• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 2,442 Views, 117 Comments

I, Little Pony - Lux

A girl, a wish, and life that would never be the same

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Interlude: First Night

Chapter 9 – Interlude: First Night

Michelle stayed with me the entire time that day I woke up as a pony. I felt bad that I ruined her plans to go shopping with me, but really how could I expect that this would happen? She was ok with it, after all she reminded me that the whole point of trying to take me shopping was to hang out with me and to get me out of the apartment for a while. I’m glad that she did come over though. I could only imagine how bad things would be if she wasn’t there.

The rest of the day we spent preparing for my eventual move. It was hard to imagine leaving the place that I spend a few years living in. I mean I knew that one day I would be moving out but that was for moving into an actual house or maybe another apartment, not because I became a unicorn. But I didn’t feel safe staying where I was. What if there was something I needed and had to leave? What if someone spotted me and thought I was a lost pet or something? Granted moving in with Michelle didn’t help solve everything, but at least I wouldn’t be alone.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay here,” Michelle asked at night.

“Nah, I know you want to go home. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine here.”

“Ok. I’ll be over tomorrow to help you pack.”

That night after Michelle left, I wandered around the apartment thinking about what I would do on a typical night. It usually involved sitting at my computer either drawing or writing fanfiction or checking out something on the Internet. Sometimes I would watch a show or a movie on TV as well. But I wasn’t up to them. It reminded me when I was little and got really sick, so sick that I lay on the couch not being able to do anything except lay there like a slug. This time I was perfectly able to do things, albeit maybe with some difficulty now that I had hooves instead of hands, I just didn’t feel up to it. My mind was still trying to comprehend how and why this all happened.

I happened to look up and see all my pony things around. It was as if they were staring down at me with their smiling faces telling me that I was one of them now. That did it for me and I decided that there was no use trying to stay up with my brain in a spin and everything around me reminding me of what my life was and what I became. I then had an idea something worthy of Twilight Sparkle or even the princesses to conjure up. If a wish made me a pony, maybe a wish could make me a human? It was worth a shot. If I could become a human again, then there would be no moving and no disruption in my life. I’d be the happy, and maybe wiser, girl again.

“I wish I was back to my human self again,” I prayed, hoping that whatever made me into a unicorn would return things to normal.

After the wish I retreated into the bathroom to shower before heading into the bedroom. Just to be sure, I decided to wish again.

“I really, really, really wish that I was my human self again,” I said hoping the emphasis would help my plea.

I then climbed into bed and drifted off to sleep, hoping that I would awake and find that I was human again. As I slept, part of me even began to wonder if the day was just some vivid dream like the ones I’ve heard about where people think that a dream is so real they wake up and wonder if they’re still dreaming or awake. Maybe this time being a pony was just a very freaky dream. Whatever the case, I hoped that things would be back to normal.

That night I had a dream that I was still a unicorn and at a pony convention. All the bronies there were cheering my name. Some wanted my autograph while others wanted a hug. There was fan art and plush animals of me touting the “Real My Little Pony, Quill Flourish.” But the dream then faded away into the blackness of sleep, but not before making me wonder something. If that clearly was a dream, what was I doing now? Was I having a dream within a dream, or had everything I experienced been real? My restless body and mind found peace as I returned to a deep sleep where I hoped that its conclusion would bring everything back to normal once again.

Author's Note:

Now you don't think I'd end the story there, do you?