• Published 8th Apr 2013
  • 3,057 Views, 88 Comments

The Great and the Generous - Cheer

Trixie and her imaginary friend are chased out of the forest they have been living in. Can Trixie bring herself to trust another pony again? How would others deal with her hallucinations?

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Chapter 2: The Generous Offer

When Trixie next awoke the first things she noticed was how little pain she was in and how clean the air smelled.

"Trixie!" trixie could hear pixie call out for her. as trixie looked around the room, trying to spot the location of her life long friend. All she could see was blurry however as she looked about. All she saw was white, white, a splotch of blurry purple and more white.

As she was looking about pixie suddenly filled her vision, crystal clear. "Ah!" Trixie screamed, the purple blur moving slightly as she did. "Don't do that!" she snapped, causing pixie to back up a bit.

"Sorry Trix. My bad." pixie apologized, smiling sheepishly.

"I forgive you. Now tell me where I am."

Pixie looked around for a moment before scrunching her face in concentration. "I dunno." she finally answered, causing Trixie to face hoof.

"Never mind." After a few moments of trying to think of where she could be when she heard a noise coming from the direction that the purple blur had been. Looking in that direction Trixie discovered that not only had the blur cleared up and that is was actually a pony but also that it was just staring at her. The slightly awkward staring went on for a few moments before the purple maned pony coughed. "Well. I see that you've finally awoken."

Are you feeling okay?" the alabaster unicorn sitting across from Trixie asked. The first thing Trixie noticed was how immaculate the mare's mane was. The next thing she noticed was how beautiful she was which caused a slight blush to form on Trixie’s cheeks. The final thing that she noticed was the thing that banished her blush and brought about a deep frown. She recognized this mare.

"Trixie is fine. Now tell her where she is." Trixie said curtly.

Undeterred by the hostility of the mare, rarity answered. "You are at Ponyville hospital. I came across you being handled like a rag doll by some Diamond Dogs.”

“Why is Trixie in a hospital?” Trixie asked, internally worried. She hadn’t had any bits for a long while, let alone enough for a hospital bill.

Using her magic to grab the clipboard at the end of the bed Rarity read it off. “Severe malnutrition, dehydration, magicly exhausted and finally, a very badly broken leg.” As she finished reading it off she levitated the clipboard over to the azure mare.

Looking over the information that had just been read off and trying to move her leg only to find it numb and stiff, Trixie voiced her concerns. “How long has Trixie been here and how much is this going to cost Trixie?”

“You’ve been here for about a week. Don’t worry about the bill. Ponyville General Hospital is a free hospital thanks to many donations from Filthy Rich.” Rarity explained with a small smile. His daughter may be a little beast but her father was well known for his kindness.

With one problem solved, Trixie inquired about the one thing that could possibly bring about the most trouble. “How many ponies know that Trixie is here?”

Rarity quirked a brow at what she thought was an odd question. “Well the doctors, nurses and I know clearly. I also told Twilight about your magical exhaustion. She will be helping along with the your magic recovery, since it's apparently a touchy thing. I didn't really understand too well. I stitch dresses, not ponies after all. Finally, I’m positive that Pinkie knows. I’m just surprised that she hasn’t popped up at all yet.”

Trixie cocked her head at that fact. Twilight was willing to help her? Surely she wanted some sort of reward for helping. As Trixie had that thought Pixie decided to make herself and her thoughts known. “Trixie. She was the first one to forgive you. I doubt she wants anything more than to help.”

“How did you end up in such a state anyway? If I may be so bold as to inquire.” Rarity asked, glancing at the once immaculate mane, causing Trixie to flinch away and frown without saying a word. Being alone with Pixie in the woods was one thing. But letting a pony who had plenty of reason to hate her see it was entirely another. Seeing how Trixie reacted, Rarity decided to inquire about the more recent situation and avoid her appearance. “What do you remember before you woke up here?”

Frowning deeper Trixie recalled the situation that led to her current condition. The Timberwolves and running. However, she wasn’t about to admit that she had run away in fear from a bunch of stupid wooden dogs. “A pack of timberwolves, knowing they were no match for Trixie in a fair fight, teamed up with a manticore and ambushed her. Trixie vanquished most of the pack before the manticore got in a lucky shot, throwing Trixie far. When she hit the ground far away from the site of her epic fight, she valiantly fought against unconsciousness until even she could no longer hold off its cold embrace.”

Rarity stared at her with the most disbelieving stare that had ever graced her face. “Really?” She asked, her face not changing.

Trixie huffed and looked away with her muzzle in the air. “If you choose not to believe in the greatness of Trixie, that’s your own loss.”

Pixie looked between the two mares and gave a sigh.

Heaving a silent sigh Rarity forced her face back into a polite smile. “Well, you’re here and okay now. I suppose that’s what matters. I don’t know if you remember but, my name is Rarity.”

“You will get no reward out of Trixie, no matter what you may have expected.” Trixie responded without moving her head, ignoring the introduction but storing the information for later.

While Rarity took her time to cool her head from dealing with such a mare Trixie heard a cough. Looking down she saw Pixie giving her an expectant look. After waiting a moment didn’t bring about anything from either of them, Pixie finally spoke. “Well?” When Trixie still didn’t respond aside from a raised brow she spoke again, this time in a warning tone. “Trixie. Come on.” Finally realizing what her friend was expecting of her she almost imperceptibly shook her head, which brought a strict look from Pixie. “Trixie.” Trixie felt slight goose bumps from the tone her friend used and finally lowered her head in defeat.

Rarity had finally cooled down and was about to give this arrogant mare a polite, but stern talking to. However, Trixie spoke first. “But-“ Rarity paused herself from giving her prepared speech to allow the mare to continue. At first Rarity felt that giving her time to speak would only result in more irritation, but the look on Trixie’s face was not the same arrogant one from before. “But, Trixie and all of Equis thank you. It would be a much sadder world without her.”

Pixie looked at Trixie with a large smile. “See? That wasn’t so bad now was it?” Trixie only responded with an embarrassed grumble. “Oh come on. It’s not that bad. She earned it after bringing us to the hospital and all.”

Rarity could only blink and stare at the unexpected thanks. ‘Maybe she’s not as bad as she lets on. It was still arrogant but at least she thanked me.’ She thought as she looked at the mare across from her fidget uncomfortably. “You’re most welcome darling. I must ask however, do you have anywhere to go nearby? I don’t think you could make it back to your home on that leg very easily.”

Trixie winced at the mention of ‘home’ and was about to say that she would be fine when a pleading look came into her view, courtesy of Pixie. “Please, Trix? Just be honest. She might have somewhere we can stay and I know that I at the least have forgotten what an actual bed feels like. I don’t want to sleep outside again.”

Seeing her friend with that such a look pierced Trixie right in the heart. The look alone made her feel sad for what she must have put her friend through.

Rarity on the other hoof felt confused. Trixie looked as though she was about to say something when she suddenly looked to the right. Something to the right caused a solemn look to cross her face. She was brought out of her confusion as Trixie looked towards her. Not looking Rarity in the face, she finally answered.

“No. Trixie does not.” She said it as though she was admitting some great wrong. This reminded Rarity that while Trixie may be arrogant she was also very prideful. The fact that she was weak with nowhere to go, Rarity figured, must be eating away at her like nothing else. Taking from her experience of dealing with Rainbow Dash, she prepared her words carefully so as to not make it sound like pity or as though she would be a burden.

“Well, if it is okay with you I could use help around my boutique. You wouldn’t have to walk a lot for it and I could give you a place to stay until you are better as well as a few bits in return for your help.” Rarity’s offer seemed to have an effect on Trixie.

After mulling on the offer for a minute Trixie finally spoke. “You said it was a boutique, correct?”

Rarity gave a nod in response before expanding on it. “Yes. The Carousel Boutique is both my home and place of work. I make fabulous garments for ponies all across Equestria. On that topic, do you have any experience with sewing? Otherwise I have plenty of other jobs you could do should you accept my offer.”

Regaining some of her previous attitude, Trixie lifted her muzzle to the air. “Of course! Trixie is a master of all things. Sewing is easily one of them.”

“So is that yes then?” Rarity asked, trying to decide if she was blowing hot air or simply exaggerating.

“Trixie can sew with her hooves just as easily as she can with her magic.” Trixie said with a little less attitude.

‘If she’s lying it’ll show right away any way.’ Rarity though before asking for Trixie’s decision.

“So, what do you say? Partners while you recover?” Rarity asked, making her way over to Trixie’s side, extending her hoof.

Trixie didn’t even have to look at Pixie to know that she was wearing a begging look on her face. Heaving a sigh Trixie shook hooves with the mare. “You are a lucky mare. Trixie’s mere presence will increase your success by tenfold. Such is the greatness of Trixie.”

Rarity rolled her eyes at the declaration. “I’ll go tell the doctors that you’ve woken up.”

A few moments after Rarity had left the room Trixie finally let her head fall. The next thing she felt was a nuzzle against her cheek. She looked over to see Pixie giving her a small smile. “It’ll be okay Trix. She seems nice.”

Trixie gave a snort, “Ponies aren’t nice. Ponies are greedy creatures. They do what is best for themselves and nothing else.”

With another nuzzle Pixie looked Trixie in the eyes. ”Then why would she take us in? There is nothing for her to gain in this. She’s even giving you a job. Besides, it’s not like we have a lot of options.”

“I can't pretend to know the minds of ponies. my guess is that she will work me to the bone and throw us out when she doesn't need me anymore.” Pixie gave a small shake of her head and curled up next to Trixie, falling asleep in the warmth of her friend.

Trixie looked down at her friend and a gentle smile came across hr face as she curled around her friend. Speaking softly so as to not wake her, “I still don't trust her but, I'll try my best.” With a small nuzzle Trixie closed her eyes as well.

After Rarity left the room she stayed in front of the door, thinking. I’m too generous for my own good sometimes. Hopefully she will become easier to handle with time.’ As she was about to leave the door she heard her newfound housemate and employee talking. Unable to stay her curiosity she took a listen.

“-Ponies aren’t nice. Ponies are greedy-“

Rarity drew her head back; surprised that Trixie had such negative outlook of ponies but the more she thought about it, the more she was confused as to who she was talking to. Putting her head back to the door, she took what she told herself to be the last time.

“-work me to the bone and throw us out when she doesn't need me anymore-“

When she could hear no more coming from the inside the room Rarity finally made her way away from her room. Was that what Trixie believed would happen to her? What caused her to have such a horrid outlook? Who was this 'us' Trixie talked about? So deep in her thoughts that she didn’t notice when a pony was right in front of her.


The noise brought Rarity out of her thoughts as she noticed that she had walked right into another pony. That pony being nurse Redheart.

“I’m terribly sorry darling. I was lost in my thoughts.” Rarity apologized as she avoided looking around so as to avoid the eyes of ponies, which would only serve to increase her embarrassment.

Redheart adjusted her hat before flashing a forgiving smile. “It’s okay Rarity don’t worry about it. I know I’ve had my share of moments like that. Mercy can attest to just how often I get lost in my own thoughts.” She explained with a small laugh. “Now is there anything I can do for you?”

“Thank you dear, and yes. I wanted to let the doctors know that Trixie has awoken.” Rarity explained, pleased that she had been forgiven for her inattentiveness.

“Oh excellent. She should be okay for release after a few tests. If you’ll follow me I can grab the paperwork needed for her.” With a nod from Rarity, they made their way to the main desk.

Rarity entered the room after receiving no answer to her knocking. Upon coming across Trixie, she was unable to hold herself back from giving a quiet “Aww”. The sight of the normally talkative and arrogant mare curled up asleep with a gentle smile was too much for her.

Rarity kept looking at the mare with a smile on her face before she realized just how odd it might seem to watch her sleeping.

Rarity shook the mare slightly, trying to wake her up. This only resulted in Trixie curling up tighter. Trying harder, all she got was a grumble.

“Leave me alone, Pixie.” Trixie said as she curled up even tighter.

“Trixie. Wake up.” Rarity essentially demanded, ignoring the unknown name that Trixie had spoken when they had both woken up earlier while she continued to shake the mare harder.

Finally opening her eyes Trixie looked down at Pixie and nuzzled her awake. To Rarity however, all she saw was Trixie attempting to nuzzle empty air. To say the action confused her would be an understatement. Shaking her head, she figured that she was probably still half-asleep.

“Trixie? Are you awake now, darling?” At the sound of Rarity’s voice, Trixie froze before she looked up.

“What do you want?” Trixie asked, acting as though nothing had just happened.

Once again ignoring the mares’ hostility Rarity used her magic to bring in the small pile of paperwork. “These are for you to fill out after a couple tests. They said you’re ready to be released after that. Though you do-“ Using her magic once again she brought the wheelchair inside the room. “-need to ride in this until you are out of the hospital. Regulations and all that, you know.”

Pixie popped her head over Trixie’s shoulder and her eyes brightened with foal like wonder as they came across the wheelchair. “Ooh! Ooh! A wheelchair! Can we ride it!? Can we!? Can we!?”

Ignoring the excited foal on her shoulder, Trixie’s look of dread was on the paperwork. “Trixie hates paperwork.” She grumbled.

“Don’t we all.” Rarity commented with a giggle.

After the few necessary tests were complete, Trixie was busily signing each different page as Rarity watched carefully. She noticed the way that she used her hooves was much more deft than she would expect from most unicorns. Even Twilight seemed to depend on her magic too often to practice her hoof writing too much. However, Trixie seemed just as at home writing with her hoof as Twilight did with her magic. 'Maybe she was telling the truth about her hoof sewing after all.'

With an exaggerated flick of her hoof all of the paperwork was finally done. Attracting the attention of everypony in the room.

“Finally. As much as Trixie loves giving her autograph, signing paperwork is a completely different matter.”

“Excellent. Shall we get ready then? I’ll bring your papers to the front desk, unless you would like some assistance to the wheelchair?” Rarity offered.

At the mention of ‘wheelchair’ Pixie’s eyes lit up again and she jumped off Trixie’s head making it look like she was nodding and ran on to the wheelchair. She jumped up and down on it yelling, “Let’s go! Come on!

Taking what looked like a nod as asking for assistance Rarity used her magic to bring over the chair, not hearing the excited squealing of Pixie as it moved right next to Trixie’s bed. 'I'm surprised she was actually willing to ask for assistance. I expected her to try to do it herself,' Rarity mused as she waited on Trixie.

After signing all of those papers Trixie didn’t really feel like explaining why what she did was not an actual nod and silently slid off the bed and, once Pixie jumped off, onto the chair. With the paperwork and Pixie on her lap, they made their way to the front to complete the release process.

Getting out of the wheelchair, Trixie stood as tall as she could and was about to take her first step out of the hospital when nurse Redheart came back out. “I’m so sorry! I can’t believe that I almost forgot to give you this.” She said as she brought forward a small contraption with a wheel.

“What is that?” Trixie asked, looking at the contraption with small worry as Pixie looked at it with her eyes less than three inches away, her mouth seeming to be stuck in the shape of an 'O'.

“It’s a mobile attachment for your leg. This way you can move without putting extra pressure on your bad leg.” Redheart explained. Seeing a weary look on Trixie’s face, she decided she should make things a bit easier. “Would you like me to put it on for you?”

Trixie kept looking at the brace for a few moments. She could already feel her leg start to ache from just standing on it for a couple minutes. She didn’t want to even think about walking a long distance on it. “Trixie will allow this.”

“Excellent. Miss Rarity, could you hold her leg up for me?” With a nod of affirmation, Trixie felt the soft and not unpleasant tingle of the other unicorns’ magic lift her casted leg up as the wheeled brace was attached on her injured leg.

With a click, Redheart backed off with a smile on her face. She had heard of Trixie and the times she had visited the town before, and was pleasantly surprised with their few interactions, granted Trixie had been unconscious for most of them. “There you go. All ready to go.” After saying that she noticed that Trixie's eyes had not come off her cast up leg the whole time since she started putting the sling on.

With a smile and a small nod, Redheart spoke again. "Now then, I'll be coming around every friday to give you a checkup. Miss Rarity has already informed us of your lodgings. Have a good day you two."

“Shall we be off?” Rarity asked, nodding her head towards the direction of their soon to be shared place of occupation and breaking Trixie out of her staring competition with her leg.

Trixie nodded her head before raising her muzzle slightly to the air as Pixie jump on to what she had once called ‘her spot’ on Trixie’s back. “Trixie will allow you to escort her.” With that, the two mares made their way toward the Carousel Boutique, a small squeak coming from Trixie’s wheel.

Author's Note:

Right so...Here, I suppose?

Yeah I completely lost the old version of this. But, if I'm honest the old one was really REALLY boring. Also I have alot more fun writing Pixie.

I hope ya like this'un'.