A word from Bro and ThatOneWriter on 'Fighting Fifth Graders' at 4:00 in the morning... · 10:37am Oct 19th, 2014
[3:58:30 AM] Don't Look At My Name Bro: Time to punch a fifth grader...
[3:59:36 AM] ThatOneWriter: (music)Are you tougher than a fifth grader~? (music)
[3:59:58 AM] Don't Look At My Name Bro: Duh
[4:00:03 AM] Don't Look At My Name Bro: I'm a boss
[4:00:39 AM] ThatOneWriter: #referencejokes
[4:01:05 AM] ThatOneWriter: As an aside, Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader wasn't a very good show.
[4:01:23 AM] Don't Look At My Name Bro: I'm probably not smarter than a fifth grader