• Published 19th Jan 2013
  • 618 Views, 15 Comments

The Cloudsdale Chronicles: The Tale of King Lightning Crack - LightningBeat

Lighting Crack is the King of the Sky! This is the story of how he became King.

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Chapter 2 - Introductions

Chapter 2 - Introductions

When Lightning woke up from the most blissful sleep he ever had, he looked around and realized where he was. He had almost forgotten what had happened the night before. He looked out the window to check the time. The sun was high in the sky! He had just realized how late he had slept. He ran downstairs to see Spike shelving a book on “The History of Cloudsdale: The Sky Blade”. He recognized the book and quickly yelled “WAIT!” and startled the baby dragon.
“Wha- What is it?! Is it... Zombies?!” Spike panicked!
“Ummm... no... I don’t think so... I just wanted to see that book... I’ve been interested in Cloudsdale for a while now.” Lightning grinned. Spike glared at him as he handed him the book
“Well you could have just said so!”
“Sorry... where’s Twilight?” Lightning asked.
“Twilight’s running a few errands and she’s going to meet up with us later. She gave me a list. She wants me to show you around town and introduce you to some of our other friends!” Spike explained. Suddenly a loud rumble came from Lightning’s belly.
“Wow! They should have called you Lightning Rumble! We can go... right after we get you something to eat.” after they ate “brunch”, Spike led Lightning out the door, “First stop, Sugarcube Corner!”

When they arrived at Sugarcube Corner, Lightning stared at the giant gingerbread house what kind of gingerbread is that made of? Lightning thought to himself. When he entered the room, it was pitch black, then a second later “SURPRISE!” The lights turned on and a very pink pony, with a poofy pink mane, appeared on top of the startled filly,
“Hi there! I’m Pinkie Pie and I made this party just for you!!” He tuned her rambling out while he looked around until he heard a name he recognized.
“Twilight told me that you were new in town and I decided to make a welcoming party because I know everypony..." She started ranting about how much she loved to smile.

After the party, Lightning and Spike left the building.
“Is she always like that?” Lightning asked curiously.
“Pretty much” Spike said casually as he glanced back at the list covered in confetti.
“Next stop, sweet apple acres!”

They arrive at a big red barn next to a really big apple orchard nearby. It seemed pretty relaxed and normal until Lightning noticed a familiar red maned filly, which appeared to be covered in apple sauce being scolded by an old looking green pony. The pony noticed Spike and yelled, to an orange pony wearing a cowboy hat bucking some apple trees, in a weak voice, “Aaaaaplejaaaack! Tiiike is heeeere....”
“It’s Spike Ma'am!” Spike Corrected
“Spyyyyyyy....” she responded.
SPIKE!” he yelled
“Oh Hai Spike!” the orange pony had a strong Rural accent and a long blond mane that was kept together by a large rubber band. When she noticed Lightning she held her hoof out to shake.
“You must be Lightnin’! Howdy do? Ahm Applejack! Twi told me all about you! Welcome to Ponyville! Ahm headed to Fluttershy’s! Wanna come?”
Before Lightning could answer, Spike answered, “That’s was next on our list anyway!”
“Well I’ll be darned! Big Mac! Ahm Goin’ to Fluttershy’s! Take over from here! Oh! And make sure Granny Smith doesn’t Break her back again!” she yelled to a buff red colt lying under a tree. Instead of looking up he simply responded, “Eeyup” and went back to his nap.

When they arrived, Lightning was pleasantly surprised as to what he saw. He noticed a tiny cottage covered in grass. There were little birds perched on the top of the roof looking for worms. There was chicken pen to the right side and the Everfree forest was to the left. Spike knocked on the door to the tiny home. The door slowly creaked open... a large blue eye looked out at Applejack. Then the door opened all the way to reveal a cream yellow pony with a butterfly cutie mark and long pink hair.
“Hi there! I’m Lightning Crack! What’s your name?” greeted Lightning.
“Hello My name is Flutter...” she trailed off
“Sorry, didn’t catch that.” Lighting said trying to make out what she was saying.
“I’m Fluttersh....” She whispered.
“What?” Lightning asked one more time
“Sorry about Fluttershy, she’s very... well... shy!” Applejack explained
“Twilight told me about you. I’m sooo sorry for what you went through.” Fluttershy sighed.
“It’s ok...” Lightning said awkwardly.
“OooooK then! Next on the list is...” he paused... Lightning looked over his shoulder.
“RARITY!” they both jumped.
“Ooh, can I come too? I would love to see Rarity... if you don't mind that is...” Fluttershy asked.
“O’ course Sugarcube!” Applejack replied happily.

They arrived at the giant tent shaped building. It had a yellow carousel horse on the front of the building right above the door. The sign on the door “Welcome to Carousel Boutique where everything is chic, unique and magnifique!” Lightning’s heart skipped a beat when he saw sweetie belle. He waved shyly to her as he looked around. The inside of the house was magnificent! Red drapes hung over virtually everything in the room. Body cloth everywhere! Fine dresses hanging in every corner! There was a blue pony, with a short rainbow mane, along with Twilight and Rarity.
"Oh! You’re here!" Twilight said
"I was just talking to Rainbow Dash about you" she explained
"Yo!" Rainbow greeted
"Have you heard of King Tornado? He is the ruler of the sky! His kingdom is somewhere near Cloudsdale! I’m not quite sure where. He has two fillies named Lightning too! There’s Lightning Beat, and Lightning Boom! Lightning Beat is an earth pony only a toddler now, and Lightning Boom is a pegasus, He’s just a little younger that you!” Rainbow explained.
“Do you think... nah” she started, but then she dismissed the idea like it was homework.
“What is it Rainbow?” Lightning asked curiously
“Well... it’s just a thought... you know that sword pedestal in the center of Ponyville? It’s called the Weather Blade or Sky Blade! Well legend has it that only the true heir to the King of the Sky can pull it out! Lightning Boom tried but he couldn’t do it! So I was thinking maybe yo-” Rainbow was interrupted rudely by Rarity.
“Hush now Dash! Its Lightning’s first day for Celestia’s sake! Don’t go telling stories like that to him! He’s only a filly!” she scolded.
“It’s ok Rarity... i never met my real parents anyway... i was stolen...” he said sadly. Everypony looked at him with guilt.
“SOOooooo...” Twilight abruptly changed the awkward subject.
“We were just talking about having you go to school!” Twilight said excitedly.
“I don’t know...” Lightning said unsure.
Twilight gave short a nod to Spike who leaned up to Lightning and whispered in his ear, “Sweetie belle goes to school”
“Definitely!” Lightning shouted without thinking, but before he could take it back, it was too late!
“Then it’s settled! Lightning is going to school!” Twilight yipped joyfully.