• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 2,440 Views, 117 Comments

I, Little Pony - Lux

A girl, a wish, and life that would never be the same

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The conversation lasted for hours as we got to know each other. At first it started out as the two of us sharing our experiences becoming ponies and adapting to human life. As we talked, however, it didn’t matter if we were ponies or humans. We were just two individuals who had similar hopes, dreams, likes, dislikes, and fears. When we were together, time seemed to stand still and the world around us faded away. It was just the two of us now that mattered.

Soon we realized that we had to part and go back to our lives. It was bittersweet meeting each other but having to separate. Though we didn’t want to admit it, deep down we wondered what life would be like living together, two ponies in happiness.

“Well, I guess this is goodbye,” Justin said sadly.

“No, not goodbye,” I said, “Goodbye means forever. We’ll see each other again soon I’m sure.”

We hugged each other in friendship as I approached Michelle and Dan who waited for me.

“Ready to go,” I asked my friend.

“I think I am,” Michelle said.

“I’ll walk you two out,” Dan said, “I’ll be back soon Justin.”

“Ok,” I heard my friend reply to his brother as he watched the three of us leave.

“By the way, thank you Julie,” Dan said.

“For what?”

“For meeting my brother. He was lonely being, you know, the only pony that he knew. When he found out that you were a pony too, his eyes lit up. I haven’t seen him like that ever since he became a pony. So that’s why I said thanks.”

“Well, I felt the same way too, so I’m thankful for meeting him too. We’ll have to meet again sometime.”

“Yes,” Dan said, “how about next week at the same time?”

“Sounds fine for me. How about you, Michelle?”

“That sounds good,” Michelle replied, “I’m glad you found a new friend.”

“Yeah, me too.”

The three of us left the apartment when suddenly Dan stopped as if he saw a ghost. Immediately I looked around for anything to cause an alarm but saw nothing except for a strange white van across the street.

“What,” I asked Dan, “What is it?”

“The van,” he said still staring it, “He’s here.”

“He,” Michelle said, “Who’s he?”

“I don’t know,” Dan said, “but he’s been hanging around the apartment for a long time now. I think he’s looking for Justin.”
At first my mind couldn’t fathom why someone would be interested in Justin, but then I realized the scary truth. Whoever this man was, he wanted Justin because he was a pony.

“Do you think… he saw me,” I said nervously.

“I don’t know,” Dan said as he and Michelle stood unable to decide what to do next.

Suddenly the door to the van opened and a man wearing a jumpsuit, the kind that mechanics or janitors wore, casually walked out. But what scared me the most was that cradled in his hand was some kind of gun. I tried to make myself as hidden as possible but then I saw his eyes focused on mine. That’s when I saw the man’s smile, the kind of look when someone has found something they want and now was going to take no matter the cost. Then everything seemed to slow down around me as I watched him take a step towards me, then another, and another. He was coming for me, to take me away from my friends to do keep me or sell me.

“Julie, run,” Michelle said as she and Dan turned to face the man in the uniform, “Run home and don’t look back.”

And so I ran as I cloud hear my friends desperately try to fend off my captor, bound for somewhere, anywhere that I would not be seen. I knew that my friends couldn’t hold back the owner with the van for long and eventually he would be on my trail again. I quickly crossed the street and through an overgrown yard which provided at least some protection as my heart felt like it was about to burst from my chest. I then saw a metal fence that surrounded an abandoned looking factory. After frantically searching for a way in, I found a part of the fence that was pulled back and ducked into the area surrounding the factory.

Picking my way across the piles of bricks and metal, I made it into the cavernous inside. It was dark inside save for the light streaming in through the broken windows. There I stood all alone, wondering how I would get back or if that man was just waiting for me, to take me away from the only stable things I knew. I then heard a sound echoing through the factory area, coming closer to my direction. I braced myself as my muscles tensed, ready to flee at the slightest danger.
Soon I saw illuminated by the sunlight a familiar face, a welcoming sign in such a dreary time.