• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 2,442 Views, 117 Comments

I, Little Pony - Lux

A girl, a wish, and life that would never be the same

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Chapter 8 – Conversations

Breakfast passed without incident the two of us sat. It was kind of hard to eat for me though. Part of it was the hooves. I guess you’re wondering how it feels having them instead of hands, right? I guess the best way to describe it is to imagine you’re wearing mittens, only your thumbs are connected to the rest of the mitten. Unlike a mitten though hooves are not soft but hard, so I guess it’s like wearing several mittens? It’s hard to remember even wearing things on my hands like rings or gloves anymore. All I’m accustomed to wearing now are bracelets and the occasional shoe for fancy parties.

In any case trying to grip a knife to butter my bagel or to hold a glass was almost impossible. I felt so bad when I spilled the orange juice on Michelle. She merely laughed it off, but I felt like I was a baby having to now relearn the simplest of things like walking and using my hooves to eat.

The other reason I couldn’t eat much was that my mind still kept trying to process what happened. I mean, if you suddenly woke up as something other than what you normally were, how would you feel? My mind was a tornado of feelings. Yeah, pretty crazy. It was so crazy that I barely could focus on anything else around me, especially Michelle.

“Julie, are you listening,” she said as her words finally broke into my mind.

“Huh,” I said as my mind finally snapped back into reality, “Oh yeah Michelle. I was listening. Um… what were you talking about?”

“Geez Julie. I spent like a half hour talking about my day and you completely zoned me out! Did turning into a pony short out your brain?”

“Sorry. It’s just that I have a lot on my mind that’s all.”

“Yeah, I guess you would. So what’s it like… you know…”

“Being a unicorn?”


“It’s just strange. Not totally good or totally bad. Just strange. I can’t really describe it. It’s like part of me knows that this is my body now, but there’s another part that still doesn’t believe it. I guess you can say it’s like wearing a costume, only instead of knowing that you can take it off you’re stuck with it.”

“So besides looking like a pony, do you feel any different?”

“Only a little. I can hear and smell a little better, but that’s about it.”

“I’d think you’d be able to see better too with those big eyes of yours,” Michelle said with a laugh.

“Yeah, I’m surprised too, but no I can see the same as I did as a human.”

“But aside from your senses, is there anything else?”

“Besides the fact that I’m a total wreck now?”

“Oh come on. Surely you’re not that bad.”

“Michelle, I may not look like it but I’m freaking out inside! How would you feel if you woke up as someone different?”

“Well, if I woke up with the body of a supermodel I wouldn’t complain,” she said trying to cheer me up.

“I’m serious,” I said not buying her attempts to calm me down, “In an instant my whole life changed. Poof! Gone. How do I start my life over from scratch?”

“Well, look at it this way, you have the basics covered. You’re going to be living with me and not in a barn somewhere. I’m going to feed you as long as you don’t raid my entire kitchen. As far as clothes, ponies don’t wear them do they?”

“Nope. Only for formal occasions they wear dresses, but that’s not going to happen for me. But I’m not going to be able to work like this, and as far as making any friends I don’t know how I’m going to do that if I can’t go outside my apartment without everyone looking at me like I’m some kind of freak.”

“Well, who knows? Maybe people will love you as you are. I mean, aren’t there those, what are they called? You told me about them, the people who like ponies but aren’t little girls?”


“Yeah, them. You’ll be like their mascot, no, that’s not the right word. My high school had a guy dressed in a bulldog outfit as a mascot. You can be like the ultimate celebrity for them, a living breathing example of the thing that they love!”

“Yeah, maybe,” I said pondering the idea of showing up at a pony convention.

“Anyway, you need to take things one step at a time Julie or else you’ll drive yourself crazy. Ok, so besides helping you move your stuff, how else can I help you?”

“Well, everything that I need to get to has to be at my eye level, at least until I learn telekinesis.”

“Got it,” Michelle said as if she began taking a mental list.

“Food wise like I said I can have anything but meat.”


“I’ll need room to maneuver in your apartment until I get used to my new body.”

“I’ll have to move some things around but I’m going to need to do that anyway when your stuff gets moved in.”

“Oh, and no friends for a while coming over to your apartment when I’m living there. I don’t want them to call a tabloid paper or animal control. Not even if your friends love MLP. I really have to get my life together before I’m prepared to meet them.”

“Alright, I’ll make sure of that too. And here I thought my day was going to be tough trying to decide what to buy at the mall.”

“Oh and there’s one more thing, something we need to do today.”

“What’s that?”

“You’re going to watch all three seasons of My Little Pony to understand how ponies act.”

“Oh come on Julie! You know I love you, but converting me into a brony?”

“Please,” I pleaded, trying to give her the best cute face that I could copy from the show.

“Oh, alright. I can’t resist a cute face like that. Just don’t let the power of that look get to your head, ok?”

“Deal. Now turn on my computer and go to the Internet.”

Author's Note:

Hmm... A real pony meeting bronies? Foreshadowing much?