• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 2,441 Views, 117 Comments

I, Little Pony - Lux

A girl, a wish, and life that would never be the same

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Demon Cat and Magic

Chapter 12 – Demon Cat and Magic

I awoke the next morning not sure where I was or how I got there. The last thing I remembered was making it to Michelle’s apartment where I assumed I still was. As I opened my eyes I saw Michelle staring down at me with a face that appeared both goofy and creepy.

“Ahhh,” I screamed as a flailed my hooves and fell off the couch.

“Julie, are you ok?”

“Ugh,” I said rubbing my head, “What were you doing Michelle?”

“I was… watching you.”

“You were watching me sleep?”

“Yeah, you do look kind of cute when you sleep you know.”

“Do you have any idea how creepy that sounds watching me sleep?”

“Yeah, you’re right. Sorry about that. You remind me of Tiger.”

“Yeah ok, just next time don’t… wait, who’s Tiger?”

“She’s my cat.”

As if hearing her name being called, Tiger appeared. Now I used to like cats, but this this made me change my mind. Tiger was the cute ball of fluff that greeted you at the door with a friendly meow and slept at the foot of your bed at night. Michelle’s cat was a demon, worse that Opal that Rarity owned. When this thing saw me, its fur puffed up and began to growl and hiss at me.

“Oh hi there Tiger,” I said reaching out to pet it.

The demonic cat suddenly began to furiously swipe at me with its paws, claws fully extended. One strike hit home as it struck me across the cheek, causing blood to run out.

“Tiger, that’s enough,” Michelle said with an angry tone that I never heard from her before.

She then picked up the cat who desperately struggled to break free to deal more damage to my face and carried her into her bedroom. As I watched from the door Michelle opened the sliding door to her closet, unceremoniously tossed the cat into the space, and slid the door closed before Tiger could escape her cage.

“Julie are you ok,” Michelle said turning around to see me, “Oh no, Tiger got you. Here, let me get you cleaned up.”
She then turned and disappeared into the bathroom. I could still hear that evil cat crying to be let out to face me again. Michelle returned with a cloth and a bottle that smelled something foul.

“Here, this is going to sting, but it’ll help you,” she said as she didn’t give me a second to react before putting the burning solution on my face causing me to wince.

“Sorry about that,” she said, “Tiger acts like that towards new people.”

“You mean she’s done this before?”

“Well, she’s growled and hissed when I would bring a new friend or a boyfriend over. But you were the first ever to get clawed by her.”

“Yeah, I guess I’m lucky. Maybe she thinks I’m a strange animal rather than your friend.”

“Maybe,” Michelle said throwing the cloth soiled with blood and medicine in a clothes basket, “I’ll be sure to keep her in the closet when I’m not around. Anyway, now that you’re awake let’s get some breakfast.”

The two of us ate breakfast, talking about our day. Michelle said she had to go grocery shopping today and then would later have a friend to go with her to pick up my bed. Later on Michelle said would return to clean out my new bedroom and set up my bed so at least I wouldn’t be sleeping on the couch again.

As I bid her farewell and Michelle shut the door behind me, I realized that there would be time for me to be alone in the apartment. I decided that I would at least scope out my room for a little and help with moving things before she returned. Looking into my new bedroom, I saw that it was pretty empty except for a few boxes filled with clothes for other seasons and assorted things she decided to put there.

“Ok,” I said to myself, “Just a few boxes to move. This shouldn’t be that hard.”

It was harder than I thought. With no magic and being unable to lift the boxes I had to resort to pulling and pushing them out of the room either with my hooves or my mouth. An hour later, I felt like I ran a marathon, barely able to stand much less move another thing.

“There’s got to be an easier way to do this,” I said panting as I looked up at the remaining boxes.

I knew the answer of course. Earth ponies had their strength, Pegasus ponies could move things by flying things from one place to another, and Unicorns had magic. But that was the problem: I didn’t know how! So I stood stuck as a weak pony who couldn’t cast a spell to save her life.

“I have to try again,” I said as I focused on a box in front of me.

I could my forehead tingly as I grit my teeth and tried to concentrate on the object. For a moment I thought I saw it glow like things do in the show when they’re about to be moved, but just when I think I got it, the box just sat there, not moving an inch. After several tries, I finally collapsed in a heap of frustration and exhaustion.

“What wrong with me? Why is using magic so hard? Maybe when I wished to be a pony I didn’t get the ability to cast spells. Oh, I wish I could move this stupid box to prove I’m not worthless!”

Suddenly I saw the box glow and hover into the air! I was so overjoyed I could barely keep a thought in my mind.
“Ok, what am I doing differently? Wait a minute, maybe I don’t need to strain myself to collapse. Maybe all it takes is to just relax and let it go like walking or breathing.”

I continued to move the box with my magic slowly, taking care not to drop it or overexert myself. Finally I made I got it to the pile and set it down.

“Alright, one box down, a few more to go. I should have this magic thing down in no time.”

I then moved to the next box with a renewed excitement and a determination to keep practicing.