• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 2,441 Views, 117 Comments

I, Little Pony - Lux

A girl, a wish, and life that would never be the same

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Dreams and Discussions

Dreams and Discussion

I drifted deeper into sleep that evening, my mind still filled with worry as much as I tried to put it to rest. I wished that I could put things back to normal, or at least normal enough that I was no longer being hunted by some crazed guy who wanted to do who knows what to Brush and I. Even where I was sleeping left me open to threats, leaving me unable to defend myself. All I could think about was being back at Michelle’s apartment, safe and sound. That night I knew how Brush Stroke felt, being cooped up in an apartment and wanting to explore the world yet becoming so dependent on the place he lived.

The darkness of sleep gave way to something entirely different, a nightmare of the worst kind. Have you ever had a dream so real that you can’t tell what was real and what was the dream even when you wake up? Yeah, that was like this one. Most dreams or nightmares I have and the next morning I forget all about them. This one, however, stuck in my mind ever since not just because of the surreal nature of it but of who I met there.

The nightmare began where I was walking through the city park still as a pony. It was night and the full moon and the lights of the city were the only things that kept me from being in total darkness. I turned around to see a dark figure staring at me. As he stepped into the light I saw to my horror it was the animal control man, only he looked more demonic and menacing than in reality. His hands were encased in glove that had needles tipped with green fluid inside. He had the same uniform on although torn and covered in all sorts of stuff that made me shiver what it was. His face was completely darkened except for two glowing eyes. He walked towards me with a confidence that I was already his and there was no way I could escape. That didn’t stop me from trying as I broke into a gallop, hoping that I could out run him long enough to get away out of the park and into the city. Yet each time I looked back he kept getting closer and the entrance to the park was farther away.

Then I remember tripping and falling hard on the ground. In my dazed state I saw him standing over me like a hunter glaring at his prize. He then slowly reached out with his needled hands as I braced for the inevitable. But then something happened. A flash of light and a figure appeared, putting herself between me and my captor. I didn’t know who it was but at the time didn’t care. All I cared about was whoever this pony was saving me from my fate. The demon took a swipe at the mare but she deflected it, shattering several of the needles. Then with a blast of her horn she sent a bolt of energy at the demon, shattering him like a glass statue. With the menace gone, my savior turned around to meet me. To my shock I learned it was none other than Princess Luna.

“Are you ok,” Luna asked me as she helped me to my hooves.

“Yes, your majesty, I’m ok. How is it that I’m speaking with you in this dream? Don’t they just start and end when they want to?”

“No and yes. Many dreams are what you have said. They begin at a certain time and end just as quickly. But when I intervened this dream was transformed into a lucid dream meaning that you have the ability to speak to me now.”

“Thank you for saving me,” I said.

“You are welcome, what is your name?”

“Julie, I mean it once was Julie. I’m now Quill Flourish.”

“Well Julie now Qill Flourish, I have never met a pony with two names. I must say I have never seen a creature like that in anypony else’s dream either. And this world that I’m in seems foreign. Where do you live?”

“Well, you’re not in Equestria now Princess. You’re on Earth, at least a dream version of it I guess.”

“Earth,” Luna said thinking about the word for a while, “Tell me, are there more ponies here on Earth like you?”

“Only one that I know of named Brush Stroke. Actually I wasn’t born a pony. I sort of became one.”

“Interesting,” Luna said as she sat on the grass, “Tell me everything about how this came to be.”

And So I told her everything, all that I wrote about to you. Princess Luna did not seem surprised or shocked at what I said. Instead she mere sat there with little emotion listening to my tale, trying to absorb it as much as possible. I tried to explain as much as I could about humans and technology and thankfully Luna didn’t look confused about things.

“So now Brush Stroke and I are hiding in an abandoned building trying to get away from this man,” I said ending my story, “and now I met you in a dream or nightmare actually.”

“Very interesting how you see our world as a, what did you call it, ah yes a television show. You do realize now that we are quite real, correct?”

“Oh yeah, I definitely do. But one thing I don’t know is how exactly did I become a pony with a wish?”

“Wishes are strange things Quill. Even my sister and I have much to learn about them. What we do know is that if one puts their entire desire into seeing that wish come true, often times it will. You and Brush are living proof of what wishes can do.”
“I see. So in taking care of the guy in my dreams will that stop him in the real world?”

“I’m afraid not,” Luna said solemnly, “Dreams and nightmares are made of the things from reality and while I can influence dreams like I’m doing now, you will still have to face those things rooted in reality.”

“Then can I ask you to help me with something?”

“My influence on your world is minimal. Still, what would you like help with?”

“Can you take Brush and I away from here, back to Equestria?”

“Will you not miss your home and Michelle? Will Brush not miss his brother Dan?”

“Yes, but what choice do we have? We can’t stay as ponies on Earth before another like that man comes for us. We have made up our minds that we cannot change back to being humans, not that we want to. We’re happy as ponies but we can’t stay happy where we are now. I’m sure Michelle and Dan know the same thing. So, will you please help us?”

“I cannot guarantee that I can deliver you to Equestria, but I will try little pony. I will speak to my sister and Twilight Sparkle about this matter. I believe that Twilight may be the key to helping you as she has recently traveled to a world like Equestria yet also strangely like Earth as well now that I consider it. But I digress. I will meet with you in your dreams the next night where I will explain to you what is to happen next. In the meantime please be safe and keep Brush Stroke safe as well. That creature in your dreams and the one that you told me about has darkness to him and an unsettling determination to capture you. Even though I cannot yet meet you in your world, I will give you something.”

With that Luna touched the tip of my horn with hers as a surge of magic went through me.

“Now I will be able to see what you see and feel what you feel. I can also offer you advice as to where to go. I must want you that this magic may not work all the time but hopefully enough to help you.”

“Thank you so much for helping me and Brush Stroke Princess Luna.”

“You are certainly welcome. Please be safe Quill Flourish and we will meet again in the world of dream.”

With that the dream faded as I remained in sleep, excited to tell Brush Stroke the news. It was a long shot with Luna helping us but it gave me one thing that I didn’t have before. That was hope for a better future.

Author's Note:

So the big surprise is revealed. Well, Quill and Brush aren't going to be rescued yet I'm afraid. There's still a little more action left in this story.