• Published 4th Feb 2013
  • 731 Views, 15 Comments

The Metamorphosis: Beginnings - Nachtschwalbe

You'll get to know the unicorn Vigilant who just woke up to one of the most satisfying feelings and a black carapace instead of his normal hide. With the help of misunderstandings, prejudices and fear he craves for a way to heal his family.

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First Chapter: That's new...

The Metmorphosis
B e g i n n i n g s


inspired by Franz Kafka

First Chapter

He opened his eyes. He hadn't slept an hour, yet he felt as energized as a liter of espresso and also like he had drunk something very nutritious. In short: His belly was full and he felt fresher than ever as he lay in his warm bed. It was like heaven. But there was one thing in his mind called suspicion. Why did he feel so great? He had a hard job, was living in a small flat together with his family - his parents and younger sister - and had no leisure.

Sometimes I really hate my train of thoughts, he told his mind. I should try to sleep again. Maybe I will be able to dream of that feeling again. After half an hour he decided to get up. For as long as he could remember he had had problems with his skin and had learned to live with it. But when he reached for the door to the vestibule and saw a smooth, black and holed hoof he was surprised. "That's new," was the only thing he could say before he registered what he was seeing. His eyes widened and he quickly began to inspect his body. He had lost his fur, wings spread out of his back. His tail - he presumed his mane would have to look pretty similar - was translucent, green and also holed. He reached up to his forehead and found what he was searching for, but his horn was sharp and holed too. Slowly he lowered his hoof, looked at the door for several minutes, processing what he had just found out. Concluding what it meant, he let out a bloodcurdling bray.

It took only a few seconds for his family to jump out of their sheets and run out of their rooms to stop in front of his suddenly sealed door.

"Vigil! What happened?!" his sister, Pearl, screamed.

"What, in Celestias name, are you doing inside there?!" his father, Cracker Barrel, shouted.

"Is everything alright with you?" his mother, Dawn Breeze, asked.

Oh damn, what should I do? What should I do?? Calm down Vigilant. It's nothing you have to worry about. Though how late is it? The buzzer showed quarter to seven. Okay, now you're allowed to panic! No, no! Calm down. You just have to say sorry and take the next train to Ponyville. Right, that's the spirit! That was when he saw strains of fog - colored in various shades of red - coming through the door and heading for his chest.
Great, now I'm hallucinating, he thought. Then he tasted hot chocolate, the strains had been faster than he thought and had reached him in an instant. It felt like drinking without swallowing and it felt great. He recognised the feeling from earlier this morning. What is that stuff?!

"Dear, please open the door," he heard his mother say.

"I'm afraid of the consequences, mom," he answered.
After several seconds of silence Pearl said, "Come on brother. There's nothing you have to be afraid of. Whatever it is you can tell us, we are your family!" The strains of fog were growing a little bit bigger and were increasing in speed slightly.

Encouraged by his sister's words, he dispelled the simple enchantment off the door and opened it. He frowned when he saw the faces behind it. They changed from worried, to confused, to shocked.

"Sorry!", he yelled automatically, retreating back into his room and re-sealing the door. He had noticed that the strains from his family were shrinking and decreasing in speed.

"Okay, now! You don't leave us any other choice!" With these words Cracker Barrel stepped back from the door and charged pretty much energy into his horn. He let out a blast right as Vigilant unsealed the door. Normally the enchanted door would have just sprung open when the impact hit it. But currently dispelled it was hurled through the air and hit the wall at the far end of the room. Vigilant had stood right behind it.

After closing the door, he began pacing up and down the room. He eventually chucked himself onto his bed, wanting to cry. But he didn't, something had caught his attention. Was that whispering? He got up and crept towards the door. Yep, definitely whispering. He pressed his ear against the door to eavesdrop.

"I can't believe what I've just seen," he could hear his father saying.

"What should we do?" Pearl asked. He heard sobbing coming from another corner of the vestibule.

"I think we should consult a doctor about his situation," Barrel answered.

"Okay then! I'm going to the hospital now!"

"No you don't! We won't draw any attention to this. And besides, I first want to have my breakfast."

"Dad! Vigil is a bug! We have to do something about it!"

"Maybe, but first of all we have to calm down. And then we'll be able to make the right decisions," after several seconds Barrel continued, "I wonder what we should give him for breakfast,"

They resorted to just giving him two bowls of potato and cheese soup, some sandwiches with diverse toppings, a plate with fruits and a cup of coffee. It all tasted pretty good but Vigil had no appetite because of the strange stuff that had come from his family.

"You just could have asked me, you know?" he said when his mom and sister put them on his desk. He got no reaction, "Hey now! Don't ignore me!" Nothing. "Okay then! I'll talk to my reflection!" When he said it he thought that it wouldn't be a bad idea to look into the mirror, just to see himself properly. As he did he frowned. He looked like something between a kelpie and a bug with some obviously predatorial characteristics. He also noticed that he had lost his cutie mark, the image of two crossed sabers behind a relatively small kite shield having disappeared from his flank. "I hope the doctor finds a way to change me ba..." Something was wrong, as he spoke there was no movement. His lips remained closed!

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading!