• Published 24th Apr 2013
  • 458 Views, 5 Comments

Legends of Harmony Season 1 - AlphaOmega

There will come a time when evil will rise, but never a time when good will fail.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Legends of Harmony Season 1 Chapter 3
By AlphaOmega

It was another beautiful day at Sweet Apple Acres. The sun showed brightly through the trees and reflected off the zap apples. The whole plantation was massive. Over 300 apple trees. Grass as far and green as the eye could see. The other animals roamed the pasture freely. Maintaining it was a job for twenty plus ponies. Fortunately, the job fell on one in particular. Ponyville's best helper. As for the zap apples...

She had one day to get as much as she could. At least Applebloom could help. She had returned from college last week after her semester ended. She had gotten straight A's just like Big Mac wanted. She was, after all, going to have to run the business aspect of the farm.

Applejack opened the door from the back of the Apple Family Mansion. A few years ago, a wealthy investor had, well, invested 10 million bits into the Apples. They bought a new barn and house. They still preferred to work as a family and they kept it that way. Nothing replaces hard labor than the love from the people who started it. Family members from all lands from Manehatten to Las Pegasus came here to work for extra money.

Right now, her cousin from Appleloosa was visiting and had brought some help. Although, Braeburn and his folk were more acclimated to warmer weather and the colder months were coming. They would have to leave right after the Zap Apples were harvested.

"Weather just ain't our type." Explained Brae. Applejack took his word for it after he decided to go into what exactly happened to the lower half of a stallion from Appleloosa was exposed too long to cold weather.

Another wonderful day, thought Applejack. How boring.

In recent months, she had continued to grow bored. She began to even neglect a few trees and rather sleep half the day
away. When she reflected on it, she sobbed sometimes.

How many times had she caught Rainbow Dash sleeping on a tree? Oh how they used to argue over it! The tussles, the competition. Now it was all work. Every morning at 7:30 to 4:00 in the afternoon. Except Saturday and Sunday. That was reserved for selling apples.

The Apple family was by no means poor. The 10 million bit investment had increased tenfold and the investor bought out of the company for 35 million bits. The Apples donated several million to local charities and the hired help. They still had plenty left over. Some went to luxuries like carriages and drivers...for the hired help. Applejack honored integrity, honest work. She worked her own hooves when others would yell at the help. She refused to sit by while others slaved under a hot sun.

In the end, it paid off. She made invaluable connections to Apples all over Equestria and her farm thrived.
Her farm...

She smiled quietly, not showing it to her companion. About 15 years ago, she would have said "our".


It happened too fast.

She was working outside in the orchard. The sun was hiding in clouds, but that did not deter Applejack from doing her job. She quickly began apple bucking trees.

Nearby, the other members of the Apple clan worked on the surrounding trees. Applebloom had finally gotten her cutie mark. It was a symbol of an iron staff, meaning she was meant to be a leader. She was the last one to receive hers from her filly group, The Cutie Mark Crusaders. Applebloom had helped Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo get their cutie marks, and upon them receiving theirs, she received her a few days later. She then decided to go to college a few years later, the first of the Apple family to go in a long time. But thanks to the money from the investor (in a few years) she would get her chance.

Big Mac was getting older. He wasn't really into mares and decided against having a loving wife. He worked the fields beside Applejack all his life. However, his complications grew. His back pains would return and hit harder each time. He was currently hunched over most of the time. He continued to resist Applejack's growing concerns about his back and having him just supervise and sell the apples. What did she expect? Here was the very pony who had taught her how to apple buck. He was practically her idol. Applejack just gave up all together on the idea of getting him to retire.

These were the good ol' days. But this particular memory was still fresh in her mind.

Granny Smith was getting older by the year. She could barely walk now and even a hip replacement did not help. She had 2 heart attacks in the last 3 years. Fortunately, her heart was strong due to years of hard work. Her mane was a lot whiter and so was her tail. Her face sagged more than ever now. But she always kept the confident attitude that kept the Apple business running for years. That and the zap apple recipe.

It was getting late in the day. The sun was still nowhere to be seen. Applejack had been working 6 hours straight after
lunch. The sweat on her forehead was starting to sting her eyes as it rushed down quickly along her face. Fortunately, her good friend RD had assured her there would be rain today.

Applejack continued where she left off when suddenly, she heard a cry of pain. She ran out to see the commotion only to gasp at the sight before her.

All she saw in front of her was her grandmother, Granny Smith, on the floor. Applejack stood there for a moment before coming to her senses. She called out loudly to see if she was okay.

No response. She called again. Only to hear the same empty air.

Applejack quickly ran to her aide. She was unconscious and from the looks of it, had been beaten. From the trees nearby, several apples were gone and smashed.

She looked at the helpless body of her grandmother. She opened her mouth only to close it again. She tried once more but nothing escaped her mouth. The world became hazy as her vision blurred. She could barely register or notice the ponies escaping or Applebloom checking on the commotion.

"Applejack? Applejack!!" She screamed. She screamed for Big Mac. She yelled questions. She shook Applejack to get her to come to her senses.

None of it reached Applejack's mind. Her shock had frozen her to the core.

Applebloom quickly called the medics. They came quick and fast. She then sent out messages to all Apples. They all gathered around her as she explained what she saw.

Applejack's friends took notice very quickly. Rainbow had heard it first. She was napping in one of the nearby trees. Suddenly, she could see medi-pegasi flying all over the place. She quickly tried to find Applejack, only to be pushed back by the Pegasi.

Rainbow then contacted her friends. She relayed what had happened and what she knew to the other Elements. They made haste to get to the hospital ASAP.

On the way to Canterlot, she just cried as her closest, possibly only, friends tried to console her broken heart.

"She...sh-she was...just-th-there. I saw some rustling in the bushes but ah couldn't give chase...I was too shocked. I couldn't do anything." She started to pound the table next to her

"It's alright, Applejack. Miracles can happen." Said the Element of Kindness. The rest resounded the same thing. They knew their sympathies meant everything to Applejack, but at the same time, they had almost no effect. Applejack was currently in denial phase. On top, Granny Smith was the closest thing she had a guardian. Sure she had her parents, but they were often gone. Even Big Macintosh was busy doing the family business.

No. Granny Smith was always there for her. She had helped her with her learning disability. She paid for her speech therapy. She had all the knowledge to pass down like a father, and all the love and tender care a mother could provide. Now she was so close to death. A fine line was all that stood between Granny Smith and the next world.

The pain was almost palpable. Applejack blamed herself for being careless, for not chasing the robbers. She begged to any higher power she could to spare her Granny.

Her friends did all they could. Fluttershy was there 24/7 by Applejack's side. Pinkie kept their spirits up (although, one does not often have a "party" at a hospital). Rainbow Dash made sure sunlight was always coming through the window of Granny Smith on the second floor of the hospital. Rarity cleaned around the hospital room to make sure everything was presentable and sanitary. But Twilight, being a princess, was able to contribute much more. She set Applejack's family up with top doctors and asked Celestia for funds to help out the Apple family. The princess agreed.

With Celestia's help, they were able to set up Granny with 24 hour care. She received the best medication they could find.
She looked like she would pull through.

Fate was feeling especially picky.


"Applejack?" Asked Applebloom. "You okay?"

Applejack just bit back a sob. She didn't even realize she was crying. Her tears created little smudges on the ground.

"It was nothing Applebloom." She smiled back to her younger sibling. "Ah was just thinkin' bought the time when...ya know...things were...oh hay I don’t even know if it was better or worse than what we got now." She began to frown again.

"It is better." Applebloom said. "Sometimes we just need to let things take their course. Besides, she would be stirring in her grave if she saw us miss the zap apple harvest." Applebloom began to walk off. But AJ could hear her from a mile away. The unmistakable pain that she had felt when it happened.

She could hear Applebloom's heart. It beat fast and the faster it moved, the more the memories poured in. The veins leading to her brain swelling with the memories. Finally, the dam had cracked. Water was spewing out. And the only thing holding them back was eyelids.

Applejack would only watch in fascination. Applebloom hadn't taken the news as hard as everyone. She started to become an anchor of the family at the time. She showed little emotion, not as a sign of apathy, but an ability she was destined to earn. In the face of overwhelming emotions, a leader had to be the rock that prevented the whole building from collapsing. In a sense, she was this rock. She continued to plow through with her work and was eventually given the opportunity to go to college. She was accepted into Canterlot University.

Even while she was away, she constantly came back to check and make sure the family was still in one piece. She continued to encourage them like a true leader...A true Apple.
Applejack got the wheelbarrow.

"I'll make you proud Granny. I'll keep the family afloat. I'll always remember what you taught me."
She nodded to Applebloom and raised her head to let the sun burn away her tears. It was harvestin' time.


Rarity on the other hand was extremely overjoyed. She had put on her finest dress.

It really was a difficult make. It was hoof-made with love and care. It had the finest jewels. It was woven to compliment her eyes. Its sleek form guaranteed that she could move fast if she needed to and if she needed to look like a princess, she would look nothing short of one.

Everything was perfect. Pearl was lounging on the bed. Normally, she was irritated and pouty. Sometimes she was helpful. She was almost never peaceful.

She sighed. Just like her mother.

The Carousel Boutique was now one of the most influential and famous retailers in all of Equestria. Fancy Pants made sure of that. He had promoted her all over the world and had eventually created a brand for her. She made enough money to make some aesthetic adjustments to shop.

There were now several mannequins that she could now work with. She installed a massive chandelier. She lined the walls with fabulous and new dresses and suits. She installed many famous artworks and antiques. She had a portrait of her 5 friends and her as well as a dual picture of her and Spike before he left.

It was called Carousel Boutique for a reason: You could stand in the center and just spin around to see all the creations. The very ambiance of the store exploded with the simple message: "Here lives a pony with fashion of the highest sense."

The bell chimed.

"Are you ready for our night out and about Miss Rarity?" Called a silky, smooth elegant voice.

"I am ready Mr. Fancy Pants. Just let me get my jewelry." She rushed upstairs (but not running; so un-lady like). She had almost forgotten her most prized possession.

She burst into her room and began tearing up the place looking for her precious jewelry. Her room was rather big so the sound echoed all over the room and out the door downstairs. The ceiling was somewhat domed, which didn’t help with the ruckus she was making. Her bed was neatly done; the sheets were perfectly aligned, the pillows fluffed to perfection, and the bed itself was perfectly aligned.

...Or it WAS, if she hadn't torn it up to looking for her precious keepsake. Now the bed was a mess, pillows un-fluffed and all. The sheets were all over the place. Rarity was sure she put the darn thing somewhere on her bed! Then she remembered: she put it back because she would... (She looked around)...do exactly what she just did to find it.

"I guess I know myself better than I do." She grumbled.

She went over to the massive closet. The ornate patterns were set in gold and fancy diamonds. Rarity had received it as a gift from Princess Luna after Rarity had woven her a dress that was made from a light black fabric that went well with the color of the dark mare. Even after a few years, it was still a sight to behold.

She reached in the back....Ah. There it was.

She pulled the lever and a secret panel turned revealing a small niche with a heart shaped ruby. The sun shined through the window, hitting the jewel. Dazzling colors of red appeared everywhere. But that wasn't the most spectacular part.
Rarity always considered it smart to learn more than her share of magic. So she asked Twilight to enchant the ruby. As the sun hit it, all the memories of Spike appeared on the walls. All of their adventures together all over Equestria showed up on the walls.

On one side was the time Spike had charged into the tunnels to save her from the Diamond Dogs. In another, he had grown to the size of a full dragon and had stolen everything in sight.
Even Rarity's heart.

She was so enraptured by the memories she did not realize she was crying.

'How many times do we wish we could fix our mistakes' Rarity thought. It was nearly a decade since she had seen him. Not that he would want to. Not after...the incident.


"Hey Rarity! I got us a reservation at that swanky place you like in Canterlot. "

Rarity and Spike were taking a walk in the park. The sky was perfect, not a cloud in sight. The sun warmed Rarity's skin and reflected of Spike's new polished scales. Rarity had insisted she treat out Spike for his help a few days ago. It was nothing romantic. Sure, they had shared some pasta (with jewels) and shared a smoothie (with jewels), but the dragon hadn't made a move yet all day. Perhaps he was nervous?

Rarity couldn't blame him. She was pretty nervous too.

While she had had a few colt friends in the past, this was a little different. She had known Spike almost like a little brother (not that there was anything wrong with Sweetie Belle). He was so kind and willing. She rarely got a colt friend who was as nice and willing as he was.

"That’s wonderful Spike! You always know how to treat a lady... “Her voice trailed off.

"What's wrong Rarity?" Spike asked.

"Spike...I know...you know..." Rarity was at a loss for words.

"C’mon Rare. We are just going out as two good friends. Nothing wrong with that. No lovey-dovey stuff. Just like you wanted right?"

"Spike. I really should not..." Rarity stumbled on her words.

"...I know." Said Spike. Spike had known it for a while too. They were great friends, really almost best. But he was a dragon and she was a pony. While he loved her, he knew that she couldn't always return the same emotions. Not to mention, she was almost like a sister! Yet none of these hurdles dissuaded him to attempt the impossible. He told himself time and time again it could happen. He dreamed, literally and figuratively, of the day they could live together.

All the while, a small part of his mind, the only rational part when he saw her and he went into love insanity, reminded him of his future and the impossibility of it having her in it.

"I-I’m s-so-....." She didn’t finish. She simply ran away. Away from the pain. Hot tears streamed down her face, making their way down to her chin before falling on the hard, unforgiving ground.


A few weeks later, Spike had left Ponyville to try and become a real dragon. He was now the head of his own clan of dragons. Rarity had only heard the news but never gone to another dragon migration to see him. She was too burdened with work...and closer to the truth, guilt.

She made sure the memory was forgotten. She refused to have it engraved into the memories on the ruby. It was too painful to see that memory again. And yet her mind and heart never let her forget. It haunted her everytime she put on the necklace.

But, the brighter memories helped to push away the dark guilt of her heart. Time helped create new memories, clouding her pain of rejecting Spike. Yet she knew it was a rejection that hurt her more than it hurt Spike.

...But that was the past. She was a new mare. She had time and experience to help her. While she could never right her mistake, she knew she could heal it. She would see him again. She would apologize and beg to go with him on his new adventures. If only she had more time that one day...

She stopped herself. She was thinking about it again. Today was a day to spend with Fancy Pants.

Speaking of Fancy, she suddenly remembered her guest. She quickly grabbed the jewel and put it on. She cleaned her room as best as she could. Sweetie Bell could clean when she got home from work.

She clopped down the stairs in her wonderful dress. Fancy looked up from the couch.

"Ready Miss Rarity?" Fancy asked. "If you need more time please take it. I do have considerable influence on the owner of the restauraunt. He won't mind our "fashionable" tardiness." Fancy just smiled. Rarity looked stunning in that dress. It
was the perfect for the occasion.

The dinner was set. The ring was perfect. He was wearing his finest suit (hoof-made by Rarity herself). The night refreshing and the moon beautiful. And the final piece of the cake of perfection: an elegant Rarity, clad in a beautiful dress with pearls and diamonds woven into the dress.
Fancy would not have wanted this any other way.