• Published 24th Apr 2013
  • 459 Views, 5 Comments

Legends of Harmony Season 1 - AlphaOmega

There will come a time when evil will rise, but never a time when good will fail.

  • ...

Chapter 9

Legends of Harmony Season 1 Chapter 9

By AlphaOmega

In a dark cave in the Everfree Forest...

"Come general. The time has come to begin the attack."

Out of the shadows emerged a single figure. Clad in dark armor, his footsteps echoed in the dark room. His menacing blood red eyes hungered for battle.

He kneeled before his master. "Yes m'lord. I will prepare the troops for the ambush."

The Voice in the Darkness seemed pleased. "Do as I command and I will reward you well. They are currently staying at a small village a few miles from the first Essence. Capture the White one and bring her to me."

The general merely nodded. He knew better than to talk about failure. It was simply not an option.


Everypony was in a bad mood. The bandits were nowhere to be found, Rarity was screaming about her situation, and Rainbow Dash was missing since the ambush. While she could handle herself, Twilight was sure that it was only a matter of time before she was caught and possibly...

Well, she thought, better to be positive than negative.

The village of Tyros was a kind, small village. They had a small population and not very many troops to guard them. It was a rather poor village as well. Bread and simple pony food is all they really had. Yet, they gave what they could to the tired travelers. The head of the village, Tusclone Yorkuta, was a generous man. He gave his guests a wonderful meal and a clean house (Rarity, however, was still inconsolable about her now-missing make-up and beauty kits).

Twilight decided she would ask Tusclone for help. They did not know these parts well, and the only way they would find their friend or the bandits (or more than likely both) was to have a sense of direction.

This morning, they had gathered at the Tusclone's house. It was rather rickety. As Twilight pounded on the door, the other ponies admired the house. It was made of mostly loose stones and whatever else could be used for adhesive. It was a sad sight. The elites of Canterlot could easily provide for this village, if they would pay their taxes. They ate wine and cheese while these people could only dream of tasting their own produce.

The door opened. "Ahh, my friends. Come in. I assume you have some questions?"

The ponies filed in. The house was small, but beautiful inside. Portraits of the land and its surroundings were all over the walls.

"Oh my," Rarity exclaimed. "I did not know you were a painter!"

Tusclone smiled meekly. "It helps pay for the village's food. That one over there," He pointed at a huge painting of the Royal Sisters, "just sold for 4000 bits! I can feed the people well for at least a month with that income." His smile faded. "Unfortunately, the buyer said he may lose interest. If he does, I will have to find another buyer, and not many are willing to pay such a price." His smile returned. "But this is a village problem! I invited you here not to talk about our problems. Let us get down to business."

Twilight was about to talk when Pinkie Pie, in excitement, fear, anger, and whatever else she had going on in her head, decided to tell the story.

"Oh you missed it Mister! We were walking along the path like Celestia told us to-"

The leader's smile turned into a frown. "I was not aware Celestia was involved." His mood seemed dark and Twilight caught it fast. "She meant Celly! But we call her 'Celestia' because she is a drama queen." Twilight gave her most sincere smile. Tusclone was about to speak, but AJ cut in. "Allow me to explain. We were walking down a path and some bandits caught us. Do ya have any idea who they could be?"

Tusclone's mood only seemed to darken. "Those...vagabonds...have been stealing our food and laying siege to our village at the same time. Quite frankly, I thought that the rulers of this FAIR LAND would send aid, more than a few troops." His eyes moved to Twilight who, in turn, promised to send more guards. "They have been more bothersome as the days go by. More food goes missing, money is taken, and aid to help us is killed. How can we survive?"

Fluttershy spoke up for the first time that day. "It seems you need an eye on these bandits. I can help." Before she could call her animals, however, Tusclone continued his speech. "I know that they hide out in the mountains. It is a relatively cold environment. I have never been there, but judging from the constantly missing materials for clothing," He showed his cape, which had many holes, "we can draw conclusions."

Twilight turned to her friends. "Rainbow Dash went after them, I think. If she did, going into the nearby mountains may bring us close to her. And getting our equipment back." The others nodded their agreement. It was settled. They would travel to the nearby mountains and find RD along with the bandits.


Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, wasn't doing so well. She had been following the bandits from a distance. However, she soon lost sight as it was nearly midnight when she had gone out to stalk the bandits. Without much of a clue where to go, she went for the closest, notable site: The Mountains.

As she trekked through the forest, she began to hear sounds. Rustle Rustle. Whoosh.


She immediately whipped around but not before being hit over the head. As the world around her went dark, she cursed herself. Why hadn't she just flown and watched from a cloud?


The Mane 6 (minus a cyan blue pony) packed their belongings. They decided it would be best to get Dashie and travel straight through the mountains to their next destination. Tusclone had provided the villages best map, at a modest price, of course. Applejack, fortunately, kept a small purse with her at all time under her hat, thus the bandits only got away with about 5000 bits (The Apple Family fortune was worth about 20 million bits at this point. So she could have spared the money, if only it weren't for the fact they only had that money and Canterlot and Ponyville was roughly another 2 days walk to get back again.)

Twilight met the group at the back gate of the village that had a path carved out to go to the mountains. "Tusclone said this trail can bring us close to the mountains, but from there, we are on our own." Twilight commented.

The group nodded. Fluttershy added her thoughts. "I will have some woodland creatures go ahead and scout out the area. Perhaps there is a secret and easier route to the top."

Twilight nodded her approval as Fluttershy went about trying to call any nearby animals. "Applejack?" The orange pony looked up. "Which way does the map say we go?"

Pinkie pie snickered. "Way, say...nice rhyme!"

The other girls giggled a little. Pinkie always had a way of lightening the mood. Twilight was a little more stressed.

"Not now Pinkie! AJ! Stop laughing! We need to get moving as soon as possible." The group straightened themselves out, laughs calming down. AJ spoke up. "Alright. The path is supposed to cut into the forest until we get to a cave. From there, we are in bandit territory."

Rarity, naturally, had some plight. "Why don't you all go ahead? I-I will just s-stay h-here." She stuttered. Twilight shook her head.

"No chance. We can't come back and risk the bandits attacking the village out of vengeance, should we have to fight them. And I think we will need to." She grabbed her saddle. "Everypony ready?"

They nodded. The gates opened and they stepped out into the world ahead of them.


Mmmm toasty.

Her eyes shot open. Rainbow Dash's head hurt and felt like a lump was forming. She was hog-tied with ropes that cut into her flesh. She quickly focused her mind. Where was she?

"You're in a cell. I think."

What happened?

"You were hit in the head."


"You followed the bandits."

What- Wait. That's not my mind talking...

She looked up and saw an image forming in from of her. A dark-blue skinned pony began to form. Her horn was long and beautiful (no jokes) and was glowing with magic. Her tall, beautiful body was much larger than a regular pony. However, the most distinguishing feature was the wings. And the cutie mark.

Rainbow Dash attempted to bow, to no avail. The Princess of the Moon smiled. "It is alright Rainbow Dash. I am here to help." She attempted to speak, but realized she had a gag on her mouth.

"Just think it Rainbow Dash. And I can answer."

Where am I?

"As I said," Luna responded. "I think it is a cell. They wanted to keep you alive and not die from hypothermia. Thus the cozy fire."

Okaaay...How do I get out?

"You must wait and survive their questions. They will want to know why you followed, and see if they can ransom you or use you as bait."

FOR MY FRIENDS?! I will never talk then!

"Now now. It is not the end of the world. Your journey will not end here, I can guarantee it. There will be far worse attractions to come." She grimaced.

Wonderful...Well. What now?

"Rest, Element of Loyalty. I must leave now but I will return, if you survive." She smiled. Dash's eye lids began to droop against her will. And she didn't resist.


The General of the Dark Lord's army smiled. The bandits had done their job well. The prisoner was in their hands, rather too easily. For a moment, he thought he had fallen for a clever ruse. And yet, no one had followed to retrieve the cyan pony.

Now all they had to do was wait for the others to arrive. He trotted over to the weapons that the bandits had secured (and sold to them for a decent price). They were surprisingly light; it would make sense, however, as ponies were not as strong as their kind. Their strength was roughly twice as much as a regular stallion.

In short, a Darkreim was much stronger than any regular pony.

He gathered the weapons together, careful not to cut him, and prepared his magic.

"General." He turned to see the new voice. Although he was able to see perfectly well in the dark, he saw no one.

"Just listen carefully. The Element of Loyalty has been caught. Take her now and kill her." The General said nothing as he returned to his work, slightly agitated. Who was the intruder?

Yet, no answer came to his question. He returned himself to his work.


They had arrived at the foot of the mountain at last. The entire mountain range was long and expanded far. As they neared it, the air seemed to fall a few degrees, despite the fact that temperature drops occur at the top of a mountain.

Fluttershy's creatures told her that the bandits used this cave for loot and slaves. Twilight suggested they look around before moving to another mountain.

As they entered the cave, Twilight used her horn to illuminate the dark cavern. Everyone was quiet as the cave itself. Even Pinkie Pie managed to contain her merriment; no doubt she would attempt to try to push away the darkness with a laugh or song.

"Shh." Twilight whispered. "I think I see somepony."

They found a rock to hide behind as a pair of ponies appeared.

"Yeah she fought hard." One said. "You should have seen it Knifer. Even after we bound her, she was buckin' like a hydra that lost all its heads. "

Knifer, presumably, laughed. "I know the kind. Not east to seduce either."

Twilight was about to gasp, but her mouth was covered by Applejack. She shook her head. Not now, it read.

"What do we do now?" Knifer's companion asked.

The other pony put a hoof to his chin in contemplation. "I suppose we wait for orders from the boss. We need to wait for his call. Says that the dark pony needs time to set a trap."

"A TR-" Twilight was about to yell, but was held down by Rarity. She knew from the look on Twilight's face she was going to do something rash. Like diplomacy.

Knifer caught it, however. "Hey!" He called. "Is some pony there?"

"No pony said anything!" Pinkie whispered. They held their breath...until they smelled a foreign one.

"'Ello poppet."

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" The mares yelled. Jumping away, the 2 bandits pulled out a knife and attacked. The ponies were not used to such violence. They scattered.

"Come out little ponies!" Knifer yelled. "I know this cave like the back of my hand!"

The other pony laughed maniacally. "Come out to playyyy-OOF!" He felled backwards as streamers and balloons nailed him in the face.

"Party cannon go!" Yelled a pink pony. "For Rainbow Dash!"

The bandits did not stay down for long. Slowly regaining their footing, they stood back to back against the ponies. "C’mon!" Knifer's friend yelled. "Fight!"

Twilight simply picked up two rocks and dropped them on their heads. They crumpled to the ground. When they came too, they were surrounded and tied.

"Where is our friend?" Rarity demanded. She was also fixing her mane as much as she could to look presentable, even to bandits.

They refused to speak. Rarity sighed. She would have to do it.

"Could you PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSEEEEE..." The shrill sound was enough to shatter glass. The bandits tried to refute any signs of submission to the hell siren but nonetheless, could not hide their pain.

"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!" Knifer yelled. "I'll tell!" Rarity closed her mouth (wiping away some spit. Unladylike).

"They are just farther down in that cave." He explained. "She is in a cell. The key is with our leader."

"If I find you are lying," Applejack warned. "I will buck you myself."

Pinkie smirked. Applejack gave her a good eye roll. "Immature."

They continued into the cave until they saw a light at the end of the tunnel. And a very recognizable shape, along with an even more annoying yell.

"Get the hay off me!" Some pony yelled. "I ain't goin' down without a fight!" The Mane six, down one, ran further to the rescue.

"Get your hands-" Twilight yelled, but fell short. She really didn't know what to make of the scene.

Rainbow Dash's skin was dark and she was thrashing around frantically. "Get off me!" She yelled. Her body was engulfed in literal darkness as her body shriveled from the pain.

"Help me! I won't do it! I won't tell you about them!" Rainbow continued to yell. Twilight and the other mares ran over to the jail quickly. Twilight bucked the door as hard as she could.

"No good! We have to get her out now and get her treatment!" Twilight yelled.

Applejack cracked her hoof. "I got this." She aimed a precise kick right at the lock, hitting it perfectly wish a strong clang. The rusty lock, in turn, shatter under the powerful hoof.

"YEEHAW! Ain't no lock gonna stop me!" AJ celebrated.

"The perhaps I can intimidate you further."

The mares turned to the stranger. His body was completely shrouded in darkness. His eyes glowed a menacing red.

"Who are you?" Rarity inquired. The figure simply laughed.

"Your worst nightmare."