• Published 12th Feb 2013
  • 3,234 Views, 72 Comments

Revelations of the Past - Mr101

[Prequel to Lost.] Two years after the events of ‘Lost’ Twilight discovers a tome detailing a different account on how King Sombra was defeated.

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Chapter X: Sombra’s army marches

Revelations of the past

Chapter X: Sombra’s army marches

It had been three days since Malaskaar had returned to the camp to re-join with the main bulk of Sombra’s forces, during this time he had been regaining his energy slowly and surely as well as planning strategies. Sombra had initially been angry that Malaskaar was delaying the attack but soon was silenced when Malaskaar told him it was under J’skaar’s orders; truthfully it was because Malaskaar had found it was taking longer for his magical energy to return to him.

He was currently sat cross legged in the middle of his tent, around him was a red circle that was created from blood and in four points forming a cross where four candles dimly lit, being the only source of light in the tent. He was muttering softly under his breath without pause and his eyes were closed, the candles suddenly snuffed out and the tent was plunged into darkness.

After a few moments, the area was suddenly engulfed in a bright light. As the light died down and he opened his eyes, Malaskaar found himself in an area of pure white. Standing up he bowed low as a large black smog began to form in front of him.

“My Lord…” Malaskaar said.

The black smog continued to form, letting out a loud roar as it finished forming. The humanoid figure stood taller than Malaskaar, by several feet. As the shadows danced around it, it lowered a hood on its head, revealing the skull of a human with two piercing red eyes. Two large curved horns on its head added another couple of feet to the creature’s height; it glared down at the form of Malaskaar and growled.

“What is it servant?” J’skaar’s booming voice said.

“I’ve felt something… different about this place, could it be that-”

“Yes…” J’skaar interrupted. “It appears my foolish older brother has brought someone to this world in order to stop me.” J’skaar paused to chuckle. “But no matter, he will die like the rest of these vermin.”

“What must I do my Lord?” Malaskaar asked bowing again.

“Find this champion… and eliminate him, then… eliminate the forces that oppose me.”

“Wouldn’t it be wiser my Lord, if we gathered information on just exactly who has been summoned? I cannot recognise this energy I feel and for all I know it could be one of the Elders. And even with your favour, an Elder with the power of Varlos behind him may prove too much.”

J’skaar paused for a moment in thought before he let out an irritated hiss.

“Agreed, once you have found out who this champion is, I am entrusting you with your decision on the matter… don’t disappoint me again.”

Malaskaar nodded as he felt his energy returning back to full strength, a gift from J’skaar.

“And Sombra?” He asked.

J’skaar chuckled deeply, the laugh echoing the area around them.

“When I have these Elements of Harmony in my grasp and this world on its knees…kill him.”

Malaskaar smirked and bowed for the final time.

“It will be done my Lord…”

No sooner had he spoken the worlds, Malaskaar closed his eyes and the area went black and back into the tent. He reopened his eyes and slowly stood up and walked out of the tent, he made his way across the camp, soldiers and other ponies present moving to get out of his way. Malaskaar strode through the camp with his hands behind his back and head lowered, so only his chin and smirk was viewable. The camp itself was huge and split into several sections, the overall combined size easily rivalling the size of Canterlot, and the Equestrians had yet to find it.

The reason why its location was unknown to the Equestrians and the Empire was because of the never ending snowstorm that covered it, almost blinding its location to anyone unless they were several feet away from it. He came to the tent of King Sombra and ignored the guards and parted the curtains, he gave a bow before looking up at Sombra sitting on his makeshift throne. To Sombra’s right was Dream Weaver, looking over a map on a table who looked up as Malaskaar entered.

“Yes Malaskaar?” Sombra asked.

“I have news from Lord J’skaar.” He replied.

“Oh? And what news is that?” Sombra raised his eyebrow.

“It appears that Varlos the false God of magic has brought someone to Equestria … a champion if you will.”

“What do you mean a champion?”

“I mean, someone from my world is now in Equestria… to who it is I don’t know… their energy seems… familiar though.” Malaskaar replied.

Sombra was slightly alarmed by this and leant back against the throne glaring down at the mage.

“And, pray tell, do we do about it?” He asked him.

Malaskaar stroked his chin and walked over to the map and Dream Weaver, Dream Weaver watched him with caution as Malaskaar looked over the map wrapping his fingers on the table.

“Firstly, we need to gather as much information as we can on just who has been brought here. Then from that we can-“
He was interrupted as a worn out guard burst into the tent.

“MY LORD! We’ve captured two scouts from the Equestrian forces!”

Sombra smirked and descended from the throne.

“Excellent…have you begun interrogating them?”

“Not yet your Highness.”

“Very good, you’re dismissed.” He replied raising a leg up.

The guard saluted and exited the tent; Sombra began to head out with Dream Weaver following close behind him, leaving Malaskaar in the tent.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

King Sombra made his way quickly across the campsite, being followed closely by Dream Weaver and several guards. As he made his way past, everyone stopped in order to bow or salute to Sombra as he went by. They soon came to a fairly small tent situated near the top right side of the camp which was surrounded by guards; they all saluted as Sombra entered the tent.

Inside the tent were two pegasi, a mare and stallion, each tied to a chair. Their amour had been left on save for their helmets which rested on a table nearby, they both had blood on their fur but no indications of serious wounds, the blood seemingly coming from minor injuries during their capture. As Sombra entered they looked up and scowled at the king.

“So… “The stallion started. “His almighty highness has finally graced our presence? Hey Wind Rider, we should consider ourselves honoured with-“

The stallion was interrupted by a sharp back hoof to his face, managing to knock a couple of his teeth out of his mouth. He cried out and coughed some blood before scowling at Sombra once more.

“Speak when spoken to worm…” Sombra growled.

The stallion spat a glob of blood out at Sombra’s foot; looking into the King’s eyes he gave a defiant smirk as Sombra continued.

“You will tell me what your plans are…and of this creature that has been brought from Cyrium to fight against me.”

“I’d rather fuck a manticore then tell you anything, scum.” The stallion spat back.

Sombra chuckled and lifted the stallions chin up with a hoof and smirked at him, as his eyes looked directly into the stallions.

“Your loyalty is noted and commended…but just how long can you last before I break you?”

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Malaskaar muttered under his breath as he continued to formulate battle tactics in his mind, something was bothering him too much and he was unable to fully focus on anything. Cursing to himself, he quickly exited the tent and decided to go for a walk to clear his thought. As he walked throughout the camp with ponies all around him doing their best not to meet his gaze and to get out of his way, he walked past a heavily guarded tent and heard the unmistakeable voice of Sombra sounding rather angry as well as the sounds of someone being smacked about.

“TALK DAMN YOU!” Sombra roared.

“B-BITE ME!” A reply came.

Malaskaar sighed and headed towards the tent, the guards around the entrance saluted to him as he entered. Inside was Dream Weaver who was near the entrance of the tent, in the middle was the two captive scouts, the stallion looking like he had gone twenty rounds with a mace.

Sombra was walking in a circle around them looking furious, a visible vein throbbing in his head as he snarled at the stallion. He noticed Malaskaar and sneered.

“What do you want Malaskaar?”

“I see the…’interrogation’ is going very well.” Malaskaar said sarcastically.

Sombra snarled at him and walked straight up to Malaskaar, pressing his face near to his.

“If you think you can do better, go right ahead!”

Sombra then exited the tent followed quickly by Dream Weaver, muttering under his breath. When they were alone Malaskaar slowly turned his attention to the two captives and a wicked grin formed on his face.

“Leave us.” He said to the two guards in the room without averting his gaze.

The two guards saluted nervously and exited the tent, the stallion and mare looked at Malaskaar with utter fear but tried their best not to show it on their faces.

“I’m not telling you shit demon!” The stallion spat out with a defiant smirk.

As soon as he had said the words, Malaskaar drew his sword quickly and stuck it straight into the stallion’s throat, receiving a cry of pain and surprise. He pulled the sword out as the stallion’s head went limp and blood began to pour from the puncture wound and form on the ground below, the mare looked to her fallen comrade with fear and then to the human who was chuckling to himself.

“You don’t need to tell me anything…” Malaskaar smirked kicking the body of the stallion to the ground with the chair. “I have ways of extracting what I want…”

He slowly turned his attention to the mare and he raised a hand up which began to dance with shadows, the mare struggled violently against her binds trying to break free as Malaskaar approached her.

“N-NO PLEASE!” she begged.

“Shh shh…it will soon be all over… just relax and enjoy the pain.” Malaskaar replied with a dark chuckle.
He placed his hand on the Wind Rider’s head and she instantly began to scream in utter pain as the shadows engulfed her head and began to swirl, she once more violently struggled against her binds her cries being muffled by the shadows. Malaskaar closed his eyes as he began to search her mind.

‘Now…tell me your secrets…’ Malaskaar said inside her heads.

Wind Rider screamed louder and louder as his magic coursed through her brain reading every little detail it could find, after searching for a few minutes, Malaskaar opened his eyes in alarm when he found what he was looking for. The scout had indeed met the other mage that had been summoned to Equestria by Varlos and Malaskaar was angry, the one who had forced him into the void and ultimately defeated him back in Cyrium.

Turil Tailclaw.

Malaskaar growled and he violently pulled his hand back, cancelling the spell. He looked at his hand which was smoking lightly then to the limp frame of Wind Rider, whose fur and flesh on her head had been burned off, a sick smelling smoke rising from what was left of it. Malaskaar turned around without a word and exited the tent, as he stepped out he was greeted by Sombra, Dream Weaver and several guards staring at him wide eyed with a hint of fear. Even Sombra was a little afraid of him, given the magical energy he had felt.

“So.” Sombra asked trying to remain composed “Do you have the information you needed?”

“Indeed your highness, we must prepare to move out immediately.” Malaskaar replied.

“Why is that? Who has been brought here to aid my enemies? “Sombra demanded.

Malaskaar smirked, sending a chill down the guard’s spines.

“An old friend of mine…someone…who I have unfinished business with.”

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Turil lay in his bed looking up at the ceiling, he couldn’t sleep, not that it really bothered him too much. One of the perks of the longevity spell was that mages could go a few days without sleep every now and again and he was used to nights where he simply couldn’t drift off.

With a grunt he got up and headed out of his room, raising his hood over his head. He walked down the dimly lit hallways passing by guards silently who watched him with caution.

‘Figures they’d be suspicious, not that I blame them after what Malaskaar has done.’ He thought to himself.

He continued to walk through the halls before finding himself on a balcony that overlooked the city; he let out a sigh as he looked up the moon in thought. Several hours ago the scouts had returned after two unsuccessful days of searching with the news of where Sombra’s forces were based, however two of the scouts had been capture. When it was suggested by one of the scouts that they mount a daring raid to rescue their comrades, Turil had dismissed it as an honourable but foolish idea. He knew how Malaskaar worked and had lost many close friends and allies during the Templar and Black Knight war after they had been captured; the scouts had angrily shouted abuse at Turil. Calling him a coward and a monster, he didn’t let it bother him though, he understood their anger.

What did bother him though was he knew Malaskaar would have gotten information regarding Turil’s arrival and would immediately be preparing to move out; the scouts had been unable to fully find the location of Sombra’s forces but had managed to narrow down the possible location.

He leant on the balcony and looked up at the moon high in the night sky; he had been in many battles before in Cyrium and knew the feeling of waiting on the eve of one. Although no indication showed that Sombra was on the move, Turil could feel it in his gut that the following day. Sombra and Malaskaar would arrive with their army.

Krustallos had suggested along with Celestia, Amemond and the two captains that the armies should move out to meet Sombra’s, stating that Sombra would most likely now be leading the main bulk of his army after its first failure.

Turil had strongly advised against the notion, stating that Malaskaar would have by now formulated a strategy that would counter any strategy that the alliance made in terms of an offensive, Krustallos said that he didn’t know that but Turil pointed out that Malaskaar would always think one step ahead of his enemies. He explained that Malaskaar would conjure up a force to hold in reserve and wait for the main bulk of the alliance’s forces to move far enough from the city and would rush the city and what little forces remained to protect it.

Instead Turil suggested a defensive plan, whilst Celestia, Luna and Krustallos kept Sombra busy, Turil and the two captains would battle against Malaskaar and attempt to divide Sombra’s army in order to weaken the power of J’skaar’s favour.

Reluctantly, they had all agreed to this and the meeting had been dismissed. The rest of the day as well as the majority of the evening had been spent reinforcing areas around the city that had been damaged such as the ballistas. Turil had spent a good portion of the first day teaching the vast majority of unicorn soldiers, as well as Krustallos, a powerful shield spell he had developed many years ago whilst out in the wilds in Cyrium.

This had served to ease most of the soldiers as well as warm up to the human, some changing their suspicious views on him to that of friendlier views. Turil has also found himself becoming friendly with Ink Quill, having great discussions on literature and exchanging ideas and views on each other’s worlds. He had also noted that Ink Quill always carried a large tome with him into which he would scribble things now and again, whenever Turil had inquired Ink Quill would simply say it was personal research but Turil knew he was lying. He didn’t press the matter however and instead chose to simply enjoy the company.

Surprising everyone as well, Turil had really gotten along well with Luna. Although at first she was furious with him, Luna found that Turil had the same level of childish humour as she had. In the three days since Turil’s arrival, he had managed to find time to spend with Luna and no one was more pleased about this then Celestia. Most ponies or diplomats since the fall of Discord usually didn’t pay much attention to Luna because they viewed her as the lesser ruler, but Turil was different.

Celestia had also come to call Turil a friend ever since she and he had spoken on that first day, he couldn’t explain it but he was able to simply talk to her about things that he usually wouldn’t have shared with anyone apart from Grendel and Ballarus. He was brought out of his thoughts by a voice behind him.

“It’s a lovely night is it not?” He heard Luna say.

He looked behind him to see Luna and Celestia standing in the doorway leading back into the palace, he turned back to the moon and smiled.

“Aye…that it is, kind of reminds me of the nights in Cyrium when we would sit under the two moons and study.” Turil replied.

Celestia and Luna smiled as they stood either side of him and looked up at the moon; they remained in silence for a while before Turil spoke up.

“You two should go and get some sleep, it’s late.” He said.

“Ok.” Luna started. “But first.”

Turil turned to look at her and felt her wrap her right front leg around him in a tight embrace, he stood there for a few seconds before wrapping his arms around her neck.

“Thank you for everything Rilly.” She said.

“Rilly…really?” Turil smirked at her.

“Well if you’re going to insist on using our nicknames for each other, then you must suffer your own.” Luna replied sticking her tongue out.

Turil chuckled as Luna headed back inside the palace giggling, leaving him and Celestia alone, he leant back on the balcony and smiled.

“I never thanked you for what you’ve done.” Celestia said.

“It’s nothing, I’m not going to let Malaskaar-“

“No…not for that.” Celestia interrupted. “Although that is appreciated.”

“Then what?”

“For being Lu-Lu’s friend.” She said with a smile.

Turil raised his eyebrow again at her confused, she explained to Turil that because she is the younger of the sisters most ponies tend to ignore her and because she is royalty, she doesn’t have that many friends other than her sister and Ink Quill.

“Your kind is missing out then.” Turk grinned. “Lu-Lu’s a right laugh.”

They both shared a laugh before silence fell over the two, Celestia then spoke up.

“I’d better go get some rest, you coming?”

“Not really feeling tired, besides, I’d like to be alone for the moment to gather my thoughts.”

“I understand…and may our ancestors watch over us tomorrow…” Celestia replied to which Turil nodded. “Good night…Rilly.”

Celestia giggled as she entered the palace again leaving Turil on his own, he chuckled and turned around to look over the city again.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

As the first rays of the morning sun pierced through the thick, snow filled clouds in the sky, the sound of the campsite just be heard over the whistling of the wind. Everywhere you would look, soldiers dashed about pulling down tents and extinguishing miniature camp fires, each soldier arming themselves as well as donning on their respective armours. As they began to form their ranks, Malaskaar stood on top of the small hill that overlooked the campsite looking to the south towards the capital of the Empire.

His cloak billowed behind him as the harsh cold winter wind blew around him, he squinted his eyes as he began to channel his magic around his body, taking long, deep breaths. He closed his eyes as he leant his head back, he didn’t hear the sounds of hoof steps approaching him until one of them coughed.

Malaskaar turned round to see two soldiers clad in their armour ready for battle, he recognised one of them as Comet Shine, one of the soldiers who was placed directly under his command during the first strike and who had now been promoted to Captain to replace Dark Light. He liked Comet Shine a lot more than the others, primarily because Comet was extremely obedient and had not once shown fear or disloyalty towards Malaskaar, Sombra and J’skaar. In the end though, Comet would have to die like the rest of the world’s inhabitants, he had played with the notion of sparing Comet Shine in order to make him a thrall.

“My Lord, King Sombra asks for your presence whilst addressing the soldiers.” Comet Shine said with a salute.

“Very well…let us go.” Malaskaar replied as he followed the two back into the camp.

As they made their way through the ranks, the full force of Sombra’s forces were on display all wearing the armour of the Kingdom which was a dark grey colour. At the head of the army on a medium sized boulder was Sombra himself and two guards, he was looking in the direction of the capital as his cape softly blew about behind him.

“Are you ready Malaskaar?” Sombra asked him without averting his gaze.

“I am your highness.” He replied.

Sombra smirked as he slowly turned round to face his army; the plan was simple but would be effective. The whole army was to be split into three divisions, Sombra was to lead the main bulk in a slightly risky move directly at the capital head on, and on the left flank of the main forces would be Comet Shine and his ponies.

Malaskaar has a unit of ten unicorns aiding him; he didn’t require a large unit as he would be summoning up the shadows once again to assist all three sections as well as his own personal soldiers, the unicorns were mainly there to keep an eye on him for Sombra which he had sussed but didn’t let on. He was to follow up behind Sombra and attack the Empire from the right flank after they had been attacked the Sombra’s and Comet’s forces taking them by surprise.

Sombra cleared his throat before looking from right to left slowly at his forces, as his gaze passed over them they all saluted when they met his eyes.

“Soldiers! You have shown time and time again your loyalty, your bravery and your courage. You and you alone defeated the God of Chaos and his armies.” As he spoke he walked left and right slowly. “Even now I can see it in your eyes, the determination that would turn even the bravest soldiers into nervous wrecks; you are this world’s finest soldiers!”

The army gave out a roar and raised their weapons up as Sombra continued.

“And on this morning, you shall prove yourselves once more! We will take what is rightfully ours! To long have the Crystal Empire mocked us with its riches; to long have the Equestrians mocked us with their so called peace. But no more! Today, we show them, nay the world! That we are the rightful rulers of this world, ARE YOU WITH ME!?”

The army roared out louder than before as various battle cries rang out across the ranks.

“Then my loyal soldiers, march to war, and to victory!” Sombra cried out.

A loud roar rang out for a final time as the army began its long march to the capital, even with the ground covered in thick snow the sounds of marching were very loud. Sombra turned to Comet Shine and saluted him; Comet saluted back and took off to join up with his soldiers. Sombra then turned to Malaskaar and nodded to him, Malaskaar gave him a bow before disappearing into the shadows. Sombra then began to descend from the boulder and began to march with his soldiers.

Author's Note:

[Edited version to come.]