The Cloudsdale Chronicles: The Tale of King Lightning Crack

by LightningBeat

First published

Lighting Crack is the King of the Sky! This is the story of how he became King.

Lighting Crack is the King of the Sky! This is the story of how he became King. And also my first fanfic so no hating... I've never done a story like this before. I'm glad on how this came out finished! tell me if there are random capitalizations, misspellings, or grammar things. I'm gonna make a series so send me your feedback and ideas for the next story!


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In the floating city of Cloudsdale, the Royal Weather King, Tornado, and his Queen Majesty, Pitter (of the Pitter, Patter twins) weren't sitting on their thrones comfortably. Oh no! An evil colt (he is only known as The Colt) captured the royal newborn and threatened to kill the baby if the King didn't give up throne for him... The King of course, being the loyal and faithful King, had to give up his son. This foal was none other than, Prince Lightning Crack! The royals decided to take all records of LC (Lightning Crack) and hid them deep in a secret area that nobody knows.

Chapter 1 - The Runaway

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Chapter 1 - The Runaway

Young Lightning Crack didn’t have the same charmed life that his siblings had. He didn't even live in the same town! For the first 5 years of his life he lived with the Colt where he was abused and poorly cared for. He was hidden in a small shack at the edge of Manehattan! He was also in the cold basement locked in there where he only had a barred window to look out of. The few chances he got to walk around were when the Colt let him. he was closely monitored and if he tried to run away he would be hit hard with the Colt’s cane and locked in without being fed for days and sometimes weeks! But the Colt wasn’t always so strict. Sometimes he let lightning walk around the block on his own. He taught him how to pickpocket and steal and hide! The Colt never let him read or play with other ponies though, so Lightning had no friends. He also put a coat on Lighting to hide the tiny alicorn wings as to not give him away. Occasionally Lightning would come back with books he stole and hid from the Colt. But he was sometimes caught and the Colt would burn the books. Lightning taught himself how to read and do a few simple spells, and how to fight and defend with a sword or a stick! Unfortunately the Colt was smart enough to hide all the weapons aside from the cane he kept with him at all times.

One day Lightning was reading one of the books he stole from a somepony off the street. This one was a special one to him... it was a transformation spell book! He franticly flipped through the book to find the spell that would save him! A spell to change metal into a veggie! He concentrated hard on the metal bars on the window... POOF! They turned into carrots! Spells came easily for him because of his royal blood. He thought it was just because that’s all he ever practiced. He thought quickly and fluttered his tiny wings as hard as he could and ate his way through the carrots! And ran out of the house and ran! He ran far… He ran outside of town… He even ran through a few cities. He ended up at a town he didn't recognize. There weren't any books with illustrations of this town. He was exhausted. Then he realized how cold he was! It was the middle of winter and winter wrap up wasn’t for two more months! he still had his coat on but that wasn't enough... he decided he’d run under a tree for cover... he spotted a huge tree and ran into it but then the ice made him slip into the trunk... or so he thought... two red doors appeared as he crashed into them! He rolled into the big room and bumped into a purple thing and fainted.

Lightning woke up to several things. For one thing he was really dizzy and had a horrible headache. When he was able to think and see straight, he looked around and saw a few beautiful things... he first saw something that he thought was impossible, Books! Books everywhere! Books all over the walls! Books all over the ground! Even books in the table (bookshelf table)! After he was done marveling, he noticed the most beautiful pony he had ever seen! She was a grayish white unicorn with green eyes and a curly purple and pink mane. She was frolicking with two other fillies. One was cream yellow with a red mane and the other was orange with a spiky purple mane. Two older ponies were talking to the thing that Lightning crashed into. Lighting was staring at the thing when the one of the ponies walked up to him. This one was a unicorn was purple and had a sparkle cutie mark with a short purple mane.
“Oh! You're awake! Sorry about Spike. He’s very clumsy and didn't see you coming. He is a baby dragon after all!” she chuckled pointing to the baby dragon who was gawking at the other pony.
“Oh! I almost forgot to introduce myself! I’m Twilight Sparkle! This is my library! What’s your name?” she asked.
“Lightning...Crack...” he said cautiously.
“Where are you from?” Another voice came from behind Twilight. The other pony... was pale, like the pretty filly, and had a long purple mane and she had a cutie mark with diamonds! She was also a unicorn!
“Oh, please do excuse my manners! My name is Rarity and this is my little sister, Sweetie Belle!” she said as she glanced to the pretty filly that looked at Lightning shyly.
“What a beautiful name for a beautiful mare!” he responded in a daze staring at Sweetie. She blushed as she ran off into another room with the two other fillies. Rarity glanced anxiously at her sister then got back down to business
“I noticed your accent isn't from around here... where are you from?” she asked.
“Manehattan...” he responded slowly
“Where is your family? Manehattan is on the other side of Equestria!” Twilight questioned.
“I- I don't have one... I ran away! He was horrible I hit me! He burned my books-” he started to explain when rarity interrupted him with a big hug that filled him with tears.
“Ooh! You poor thing!” She sighed sympathetically as she hugged him.
“HE DID WHAT!?” Twilight yelled seeming to care more about the books and cried as well while squeezing him tightly as well. This probably would have hurt for a weak and tired filly like Lightning, but instead it was the best feeling he had ever had. It was his first hug... from his first friends! When they let go, spike noticed the tears,
“Hey, Lightning, are you alright?” Lightning only just noticed the tears as well.
“Yeah... I’m good... it’s just... I’ve... never had... friends...” he smiled from the tears of joy.
“Oooh dear! That’s even worse!” Twilight sighed as she hugged him again. When they were done hugging, Rarity started to walk to the door when she turned around,
“I better get going! Come on sweetie belle! Bring the others! We are going to Fluttershy’s!” Rarity said as the three fillies hopped out of the giant tree library. Before following them, Rarity walked over to Spike and gave him a peck that caused him to fall over dizzily.
“Goodbye Twilight! Goodnight Spike!” Rarity said as she walked out. Then Sweetie Belle’s head popped back in, “see ya later Lightning!” she said cutely waving then disappeared.
“B- Bye...” Lightning stuttered while waving to her. Twilight, giggled softly while saying to herself
“I Guess beauty runs in the family”. Then Lightning regained himself and started heading to the door.
“I better get going.” he said.
“Going where? You don’t have anywhere to stay! It’s not safe out there! There have been more fillynappers outside more often! You can stay and live with us! I think I have a spare bed!” Twilight said behind him. Lightning turned around anxiously
“Really? You mean it?!”
“Sure! Anything for a friend!” Twilight responded lightly.
“YAY! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!” Lightning cried as he squeezed Twilight.
“I’m tired! I think it’s time for bed!” Twilight yawned. Lightning turned to Spike, who was still where Rarity kissed him snoring” Twilight giggled as a purple aura surrounded Spike then lifted him and suddenly... POOF! He appeared upstairs in bed.
Lightning stared in awe, “WOAH! My books never taught me how to do that!”
“I can teach that to you sometime later but for now its bedtime!” Twilight said exhausted as she walked up to her bead. “Goodnight Twilight!” Lightning said as he plopped down on his new bed and before twilight could respond a loud snore came from Lightning’s bed.
“Goodnight Lightning...” She said as Lightning dozed off.

Chapter 2 - Introductions

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Chapter 2 - Introductions

When Lightning woke up from the most blissful sleep he ever had, he looked around and realized where he was. He had almost forgotten what had happened the night before. He looked out the window to check the time. The sun was high in the sky! He had just realized how late he had slept. He ran downstairs to see Spike shelving a book on “The History of Cloudsdale: The Sky Blade”. He recognized the book and quickly yelled “WAIT!” and startled the baby dragon.
“Wha- What is it?! Is it... Zombies?!” Spike panicked!
“Ummm... no... I don’t think so... I just wanted to see that book... I’ve been interested in Cloudsdale for a while now.” Lightning grinned. Spike glared at him as he handed him the book
“Well you could have just said so!”
“Sorry... where’s Twilight?” Lightning asked.
“Twilight’s running a few errands and she’s going to meet up with us later. She gave me a list. She wants me to show you around town and introduce you to some of our other friends!” Spike explained. Suddenly a loud rumble came from Lightning’s belly.
“Wow! They should have called you Lightning Rumble! We can go... right after we get you something to eat.” after they ate “brunch”, Spike led Lightning out the door, “First stop, Sugarcube Corner!”

When they arrived at Sugarcube Corner, Lightning stared at the giant gingerbread house what kind of gingerbread is that made of? Lightning thought to himself. When he entered the room, it was pitch black, then a second later “SURPRISE!” The lights turned on and a very pink pony, with a poofy pink mane, appeared on top of the startled filly,
“Hi there! I’m Pinkie Pie and I made this party just for you!!” He tuned her rambling out while he looked around until he heard a name he recognized.
“Twilight told me that you were new in town and I decided to make a welcoming party because I know everypony..." She started ranting about how much she loved to smile.

After the party, Lightning and Spike left the building.
“Is she always like that?” Lightning asked curiously.
“Pretty much” Spike said casually as he glanced back at the list covered in confetti.
“Next stop, sweet apple acres!”

They arrive at a big red barn next to a really big apple orchard nearby. It seemed pretty relaxed and normal until Lightning noticed a familiar red maned filly, which appeared to be covered in apple sauce being scolded by an old looking green pony. The pony noticed Spike and yelled, to an orange pony wearing a cowboy hat bucking some apple trees, in a weak voice, “Aaaaaplejaaaack! Tiiike is heeeere....”
“It’s Spike Ma'am!” Spike Corrected
“Spyyyyyyy....” she responded.
SPIKE!” he yelled
“Oh Hai Spike!” the orange pony had a strong Rural accent and a long blond mane that was kept together by a large rubber band. When she noticed Lightning she held her hoof out to shake.
“You must be Lightnin’! Howdy do? Ahm Applejack! Twi told me all about you! Welcome to Ponyville! Ahm headed to Fluttershy’s! Wanna come?”
Before Lightning could answer, Spike answered, “That’s was next on our list anyway!”
“Well I’ll be darned! Big Mac! Ahm Goin’ to Fluttershy’s! Take over from here! Oh! And make sure Granny Smith doesn’t Break her back again!” she yelled to a buff red colt lying under a tree. Instead of looking up he simply responded, “Eeyup” and went back to his nap.

When they arrived, Lightning was pleasantly surprised as to what he saw. He noticed a tiny cottage covered in grass. There were little birds perched on the top of the roof looking for worms. There was chicken pen to the right side and the Everfree forest was to the left. Spike knocked on the door to the tiny home. The door slowly creaked open... a large blue eye looked out at Applejack. Then the door opened all the way to reveal a cream yellow pony with a butterfly cutie mark and long pink hair.
“Hi there! I’m Lightning Crack! What’s your name?” greeted Lightning.
“Hello My name is Flutter...” she trailed off
“Sorry, didn’t catch that.” Lighting said trying to make out what she was saying.
“I’m Fluttersh....” She whispered.
“What?” Lightning asked one more time
“Sorry about Fluttershy, she’s very... well... shy!” Applejack explained
“Twilight told me about you. I’m sooo sorry for what you went through.” Fluttershy sighed.
“It’s ok...” Lightning said awkwardly.
“OooooK then! Next on the list is...” he paused... Lightning looked over his shoulder.
“RARITY!” they both jumped.
“Ooh, can I come too? I would love to see Rarity... if you don't mind that is...” Fluttershy asked.
“O’ course Sugarcube!” Applejack replied happily.

They arrived at the giant tent shaped building. It had a yellow carousel horse on the front of the building right above the door. The sign on the door “Welcome to Carousel Boutique where everything is chic, unique and magnifique!” Lightning’s heart skipped a beat when he saw sweetie belle. He waved shyly to her as he looked around. The inside of the house was magnificent! Red drapes hung over virtually everything in the room. Body cloth everywhere! Fine dresses hanging in every corner! There was a blue pony, with a short rainbow mane, along with Twilight and Rarity.
"Oh! You’re here!" Twilight said
"I was just talking to Rainbow Dash about you" she explained
"Yo!" Rainbow greeted
"Have you heard of King Tornado? He is the ruler of the sky! His kingdom is somewhere near Cloudsdale! I’m not quite sure where. He has two fillies named Lightning too! There’s Lightning Beat, and Lightning Boom! Lightning Beat is an earth pony only a toddler now, and Lightning Boom is a pegasus, He’s just a little younger that you!” Rainbow explained.
“Do you think... nah” she started, but then she dismissed the idea like it was homework.
“What is it Rainbow?” Lightning asked curiously
“Well... it’s just a thought... you know that sword pedestal in the center of Ponyville? It’s called the Weather Blade or Sky Blade! Well legend has it that only the true heir to the King of the Sky can pull it out! Lightning Boom tried but he couldn’t do it! So I was thinking maybe yo-” Rainbow was interrupted rudely by Rarity.
“Hush now Dash! Its Lightning’s first day for Celestia’s sake! Don’t go telling stories like that to him! He’s only a filly!” she scolded.
“It’s ok Rarity... i never met my real parents anyway... i was stolen...” he said sadly. Everypony looked at him with guilt.
“SOOooooo...” Twilight abruptly changed the awkward subject.
“We were just talking about having you go to school!” Twilight said excitedly.
“I don’t know...” Lightning said unsure.
Twilight gave short a nod to Spike who leaned up to Lightning and whispered in his ear, “Sweetie belle goes to school”
“Definitely!” Lightning shouted without thinking, but before he could take it back, it was too late!
“Then it’s settled! Lightning is going to school!” Twilight yipped joyfully.

Chapter 3 - School and Fillynappers

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Chapter 3 - School and Fillynappers

On the first day of school, Lightning walked into the small schoolhouse with the enthusiastic teacher, Ms. Cheerilee. “Settle down class! We have a new student from Lightning Crack! He’s from Manehattan!”
“Hi everypony!” Lightning waved as he looked for Sweetie Belle. Lightning found her at a window seat and sat in the desk next to hers. “Hey!” Sweetie whispered as she slipped a note to him. He was reaching for the letter when suddenly. “Lightning! Pay attention!” Cheerilee scolded. A filly in the back snickered. “Tell me what 7 x 4 equals!” Cheerilee challenged. “28!” He responded faster than anypony could think possible. He also answered every other question Cheerilee threw at him.

At recess Lightning found a tree and lied down under it. He was exhausted from thinking.
Two fillies noticed him and started to walk to him.
"Look what we have here... A new blank flank!" said the one he recognized as Diamond Tiara.
"Watch it. You used to be one too." Lightning responded calmly.
"Ooh... He really is smart!" said the other filly, Silver Spoon.
"Looks more like a mule... What's with the ugly coat anyway? Are you cold?" Diamond mocked.
"I don't know... Aren't you hot wearing your ass on your head? Cause you stink!" he said calmly.
Diamond had run out of insults, “Come on Silver! Let’s go talk to somepony cool!”
“Wait for me! Silver yelled running after her friend.
“Wow! You’re right Sweetie Belle! He is fast!” A familiar southern rural voice came from a bush nearby.
“Hi Applebloom... I suppose Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are in there too?” Lighting said without lifting his head.
“…And perceptive!” Scootaloo shouted as she jumped out along with the Applebloom and Sweetie Belle.
“And sort of dreamy...” Sweetie whispered to herself as she walked out of the bush.
“Hey Lightnin’! My cousin’ Babs is from Manehattan’ too! You wa-” Applebloom started to talk but Sweetie Belle interrupted.
“You wanna join the Cutie Mark Crusaders?!” She asked excitedly
“Ummm... What’s the Cutie Mark Crew Taters?” Lightning asked curiously.
“Cutie Mark Crusaders! It’s a group dedicated to finding our cutie marks!” Scootaloo explained as if Lightning were stupid.
“Ummm... I guess?” He responded reluctantly still unsure if it was a good or bad idea.
“YAY!” Applebloom Cheered as she jumped into the bush again and returned with a large Fire Red cape (See what I did there?) with a logo that consisted of a shield and a yellow earth pony outline.
“It’s a little large; sorry about that... try it on!” Sweetie Belle demanded excitedly.
“Oh... ummm... I can’t take off my coat... I ermmm... get self conscious!” Lightning lied quickly trying to hide his small alicorn wings.
“Oh... I know! What to do!” Sweetie yelled as she took the cape and ran off. She came back a few minutes later, with something else. A cloak!
“Wow! Thanks Sweetie-” He turned to look at her. She was heavily blushing. He ran behind a tree and put the cloak on.
“It fits perfectly!” Scootaloo said happily.

After school, Lightning was walking home from school when Sweetie Belle jumped up behind him! “Hey there Lightning! Wanna go see the CMC Headquarters?!” She asked instantly at the startled filly. Before Lightning could respond, a masked pony jumped out with a long pipe in his hoof.
“Fillynapper! Somepony help!” Sweetie Belle screamed. Nobody was around except for a knocked out guard. Lightning thought quickly. He used his magic to pull a sword out of the unconscious guard’s sheath.
“What are you doing?!” Sweetie Bell yelled, clearly terrified of the pony with the sword.
“Yeah! What do you think you’re doing? Playing Hero? This is the real thing Squirt!” the pony said in a gruff voice.
“I’m protecting my friend and me from you, Jerk!” Lightning yelled bravely.
“Oh! Let’s see how well you ‘protect’ mare friend when i cut off your head kid!” The thug said mockingly as he swung at Lightning.
“You’d be surprised Punk!” Lightning said coolly as he ducked the swing. The colt took another swing straight down the middle of Lightning as Sweetie Belle screamed for him. Lightning calmly stepped aside and let the pipe miss. The pony finally caught on and took a mighty swing to Lightning’s front knees! Lightning nimbly jumped up and landed on the flat of the pipe, running up the colt’s arm and jumped on top of the colt’s head.
“Wha-!?” the masked pony yelled confused. Lightning raised his sword and hit the colt hard with the hilt, stunning him. Lightning saw a chain and wrapped it tightly around the confused and dizzy colt. He grabbed the sheath of the sword and took Sweetie by the hoof and whispered, “Run!”, and they ran as fast as they could possibly run! Sweetie guided Lightning into a forest.
“Where are we going?” Lightning panted while running.
“You’ll see!” Sweetie Belle said determination in her voice.

They ran into a clearing, where Lightning saw small tree house with stairs leading up to it. The sign in front said “CMC HQ! No trespassing unless it’s important! Violators will be forced to tell their cutie mark story” They rushed inside the clubhouse. Nopony was around. They waited for what seemed like an hour.
“So where did that come from?! Where’d you learn to do that?!” Sweetie Belle asked in a demanding tone.
“I don’t know... it just kinda just happened. I don't know how or why it happened but I like it! It saved our life and I don’t care where it came from!” he lied not wanting to talk about his past. Her face softened as she leaned closer to him.
“Sort of like you?” she asked him seductively. He got the message and grinned as he inched closer.
“Something like that...” he whispered.

Their noses were barely touching when the door swung open and Applebloom and Scootaloo appeared covered in mud.
“I told you mud boarding wasn't a thing!” Applebloom yelled at Scootz
“It’s a thing! I saw rainbow dash doing it yesterday!” Scootaloo argued. Then they looked across the room to see the two fillies huddling on the other side of the room.
“What happened to you two?” Applebloom asked, noticing their hair all mussed up.
“That’s so cool!” Scootaloo screamed after Lightning filled them in.
“Maybe your cutie mark is fighting!” Applebloom wondered as she finished building the stand for the “Cutie Blade”.
“Ummm... can I keep the sword? I want to practice with it later tonight.” he lied, not wanting them to hurt themselves with it when nobody was around.
“Sure! You are the Fighter after all.” Applebloom said.
Back at Twilight’s Library, after filling her and spike them in for a second time, Twilight said, “Wow! What a big day!”
“Cool! Can I see the sword?!” Spike asked anxiously.
“NO!” They both yelled in unison.
“Fine...” grumbled Spike.
“Twilight, can I talk to you... in private?” Lightning asked
“Sure” Twilight said.

After Spike went upstairs, Twilight asked what was up. Lightning said “I have something to show you. Promise you won’t freak out or tell anypony!”
“Of course I won't! What is it?” She asked curiously. Lightning took off his cloak. Twilight gasped in amazement, “You’re a... an... a- alicorn! Incredible! Now I know why you always wear that muddy coat... I can talk to Rarity to make you something nicer later...”
“Really? You would do that?” Lightning asked thankfully.
“Of course I would! That coat is getting too small for you anyway!” She explained.
“Thank you so much!” Lightning cried.
“Don’t thank me, thank Rarity!” Twilight said.

Chapter 4 - Thunderstrike the Alicorn

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Chapter 4 - Thunderstrike the Alicorn

A few nights after the Fillynapper incident, a small tap on Lightning’s nose caused him to bolt upright. He glanced around looking for whatever woke him up. On his lap, lay a small piece of paper. He looked at it cautiously, and then flipped it over, “Look outside! Bring the Blade!” Lightning curiously looked out the window; he could faintly see the silhouette of... Sweetie Belle! He picked up his sword and sheath, put on his cloak. He shut his eyes and concentrated his magic hard using a spell, which Twilight taught him a few days ago, and... POOF! He opened his eyes and looked around. He was standing next to Sweetie Belle!
“Are we alone?” He asked.
“I wish...” Sweetie moaned as two other fillies bounded up the hill.
“That was so COOL!” Applejack exclaimed like it wasn’t the middle of the night.
“Even cooler than when, Sweetie Belle made the note go POOF!” Scootaloo yelled, even louder.
“So what did you drag me out here for, in the in the middle of the night?!” He asked, angry that he was awakened from his pleasant sleep.
“We are gonna be Cutie Mark Crime Fighters! Here! Put this on!” Applebloom exclaimed excitedly as she tossed a small black mask.
“By we she means you... not my idea by the way... it was a two to one vote....” Sweetie grumbled.
“What about my say!?” Lightning tried to argue.
“You volunteered when you brought the Cutie Blade out here!” Scootaloo yipped.
Suddenly they heard a scream in a nearby alleyway.
“Come on!” Apple Bloom shouted running towards the sound.
I’m gonna regret this... Lightning thought as he rushed after her putting the mask on.

The scream came from none other than Ms. Cheerilee, who was trying to get away from a hooded colt! Apple Bloom saw this and shouted at the pony, “Let her go or-
“Or what kid! What can you do?” The pony interrupted.
“Not me! Him!” Apple Bloom responded bravely while pushing her friend in front of her.
“Run Fillies! This isn’t a game!” Cheerilee shouted.
“Yeah! Listen to the mare kid! You wouldn’t want to get hurt now would you?” The criminal teased.
“I would care more about your health! Hope you got health insurance!” Lightning said changing his voice to be deeper.
“What are you gonna do?! Scratch me to death?!” The colt laughed.
“No... But I’m gonna make you wish you were!” Lightning said cleverly as he drew his sword.
“Do you even know how to use that?” The Pony asked calmly pulling out a sword of his own.
“You wanna find out?” Lightning challenged.
“You’re starting to annoy me kid!” The colt’s voice changed as he took the sword and swung at Lightning. Lightning thought quickly and ducked the blade, it just missed his head.
“Thanks for the haircut!” Lightning joked as he jumped onto a crate.
“You won't be laughing for long!” The colt growled, as he took another swing downwards. Lightning swiftly dodged the swing. The sword cut straight through the box! Lightning thought quickly, through the sword at the colt.
“HA! You missed kid! You’re unarmed now!” the colt chuckled.
“That’s what you think!” Lightning said as he slid under the colt’s legs. He jumped up and caught the sword while doing a 180, turning towards the colt. The pony whirled around surprised by the clever move. Lightning blocked multiple strikes from the colt who was madly swinging at the filly. Lightning then rushed at the colt with the sword and slashed at his front legs. The colt jumped seeing what lightning was doing, Lightning saw this reaction before it happened and used his magic to make a knot around the colt’s legs while they were still in the air.
“Wha-!?” the Colt yelped as the chains tightened around him.
“I can’t move!” He cried.
“That’s the point!” Lightning said proudly. He was about to leave when suddenly.
“Wait! Who are you?! You saved my live!” Cheerilee asked the young hero.
“I’m uhhhh... Thunder... Yeah! Thunder Strike!” Lightning responded quickly.
“Thank you, Thunder!” She praised as he jumped out of sight.

Back at at the CMC Clubhouse, Applebloom and Scootaloo hopped in behind Lightning and Sweetie Belle.
“That was Amazing!” Applebloom shouted.
“You were Awesome!” Scootaloo agreed
Applebloom then noticed Lightning and Sweetie Belle, silently looking at each other awkwardly, and quickly caught on.
“We’ll leave you two here alone... come on Scootaloo!” She said, pulling Scootz out the door with her.

They kept on looking at each other. After a while, Sweetie Belle spoke up.
“I... uhh... I have a.... c-crush on you... I mean... I like you.... I mean... I l-” she started when Lightning finished her sentence for her.
“I love you!” He yelled cutting her off.
“I love you...” He repeated not taking his eyes off of her. She moved closer without saying anything. He unconsciously leaned closer. Eventually, their noses were touching.
“I love you too...” He whispered without moving. Then he firmly planted his lips on hers. He closed his eyes to take in the moment. He felt Sweetie Belle softly grasp his shoulder pulling him closer. He felt a strange tingling in his horn but he still didn’t open his eyes. They stood there kissing each other for what seemed like an hour (in reality it was like 2 minutes). Finally Lightning opened his eyes, separating his lips from hers. He looked around. He saw lights sparkling around like fireflies and he then noticed that his wings were silently making the two fillies hover and he quickly closed them as to not startle Sweetie Belle. She then opened her eyes when they touched the ground. They cuddled there for a few minutes. After a while, Lightning suddenly stood up.
“What is it?” Sweetie Belle asked curiously holding on to his hoof as he picked her up.
“I have something I need to show you.” Lightning said leading her to the roof of the Clubhouse. It was a beautiful night and the sun was rising with a golden red glow to it.
“It’s pretty, yeah. But I have a feeling this isn’t what I came to see...” Sweetie Belle said with curiosity in her tone.
“You’re right” Lightning said, starting to take off his cloak.
“Whoa there! Aren’t you rushing this a little?” Sweetie Belle said quickly assuming what was coming next. Lightning continued to take the cloak off without saying a word. He picked her up as he jumped off the roof. Sweetie Belle flinched bracing herself for the crash. No crash! She opened her eyes and looked at Lightning. She saw two wings and stared.
“a-are those-” She started to ask.
“Yeah... they are!” Lightning said looking at her giving her a small kiss as he flew her to her window at “Carousel Boutique”.
“Who else knows about this?” she asked in a serious tone.
“Just Twilight” Lightning whispered as to not wake up anyone else.
“Let’s keep it that way. We don't want draw any more attention to you than we already have. Only us... I’ll tell the other Crusaders, for now just stay low.” she said as she jumped into her bedroom. Lightning was about to fly off when Sweetie Belle grabbed his hoof and giving him one last kiss before he left.
“Oh yeah, and don’t go fooling around with the other mares! We all know how irresistible you are... So try to be less cute!” she ordered him as he soared into the sunrise.

Chapter 5 - The Prince of The Sky

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Chapter 5 - The Prince of The Sky

A few years later, Cheerilee announced to the class that they were having a field trip to see the Sky Blade. Lightning hadn’t remembered about Rainbow’s story until they were standing in front of the sword. The Weather Blade looked even more spectacular than he imagined. It had a large blade connected to the long hilt. It was jabbed directly in the middle of a smooth marble pedestal with a lightning bolt engraved on it.
“Now class! This is the all mighty Weather Blade! Legend has it tha-” Cheerilee began
“Legend is, Star Swirl the Bearded, cast a powerful spell on the sword! Only the true heir to the Throne of the Sky is able to pull out that sword!” Lightning finished.
“That’s right Lightning... we don't actually know who the heir is! King Tornado’s fillies attempted to pull out the sword recently, but they couldn’t do it! We have reason to believe, that the real heir is hidden away by society or was forgotten because we have no records of the King having a third filly! So everypony should give it a shot!”
“Sounds easy enough! I dunno how a strong Colt, like Lightning Boom, couldn’t pull it out...” Diamond Tiara exclaimed as she bit down on the hilt and tried to pull it out.
“IT’SH SHTUCK!” She yelled with her teeth still on the blade. One after another, The Fillies lined up and tried their hoof on the sword. Some even tried pulling their friends to pull it out! But none of them could do it.
“Your turn Lightning!” said Cheerilee happily.
“Ummm... I don't think so... I don’t think I’m strong enough...” Lightning said so he wouldn't have to pull the sword.
“What are you? Chicken!?” Diamond grinned as she saw Lightning droop down.
“I’m not a chicken... I just don't think I can pull it out! What's the use in trying if it’s impossible to pull it out?” Lightning responded with a logical come back.
“Oh... I guess someone is too scared to touch a sword!” Silver Spoon laughed.
“Hey! Back off!” Sweetie Belle yelled angrily.
“Aww look... His Marefriend has to protect him! Shouldn’t it be the other way around?!” Diamond teased. Tears started streaming down Lightning’s face as Sweetie Belle, being overly sensitive, started to cry. He stood up.
“That’s where you’re wrong Daimond! I’m Thunder Strike! I’m the one who saved Ms. Cheerilee from the bad colt! I will prove to you that I’m not chicken! I’ll show you that I don’t need Sweetie Belle to protect me! I’ll show you that I can pick up the sword!” Lightning yelled defiantly at the purple pony. He ran over to the Sky Blade while Diamond and Silver were laughing.
“HA! Those are all lies! You couldn’t do those to save your life! You’re just a mule!” She mocked. Lightning didn’t say anything. He grabbed the hilt of the sword and he concentrated his magic on the sword! The blade started to glow along with the engraving on the pedestal. The blade suddenly disappeared, leaving the handle in Lightning’s hoof. He stared at it dumbfounded then he tried something... he concentrated on a single element around the hilt. Suddenly the blade appeared back on the hilt but in the form of electricity!
“Students... kneel to the Prince of the Sky!” Cheerilee said with awe in her voice. Lightning started crying again when he realized what this meant.

He ran, faster than he had ever run before. He ran into Twilight’s tree and hid under the covers of his bed crying. He heard some steps coming towards to his bed. He peaked out and saw Twilight and Rainbow!
“Hey! Congrats Prince Lightning!” Rainbow bowed to him
“Thanks...” Lightning said with a sad voice.
“What’s wrong? I thought you wanted to know your parents!” Twilight asked confused at his reaction.
“I did... I mean, I do... but now I’ll have to live the royal life in some kingdom far away from Ponyville! I don't want to move! I want to stay here! I have friends! I’m a hero! I have Sweetie Belle! I haven’t even found my cutie mark!”
“Huh? I was told you got it!” Twilight explained. Lightning’s gaze zipped to his rump to notice a small lightning bolt where his cutie mark should be, but he was too upset to care.
“I still don’t want to leave...” He mumbled.
“You don’t have to!” A deep voice boomed from behind Dash. Lightning looked up to see a red alicorn with a wavy grey mane. Lightning instinctively bowed when he realized who it was.
“Ho Ho! You don’t have to bow to me son. Don’t you remember? I’m your father!” Tornado chuckled.
“Oh... Sorry sir...” Tornado burst out laughing again.
“Son! There is no need for formality! I am your father, and you will address me as so!” He boomed even louder than before.
“Anyway, you don’t have to move away from ponyville! Our kingdom is right next to Cloudsdale! I will allow you to live in ponyville for as long as you wish, until it is time for you take your place as King of the Sky!” He explained.
“Really?!” Lightning asked hopefully.
“Just as long as you send us letters about how your life is here!” A melodic voice came from behind Lightning. He turned around to see a beautiful blue mare with a sparkling blue mane and a water drop as her cutie mark!
“Queen Pitter!” Rainbow bowed as she stepped aside for the Sky Queen. Lightning was too excited to see both of his parents and be able to stay in ponyville to care that she was the Queen.
“You also have to tell me about this Sweetie Belle character! She sounds like a fillyfooler!” She said as Lighting squeezed her and Tornado.
“Oh she’s anything but that! I have so much to tell you two!” Lighting started rambling after he let go of the two large ponies.
“How about after we celebrate! This has been quite a day!” Tornado said.
“DID SOMEONE SAY PARTY!?” Pinkie Pie flew in through the window at the mentioning of celebrations. She pulled out a large Party Cannon from under Twilights bed and made it shoot confetti and all sorts of “party” stuff!
“How did that fit under her bed?” Tornado asked not seeming to notice the party decorations everywhere.
“Some things are better left untold.” Twilight said as Pinkie turned on the music.

The End


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Lighting stayed in Ponyville until father was killed in battle about ten years later. Lightning took the throne and married Sweetie Belle. He looked everywhere for The Colt but never found him. He became a Warlord and Protector of the Sky. He also gained the title of “Greatest Swords Pony”. He built a new HQ for the Cutie Mark Crusaders and made more branches in different cities. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon tried to bribe him into giving them their own mansion but they got arrested for bribing a king. In the end Lighting and his brothers claimed different sections of Equestria’s sky to make there be three kings instead of one.