• Published 4th Feb 2013
  • 732 Views, 15 Comments

The Metamorphosis: Beginnings - Nachtschwalbe

You'll get to know the unicorn Vigilant who just woke up to one of the most satisfying feelings and a black carapace instead of his normal hide. With the help of misunderstandings, prejudices and fear he craves for a way to heal his family.

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Second Chapter: Hang out

The Metmorphosis
B e g i n n i n g s


inspired by Franz Kafka

Second Chapter

He opened his mouth wide and moved his tongue, trying to produce a sound but only getting a short hiss. Disappointed he looked into the mirror with a frown.

When he turned away from his reflection he looked into the worried face of his sister. He shrugged it off and went to the desk. The smell of the meal was mouth watering. He heard the door closing behind him as he levitated a Sandwich to his mouth.

He totally understood why he wasn't allowed at the dining table. Who'd want to eat with a bug?They had served him so many delicious meals that he would feel bad for complaining.

He took a bite and swallowed. It tasted good. But he now realized that he wasn't hungry at all. Instead he felt like he had already eaten too much.

When Pearl entered the room she found that everything was left as it was except that the apples had been carried away. She looked at Vigil with a deep frown and levitated the bowls and plates out of the room, closing the door behind herself. Vigil hopped off the bed and turned to the window. The castle wasn't that far away and the guidons on it's spires flapped in the wind. He used to work there.

He thought of his employment and how long it would last till they would come and ask for an explanation. By now he should have been in Ponyville to attend to the signing of a contract between his superiors and some shop - he didn't remember the name.

He was once part of the Royal Navy as a Warrant Officer. He had been given that honor for being one of the best helmsmen.
But that was before his parents had invested their whole savings in a travel-agency. The debts had been increasing very fast and they had had to give up after only one year. Because of that, Vigil had quit the service and found a job to help his family pay off the debts. It would take another three years to clear them.

The sound of the opening door announced the arrival of the doctor. Vigilant watched the door as he listened to the steps and whispers on the stairway. Maybe I should open the door. He didn't move an inch. Some weird curiosity - not the normal kind but born out of anxiety and suspicion - forced him to concentrate on the whispering as it became louder and easier to understand.

"Good morning, Doctor, how was your trip over here?", Barrel asked as he opened the door.

"Well, at first, it's noon right now. And second, the hospital is only three hundred steps away so it shouldn't be called a trip. But all in all the day started off nicely and I think I can manage something like neurodermatitis.", the doctor answered.

"Ah, good. If you would follow me, please?"

After a few steps the doctor asked, "So what is the core of the problem here? Why couldn't your son just come over?" He could see Barrel's Adam's apple jump when he gulped.

"Ahem. The reason is, doctor, that it's worse than ever. It looks outright - forgive me for the word - disgusting. We didn't want to bother anypony out there. And in case of the problem itself, well, let's just say that I don't believe that you've ever seen something like this and all the nor have my family. Because of that I called for you to come over to make sure a professional is caring about him."

"I see. So what did he say about it himself? Maybe he has a suspicion as to what has triggered this situation."

"That's one of the problems, sir. He hasn't spoken. It even seems that he can't. He also rejects food and has overslept! He has never done something like that."

The doctor stopped walking. "Sir, I am sorry, but I am not here to fix this kind of problem. I am not a psychologist but I think you should call it midlife crisis. Or some kind of late - very late in this case - adolescence. And I would also say..." but he was cut off not by Barrel but by Pearl.

"Please, Doctor! This is serious! My brother is incarcerated in that thing. We don't know if he's screaming in pain or if he is even still there! We don't know what has caused it nor how we can help him! But he needs our help and I want my big brother back!" As she said the last words tears were rolling down her cheeks.

"Now, now, dear. Stop shouting and calm down. I am sure the doctor will give Vigilant back to us.", Barrel tried to calm his daughter and the sobs slowly trailed off.

"We might continue walking now.", Barrel suggested after some seconds. The doctor just nodded.

The rest of the way upstairs no one talked. Everything he heard were hooves hitting wood and the heavy breathing of his father. His concentration dissipated and he looked straight at the door still standing by the window. I should open it, he thought again. He moved to the entrance and was about to dispell the door when a thought struck him. What if he concludes that I'm not curable? What should I do in that case? I wouldn't be able to work any longer and I doubt that someone else will employ me. I wouldn't even be able to go guard again. Oh my. That means I couldn't earn money to pay the debts. His mind circled around these realisations and eventually came to a conclusion. I would be totally worthless.

"Vigilant? The doctor is here so would you be so kind as to open the door again and let him do his job?" the voice of his father sounded from behind the door.

Vigil was still caught in his thinking at this point and went on with it. I have to find somewhere else to live so they don't have to maintain me. Would they do that? Of course. Also this sounds very self-centered. Then he took a deep breath. I shouldn't make such plans unless it's necessary. I should open the damn door now and see if there is something the doctor could do.

"Okay, now! You don't leave us any other choice!" With those words Cracker Barrel stepped back from the door and charged a considerable amount of energy into his horn. He let out the blast right as Vigilant unsealed the door. Normally the enchanted door would have just sprung open when the spell hit it. But, currently dispelled it was hurled through the air and hit the wall at the far end of the room. Vigilant had stood right behind it.

As he regained consciousness he felt the pain from every part of his body especially from his head, but all in all it was bearable. He felt fabric so he had to be in the bed. He rose from the sheets and opened his eyes. Nopony else was there and he couldn't hear anypony outside except for the street infront of his window. The door was leaned against the wall next to the frame it originally belonged.

He walked through it and into the parlor where he found his family at the dining table. Except for his father who laid in his armchair breathing heavily while the doctor took his blood preasure. Oh damn. He burnt the candle at both ends with that spell. He lowered his head knowing it was his fault. As he drew closer the doctor turned around, rose and came to Vigilant to guide him back into his room. Startled by that Vigil growled at the medic. Every pair of eyes were focused on him. Every single one showing shock. His own expression wasn't an exception. What the hell was this?! Embarrassed he lowered head and ears and headed for his room again.

What was this stuff all about?! That's not me! But I also don't see why he tried to bring me back here. Just like he was trying to hide me or something. Or he thought I should stay in bed after that incident. He paced up and down the room. Oh my. I think this whole thing is getting out of hoof. Though it never was in it in the first place, I think there is some psychological stuff along with the chitin. Why am I calling it chitin? Well it fits for me looking a bit like a bug and so on. That means I might lose my identity completely and to avoid that I need something to remind me. No, that wouldn't work or would it? I don't know. However I can't even think of anything to remind me so it's kinda pointless to think about that anyway. So how about that odd feeling of satisfaction and that taste of hot chocolate? I mean it is tasty. Especially along with apples, though I don't think the inventor of candied fruits thought of this way of consumption. I think these strains are causing it but I wonder... That was when he felt a great weight pull at his legs.

He looked around and took in his surroundings. Nothing. Not even the tiniest filament. Except for the ceiling lamp which laid on the floor. But why is it still on? He tilted his head backwards and what he saw led him to the conclusion the the feeling of great weight of course was caused by gravity. With this in mind he looked at his hooves - which were covered in some green gum or something like that which originated from the holes - were attached to the ceiling and nothing less. Then he fell. Hit the bed. Hit the bed. Hit the bed!

Author's Note:

So here's chapter two. And I still would be glad about any constructive advice!

Thanks for reading!