29th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen July 12th


To represent everything it stands for.


On the Story · 12:06am Feb 20th, 2023

This is a quick word for whoever wants to read it, just to say thanks for sticking with this so long and my dearest apologies for not updating the story more often. Excuse is about the same, life is busy, very busy, not a bad busy but it's the 'this stuff is more important' type of work. As I've said I'm never cancelling the story, but I felt like I owed you guys something. I do wish I could get out more than a measly one chapter a year or whatever it's at now, but I do promise I'll write some

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Report Eagle · 218 views ·

A Word on Updates · 12:46am Jan 23rd, 2021

Figured I would let people know so they don't have to worry. It may be a while before you get another chapter update. I know it's been a few months but things have been busy and getting busier. It's certainly not canceled, not at all, but it might be a while longer before another chapter since I haven't been able to write much. Hope you all can continue being patient, thank you

Report Eagle · 255 views ·

A Couple Things · 7:52am Mar 2nd, 2019

Yes I know it's been a while since I used this blog thing but I found it kinda useless, doesn't really matter much and I literally care only about the story itself more than a blog or my own user page. But I figured I'd use it for some important updates, so I'll just be direct with them.

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Report Eagle · 502 views ·

A word on the feedback of readers · 7:32pm Mar 13th, 2018

I'll keep this short so as not to take up anyone's time. The new batch is up and I hope everyone enjoys it; next one should be relatively sooner than last.

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Report Eagle · 418 views ·

The worries of writing · 6:42pm Nov 20th, 2017

Well, now that the war's finally started I hope you all are still interested.

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Report Eagle · 467 views ·

Arts Time · 7:34pm Jul 1st, 2017

Today we have a lovely little piece done expertly by Buckweiser! Go and show some love for all the hard work he put in!

Hope you all like it!

Report Eagle · 466 views ·

SITREP: Chapter grouping reduction and the 1st TFS emblem. · 7:00pm Apr 10th, 2017

Well, life's been busy with this year of uni coming near it's end. Thankfully it's finally spring break but I've got work over most of it so my time's still kind of filled. Hopefully I'll get a bit of writing done over it. I kind of feel bad about taking so long to update so I'm making an adjustment so the number of chapters in each publication is reduced, so they'll come sooner than half a year. Next one's just going to be two and the one after is three.

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Report Eagle · 311 views ·

Individual Unit Emblems · 7:28pm Mar 6th, 2017

Going to make a quick blog to announce a nice little treat for the story, not vital but it's great all the same. Basically TNB's gotten into drawing the patches, and he's quite good at it too. You can take a look at all the work he's done so far here, swing by and give him a quick applause for doing such a great job.

Here's a quick look at one piece for example:

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Report Eagle · 374 views ·

SITREP: Another chapter bunch published · 9:45am Mar 5th, 2017

So that makes seven new chapters for those who want to read them. God, it always turns my stomach to publish, I swear I worry too much. I guess that's why I post them at 4 in the morning though. :applejackunsure:

At any rate I hope you guys like it, I know at least a few have been looking forward to it, so let me know what you think.

Report Eagle · 304 views ·

SITREP: Regarding guest writers and a Map for everyone to see · 8:17pm Dec 27th, 2016

Merry late Christmas to all, I'm hoping everyone had a good time in spite of a few untimely deaths of noted people. Getting down to business we'll start of with the rougher news first regarding the guest authors stuff.

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Report Eagle · 457 views ·