• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 4,647 Views, 133 Comments

"Where Will I Go?" - gordobraveheart

  • ...

-Accidental Sacrifice.

The words of Death himself echoed throughout my head. It felt as if time was at a standstill, like the process of his words seemed to be taking its own time on entering my head. I stared him, and he did just the same. I could see little flames in his eyes, blue ones, staring directly into my soul, filling my heart with such grief and sorrow,

"What...What the hell do you mean?" I felt...angry. I didn't know why, nor did I care, but I just felt like screaming, yelling at the top of my lugs at Death. The hell did he mean? Was I not suppose to die? If not me, then who? Matter of fact...Just what the hell is going on!? "Let go of me!" I slapped Death's bony hand away from me, backing away a couple of feet. I saw him look down at his bony hand. His face was shadowed, and he sighed, slowly turning his hand into a fist.

"So...You're in Anger? Strange, that's not usually how it works with the dead."

He looked up at me. "You see, every man, women, and child has a time of their own. That women you saved? It was her time. That's why she was walking towards the other side of the street. I caused her to do it." Then, instantaneously, he warped towards me, meeting me eye to eye. Again, his face was shadowed, but I could still see blue breaths coming out of his mouth, and see the dim blue lights where his eyes are suppose to be. "You sacrificing your life for hers was a fluke. Your time was still yet to come."

Before I could speak, he warped away from me. I looked around for him, and I found him standing under a street light. I walked over to him, wondering what he was doing. As I touched his shoulder, I couldn't help but to look down, as he was doing the same. He was staring down at a chalk line, where, surrounded by blood, stood out perfectly under the street light. I took my hand off of him, leaving my arm to swing lazily.

"The young die fast, nowadays, yes?" His sudden burst of speech nearly gave me a heart attack-not that it would matter, since I'm...you know. I looked at him again, wondering what he men't buy that statement. This time, due to the light of his "eyes", and the street light barely dimming it's way into his hood, I could see a faint color of his white jaw, revealing his teeth and detail of his aged skull. Yes, it was white, but at the same time, I could see little patches of dirt on his teeth and lower jaw, while everything but his "eyes" were shadowed. He sighed again, looking up towards me. "You still had a long way to go, young one. But choosing to sacrifice over your own life for a woman you do not even know. Clearly, you were foolish."

"Foolish? What the hell do you mean? Didn't I get ran over by that guy driving the bus?" I said, angrily. Death nodded.
Then why was I the foolish one?" Who warped again away from me, and as I turned around, I could feel something touch my forehead. I looked down from my forehead, and found Death placing his bony finger on me. "The hell are you-"


Suddenly, I felt...warm. Then, these weird images entered my brain, slowly playing like an old time sepia movie. I could see these people next to me, a little boy, his mother...and an elderly women. Then, I could see her happy face turning into one of pure fear. She slowly started walking towards the other street, and I tried to stop her, but it was futile to keep her from walking. Then...I heard a bus coming down the road, completely unaware of the woman.

Then...I remember pushing her out the way, and being hit by something really hard. I could barely breathe, and my entire body was filled with so much pain. I could see a man with a blue shirt, the mother and son, and that women. She was crying.

Was...was this the women I saved?

"Well? Do you remember who you are?"

I felt my self falling back into reality, looking around for the voice. No doubt about it, it was The Grimm Reaper himself. I looked back at the chalk line, now realizing that it was I who saved that woman...even though she was suppose to die. But why in such a gruesome way? Why not naturally? Does he not care of how much pain people feel?

"I remember a child, the mother, and an elderly woman...the one I saved, up until I saw her face again from the street floor." Even though I couldn't see his emotions, let alone his face, I could feel some strange tension in the air. Was he worried?

"I see...Tell me, do you remember your name? Or, anything else from earlier today?"

"No...Just my death and those three people. Nothing else."

Now, I could feel some weird vibe coming from him. Why was he asking for my name? Doesn't he already know it? What is my name, anyways?

"Your memories should have returned easily. Hold still..."

As scary as it was, he touched me with the very tip of his scythe. Again, I felt a warm feeling embrace me, but I didn't see anything but The Grimm Reapers "eyes" glow a little bit brighter than the last time I looked. He took his scythe away from me, grunting. "Hm. That bus must have hit you harder than I expected. Your memories should return in due time. Now...Come."

"Where...Where are we going?"

He looked at me, than lifted his scythe above his head. He brought it down so quick, I could hear the air rip in two, feeling the force of the air as it hit me. At first, nothing happened, and I thought that all he did was just practice a swing or something.

"What are you-"

Then, a loud, gust of air echoed in front of him. I could see wind swirling slowly, than forming a large circle in front of him. It was like looking into a giant whirl pool of white. Again, there's that same feeling again! Warmth. Yet...I didn't feel comfortable when I felt it. I mean, yes it felt nice, but...

He turned around towards me, and I could see his skull. He nodded, and outstretched his hand towards me, signaling me. He wants me to go with him. I stepped a few feet away, and he lowered his hand. He didn't seem mad, but almost as if he expected this to happen...And so did eye.

"The afterlife is waiting for you, human. Why are you afraid? You should feel comfort, not fear."


"What is it young one?"

"I...I don't want to go..."