• Published 29th Jan 2013
  • 8,263 Views, 378 Comments

Melting Snow - Storm butt

Life isn't interesting for Caramel, as nothing interesting ever happens. Friends were rare. By that he means rarely a reality. He had adjusted to this routine and reached a somewhat comfortable spot in life. Then along came Big Macintosh.

  • ...

Dinner Date

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It belongs to The Hub, Hasbro, Studio B, and Lauren Faust. I do not own any of these characters in any way or how, nor do I claim ownership to the pony franchise. These characters are simply my toys.
"Here before us lays a long road to follow.”
Melting Snow
Chapter 6: Dinner Date

"What are ya thinkin' 'bout?" Big Macintosh's voice was noticeably above his normal tone as he began to speak to Caramel over the sound of nonsensical clucking that was currently filling his ears with Celestia knows how much chaos.

The stallion swiftly brought back his hoof to his chest as he felt something peck the area where his hoof ended and his leg began. The chicken in front of him seemed to be unusually loud as he attempted to grab her precious eggs from under her, for it constantly clucked and tried to bite him, obviously not used to the large stallion invading her personal space. It would have much preferred Apple Bloom at the moment.

"Got any idea where ya wanna head ta?" He asked whilst rubbing his hoof, beginning to wonder if Caramel was having nearly as hard a time hearing as he did at the moment. He turned his head to look at Caramel out the small door, seeing the small stallion slowly stroke his hoof up and down the paper in his hooves.

"Dunno..." Caramel mumbled, his upper legs shrugging as he slowly put down the colored pencil against the paper, looking up with a quiet sigh. "I came because I wanted to see you, didn't think far enough ahead for what to do... Sorry."

Big Macintosh could tell even from simply looking at the back of Caramel's head that his ears were blushing in mild embarrassment. He began chuckling, shifting to the next chicken with a quick shuffle of his hooves. "Don't worry, it's nice ta see ya." The stallion bit his tongue as he began to grab the eggs from under the new chicken, this one thankfully being more open to having it's eggs removed. "So ya wanna grab somethin' ta drink again? Or do ya wanna grab some grub fer a change?"

Caramel let shrugged again, slowly folding his arms across his chest, hugging his coloring book tightly. "I'm getting a little hungry, but I didn't bring that many bits. Wanna stop somewhere like Sugar Cube Corner? I hear they're real cheap."

"Ta be honest, ah ain't got that big of a sweet tooth." Big Macintosh replied, gazing at the metal bucket near overflowing with eggs before turning to the doorway. "Besides, one of the owners keeps givin' me weird looks when ah go in lately... I don't know why..." He briefly paused, putting a hoof to his chin as he tried to think. "She asked where my Hearty-Smarty was I think last time ah went in there..."

"Hearty... Smarty?" Caramel asked, bewilderment in his voice as he arched his back in a stretch. "Sound's like a candy of some kind." The stallion giggled, groaning as he got to his hooves, using his chocolate brown tail to flick the snow from his backside. "Okay, not Sugar Cube Corner... how about that Hay and Chips place? I could just buy a salad or something from there."

Big Macintosh smiled as he trotted out of the chicken coop, glad he was once again able to stand at full height. "Ya know I'll pay yer half if ya just ask me. Ah ain't got anythin' better ta spend my money on, Applejack handles most of the shoppin'."

"N-No," Caramel quickly said, his lips growing heavy as he frowned. "I don't like being in pony's debt, beside's, I'm the dummy who didn't bring any..." The stallion trailed off, head suddenly staring straight ahead. "I... think that's your sister."

"Hmm?" Big Macintosh turned his gaze to follow Caramel's line of sight. Sure enough he could see his Sister trotting towards them, at the moment about fifty feet away. She lifted her hoof to wave, picking up speed as she noticed she had been spotted. He rolled his eyes, ignoring the fact that Caramel gave him a questionable look as he did so.

As Applejack came galloping up to the two, she seemed to have a giant grin plastered on her face. "Howdy there brother!" She chuckled in her thick southern accent. "And howdy, I'm guessing Caramel."

"You already know it's him, you've met him befor-" Big Macintosh mumbled before he felt a hoof poke harshly into his side, to which he glared at his sister for, soon rubbing the spot with his own hoof.

"Uh... yeah." Caramel replied, watching the small dispute between brother and sister, traces of interest and worry running along his face. "And you're Applejack, the older sister... right?"

"Eeyup." Applejack piped up, looking at her brother as she spoke, obviously meaning for the word to tease the steed. "I'm guessin' my workaholic brother here decided ta work himself closer ta death instead of hurry up and leave with ya." The orange mare shook her head. "Shame on ya Mac, this ain't even yer chore. Shouldn't ya two be going to hit on mares or somethin'?"

"M-Mares?" Caramel whispered quietly, his voice only being background noise to the conversation at hoof. "I-Is that what... he normally does?"

Big Macintosh turned to Caramel, his head briefly swinging back and forth to reassure the other that wasn't the case. A mixture of irritation and embarrassment was painted on his face as he ignored the "picking up mare's" comment.

The steed turned back to his sister, opening his mouth before she had the chance to. "I was in the middle of the chicken coop when he came." As Big Macintosh argued, he began turning his head away from his sister and to Caramel. "I finished up quickly, no need ta lecture me." His face gave off an expression that wasn't quite readable as he placed the egg bucket on the ground, knowing he was going to be planted here a while.

"What are ya doin' out here anyway?"

"Pickin' up Apple Bloom from school." Applejack countered, her tone so quick it was almost as if she were expecting that to be asked. "But Ah saw ya and yer friend here, thought I might as well say hello. After all ya missed dinner last week ta be with him, wanted ta see what was so special." She smiled, however her voice seemed to be dying to ask questions about why exactly her brother had missed dinner. "You two have been spending quite a while together."

"Ya see yer friends at least four times a week." Big Macintosh pipped up in defense for himself.

Applejack ignored her brother's comment as she turned to look at Caramel, examining the stallion. "So yer Caramel. My brother here's been a lot happier with you around lately, he didn't used to smile before he made friends with ya." She smirked, her cheeks lightly blushing. "And ah can see why, yer so cute anypony would fall fer ya. Bet yer a real mare magnet"

At those words, Big Macintosh put a hoof between his sister and Caramel. "That's enough AJ." He bluntly stated. "Yer makin' him mighty uncomfortable." His voice was deep and gravely, showing no emotions. "Don't ya have ta be goin'? Apple Bloom'll be worried if yer late."

Caramel's instincts kicked in as he took a step closer to Big Macintosh, resting a hoof on the steed's side, his face near resting on the muscle bound wall.

"N-No... no mares... I don't really..." He muttered, leaving his words to dangle. A feeling of embarrassment soon began flushing over his face as he realized that Big Mac had to be the one to stop his sister's attempts at him.

"Apple Bloom can wait three more minutes." Applejack kicked her hoof against the snow, seemingly frustrated with her brother getting in the way. "Where the hay are you two headed anyway?"

"Just ta get a bite ta eat." Big Macintosh answered calmly, moving his hoof back to remove Caramel's grip from his fur, in so lowering his shield of a leg separating the two.

"Don't go out today!" Applejack spoke up, her voice sounding as if she had a glimmering strike of brilliance. "Do ya know how close Hearth's Warming Eve is?" The restaurant'll be flooded, yer never gonna get a table."

"What do ya reckon we do?"

The red steed's tone seemed like he was simply humoring his sister rather than taking the question seriously, for his eyes were mid-roll, his tone half interested.

"Why don't ya two just go on inside fer a while, when Ah get home I'll whip up some early dinner and we can all talk. I'm sure Apple Bloom and Granny'll wanna meet your new friend." Applejack eagerly smiled, turning her head to Caramel. "Sounds like a plan, right?"

Caramel blinked, giving a look of question to the mare. "Stay over for dinner?" He asked aloud, feeling the pressure from Applejack's gaze. He honestly wasn't able to remember any previous times he had sat down at a table and conversed with ponies. "Sage... won't be back tonight... I think..."

"Stop badgerin' him." Big Macintosh snapped before he looked back at Caramel, blinking a few times before his voice softened. "Ah suppose it'll be up ta ya Cara. She'll just bug ya all night though."

Caramel looked up into Applejack's eyes for the first time, finally able to get a word in that the other's would hear. "T-That sound's nice..." He admitted. Part of him did indeed want to meet Big Macintosh's family, it was after all a whole other side to his friend. "I mean... It's better to meet you all sooner than later I guess..."

Applejack let a grin split across her face, nodding her head happily as she near bounced up and down.

"Alright, I'll go pick up Apple Bloom and you two go in an introduce yourself to Granny." The orange mare began to turn her body, read to run through the snow to pick up her sister in time. "Be back soon!"

The two stallions watched Applejack quickly gallop off towards the general direction of Ponyville, not letting either get another word in before she vanished over the hill, kicking up a heaping of snow in her path.

"She didn't bully ya into comin'... did she?" Big Macintosh asked, turning to look at Caramel with a mildly worried expression.

"I..." Caramel began, looking down at his hooves as if he were seriously questioning the situation. "I don't know."

The red steed smiled at his, letting out a chuckle from his lungs as he placed a hoof on Caramel's head, rustling the other's mane. He could see the faintly forming blush of the other grow to show clearly over his fur. The steed responded with giving the other a quick rustle of fur before gently pushing his head away.

"C'mon Sugar Cube, why don't we go meet Granny Smith?"


Caramel shifted uncomfortably as the older green mare's chair continued to loudly squeak, her body moving back and forth with every little noise the chair made. The way she was quietly looking up and down his body with a poker face that could easily match against her grandson made the tan stallion quietly rub his upper leg as he shifted uncomfortably on the old couch. Her eyes seemed rather different from most of the older ponies he had met in his life, for they were still filled with the fire of youth despite her fragile body

"So Caramel..."

"Y-Yes ma’am?" Caramel spoke up, a little louder than he intended to. His tone quickly resulted in him blushing, looking downward as he chewed on his lip. He looked over to the direction of the kitchen, watching Big Macintosh quietly fill three cups with different beverages.

"No need ta be so nervous sonny," Granny Smith chuckled in her old and raspy tone, causing Caramel to look back in the direction of the mare. She sounded nearly amused by the other's reaction.

"Ah was just gonna ask ya where ya were from, Ah can tell ya weren't born in Ponyville."

"T-Tell? How?"

Granny Smith nodded her head up and down rather shakily. "Yer voice is a tiny bit different from ponies 'round these parts. Most folks wouldn't even notice it unless they were payin' close attention."

Caramel smiled softly as he chuckled nervously. "Y-Yeah, I guess people back in Hoofington pronounced some words a tad different... but after a year or two everything kind of blends together."

"Is that how long ya been livin' here in Ponyville?" Big Macintosh asked him, a tray of cups balanced on his back, the steaming cups giving off an aroma of grass and leaves.

The tan stallion looked up and over to Big Macintosh, who was once again holding a blank face. He nodded as he took the cup of tea from the tray, letting a quick sip travel through his lips before lowering it from his muzzle.

Caramel both watched and felt Big Macintosh sit down a good foot away from him, leaning over to hand Granny smith a cup of tea before sitting upright, picking up a cup of coffee between his hooves off the small table in front of him. "Ah was wonderin' when ya moved here."

Granny Smith spoke up once more. "Oh, Sugar Cube, Ah was wonderin' if Applejack askin' ya over fer dinner t'night would cause ya any difficulties... Ah'd hate ta keep ya from havin' dinner with yer own family." She seemed to look at Big Macintosh as she said that, the steed looking down into his cup of coffee.

"N-No..." Caramel answered, looking between Big Mac and his grandmother as he spoke. "Sage, my brother, usually works late. It's nice to be able to eat with ponies for a change."

"Just yer brother?" Granny Smith asked, tilting her head. "No other family livin' with ya?"
The tan stallion took a moment to hold his breath at that question, taking a quiet sip of his tea before he spoke up once more.

"I-I've been living with Sage for a few years now... nopony else lives with us." His voice was trying it's best to keep steady as he spoke. "We haven't lived with our parents for a while now... maybe seven years?"

"Oh my, such a young age to move out on your own." Granny Smith said softly. "How old are ya Sugar Cube?"

"T-Twenty four..." The tan earth pony murmured, his voice growing smaller. "A-And Sage is a genius... he was already studying to be a doctor by the time we left."

"A-Ah..." Big Macintosh sounded like he was about to speak up, sensing Caramel's uneasy feelings. However as he was about to get his words out, he could hear Winona's high-pitched bark act up from near the door. He turned his head back to the direction of the sound, watching as the door opened and in came an orange mare.

"Down Winona, I've been gone less than an hour, pipe down!" Applejack giggled loudly with no hints of irritation. "Yer just mangy mutt, ya know that?"

The steed looked down, watching Apple Bloom walk in, standing close to her sister as she looked at Caramel, her eyes seeming curious about the new stallion in her house. She tilted her head, her bow bobbing up and down as she did so.

"Well hey there girls, Ah missed ya!" Granny Smith spoke up, diverting her attention from the two stallions as she near hopped out of her rocking chair to trot, as best as she could, to her granddaughters.

"Good ta see ya too Granny!" The orange mare spoke in a voice far too loud for being inside. "Apple Bloom, go get some of the salad from the fridge, that's all we have enough of ta feed five ponies."

Big Macintosh turned his gaze from the small family reunion as he focused on Caramel, who was quietly looking down, fiddling with his hooves. His ears were drooping, lips locked in a frown as he seemed to be lost in his own head, the now bustling house was merely background noise to the situation at hoof.

The steed reached over a hoof, giving it little thought as he grabbed one of Caramel's hooves, feeling the tan stallion jump, his blue eyes looking at him with confusion as he was snapped out of his daze.

The steed smiled, squeezing the hoof gently with his own. It was oddly soft for a hoof, almost as soft as a high class pony living in Canterlot would have. The hoof was nothing like his own rough and dirty one, yet it still felt comfortable resting in his own.

"Family's here," he spoke, pulling the hoof closer to his chest as he began to get off the couch, pulling Caramel with him, "C'mon Cara, let's go and say hello, I'm sure Apple Bloom would like ta meet ya."

Caramel nodded, putting a smile on his own face as he did so, seeming to forget the uncomfortable situation that occurred only a few moments ago.

"A-Alright," the stallion spoke up; his voice growing stronger as he hesitantly pulled away his hoof from the red steeds, "T-Thanks... Mac."


Big Macintosh sighed as he felt the water run over his hooves, the liquid being freezing cold enough to send shivers running up and down his spine. Grimacing, he double checked that the faucet was indeed set to warm before shaking his head, then grabbed a green bar of soap from next to the sink and began to briskly scrub his hooves. The steed turned his head to look out the cracked doorway, perking up his ears the best as he could in an attempt to hear the voices from down the stairs. After he flicked his wet hooves over the sink, and as he turned off the water and grabbed a small towel next to the sink, he was able to make out faint mumbling, but wasn't able to make out any actual words.

The steed frowned, neatly folding the hoof towel into a square before pushing his hoof against the wooden door, the floorboards creaking as he began to walk out of the bathroom. He gave his hooves a few final shakes to get the water off before he set his first hoof on the staircase.

"A-About a month and a half I guess.” Caramel's said softly, forcing Big Macintosh to stop in his tracks, raising a brow before slowly continuing.

"And how did ya meet? He never told me that." Applejack asked, her voice sounding as if she were talking to a teacher about an upcoming quiz. At that point, if somepony were to ask him, he would have replied he wouldn’t have been shocked if he found out his sister was somehow taking notes of the conversation.

Big Macintosh chuckled at the thought of such a scenario, quickly trotting down the staircase as he turned the corner into the dining room to see Apple Bloom, Applejack, and Granny Smith in their usual seats. The only difference to the pattern was that his usual seat was pushed to the edge of his usual side, Caramel sitting no more than four feet from his own chair.

"I uh..." Caramel paused, nodding to Big Macintosh with a smile on his face as he entered the room. "I guess you could say we met because we go to the same hospital at the right time. I'm pretty sure I bumped into him when I was leaving the hospital."

"Ah see. Pretty strange ya two spoke to each other; my brother ain't much of a talker." Applejack chuckled, taking a sip of her drink as she spoke.

"We were forced inta it." Big Mac spoke as he slid his behind into the wooden chair, looking over at Caramel. "It started rainin', Ah just happened ta be close ta some big tree he was hidin' under."

"The hospital, eh?" Granny Smith spoke up, a few seconds behind the rest of the conversation. "What were ya in fer?"

"Uh... it was..." Caramel paused, looking down into his tray of food as he fiddled with the green leaves, using his fork to stir and mix them slowly. He looked over to Big Macintosh for a split second before shifting his eyes down to the table. "J-Just a cold I think... nothing serious."

"Ponies don't normally go into hospital's fer colds." The green mare said, confusion in her voice. "Are you sure it wasn't anything too serious, Sugar Cube?"

"His brother works in the hospital; it was just easier for him." Big Macintosh spoke up without being able to think about his words. He quickly stuffed a small pile of the salad into his mouth, watching as Caramel simply nodded in agreement with his statement.

"Y-Yeah, the same medications I need are at the hospital, but Sage can get them for a lot cheaper than at any pharmacy." The tan stallion spoke with a mildly shaky voice. He seemed to want to avoid the subject of his condition entirely.

"Really? The hospital?" Applejack asked as she took a bite of her own food. "I guess doctors workin' in places like that do tend ta get stuck with the night shift more than often, somepony's gotta be there at three in the mornin'!" The mare giggled as she spoke. "So if yer brother's a doctor, what do ya do?"

Her tone sounded rather demanding for answers.

"Well... I got my cutie mark for metal works." Caramel spoke, continuing to attempt to avoid eye contact with the two mares near him.

"That's nice, so where do you work, Caramel?" Granny Smith asked, her amber eyes staring straight at Caramel from across the table with a thirst for answers. "C'mon Sugar Cube, I'd love ta know!"

"I'm... sort of unemployed right now." Caramel began biting his lip as soon as he said those words. "Sage usually gets paid a little more than most ponies, and I try my best not to force him to spend too much money. We probably live with a little less money than a middle class family."

"Ah see, it's gotta be touch bein' in between jobs?" Granny Smith said, her tone worried. "What 'bout your folks? I hear some ponies still live with them 'round yer age when they're lookin' fer an apartment or somethin'. Why live with your brother?"

Caramel grew silent at that question, he bit his lip and dug his fork deep into the salad, hoof near trembling. He opened his mouth for a good five seconds before realizing it had grown far too dry to speak. He kept his head down, his ears drooping as his jaw attempted to move.

"Will ya'll stop badgering him?" Big Macintosh spoke up, surprised by the power his voice held when talking to his sister and grandmother. It wasn't exactly yelling, however it did come as a sudden shock to everypony at the table. When he saw Caramel look over to him, he could distinctly see the confused look on his face, as if he had been snapped out of yet another daze.

"Sugar Cube, ya've hardly eaten anythin' all night, ya sure yer fine?" Granny Smith's voice was the first to speak up. When Big Macintosh looked over to her, he couldn't tell if she was trying to change the subject quickly or was simply distracted by something as insignificant as the dinner plate.

Big Mac reached his hoof over to Caramel's own, making it seem as if he was gently shaking the stallion as he took the hoof in his own. He took a good five seconds to look into Caramel's eyes, assuring everything was going to be fine before releasing his hoof. He watched as Caramel gave him a gentle smile of thanks before turning back to the two mares close to him.

"S-Sorry Ms. Apple, I guess I'm just not as hungry as I thought... and mind if I just leave it at most of my family isn't on good terms with me?" The tan stallion asked, his voice sounding as if he were ready to beg.

The silence that filled the table was soon swiped away by his sister, who quickly spoke up once she realized the awkward situation at hoof.

"N-No need to apologize, Ah'm the one who pried." Applejack said, her tone much quieter than before, her cheeks lightly blushing. "Shucks, I'm yappin' 'bout nothin' but ya and ya don't know a lick 'bout me. Go on, ask me somethin'!"

Big Macintosh could feel a hoof gently prod his upper leg. He glanced over to his left, looking down at Apple Bloom. Now that he thought about it, the talkative filly had been rather quiet during this dinner, doing the listening instead of the talking for a change.

"What is it?" He asked, his voice quieter than usual so not to draw attention to the two of them.

"Why..." Apple Bloom looked confused as she looked over to Caramel and then back to Big Macintosh. "Why do ya two keep lookin' at each other like that?" She asked. "Are ya feelin' alright?"

"Hmm?" Macintosh asked, lifting a brow in confusion. "What are ya talkin' 'bout Sugar Cube?"

"Well... yer... ya look a little like ya did a while ago." Apple Bloom spoke quietly, forcing Big Macintosh to lean his head down to hear her. "Like... back on Hearts and Hooves Day. 'Cept without all the pink eyes and weird names... It's kind of worryin' me."

"Ah..." Big Macintosh could feel a blush creep on his cheeks as his sister spoke those words. "D-Don't be silly Apple Bloom." He whispered quickly, hoping neither Applejack nor Granny Smith would hear her words. "J-Just eat yer dinner." His voice nearly begged.

"Can I be excused?"

Big Macintosh blinked as Caramel spoke those words. He sat up, looking at the opposite side of the table once more.

"What for sweetie?" Granny Smith asked. "Ya sure yer feelin' alright?"

"Y-Yeah." Caramel quickly retorted. "I just need a little bit of fresh air; I'll be back in a jiffy."

As Caramel slid out his chair, walking around Big Macintosh's own towards the doorway, the red steed found himself following the tan steed. He swiftly looked back to the table and excused himself in the same manner as his friend did before he followed his friend’s steps out the doorway.

The sky was a mixture of orange a red, a setting sun on the horizon as Big Mac stepped outside. He could see Caramel hadn't gotten very far, for he was simply sitting next to the door fiddling through his saddle bag.

"I kind of hoped you were following me." Caramel giggled, his crystal blue eyes giving off a sense of joy at the sight of the other.

Big Macintosh smiled back, nodding his head in reply. He didn't speak as Caramel removed a small orange bottle from his bag, using his hoof to unscrew the lid. The stallion then set a capsule in his hoof, tossing it into his mouth and down his throat in one swift motion.

"It's easier to do this out here." The tan stallion spoke after gulping down the pill, answering the question he knew Big Macintosh was going to ask. "They were already asking enough questions." He paused to put his hoof around the back on his neck. "I get real scared when I'm the center of attention... I'm sorry I acted strange."

"T'aint yer fault and t'aint fair fer them ta spring this on ya all at once." The steed apologetically spoke. "Ah would have been a lot happier just gettin' a bite ta eat, just the two of us."

Caramel looked down while shaking his head, smiling with no emotion in his eyes. "It's okay, It's just a little weird to have ponies so interested in me... A lot's been different since I first met you. And it was nice to meet them... but little weird for me to sit at a table and talk about what's happened to me today."

"Ah reckon ya don't do that much with Sage." Big Macintosh spoke softly, moving closer to Caramel before he decided to sit down, his body only a few inches from the other.

Caramel shook his head back and forth. "Nope. But this was loud and talkative... and kind of nice when they settled down."

The steed smiled. "Good ta hear that, Sugar Cube."

The tan stallion looked over at Big Macintosh at those words. "You and the others have been calling me that all day... I understand your grandmother doing it, but it's... weird from you and your sister."

"Weird?" Big Macintosh frowned before shaking his head, remembering that not everypony was accustomed to his family's ways. "It's just something my family calls ponies who they care about. Best friends, lovers, family. That kind of stuff."

Caramel seemed to blush at those words; however it was difficult to tell with the setting sun before them. "Y-You care about me?" He asked aloud.

"Well course Ah do!" The steed's deep voice seemed shocked. "Ya think ah stand ta be around ya if Ah hated ya?"

"W-Well... I hoped you wouldn't hate me." Caramel murmured, looking down with a smile that finally reached the eyes. "B-But... it really makes me happy to hear from you."

Big Macintosh's smile slowly turned into a frown as he let out a sigh. "Ah really am sorry ya got dragged inta this, Cara The only good thing that might come outta this is AJ might stop pesterin' me 'bout ya."

"It was... alright." Caramel chuckled, pushing his body lightly against Big Macintosh's own, letting the steed support his weight. "I really do wish we could have done something together though."

Big Macintosh looked up at the setting sun as he nodded. He seemed to go quiet for a few moments before a small light flickered in the back of his mind. Before he knew it, his mouth was speaking aloud. "Well... Hearths Warmin' Eve is right 'round the corner... we could always do somethin' fer that. Ponyville usually has a little festival."

"I've heard of that, I didn’t go last year." Caramel looked up at the red earth pony. "But... wouldn't you rather go with your own family? And besides, I'll likely get sick... my body isn't very good with organized fun."

"Apple Bloom usually goes with Applejack, it's sort of a sister thing fer them. And even if ya get sick, we'll just have ta plan somethin' else ta do that won't push ya too much!" The stallion spoke with growing excitement in his voice that he wasn't quite aware of.

The tan stallion gave off a smile at the other's enthusiastic words. "That... sounds like fun." He admitted, rubbing his cheek against Big Macintosh's shoulder for a brief moment, letting the warmth sink into his fur.

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh replied in agreement.

Caramel gave off a slight grunt as he forced his body off of Big Macintosh's. As he stretched his back, he let out a yawn.

"What do you say we get this dinner over with and then I'll get out of your mane?"

"That sounds like a good plan” Big Macintosh admitted, reaching up his hoof to ruffle the other's mane. "And don't worry, even if ya get sick Ah'll make sure we get together."

Caramel grinned ear to ear as Big Macintosh messed up his mane.

"I-I guess... it's a d-date then, right?" Caramel stuttered with flushed cheeks.

"D-Date?" Big Macintosh removed his hoof as he said that word, for it felt strange on his tongue. He looked at Caramel's face, realizing it was waiting for a bigger reaction than the one he gave. "W-Well..."

The steed's lips lifted up again into a smile, his red fur hiding his blush rather well as he nodded his head up and down. There was a sudden fluttery feeling in his stomach that he wasn't quite used to. It seemed to throw up the words before he even had a chance to think about them.

"Eeyup, I-It's a d-date."