• Member Since 6th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen April 2nd

Distant Gaze


FiMFiction's NSFW Policies and Reservations About my Upcoming Fairy Tale · 2:11am Nov 9th, 2013

Regarding policies:

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NaNoWriMo, and November writing goals · 3:34am Nov 3rd, 2013

November is National Novel Writing Month, also known as NaNoWriMo. That's a stupid name, but it's what people call it. The goal is to write a 50,000 word novel during the month of November. That's 1667 words a day. Now, the intention is generally to start something and finish it in November, but if I do that, I'll have two major, unfinished, ongoing projects, which is a terrible idea, so instead, I'm going to see if I can get Smoke to 82,564 words before December 1.

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The Hypnotic Adventures of Blank Sheet · 4:57am Oct 24th, 2013

A number of you followed Smoke after getting familiar with my writing on The Hypnotic Adventures of Blank Sheet, back when I posted as greentext (I didn't expect to ever do anything more than one or two comments when I made that account). I'm just tossing this post up as a courtesy to readers and/or LightMask himself, to let people know he seems to be getting in motion there again. I'm no longer involved, and my feelings on it continuing without me are (understandably, I think) mixed,

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My Writing vs. the New Blog Policy · 5:47pm Oct 20th, 2013

If you haven't seen it yet, FimFiction no longer allows NSFW blog posts. (http://t.co/W5x6Oj5ASB) I don't intend to rant (much), but on a site that hosts tremendous amounts of highly objectionable sexual material (my writing included), the decision is perplexing, and is made more so by their other decision: not to share the reasons behind it. I'm not going to scream that the sky is falling, or that it's the end of clop as we know it, but given that blog posts flagged NSFW were hidden

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I should really get an avatar. · 4:17am Jul 8th, 2013

It's one thing to use a blank avatar if you're not putting stories up, but at this point, between my work on LightMask's The Hypnotic Adventures of Blank Sheet and what I've written of Smoke so far, I'm at about 60,000 words up on Fimfiction. Not having an avatar seems silly. Unfortunately, I am the fussy sort, and want it to be related to what I write, not just a crop of a pony, a shot from Pony Creator, or anything like that. Ordinarily, that would mean I pay someone to make

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Big Rejected Smoke Idea #1 · 10:47pm Jun 18th, 2013

There's one thing that I'd originally really wanted to include in Smoke, but ultimately canned, going through and editing the first two chapters to yank out the vestiges. I'd originally planned for a prohibition-era feel to Manehatten, in alignment with certain elements of how Done Deal will, ah... to avoid spoilers, let's just say "exert his influence." After writing two chapters though, and including the sort of slang you'd expect to see in a Dick Tracy comic, I simply came to the

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