• Member Since 6th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen April 2nd

Distant Gaze


Closure: Full plot spoilers for Smoke here · 3:15am Jan 2nd, 2019

Consider yourselves warned: this whole post is a spoiler. We're well past the point that the only realistic thing is that Smoke is done, so for anyone who wanted to know what had been planned, well, may this post provide you some closure. I'm certain to have forgotten things or misremembered them. It's been a while. But Smoke has only relatively recently stopped attracting new readers. Some of you may still want to know where it never went. With this, I move Smoke

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Tumblr porn ban · 3:59am Dec 9th, 2018

As most of you know, Tumblr's banning porn on the 17th of this month. Since Smoke is pretty well dead in the water, I won't be bothering to relocate any of the images or other content from the Smoke Tumblr. If you came upon this story after I quit working on it and weren't aware there were images, here's your chance to see them before they're gone. Otherwise, it's your chance to archive them if you wish to do so. The Tumblr is "Smokefiles."

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Cut content · 6:04am Jul 3rd, 2017

So, about a week ago, while naked and wet (just a shower, sadly...), I actually felt a little like working on Smoke again. I haven't yet, and don't know if I will. Let's start off with the honest disclaimers: if you've been here, you know not to get your hopes up when I say anything, and I know not to make any promises. Which is why I didn't post anything that night--I had to dig Smoke's Scrivener file out of cold storage, it was late, and what if I didn't get around to it the

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Still not dead. · 6:18pm Dec 10th, 2016

I received a PM from Rozen Knight letting me know that some of you were worried about me. That's flattering, but I'm okay. If you followed me two years ago, you know that I'm coming up on a terrible time of year for me emotionally, but that's not why there's been radio silence. It's just that there's been nothing to say. No progress, and I assure you that I'm as tired of making empty promises about getting somewhere as you all are of reading them. I wanted to have something up for the one

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News · 2:02am May 2nd, 2016

Current chapter is progressing terribly. Can't claim burnout since I've not put out a chapter in months, but something's not working. Chapter's going on the back burner while I put together a piece that builds Smoke's events in parallel with the main story. Style will be different, trying to shift gears. Sorry for the abysmal rate of updates, guys. Once that's done, I'll pick up the current chapter again.

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Not dead. I think. · 4:00am Apr 18th, 2016

1303 words today. That’s not great for how long it took, but the chapter is just shy of 8,000 words at this point. It needs completion and a fair bit of touch up before going to the editor, but Smoke is not dead. On life support, sure. But not dead. Yet.

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Deep Tissue, paging Dr. Deep Tissue... · 5:38am Jan 26th, 2016

owwwwwwwwwwwww :fluttershbad:

The storm that hit the east coast has annihilated my back, using a show shovel as its proxy. I feel like Done after Deep Tissue wrecked him. Moved about 240 cubic feet (6.8 cubic meters) of snow. Much pain.

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Ask the Mares, finished! · 12:08am Jan 17th, 2016

Holy. Crap. That took evenings from Monday, when I started queuing the first submissions, until this morning. Naturally, I worked and so on, but my evenings? The only free time I didn't spend on these was dinner and necessary chores (finances, that kind of thing). This is straight from Tumblr, with a few corrections for quotation marks that somehow got backwards, typos, and so on, except that where I used italics on Tumblr, they're not here. Because, sadly, FimFiction's text editor

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Question 1! · 5:13am Jan 12th, 2016

I won't post each question here as they go up on Tumblr--I can schedule them on Tumblr, and also it would be WAY too many blog posts. Here, though, is the first. The rest will come all in one post when this is over. Credit to Fable Wright for Shimmer's answers--I'm touching them up so she sounds like the Shimmer I write, but she remains his character, and I wanted to be sure she answered as she really would.

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Ask the Mares! (...or that one character who has a penis, I guess) · 6:06am Jan 8th, 2016

Next chapter obviously didn't happen yet after all. Le sigh.

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