• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,482 Views, 54 Comments

Harry Lefert's Drabble Bin - Harry Leferts

This is a place where I store tribbles, drabbles and ideas.

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Princess Twilight's International Entrance

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Frozen is owned by Disney.

As Celestia, Luna, and Cadence stepped off their chariots, the Princess of the Night raised an eyebrow as she looked at her sister. "Are you sure that this is a wise idea, sister? Twilight Sparkle is yet still getting used to her new status..."

The Solar Diarch chuckled as she shook her head. "I am sure, Luna. In fact... Her getting used to her new status is exactly why I an doing this." She waved a hoof around. "This would be a rather easy and simple entry into international politics for her being as the country in question is so small and unimportant." Celestia then chuckled. "In fact, Twilight may be one of the more highly ranked of the guests as she is a Princess, not a high noble."

They reached the door to the library and knocked. A few moments later, a surprised Twilight opened the door. "Princesses! Um, sorry about all this but I didn't expect you and-" She blushed as the three other alicorns giggled before she rubes her neck. "Um... Sorry."

Cadence just hugged her. "Its nothing, Twilight."

After she waited until the two sisters-in-laws did their usual greeting, Celestia smiled. "May we come in, my student?"

A few minutes later found Twilight as she read a letter, her brows furrowed. She then looked up at Celestia. "A... Coronation of a Queen, Princess?" When her mentor nodded, Twilight blinked. "You want to me to accompany you?"

It was Luna who shook her head. "Nay, Twilight Sparkle. My Sister wishes for you to go in Our place."

As the lavender alicorn's jaw dropped, Celestia took a sip of tea. "You see, Twilight, my sister is still adjusting to the present day and is taking on more duties by the day, so she simply does not have the ability to just go." Having noticed that Twilight was about to say something, Celestia shook her head. "And with recent events, I find myself unable to be pulled from my duties. And while we have some minor trade with the nation in question, it is not high up enough that I can just drop what I am doing."

Twilight then looked toward Cadence who shook her head. "I can't either, Twilight. I'm so busy with the Equestrian Games coming up and modernizing the Crystal Empire..." She sighed. "And with the time for the journey, even on our fastest airships... I can't."

The newest alicorn looked back at the invite. "Why have I never heard of this country?"

As she took another sip, Celestia hummed. "It's a rather small and far off nation. One with whom we have sporadic contact with." She then smiled. "Though the fact that you know a few things about 'Humans' can only help you as this country and the continent it is on is ruled by them."

Despite being shocked, Twilight shook it off. "Er... Right!" The alicorn then frowned. "But... I don't know much about international diplomacy..."

With a deep chuckle, Luna smiled. "We are sure that you'll do fine. After all, what is diplomacy but making friends with other countries?" It was a while later (after assuring Twilight that she would be given some training before she left and on the journey as well as what information they had on the country) as the non-resident alicorns were heading back to their chariots that Luna let out a breath. "That had went better then expected."

Cadence nodded. "This was a good idea." She then smiled at her aunts. "And on this trip Twilight would not have to deal with her usual issues on an adventure."

With a deific smile, Celestia shook her head. "Yes, Arendalle is not a magical superpower and Queen Elsa's coronation will be the perfect event for Twilight to appear as a Princess on the international scene..."


The three elder Princesses of Equstria were all sitting down for an afternoon tea. Luna rolled her eyes through as she spotted Celestia look out the eastern window in thought. "Tia, stop worrying about your student. The last communication we received had her three days out from Arendalle, you have nothing to be worried over about her." She then chuckled some. "And besides, was it not you who chose her to go?"

Beside her, Cadence gave a nod as she looked over some notes. "Auntie Luna is right, there's nothing to be worried about. I have full confidence in Twilight for this." A giggle then escaped her. "In fact, she's more likely to be bored over there."

With a sigh, Celestia picked up her cup of tea in her magic and shook her head. "I know, I know. It's just a big step for her." A soft smile then crossed her lips. "Here I am, feeling like I'm a proud mother watching her daughter take her first steps into the wider world." She jumped a little in shock as a green whisp of smoke came in through the eastern window and stopped in front of her before it turned into a scroll with a pop. "Well now, seems that Twilight decided to write a letter."

Luna watched as Celestia unrolled the letter and began to read it as she took a sip of her tea. "So then, what does Twilight Sparkle have to say?" A moment later she frowned as her sister froze and stared at the letter. "Tia-" It was then that Celestia performed a spit take that had the unfortunate affect of having soaked Luna with tea. "OY! SISTER WE DEMAND TO KNOW THE REASON FOR THIS!" Wordlessly, the elder sister handed over the letter and, after drying herself off with a towel, Luna read through it. "'Dear Princess Celestia... arrived safely... coronation... incident...'" The Princess of the Night felt her eyebrows raise in shock at the next bit. "'Froze the entire kingdom in a magical outburst?!'"

As she looked over her shoulder, Cadence blinked. "Well... that is a bit of an unpleasant surprise... isn't it?" She then sighed. "At least Twiley is helping out by organizing until they find a way to fix it."

With a shake of her head, Celestia groaned as she rubbed her forehead. "Cadence, you have no idea. We have a magic user who, if Twilight is right, has no training besides maybe books at best, and has enough power to freeze a kingdom in summer from an emotional outburst. Unpleasant surprise does not even begin to cover this."

Having read it over again, Luna frowned. "I thought that there were no human magic users?"

Celestia just shook her head. and sighed "No, there are, they're just so uncommon that you can travel for months and see none. And I have never heard of one of this strength before as usually they're at best able to use cantrips and not much else magic wise."

The youngest of the Alicorns at the table shook her head and gave a slight chuckle. "This could only happen with Twilight." She then sipped her tea in thought. "Though considering things, Twilight is the best suited out of any pony we could have sent being as she has dealt with large magical outbursts before..."

With a dry tone, Celestia commented on that. "Yes, though those outbursts she dealt with came from her..."

It was then that Luna tapped the bottom. "And what of Twilight Sparkle's request?"

For about a minute, Celestia thought it over before she slowly nodded. "I see nothing wrong with going along with it and sending some books for unicorns who are just learning to control their magic. If she did this once, then she poses a danger to herself and others for as long as she does not know how to fully control her magic..."

A throat being cleared caused Twilight to spin around though she relaxed upon seeing who was there. "Flash!"

The Guard in question gave a nod as he glanced around the room and noticed Spike as he looked up from a list. "Your highness." He waited a moment for her to nod before he continued. "I'm here to report that the wolves that have been menacing the local hamlets have been driven back into the forest. We also left some of the fish that the unicorns dug out of harbour ice behind to keep them fed for the next few days hopefully."

Twilight gave a relieved sigh as she shook her head. "Poor things, the nation being frozen over must be preventing them from getting as fed as usual." Whatever he thought though, Flash kept silent on the matter as she continued. "And their situation for wood? How are they there?"

With a shake of his head, Flash sighed. "They'll be okay for now. Hopefully this... cold snap... doesn't last too much long her though." He then frowned and cleared his throat. "Permission to speak freely your majesty?"

As she raised her eyebrow, the Alicorn gave a nod. "Permission granted, though you know that you don't need to ask, Flash."

He just sighed and shook his head. "Sorry, Twilight but I have to." Flash then walked to the nearby window and looked out. "Why didn't you send us Guards out with the Duke's men to find the Queen? We would be better suited to it."

For a moment, Twilight stared out the window and then sighed. "As much as I would like to, Prince Hans had a point that right now, the Duke's men might be antsy over magic and that the Pegasi Guards are good at covering for emergencies throughout the kingdom since they can fly." She rubbed at her eyes as she tried to not yawn as she continued. "We also need to have some form of major security to keep people calm and we're the only ones with a large security contingent next to the Duke."

It was then that Flash noticed the exhaustion that lurked under Twilight's expression. "When was the last time that you slept, Twilight?"

From the back of the room, the dragon spoke up from within his pile of blankets. "Not since the coronation at least." He ignored the princess as she shouted at him and then shrugged. "What? It's true."

With a final glare, Twilight turned around and winced a bit at the unhappy look on Flash's face. "You should to and get some rest now."

She just shook her head though and sighed. "I can't though! There's too much that needs to be dealt with at the moment. There's making sure that everyone keeps warm as well as making sure that there is enough to eat. Then there's the issues like the wolves and bears coming into the hamlets and endangering people. Keeping people calm..." Twilight then gestured at a letter. "And I am also writing a letter to Equestria trying to organize a shipment of food just in case they have an issue with crops... There's just so much to do!" After a moment, she rubbed her face. "I'll get some rest when this is all over."

And with that, she turned back to her letter and ignored how Spike called Flash over to look at something. Once he reached him though, the little drake kept an eye on his friend as he whispered to the Pegasus Guard. "Look, if Twilight doesn't sleep tonight, then in the morning I'll give her some of the calming tea that Zecora gave me just in case she had gotten the jitters. With how tired she is, she'll knock right out soon after."

Flash gave him a raised eyebrow before he looked at Twilight and whispered back. "Won't she get mad though?"

With a snort, Spike shook his head. "She'll just be annoyed at me for a bit and then it'll blow over like always does. Twilight will understand that it was for her own good and let it go after some grousing."

As he sighed in relief, Flash nodded as Twilight called him over for some new orders...