• Published 22nd Jan 2013
  • 588 Views, 37 Comments

A scientist in equestria - Specter Atomis

A man comes to equesrtia and all hell begins to break loose when something takes his place, and that thing loves stairs

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Meeting the elements

Everfree Forest, 1600 (4:00)

Brian was begining to regane feeling in his body, though not much. His head ached since his wound had parshley opened when he blacked out. He could feal the ground on his chest, which ment that he was lying on his stomach, so he attempted to push himself up, only to fall over onto his back and spill a little bit of fresh blood onto the ground.

When he checked his body to make sure he was only missing a bit of his head, he noticed how everything seemed off in three ways. First, when he closed his left eye, he could see no difference in his vision, meaning he was still missing it. Second, all the colors looked more vibrant and cartoony, and he was infront of a castle, that seemed to be crumbeling faster than it should be. And lastly, HE WAS AN EQUINE!

Not having the energy to panic,he just screamed and tried to put some logic behind this in his head, which hurt like a bitch. He rolled himself slowly onto his stomach and attempted to get up on all fours, slowly. When he had managed to keep his balance, he tried to take a step forward, then another, and another, untill he had managed to get to a soft patch of grass near the entrance of the castle, and lied down to try and figure out what to do now that he knew what he was, which didnt answer many questians.

He checked his body more carfully this time. Fore legs, check. Hind legs, check. Torso, check. Wi-wait, wings? He was rather suprised to see a pair of wings on his back, but what finnaly informed him of where he was, was the mark on his flank, and it was a picture of an carbon atom. Seeing this was all he needed to do to figure out that he was in the place he dreamed of, Equestria.

This helped him answer a few questions, such as were he was exactly, and why the colors were so vibrant. He looked out towards the forest, hoping to see a good sign, and he did, nothing. He looked into the casle from the door that was left open. He could see nothing in side, nothing but one thing. That one thing happend to be an ancient stained glass window.

His curiosity getting the better of his judgment of needing to wait for the gash on his head to heal a bit, and he got up and slowley headed inside of the casle, carfull not to fall and make himself worse. He admired the well desined architecture of the castle, that lasted over one-thousand years. As he passed by the element pedistals that once held the elements themselves, he saw something that stoped him dead in his tracks.

Engraved into the stone was small story-like hieroglyphs that showed something all to familier, humans. He continued to read the glyphs and saw what seemed like an all to familier story, Sombras release. He read on, and it showed Sombra killing a human, killing him! But it continued, showing Sombra leaving the colider, spreading death and destruction to all parts of the globe,while some humans have taken DNA from all living, discoverd animals and retreated to the moon, were humanity had a colony. Sombra continued, desroying the shuttles before many could be launched, and killing almost all of humanity, and then, the glyphs were to faded to see, chiped and broken, unreadable.When he looked towards the staind glass, he saw a similar, shorter version. Again, the rest was shatterd, but still showing humanitys destruction.

At the moment, he was breathing so heavely, he was sure he would collapse a lung. He was confused aswell, how could this story exist? How was it so accurate, well, as far as he could tell. He collapsed under the shear shock of this dicovery, would this realy happen, or did it already? His head was stil in pain, and the pain grew the more he though, so he did the only logical thing, think harder. Soon though, the feeling of sleep began to encompass him, and just before he went down under, he saw six mares galloping towards him.

Same place, 1650 (4:50) three minutes earlier

Twlight had spotted a pony going inside the castle, and was not the only one who noticed them," Hey look, sompony just when't inside the castle! They must know something about the explosion!" Rainbow Dash said as she began to run towards the bridge. Which is when a brick that was near the center of the blast had decided to come down, and destroyed the post that held the right half of the bridge.

Rainbow Dash stoped, just as a large chunk of the post flew into the post on the left and disloged it, causing the bridge to fall. Dash just stood there for a second before thinking of a new plan," Ok, that wont work, but this should!" she said as she quickly flew over to pinkie, who was enjoying the ride." Flutters, pinkie, and i will cross ourselves, and you three can teleport." she said as she crossed the gap in a few seconds and droped pinkie on the other side.

Twilight soon teleported next to pinkie with Applejack and Rarity next to her. Rainbow and Fluttershy landed next to the group and ran towards the castle, with pinkie hoping along next to them. When they enterd the castle, they saw the pony collapse onto the hard stone ground, with an enormose gash on his forhead" Oh my goodness, hes hurt!" Squealed Fluttershy, and everypony coul see that it was fresh, and still bleeding a but, and most likley infected." We need to get him to ponyville, STAT!" Rainbow Dash said, as rushed to the ponys limp, weak body, and rushed towards the door" I'll see you girls in ponyville, he needs help NOW!" she said, just as she zoomed off towords ponyville, more specificly, ponyville hospital.

Ponyville Hospital, sameday,1930 (9:30)

The rest of the elements arived at the hospital earlier, and had been there since, wating for the strange pony to wake up. They had been told by the doctors that he was just tired, and was actualy dreaming. The damage he had sustained was a missing eye and severe head trama around the area he had the gash, which was coverd in gauss after being disinfected.
As the time went by, they grew more and more woried that he might be in a coma, though the doctor said he was not.

After another five minutes, they saw him begin to move. Exited that he was waking up, the girls be gan hovering over him, not literaly, and wating for him to open his eyes. When he did, the saw something that suprised them, he had no pupil, just a pure teal-green eye,"Huuuh, were am i, and what happend?" Said the pony to no one in peticular. When he fully opened his eyes, they saw that his left eye realy was missing, and was just a hollow socket. With his one good eye, he looked at the group surrounding him, From Rainbow Dash at his left, who he looked at the most, to Twilight at his right,"And who are all of you?"
After the elements had explaind who they were and where Brian was, they decided it was there turn to ask questions."So, whats your name?" Twilight asked Brian, who was busy checking out Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, um, Specter. My name is Specter, my FULL name is Specter Atomis. Nice to make your acquaintance, ummm, Twilight." "Specter" said to Twilight, who wasn't compleatly convinced that what he said was the truth, but decided to cut him a bit of slack, and not point-out that she knew he was checking out Rainbow Dash, who was talking with the others across the room about something.

"Ok then. By the way, why were you in the middle of the Everfree Forest?" Twilight asked him, only to receive a shoulder shrug in responce." Do you know how you got there?" She asked him, only to receive a shooken head. " Do you know what did this to you atleast" she said hoping that she would atleast get more than a name from him.

To her suprise, his eyes, one of which was closed, the other one half open, open'd as much as they could in shock. He looked away and replaced his look with one of sadness and said " I dont want to talk about it." the group had been quiet to listen to his answer, and when he did, a awkward silence suspended in the room." Ahem." Came a noise from Nurse Redheart "Visiting hours are over, Of all the ponies here, "Specter" needs rest the most." she said., Twilight looked towards the rest of the girls and then back to Specter and said " Dont worry, we'll be back tomorrow."" And when you get out, i'll throw you the best party you have ever been to!" Said pinkie " It'll be a "welcome to ponyville" party! so see you then Specter!" she added in." Please, just call me spec." He said to them. As the group left the room, he could have sworn on his right eye that he heard Rarity say " My my, what a gentelcolt!" but decided to just go to sleep, his wounds needed to heal anywase. When he closed his eye, he was asleep, in moments.

Earth, one week since Sombra released,american shuttle pad, 0800 (8:00)

Humanity was ending, atleast, thats what the news said. All over the world, starting from central europe, all the way to to the weastern border of russia. Humainity was trying all they could, and the operation on this pad was one of those things. Several vials and such of animal DNA were stored in said shuttles for cloning on the moon colony, the last place of refuge humanity could think of.

As shuttles deliverd there precious cargo of refined ingots, DNA, literal tons of ores, and several people aswell, atleast one to every four shuttles were hit down by sombra and the dark minions he made from the witherd husks of his victims, who still knew how to fly, and crash, planes and such. The only way to save them from there misery of slavery, burn and decapitate the bodys.

This launch pad was already launching its fourth shuttle, in one week at that. Since it was america,the corruption hadn't reached america just yet,but nothing lasted forever. As the shuttle began to rise from the ground,the crew saw something that raised the red flag, times twenty. A single, dark, plane was on a colision course with the shuttle.

When the captain saw this, he pegan to put the throttle up faster,knowing that the plane was a bad sign.but the rest of the crew was paniking. The shuttle began to gain altitude, but so did the plane. When the shuttle sped up,so did the plane. When the plane was in the dead zone, the area around the pad that means doom for all on or around it, the shuttle just barley avoided hitting the plane, as it crashed into the pad itself, thanks to the pressure coming from the bottom of the shuttle knocking the plane downwards.

When mission control was sure the shuttle was safe, they began to evacuate as fast as they could. Within four minutes, they had everything important packed and ready to go, and left in the trucks that held the transit records of the shuttles, and also the control staff themselfs. Leaving the pad without a second thought was hard,but needed to be done, and they had to warn the rest of the continent that Sombra had arived, and he wasnt happy.

Equestria, Ponyville Hospital, next day,1000 (10:00)

In equestria,much was different than on earth, first off, "Specter" was finnaly leaving the hospital now that his wounds had healed. He still had bandages around his head, just to be sure, and a bandage around his left eye socket,which was hollow thanks to Sombra. Him and the rest of the elements were on a hill a bit on the outskirts of ponyville, wating for Celestia to arrive with an important visitor for them to meet.

Twilight was pacing back and forth do to her being anxious, and Specter was because he hated staying in one spot with nothing to do." I love when Princess Celestia comes to visit ponyville! I got my hooves shined, just like Rarity for the occasion! You like?"pinkie said, as Raity admired herself in the reflection of hersell on pinkie's hooves."I certainly do!" Rarity said.

Twilight looked behind her, since she had stoped moving, towards canterlot." Im suprised she's not here yet."she said "I wonder whats taking so long?" said spike," And were are Applejack and Fluttershy?" asked Twilight.

"Fluttershy is detainded helping Applejack with a misshap at Sweet Apple Acres. They'll be along." Rarity said, as she continued admiring herself in her own reflection on Pinkie's hoof.

"i still dont get why the princess is so late." said spike." She's bringing an important visiter. That could be part of it." Twilight said. Then Rainbow Dash flew to Twilight's side, but in the air of course, and said,"Ya, a visiter who's importent, and slow!"

Specter just rolled his eye and continued to walk in circles, half to learn to walk right, and half out of bordom." Mabey, its somepony so terribly important, she still had many more terribly important things to do before she got here." Rarity said to Twilight and Dash in a matter-of-factly voice. Spike turned around and saw the princess coming before the others, but also the special visiter." Hhuu! Mabey the visiter has a deer antler, a goat leg, a bat wing, and a snake tail!" Spike said, pulling on Twilight's tail to get her to look.

Twilight looked back at him and said," Yea right, thats discord.", " Why in the wide wide world of Equestria would Princess Celestia bring along someone like that?" Rarity asked.Specter, who had avoided talking all this time, said" You never know, things like this could happen."

"m-m-m-mabey you should ask, her!" Spike said, not even listening to anything Specter had said. Everypony finnaly looked in the direction spike was looking and saw, just as the carriges landed, the second one, which contained Discord.

After letting it sink in that discord, still stoned, was the visiter, Twilight walked up to the princess and asked,"With all do respect Princess Celestia, HOW COULD YOU BRING DISCORD HERE?" she asked, worsening a headache Specter still had from falling on the way there, twice.

Twilight then realised that she had just yelled, at her mentor none the less, cleard her throat,"Your majesty." she said as she lowerd her head a bit. " Im fully aware that the last time Discord was here, he created sereous havoc." Celestia said, " If by sereous havoc, you meen turning ponyville into the chaos capital of the world!" said Rainbow Dash.

" And, tricking us into being the opposite of our true selves." Rarity chipped in.

"AND, making yummy, deicious, chocolate milk rain a over the place, without a single dolop of whipped cream to go with it anyware in sight! Not a single dollop!" pinkie said, though it sounded like she was saying dalek rather than dallop, atleast, it did to Specter.

" Yes i understand, but i have use for Discord's magic if it can be reformed to serve good, instead of evil. This is why i brought Discord here, because i beleve that you are the ponys, who can help him do just that." Celestia said to the group.

The fact that Discord not only was here, but was going to be freed, snapped something in spike," This will never work! This is a dizaster! How will we ever control him! WERE DOOMED!" he shouted out.

"Need i remind you, that you are the ponies that turned him back into stone like this i the first place." Celestia said to try and calm him and the others down, while Specter was trying to learn how to speak squirrel,and was making suprisingly good progress." I, supose we could just use the elements of harmony against him again if he gets out of hoof." Twilight said to Celestia, but didn't fool Specter with how she sounded less than resured that it would work.

"W-w-w-we probobly need a volenteer to run away from here to get them,hehehe. i'll do it!" said Spike, in an even less convinced voice than Twilight, and just wanting to leave incase things went sour." No need spike, i have them right here, and i've cast a spell so Discord cant take them and hide them again." Said Celestia, almost as if she had planned it," Now were is Fluttershy? I beleve she may know best how to begin reforming Discord." She continued.

"Fluttershy, realy?" Rainbow Dash said.

Specter rolled his eye and decided that he had learned enough squirrel, and decided to finnaly reveal himself to celestia. "Ahem" He said, just to get here attention, she hadn't even noticed him till now. She looked back at him in suprise that she had not noticed him untill now." With all do respect, i think that might sound like a great idea, though abit rough around the edges." He said, while she just asked him a few seconds later," Um, hello to you to." She then turned to Twilight, and saw that Rainbow Dash had already gone to Sweet Apple Acres to tell Fluttershy and Applejack."You mind introducing me to your freind, i would love t-" she was interupted by Specter geting a headach, and deciding to share it with them all.

" Woh! Headache,and upset stomache!"he said, keeling over to add abit of affect."I feel like i just swalloed a city!" He said as the others came towords him,while he seemed to look more and more look he was gunna puke."Why? Are you injured internally? Was it something you ate?" Twilight asked," No, i think it was actually something somepony said.HURHG. I'll be right back!"he said as he ran to a second tree nearby that had a hole in it,and began emptying his stomach contents into it." This is gunna be a looooong day.Lord, just end me again. "

Author's Note:

Second chapter. I will check the last chapter and try and fix any mistakes. Dont worry,this story will get better as it continues. My goal is for the word or chapter count to be higher then that of the story " My Little Caboose, Blue Is Magic,so your in for a long ride
P.S i'll see what i can do about the cover to make it better.
P.S.S can you guess why he was like that when Celestia said "love"?
P.S.S.S i'll look more closley at the chapers from now on and will correct the first one soon