A scientist in equestria

by Specter Atomis

First published

A man comes to equesrtia and all hell begins to break loose when something takes his place, and that thing loves stairs

When all hell breaks loose on earth,a lucky someone gets to go to the land of Equestria. His name is Brian "Specter" Jones, and he has the goal of learning about what happen'd to earth, and trying to prevent the destruction that this hell is bringing, and with the most un-likley of allies.

(please note that this is my first story, so hate all you want, liking the damn thing is only optional, but could you please read past the first chapter? My writing tends to get better as it goes.)

P.S I wont show Zecora to much because I suck at rhyming.

P.S.S the allies will be discoverd as the story goes, but as a hint, its a majority of all the antags in the show.

Who knew a crystal was so dangerous?

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Earth, lab built in old abandoned hadron collider, 0800 hours

Science, a puzzle that is never ending, but a puzzle we want to complete so much. Brian "Specter" Jones was a man of thirty one, and one of the worlds top scientist's. He was a man that would make Tony Stark proud with how he was just the right mix of smart and insane.He was also the one who invented the sonic screw-driver, and improved it, and was the leader in every field of science.

The most recent experiment that he was doing was one that he had no idea how to handle, a pure black "corrupted" cartonigragh gem, the gem used to top the sonic screw-driver. Brian was planing on just shooting protons and neutrons at the areas of the three inch shard that had lots of energy stored, which let to a total of three pockets that would be energized.

" Alright everybody,lets get this show on the road!"said Brian, who was realy just hoping something would explode.

The research team began to work on setting up the energy pulsers, another machine that Brian had made. Brian had the standard things he normally had with him, his cargo lab coat, that could hold five times more things then the standard lab coat, a satchel filled with test-tubes and beakers made of reinforced glass, a tool belt that held standerd tools such as a screw- driver, a SONIC screw-driver, five test tubes of white phosphorus, and the other things a tool belt would have. Along with those, he had two pouches attached to the belt, containing small books, a reading book, and the rest being books on technology, masonry, wiring, and even fashion.

Brian took a seat at the control console,which was the closest thing to the shard. He pulled out his good luck charm, a small metal pendent shaped like rainbow dashes cutie mark on a shield, and held it tight in his hand" Alright Jones, the pulsers are set, you are free to Blow this thing up!" Said Diane, the only other member on the team that liked my little pony

Brian was already beginning to turn on the console and pulsers to observe the readings of the gem,and something happened the moment the the first pulse hit the gem, it began to creat a strange black mist. When Brian saw this he began to worry. The shard was kept in a glass case that was only the size of a foot-ball,and if the smoke built up to much,it would break the glass due to the pressure and, well, lord knows what would happen after that

"Diane, lower the pulse energy. I think this is a bit risky." although puzzled, Diane set the energy to a lower dose, but for some reason, the energy began to increase" Um, Brian!" Said Diane.

All of a sudden, the console erupted into a shower of sparks, but Diane was only burned a little bit. When Brian got up from his chair, the glass that contained the gem broke open with the force of five pounds of nitroglycerin going off in a fireworks factory, knocking down Brian and a few others, and sending a shard of glass right into his left eye.

From the dark and growing cloud of darkness, tendrils were beginning to emerge. They slowly slitherd to Brian, who was lying in pain. When he saw the tendrils, he pulled the shard out of his eye and yelled out in the pain of having it yanked out of his socket. When a tendril began to wrap around his leg, he stabed it with all of his might and pulled towards him,slicing the tendril in in two. When he did that, a scream of pain eminated from the area of the shard.

When he pulled the shard out of the tendril, five more emerged. Four held him down, and one wraped around the bottom of the glass and seamed to be sharpening it on another, smaller piece of glass. He knew that they were going to do something, so he stopped struggling, he decided to just stop resisting. He looked back towards the exit of the lab, all of the others had escaped.

He looked back towards the gem that had caused this, and saw a figure emerge from the shadows, a unicorn. Him being a brony, he could recognise who it was the moment he saw there face, King Sombra." Well well well, look at what we have here, somepony who wanted to play hero." Sombra said, as he took the glass from the dark tendril and hovered it over Brian's head," I guess the least I could do is make your end swift and pain less" he said with a twisted grin.

The shard plunged down into Brian's skull, letting only a single, short scream escape from him, echoing down all the way to the group of researchers, who could only guess what had happened to there dear friend. Sombra removed the shard from Brian's head, grasped him with magic, and tossed the body into the ever growing darkness,something that sombra would regret later on, and walked down the corridor, towards the exit, to spread his evil.

Darkness, that was all he could see, darkness. When Brian awoke, he was surprised to be able to feel anything. He had been drifting for what seemed like hours, and was alive, but still had a large cut into his head, and a lack of a left eye. His head hurt like hell to.

He could breath, so there was air. He could see see his belt and pouches floating out of his reach,so that ment there was no gravity,but still light to allow him to see. He was drifting towards a light in the distance,but it didn't seem to be getting any closer or bigger,until now. As he got closer,it seem'd to be pulling him more and more,like a planet with gravity that got stronger and stronger.

When he reached the edge of it however,he wished he could have just been drifting away from it. He saw several tendrils beginning to reach for him from the light, and wrapped around his arms,legs,and torso. He tried to break free of there grip, only for them to tighten and seem to glow. As they glowed brighter, he began to hurt more and more.

The pain was unbearable,and had him screaming in no time. The light from the tendrils was moving to his body,and moving his body in general. His bones were shrinking and growing in seconds, his flesh and muscle were being torn from one place,and placed on another. His head growing, his organs being squeezed, shrunk,grown,some of his skin was even just being thrown into the darkness,not affected by the gravity of the light.

When all was said and done, Brian ached all over. His head and everything was healed,but oddly furry. The tendrals pulled him into the light, but he didn't resist. As he was pulled into the light however,he began to see something, a forest that was, upside down?

As the forest became clearer, he began to regane some of his senses,he could smell the flora, he could see the vibrant colors of the forest, he could hear the birds singing,and he could feel the force of gravity as it pulled him downwards, and that's all he could tell before it all went black...again.

Ponyville, Equestria, Books and Branches library, 1500 hour(12:00)

Twilight Sparkle was reading a new book she had ordered from Canterlot called "Advanced Enchanting", since she had yet to learn how to do any enchanting spell's beyond the basic's. she had decided to take a small break and go for a walk around town to get a bit of fresh air and stretch her legs. Just as she stepped out of her house, A.K.A the village library, a large explosion broke the quietness and birdsong of the village.

Twilight simply sighed, she was used to this stuff from how wild her life had been since she moved to ponyville. a large shock wave that flung her five feet ahead from were she was just standing made her regret not even looking towards what ever that was.With a bolt of energy, she got up and looked in the direction of the explosion, and saw it was from the Everfree forest," Well, atleast it wasn't from Pinkie."Twilight said to herself with a sigh of relief,knowing how dangerous pinkie could be.

She began to think, being the calm and collective mare she was,of what it could have been." Hmmm,could be a dragon, but that would have a lot more fire. Over powered explosives?No that would be a different color explosion. That means that it must be-Of course! It was caused by magic,but why would somepony be in the middle of the everfree forest? She thought.

Before she could think on it any further, she was tackled to the ground at fifty miles per hour by the one and only, Rainbow Dash. Shortly after, the rest of the elements came to the scene, and helped the pair up." What the hay was that for!" Twilight said to dash," Were going to check out the explosion! Wanna see it with us?" Dash said back with an exited look on her face.

The next thing on her face was a heavy tool belt and two heavy satchel bags, which quickly put her on the ground. Completely suprised, Twilight quickly pulled the belt off of dashes head as the rest of the group ran towards the two. Twilight just looked at the belt for a second before helping dash back to her feet."Woooooh, my head,what was that?" Dash asked.

"A tool belt by the looks of it, and it looks like it's from the explosion." Twilight said, which made Dash get her senses back much faster,"That must mean that somepony is hurt! We need to get there before a pack of timber wolves or something do!" Dash said as she jumped into the air, about to take off in to the sky. But just as she was about to zoom off, Applejack took hold of her tail," woooh dare pardner," she said as she spat out dashes tail," We need to go together, or else the thing that is gonna get any hurt ponies gunna get 'chu to." Applejack said to Dash.

"But-!"Dash said as she was trying to come up with a reason for here to go alone."Uhhg, fine" She said as she just floated in mid-air with her arms crossed." Twi, you coming?" she said to Twilight.

"Ummm," Twilight was checking the tools on the belt and also was exited that the satchels had books, though she couldn't read them, and was curios about the odd device that shocked her when she tried to touch it, and was topped with a odd but familiar looking gem."well, sure. just let me put this inside, don't want it to go missing if the pony it belongs to want's it back, wait here." she said as she levitated the belt and bags above her and took them inside. Placing them on the table she had her new book on,she hurried back out and headed towards the forest with her friends in the direction of the explosion, The Castle of The Two Sisters.

Meeting the elements

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Everfree Forest, 1600 (4:00)

Brian was begining to regane feeling in his body, though not much. His head ached since his wound had parshley opened when he blacked out. He could feal the ground on his chest, which ment that he was lying on his stomach, so he attempted to push himself up, only to fall over onto his back and spill a little bit of fresh blood onto the ground.

When he checked his body to make sure he was only missing a bit of his head, he noticed how everything seemed off in three ways. First, when he closed his left eye, he could see no difference in his vision, meaning he was still missing it. Second, all the colors looked more vibrant and cartoony, and he was infront of a castle, that seemed to be crumbeling faster than it should be. And lastly, HE WAS AN EQUINE!

Not having the energy to panic,he just screamed and tried to put some logic behind this in his head, which hurt like a bitch. He rolled himself slowly onto his stomach and attempted to get up on all fours, slowly. When he had managed to keep his balance, he tried to take a step forward, then another, and another, untill he had managed to get to a soft patch of grass near the entrance of the castle, and lied down to try and figure out what to do now that he knew what he was, which didnt answer many questians.

He checked his body more carfully this time. Fore legs, check. Hind legs, check. Torso, check. Wi-wait, wings? He was rather suprised to see a pair of wings on his back, but what finnaly informed him of where he was, was the mark on his flank, and it was a picture of an carbon atom. Seeing this was all he needed to do to figure out that he was in the place he dreamed of, Equestria.

This helped him answer a few questions, such as were he was exactly, and why the colors were so vibrant. He looked out towards the forest, hoping to see a good sign, and he did, nothing. He looked into the casle from the door that was left open. He could see nothing in side, nothing but one thing. That one thing happend to be an ancient stained glass window.

His curiosity getting the better of his judgment of needing to wait for the gash on his head to heal a bit, and he got up and slowley headed inside of the casle, carfull not to fall and make himself worse. He admired the well desined architecture of the castle, that lasted over one-thousand years. As he passed by the element pedistals that once held the elements themselves, he saw something that stoped him dead in his tracks.

Engraved into the stone was small story-like hieroglyphs that showed something all to familier, humans. He continued to read the glyphs and saw what seemed like an all to familier story, Sombras release. He read on, and it showed Sombra killing a human, killing him! But it continued, showing Sombra leaving the colider, spreading death and destruction to all parts of the globe,while some humans have taken DNA from all living, discoverd animals and retreated to the moon, were humanity had a colony. Sombra continued, desroying the shuttles before many could be launched, and killing almost all of humanity, and then, the glyphs were to faded to see, chiped and broken, unreadable.When he looked towards the staind glass, he saw a similar, shorter version. Again, the rest was shatterd, but still showing humanitys destruction.

At the moment, he was breathing so heavely, he was sure he would collapse a lung. He was confused aswell, how could this story exist? How was it so accurate, well, as far as he could tell. He collapsed under the shear shock of this dicovery, would this realy happen, or did it already? His head was stil in pain, and the pain grew the more he though, so he did the only logical thing, think harder. Soon though, the feeling of sleep began to encompass him, and just before he went down under, he saw six mares galloping towards him.

Same place, 1650 (4:50) three minutes earlier

Twlight had spotted a pony going inside the castle, and was not the only one who noticed them," Hey look, sompony just when't inside the castle! They must know something about the explosion!" Rainbow Dash said as she began to run towards the bridge. Which is when a brick that was near the center of the blast had decided to come down, and destroyed the post that held the right half of the bridge.

Rainbow Dash stoped, just as a large chunk of the post flew into the post on the left and disloged it, causing the bridge to fall. Dash just stood there for a second before thinking of a new plan," Ok, that wont work, but this should!" she said as she quickly flew over to pinkie, who was enjoying the ride." Flutters, pinkie, and i will cross ourselves, and you three can teleport." she said as she crossed the gap in a few seconds and droped pinkie on the other side.

Twilight soon teleported next to pinkie with Applejack and Rarity next to her. Rainbow and Fluttershy landed next to the group and ran towards the castle, with pinkie hoping along next to them. When they enterd the castle, they saw the pony collapse onto the hard stone ground, with an enormose gash on his forhead" Oh my goodness, hes hurt!" Squealed Fluttershy, and everypony coul see that it was fresh, and still bleeding a but, and most likley infected." We need to get him to ponyville, STAT!" Rainbow Dash said, as rushed to the ponys limp, weak body, and rushed towards the door" I'll see you girls in ponyville, he needs help NOW!" she said, just as she zoomed off towords ponyville, more specificly, ponyville hospital.

Ponyville Hospital, sameday,1930 (9:30)

The rest of the elements arived at the hospital earlier, and had been there since, wating for the strange pony to wake up. They had been told by the doctors that he was just tired, and was actualy dreaming. The damage he had sustained was a missing eye and severe head trama around the area he had the gash, which was coverd in gauss after being disinfected.
As the time went by, they grew more and more woried that he might be in a coma, though the doctor said he was not.

After another five minutes, they saw him begin to move. Exited that he was waking up, the girls be gan hovering over him, not literaly, and wating for him to open his eyes. When he did, the saw something that suprised them, he had no pupil, just a pure teal-green eye,"Huuuh, were am i, and what happend?" Said the pony to no one in peticular. When he fully opened his eyes, they saw that his left eye realy was missing, and was just a hollow socket. With his one good eye, he looked at the group surrounding him, From Rainbow Dash at his left, who he looked at the most, to Twilight at his right,"And who are all of you?"
After the elements had explaind who they were and where Brian was, they decided it was there turn to ask questions."So, whats your name?" Twilight asked Brian, who was busy checking out Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, um, Specter. My name is Specter, my FULL name is Specter Atomis. Nice to make your acquaintance, ummm, Twilight." "Specter" said to Twilight, who wasn't compleatly convinced that what he said was the truth, but decided to cut him a bit of slack, and not point-out that she knew he was checking out Rainbow Dash, who was talking with the others across the room about something.

"Ok then. By the way, why were you in the middle of the Everfree Forest?" Twilight asked him, only to receive a shoulder shrug in responce." Do you know how you got there?" She asked him, only to receive a shooken head. " Do you know what did this to you atleast" she said hoping that she would atleast get more than a name from him.

To her suprise, his eyes, one of which was closed, the other one half open, open'd as much as they could in shock. He looked away and replaced his look with one of sadness and said " I dont want to talk about it." the group had been quiet to listen to his answer, and when he did, a awkward silence suspended in the room." Ahem." Came a noise from Nurse Redheart "Visiting hours are over, Of all the ponies here, "Specter" needs rest the most." she said., Twilight looked towards the rest of the girls and then back to Specter and said " Dont worry, we'll be back tomorrow."" And when you get out, i'll throw you the best party you have ever been to!" Said pinkie " It'll be a "welcome to ponyville" party! so see you then Specter!" she added in." Please, just call me spec." He said to them. As the group left the room, he could have sworn on his right eye that he heard Rarity say " My my, what a gentelcolt!" but decided to just go to sleep, his wounds needed to heal anywase. When he closed his eye, he was asleep, in moments.

Earth, one week since Sombra released,american shuttle pad, 0800 (8:00)

Humanity was ending, atleast, thats what the news said. All over the world, starting from central europe, all the way to to the weastern border of russia. Humainity was trying all they could, and the operation on this pad was one of those things. Several vials and such of animal DNA were stored in said shuttles for cloning on the moon colony, the last place of refuge humanity could think of.

As shuttles deliverd there precious cargo of refined ingots, DNA, literal tons of ores, and several people aswell, atleast one to every four shuttles were hit down by sombra and the dark minions he made from the witherd husks of his victims, who still knew how to fly, and crash, planes and such. The only way to save them from there misery of slavery, burn and decapitate the bodys.

This launch pad was already launching its fourth shuttle, in one week at that. Since it was america,the corruption hadn't reached america just yet,but nothing lasted forever. As the shuttle began to rise from the ground,the crew saw something that raised the red flag, times twenty. A single, dark, plane was on a colision course with the shuttle.

When the captain saw this, he pegan to put the throttle up faster,knowing that the plane was a bad sign.but the rest of the crew was paniking. The shuttle began to gain altitude, but so did the plane. When the shuttle sped up,so did the plane. When the plane was in the dead zone, the area around the pad that means doom for all on or around it, the shuttle just barley avoided hitting the plane, as it crashed into the pad itself, thanks to the pressure coming from the bottom of the shuttle knocking the plane downwards.

When mission control was sure the shuttle was safe, they began to evacuate as fast as they could. Within four minutes, they had everything important packed and ready to go, and left in the trucks that held the transit records of the shuttles, and also the control staff themselfs. Leaving the pad without a second thought was hard,but needed to be done, and they had to warn the rest of the continent that Sombra had arived, and he wasnt happy.

Equestria, Ponyville Hospital, next day,1000 (10:00)

In equestria,much was different than on earth, first off, "Specter" was finnaly leaving the hospital now that his wounds had healed. He still had bandages around his head, just to be sure, and a bandage around his left eye socket,which was hollow thanks to Sombra. Him and the rest of the elements were on a hill a bit on the outskirts of ponyville, wating for Celestia to arrive with an important visitor for them to meet.

Twilight was pacing back and forth do to her being anxious, and Specter was because he hated staying in one spot with nothing to do." I love when Princess Celestia comes to visit ponyville! I got my hooves shined, just like Rarity for the occasion! You like?"pinkie said, as Raity admired herself in the reflection of hersell on pinkie's hooves."I certainly do!" Rarity said.

Twilight looked behind her, since she had stoped moving, towards canterlot." Im suprised she's not here yet."she said "I wonder whats taking so long?" said spike," And were are Applejack and Fluttershy?" asked Twilight.

"Fluttershy is detainded helping Applejack with a misshap at Sweet Apple Acres. They'll be along." Rarity said, as she continued admiring herself in her own reflection on Pinkie's hoof.

"i still dont get why the princess is so late." said spike." She's bringing an important visiter. That could be part of it." Twilight said. Then Rainbow Dash flew to Twilight's side, but in the air of course, and said,"Ya, a visiter who's importent, and slow!"

Specter just rolled his eye and continued to walk in circles, half to learn to walk right, and half out of bordom." Mabey, its somepony so terribly important, she still had many more terribly important things to do before she got here." Rarity said to Twilight and Dash in a matter-of-factly voice. Spike turned around and saw the princess coming before the others, but also the special visiter." Hhuu! Mabey the visiter has a deer antler, a goat leg, a bat wing, and a snake tail!" Spike said, pulling on Twilight's tail to get her to look.

Twilight looked back at him and said," Yea right, thats discord.", " Why in the wide wide world of Equestria would Princess Celestia bring along someone like that?" Rarity asked.Specter, who had avoided talking all this time, said" You never know, things like this could happen."

"m-m-m-mabey you should ask, her!" Spike said, not even listening to anything Specter had said. Everypony finnaly looked in the direction spike was looking and saw, just as the carriges landed, the second one, which contained Discord.

After letting it sink in that discord, still stoned, was the visiter, Twilight walked up to the princess and asked,"With all do respect Princess Celestia, HOW COULD YOU BRING DISCORD HERE?" she asked, worsening a headache Specter still had from falling on the way there, twice.

Twilight then realised that she had just yelled, at her mentor none the less, cleard her throat,"Your majesty." she said as she lowerd her head a bit. " Im fully aware that the last time Discord was here, he created sereous havoc." Celestia said, " If by sereous havoc, you meen turning ponyville into the chaos capital of the world!" said Rainbow Dash.

" And, tricking us into being the opposite of our true selves." Rarity chipped in.

"AND, making yummy, deicious, chocolate milk rain a over the place, without a single dolop of whipped cream to go with it anyware in sight! Not a single dollop!" pinkie said, though it sounded like she was saying dalek rather than dallop, atleast, it did to Specter.

" Yes i understand, but i have use for Discord's magic if it can be reformed to serve good, instead of evil. This is why i brought Discord here, because i beleve that you are the ponys, who can help him do just that." Celestia said to the group.

The fact that Discord not only was here, but was going to be freed, snapped something in spike," This will never work! This is a dizaster! How will we ever control him! WERE DOOMED!" he shouted out.

"Need i remind you, that you are the ponies that turned him back into stone like this i the first place." Celestia said to try and calm him and the others down, while Specter was trying to learn how to speak squirrel,and was making suprisingly good progress." I, supose we could just use the elements of harmony against him again if he gets out of hoof." Twilight said to Celestia, but didn't fool Specter with how she sounded less than resured that it would work.

"W-w-w-we probobly need a volenteer to run away from here to get them,hehehe. i'll do it!" said Spike, in an even less convinced voice than Twilight, and just wanting to leave incase things went sour." No need spike, i have them right here, and i've cast a spell so Discord cant take them and hide them again." Said Celestia, almost as if she had planned it," Now were is Fluttershy? I beleve she may know best how to begin reforming Discord." She continued.

"Fluttershy, realy?" Rainbow Dash said.

Specter rolled his eye and decided that he had learned enough squirrel, and decided to finnaly reveal himself to celestia. "Ahem" He said, just to get here attention, she hadn't even noticed him till now. She looked back at him in suprise that she had not noticed him untill now." With all do respect, i think that might sound like a great idea, though abit rough around the edges." He said, while she just asked him a few seconds later," Um, hello to you to." She then turned to Twilight, and saw that Rainbow Dash had already gone to Sweet Apple Acres to tell Fluttershy and Applejack."You mind introducing me to your freind, i would love t-" she was interupted by Specter geting a headach, and deciding to share it with them all.

" Woh! Headache,and upset stomache!"he said, keeling over to add abit of affect."I feel like i just swalloed a city!" He said as the others came towords him,while he seemed to look more and more look he was gunna puke."Why? Are you injured internally? Was it something you ate?" Twilight asked," No, i think it was actually something somepony said.HURHG. I'll be right back!"he said as he ran to a second tree nearby that had a hole in it,and began emptying his stomach contents into it." This is gunna be a looooong day.Lord, just end me again. "

Powers, discovery, and a reformed Draconequus

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Specter was not having a very good time, having been throwing up for the past three minutes. When Celestia herself was beginning to feel sick from both the smell, and sounds he was making. She had finally had enough and decided to try a spell to see if that would work in the two ways she was hoping for. When Specter had a brief pause in his hurling, she turned him so she could look him in the eye and cast the spell.

Celestia was Seeing his memories, the very thing she thought held an answer, and it did. When she got to the point in his memories in which he had just woken up, her spell was countered, and all she saw was the menacing face, of King Sombra. In the brief moment she staggered backward from the counter, Specter opened his eye wide, and reflected the spell to Celestia.

Now it was HIS turn, to see HER secrets, which had filled his brain up to near the point of implosion with how many new cells had to form the nodes in your brain to form the memories. He saw events from Celestias life unfold around him, from nightmare moons defeat, to the two sisters banishing Sombra, and stoning Discord. It also showed the life she had before and after those incidents, her talking to her mother and father, seeing luna as a baby. Then there was the day that there parents disappeared.

The shock of the spell on his body was to much, and it broke before he could see more. He fell unconscious, with his eye wide open, showing a blue aura in the center. How he was able to counter the spell from an alicorn, AND use it, was a mystery. When Celestia had come to her senses, she immediately had him taken to the library. All she said to Twilight, who had to teleport him to the library, was " He should be watched, power like this in a pegasus is something that must be studied, and kept secret."

Books And Branches library, Ponyville, 1624 (4:24)

Specter felt like a train just hit his head five times at the speed of sound, but then again, it could be worse. He looked around, and saw that he was in the library, but he had no idea what time it was. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see a wall clock, and it was about one third past the first big notch." Ok, so about four o'clock " he thought, "So i was out for about, six hours? Well, its close enough i guess" he continued thinking, just as the door opened.

When he looked towards the door, still not moving his head, he saw Twilight, wearing her element. She had a smile on her face, which he couldn't tell if it was a bad thing, or a good thing." Nice to see your awake Specter, i was wondering if you wanted to come with me and the girls for dinner at Fluttershy's cottage." She said to him, letting him know that he wasn't out for a day, but was in-time for the best part of the episode.

" Um, sure, why not. Besides, i need to get some fresh air after all that vomiting and, well, whatever i did to Celestia.", he said with a grin." So lead the way." he said, as he got up from the hard floor, and walked after Twilight, who was already back out the door, but not before sneaking his sonic screwdriver from the belt Twilight left it in, and hid it under his wing.
"Ughh, i can't believe were having a dinner party with Discord!" Rainbow Dash said, even though the goup was not that far from the cottage.

" This evening is sure to be a disaster. Glad i didn't bother wearing my fanciest outfit." Rarity said, being no happier then Rainbow Dash.

Specter just stopped infront of the group and said," You know, you All should give the guy a second chance. He was only doing what he was ment to do. Though, maybe a bit to much." he said to the group, who all just gave him mean glares,"Fine then, be bias jerks." he said as he continued on.

"Fluttershy thinks this is the best way to reform Discord, and asked us to give him a chance." Twilight said, as she stopped in front of the door.

The door opened a second later, reveling Discord, who was dressed like some fancy waiter."Oh, our pony guests!" he said. He then literally rolled out his tongue into a red carpet, and appeared to come out of it when it finished unrolling."We are so delighted you have come."he said with a bow. He then teleported to the door entrance, with his body out of sight, and said,"Please, do come in."

The rest of the group was hesitant, knowing Discord was not to be trusted, but Specter just walked right in, and said,"Thank you good sir, and that display was rather a bit over the top, but nice more or less."

When the others finally decided to come in, they saw the nice decor of the dining room" See what a beautiful job he did helping. Discord set the entire table himself. I'm so proud." Fluttershy said in her normal, gentle voice. Specter just whistled in admiration for what a good job Discord did.

Discord then teleported into a hat rack, blocking one rack, and said," May i take your, uhmm, hats, ladies?" while reaching for Twilight's element.

She ducked, and quickly went backwards to the group, seeing as how she was ahead of the others. She then turned to them and said," Hang on to your elements girls, it gunna be a bumpy night."

After they had sat down, Discord served plates of potato and an apple fritter for everypony. "As you all know, Princess Celestia hoped that we could help Discord use his magic for good, instead of evil." Fluttershy said to the others, she then looked at Specter, who she had not expected to come, and said "And i'm so glad you could come to Specter. I suppose you want to know what went on while you were asleep?" to which Spec said,"I think it can wait untill after dinner." he said as he began to nibble at his fritter. Pinkie just dove into her food like a pig, getting mashed potato all over her face.

" Pinkie Pie, care for some gravy?" Fluttershy asked Pinkie." You bet!" she said in response." Allow me." Discord said.

With a snap of his fingers, Discord brought the gravy boat to life, all though it acted like a dog."Awwww, what a cute little gravy boat 'chu are. Yes you are, yes you are!" Pinkie said to the gravy boat which licked her face, before pouring gravy onto her potato.

"That's one creepy looking gravy boat if you ask me." Said rainbow Dash."Oh, come on now Dashie. Your not even giving this a chance!" Fluttershy said, in her standard, gentle voice.

The gravy boat then went over to Dashie, and spilled some of its very hot contents onto Rainbow's lap. She jumped up into the are to escape the menace, and yelled" Hey ,That's hot!"

"Oops, my bad! Hahaha i'm so sorry" Discord said." He did that on purpose!" Dashie said." Oh, well i don't know about that, mistakes happen." Discord said to rebuttal her accusation.

Specter just roled his eye and pulled out the sonic, but kept it under the table so nopony could see it. When the gravy boat came towards Specter to put gravy on his potatoes, he scanned it from under the table. The screwdriver was genetically and mentally locked to him, and told him the results in the form of morse code, in his brain though. What it showed was that Discord wasn't controlling it at all, it was moving on its own will!" Um, dash. I think that it just was mad that you called it creepy, its kind of cute though." he said as he slid the screwdriver under his wing once more.

Rainbow just gave Spec a glare, though he did have a point." Oh look everypony, dancing candles!" Discord said, as the candles began to wander around the table." Well, eat your heart out disney." Specter thought.

The candles were soon put out however, seeing as how Rainbow Dash didn't trust Discord in the slightest. Hovering over the table, near the candles she just put out, she said" I'm not falling for that! Discords just trying to distract us from, OW!" she had just been interrupted by the candles attacking her,"Hey! knock it off! i suppose that's another "mistake"?"

"No, I, think you just made them mad." Discord said, though he was only half lying." I think there's something fishy going on." Twilight said, before shortly being sprayed by a fish shaped taurine, which Specter hadn't the slightest clue as to what was inside.

The fish then sprayed Spike." Discord." Fluttershy said, in a slightly louder then normal voice." Well its hardly my fault if the soup taurine finds the term "something fishy", to be offensive." Discord said, to which specter just nodded his head, seeing as how the items got minds of there own when the were affected by Discord.

" Not the dress, NOT THE DRESS!" Rarity said, as the taurine sprayed her with hot soup. It then turned towards Applejack, and began to spray her," That taurine is only doin' what your making it do!" Applejack said, as she kept her right foreleg in front of her face, to shield her from the soup.

"Now lets not jump to any conclusions." Fluttershy said, as Discord was covering his mouth to suppress laughing. When Fluttershy looked towards him, he stopped and acted clueless."Fluttershy, cant you see what he's doing? He's playing innocent with you so you'll never agree to use the elements of harmony against him!" Rainbow Dash said, before shortly after getting sprayed by the taurine.

"Oh, well, that's a bit harsh, isn't it?" Discord said, playing innocent. The taurine meanwhile, was spraying the rest of the group from the center of the table, and just as it was about to spray Specter, Rainbow Dash covered it with a cover for hiding special dishes." You see what i'm saying, right fluttershy?" there was a small silence." Fluttershy!" Dash said again.

Fluttershy looked at her friends, and then said" You know what i see?" she then closed her eyes, turned towards Discord, motioned towards him, and said" I see that Discord is far from perfect," she then stood a bit and raised herself by pushing down on the table," but i also see none of you giving him a chance!" she then lowed her self a bit, looked towards Spec, and said," Um, well, except Specter, he's the only one he is really accepting Discord"

"Well, i do love chaos, and it is rather fun to be a bit annoying," Specter said" so i just naturally am used to this kind of stuff, all though the dancing candles are new." he continued. the rest of the group just thought that something was wrong with their friends, and the last thing that was said by them before Specter decided join Fluttershy." Whats gotten into you two? Why do you two keep cutting him so much slack?" Dash said, clearly very mad.

Spec and Fluttershy then huddled close to Discord, Fluttershy actually hugging him, and said in unison"Because that's what friends do!" which surprised Discord greatly. he looked at them both, and said "Were friends?" Fluttershy just hovered to eye level, and said" of course!" she then switched which side of Discord she was on," I cant remember my house ever being this lively before you came along!" she continued." Yea, and you are really cool for a god of chaos, and you really are good at keeping yourself from going on a chaotic rampage." Specter said.

Discord felt touched, and not the kind of touch that you are when someone remembers your birth day, even though you haven't seen them in forever,no, this was the kind of touched you feel when you see someone go through a bunch of trouble to help you, even though they are getting judged and perhaps insulted for it."Well I've.. I've never really had a friend before." he said, half confused, and half exited.

"Well now you do." Both Fluttershy and Specter said in unison. Discord was quite flattered, and the rest of the group was shocked like they were hit by thunder.

Then, the window on the right side of the room opened, and revealed Angle coming in a hurry. he jumped onto the table and jumped on the table and waved his arms like a mad-man." Now is not a good time angle," Fluttershy said."were having a dinner party." "Hold up, I-I think hes trying to tell us something." Applejack said.

Angle got an apple "Apple?" they all said in unison. He then pointed at Applejack,"Applejack!" they all said again, getting nothing but a frown and facepalm from the annoying bunny. He pushed a jug of apple cider, and threw the apple into it,"Oo, oo! Sweet Apple Acres?" Rarity said, with her amazing charade abilities. Angle jumped up and down with a smile.

"Flooding at Sweet Apple Acres! And we all know that now, don't we?" Dash said, as she looked at Discord."Who, me?" Discord said, as he formed a halo over his head." Oh, give it a rest, what do you think of your "friend" now Fluttershy?" Dash said, as she and he others, minus Fluttershy and Specter, who just looked at each other with concerned looks on there faces.

Sweet Apple Acres, Ponyville, 1721 (5:21)

When they arrived, the orchard was compleatly flooded, the group had to go around in baskets that served as boats. "I've never seen the flooding this bad! They've built dams around here before, but, never like this. Whats goin' on?" Applejack said, seeing the dams that the beaver's built.

When Flutershy tried to reasen with the beavers, they just acted like old grandpas and shooed her away,"huuuugh, such language.Hugh, its no use, they wont listen to a word i say." Fluttershy said, having given up on trying to reason with them."You see Discord's behind all this, right?" Dash said, as she hoverd next to Fluttershy," Of course i do! Do you all think im a silly gullible fool?" she said to them all."wow! those classes she took must have been realy good" Specter thought. The others mumbled a bit, suprised that there freind had been acting all this time.

"I've just been trying to gain his freindship anyway i can, so he'd come to trust and listen to me." she said. " Hey there Fluttershy, want a turn? The waters great!" Discord called out to the group, while he was water skieing on his head, while being pulled by two fish turines.

He flipped so that he was on his feet again, let go of the ropes that he connected to the fish, and ran onto land, and stoped infront of Fluttershy "Fluttershy, there you are. A sight fore sore eye's." Discord said. Specter put his hoof over the bandage that coverd his left eye socket, which was still empty."As you can see, there is a big mess down there at Sweet Apple Acres." Fluttershy said." Oh yes, awfull buisness that, hmmm." discord said, as he dried himself with a towel he got out of no where.

"It IS awfull, this is Applejack home, and its being destroyed by innocent creatures who would NEVER be acting this way, if it wern't for your reckless behaviour." Fluttershy said. Discord stoped drying himself and looked at Fluttershy, while holding the towel infront of him." You need to fix this" Fluttershy stated

Discord thought for a moment, having not expected this curveball of a request."Well, yes, ugh, i will fix it! I only ask for one favor in return." Discord said, having come up with a clever plan."Yes?" Fluttershy said, glad to see he was willing to compromise."I ask that you never use your Element of Harmony against me, as a sign of our freindship." he asked her, while tapping his thumbs together, waiting for an answer.

Now it Was fluttershy's turn to be hit by a curveball. She wanted to be a good freind, but she needed her element. She looked at her freinds, who were all shaking there head, exept for specter, who was conversing with a squirrel. She looked back at discord, thought for a second more, and made her decision,"I will never use my Element of Harmony against you." Fluttershy said, throwing her element towards spike."Exelent!" Discord said.

Discord then snapped his fingers, and a flash of light temporarily blinded them all. When they opend there eye's, or in Specters case, eye, they saw Discord did anything but keep his end of the bargen."THERE, MUCH BETTER!" Discord said with a lot of pep in his voice. Discord had frozen the water and all of the area of Sweet Apple Acres, and even the squirrel that Specter was talking to ran into a tree to seak warmth inside of its comfy abode." I do much prefure ice skating to water skieing! Dont you?" he said, as he passed a random booth with three copys of him in it. Each one rose a card that showed the number ten on it.

Compleatly shocked, Fluttershy was basicly pissed." DISCORD!" she yelled, as she began to gallop across the ice towards him,"Thats NOT fixing it! Why i auta!" she then passed Discord, seeing as how her hooves could not stop her from sliding a little bit away."Were you going?" Discord said, as Fluttershy slid right past him.

Fluttershy looked like she was ready to kill a bunny with how frustrated she was." Whats wrong pall?" Discord said," Dont call me your pall!" she said to him, calming down a bit to avoid saying somethig she would regret." Ohh, come skating with me! And weal let by gones be by gones." Discord said, as he summond ice skates for Fluttershy.

Spike slid to the two, extended his claw, which held Fluttershy's element, towards her, and said,"Here you go Fluttershy. Game on!" "He fixes this, or he goes back to being stoned!" Twilight yelled." Princess Celestia will understand"

Fluttershy had to chose, keep her promise and take the skates, or break it and stone Discord? She was so stressed, but maneged to decide." I made a promise not to use my element against him, and im going to keep it!" she said, besides, a promise is a promise. She took the skates by the laces and walked past Discord, with her nose high in the air.

The group was so shocked, and Applejack just facehat'd." HAHa,you see? She wants to have fun with me because were freinds. She cant use the elements against me because were freinds. Im free forever, AHAHAHa!" Discord said,just to recevie about one thousand PSI to the face when Specter pulled out his sonic screwdriver and shot a pulse of pressureized air into the face of the draconequus, but lucky for Discord, he was a god basicly, so it was nothing more than a bruise.

"I wont have a freind who cant even treat another freind corectly!" Specter shouted to Discord, who just got up from the blast to the face." And I'M, NOT, YOUR, FREIND!" fluttershy said in a half yell, as she threw the skates away from her.

"Who cares! I could do whatever i want, whenever i want! Im Discord, the master of chaos!" Discord said, just before teleporting behind Fluttershy, with the length of his neck going over her body, and his face above hers." You think you can boss Discord around? You think i'm just going to turn all this back because you say so?Because if i dont, ill loose one of the only freinds i've ever had!" he said, and then it hit him like a brick wall,"i'm.. going to loose my freinds" he thought.

His mood was instantly dampend. He looked back towards the iceskates, which were lying on the ice only a few feet away."Hugh, well played Fluttershy,and spec, well played." he said, his eyes begining to tear up. He then sketed towards a nearby apple tree. He then sat upon it and folded his hands together over his heart. When he did, a wave of magic came from him,and eminated all across the orchard, removing all of the ice, the dams, and making the beavers kind again.

The orchard looked beutifull, and the group of element weilders couldnt be happier. The group huddled around Fluttershy and was cheering for her, seeing as how she showed Discord how much freindship ment to him."I liked it better my way, but, i guess when your freinds, you can't always have things exactly your way all the time, eh?" Discord said, before they all left to head towards ponyville to inform Celestia, all exept one, a petrified Specter, with his eye glowing with a blue aura in the center.

Ponyville, near town square, 1234(12:34), the next day

Twilight had decided to wait till morining to get the letter sent to Celestia, and had gotten Specter back from the orchard, although he was still paralyzed. Discord had volenteered to let the mind probeing happen to him, seeing as how specter would remane paralyzed unless he mind probed. When Specter looked into Discords mind, he saw many thing he knew he should keep secret, such as his relationship with Celestia before he was stoned, and also what he was before he was the god of chaos, AKA, harmony.

When Celestia arived she asked a questian she wanted answerd, was discord ready to use his magic for good? Discord strolled up to the princess and said "Yes, princess, im ready to use my magic for good, instead of evil." he also added a bow, just for effect."Most of the time." he said in a quiet voice, so that celestia couldnt hear. As he rose, Celestia started to speak," Congraduations on your sucess ponies. I definetly sense a big change in Discord." Celestia then leaned close to Twilight and whisperd,"ill leave the Elements of Harmony with you Twilight, just in case."

Twilight nodded her head, besides, why shouldnt they have the elements, they might come in handy. Discord had heard what they said, as was a little shocked about Celestias lack of trust for him." You were right, when you said that Fluttershy would be the one to find a way to reform Discord. By treating Discord as a freind, she got him to relise that freindship, was acctualy important to him,and something that once he had, he didnt want to loose."

Fluttershy jabbed Discord in the leg, since she was small compaired to him, and said" Go on, say it." "Um, ugh, alright, freindship is magic!" Discord said very quicky. Fluttershy then held his right hand, or paw, and said," See, he can be a real sweetheart once you get to know him." Specter leaned close to celestia and whisperd," You know that better than anypony else, if you know what i mean." he said, giving her a wink and a nudge.

She was rather suprised to see that he knew about that, but then again, it could have been one of her thoughts that he had read."Oh, um Spec, i actually have a gift for you, something to help out with that little problem you have." Discord said, pulling out a hankercheif that was wrapped around something.

Specter took the hankercheif, and gently unwrapped it. Inside was an amulet, it looked a bit like a thunder cloud with a thunder bolt on a shield. And then it hit him, this was his lucky amulet"th-th- this is my lucky amulet! i've been looking everywere for it!" Specter said, being full of happyniss, this was the best thing thats happend in days! He gave Discord a great big bear hug, and even heard what sounded like a bone cracking, which he took as a sign to let go."Um, oops.."

Ponyville, near Sugercube Corner, 1758(5:58)

Specter had spent most of the day wandering around Ponyville, mostly to learn were everything was. He was heading to Sugercube Corner because Pinkie asked him to come over at six, and it was almost six. He checked the windows, and saw that the lights were off,"Jee, i wonder why Pinkie called me over?" He sarcasticlly thought.

He walked throught the door, and was suddenly blinded by the light, and nearly made deaf from the amount of ponys who said supprise. As he had expected, Pinkie was throwing a party for him. A party hat was strapped to his head by a familier pink blur, and the defining sound of Pinkie yelling into his ear, saying" I told you i'd throw you a party!" He was right about one thing for sure, pinkie can throw you a party you'll never forget!

The begining of a long project

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Ponyville, Sugercube Corner, 2128(11:28)

Specter had really enjoying the party that was thrown for him. He had learned the names of several ponys he had seen in the backround of the show, but he knew most of there names already. Several had asked him about the explosion that he was found near a little more than a week prior, to which he gave the answer he gave the elements, that he didnt have a clue at all about what caused it.

To name a few names he had learnd, there was Dizzy Twister, Golden Grape, Golden Harvest, Noteworthy, Twinkleshine, Derpy, and Time Turner. He also learnd that Bon Bon was actualy called Sweetie Drops. All of the mane six was there aswell, and he had gotten to learn abit about them aswell, seeing as how this party was all about having fun, and letting Specter make a few freinds.

As it got darker, the party began to dwinde down, till it was just him and the mane six. he had just been having some idle chat with Rainbow Dash, when he saw something out of the corner of his eye, a set of pure teal eye's were watching him fom the darkness.he decided he would check it out later, and put his attention back to Rainbow Dash, who was going on and on about how awsome the wonder bolts are, though she wouldn't have noticed anywase since his eye was the same color all around.

Eventually, the mane six decided that now was the about the time they should be heading home. Rainbow Dash had offerd him a place to stay at her place, which is when Specter had relised a huge roadblock for him. He couldn't fly! He stood still as a stone, wondering what he was going to say,"Well, you wanna or not?" Dash said, wishing he would hurry up and answer."Um, well ,uh, you see....." Specter began," I,um,I,cant, fly.."he said, embaresed to the point he wished he could vanish.

"youuu, what?" Dash asked,since she didnt hear him. She got a bit closer to him and turned her head so her left ear was pointed towards him. Deciding to just spill the beans, specter said" I, I cant fly...." there was a very short silence, which was broken by Rainbow Dash laghing like crazy.

Specter was to embaresd to say a word."HAhaha! What pegeses your age dosn't know how to fly? Bwahahaha!" Dash said.While she was laghing, Specter just said," I'll just, go sleep in a tree." and wanderd in the direction of the library. "HAHA, hey were you going? I was just kidding!" Dash said to Specter, as she got up and dusted herself off. Specter just continued glumly,"No no, its fine, besides, i coudn't accept your offer anywase, I dont even know how to fly, heck i dont even remember how to read." he said, shocking everypony, Twilight most of all.

"Um,well,"Twilight said,"I, do have some space in my basement, but you dont have to stay if you dont want to." she said with a sheepish smile, knowing how awkwardc that sounded." No, I think a tree sounds nice. Shady and leafy. Welp, good night everypony." Specter said to them, as he contiued down the road, before making a left so that he was headed to the area near the school.

After finding nice tree to sleep on, he climbed the branches, and layed down on a rather leafy branch, and began slowly falling asleep. But before he could reat for more than ten minutes, he heard something snap a brantch. He was up aster than a whip. He serched below him, and saw a familier pair of eyes watching him from a bush, pure, teal, eyes. he had began to think, and had come down to a few conclusions, but none were anything he needed to worry about." you know i can see you, and you dont have to hide." He said to the stalker, but made sure that he was quiet to prevent anypony else hearing.

The figure than come closer, but still to far away for him to make out any features. He urged them to came closer, and got down from the tree.when the figure was close enough, the moon, which was hidden behind some clouds, was reveild, letting enough moon light down for Specter to see who the figure infront of him was.

When he saw them, it was rather obviouse. Black skin, check; Pure color'd eyes, check; swiss cheese for legs,check, yup, it was a changling, and a very weak looking changling at that. He saw that the changling was hurt, a few cuts and bruises, and looked malnurished. When he took a step towards it, the changling took a step back," dont worry, i wont hurt you, i want to help." Specter said to it, taking another step forward

This time, the changling just stood there as he walked up to it. He took out his sonic screw driver, and scanned her,"Hasn't ate in days and has an infection, atleast i can fix her up" he thought, as he inspected her for all of the wounds."Were does it hurt the most?" he asked the changeling."...Why are you helping me, i thought ponies hated changelings." the changling said in a feminine voice, similer to that of Rainbow Dash.

When he thought about it, he had wonderd that to, but was not all that worried, atleast there was hope with someponys."I cant just let somepony walk by injured, changling or not." he said to her. he then extended the sonic and began to use a different pulse, one which contained energy.

When the pulse made contact with the changeling, the electricity began to stimulate the cells around the cuts on the changelings body, causing the rate of which they multiplied increase, alowing the cuts and bruises to heal within a matter of seconds," Why are you in ponyville?" Specter asked her.

The changeling just stood there for a moment. Specter moved infront of her and just waited."I was heading back to the Bad Lands, the place were the changeling hive is located. I got hurt by a mob of angry villagers who figured out i was a changeling, that was when i last had something to eat." She said, hanging her head low, which is when her head was raised, and stairing into the one good eye of Specter, who's eye had a blue aura in the center, that seamed to be like a portal, but she couldnt move, nopony could when they were being mind probed.

Specter had looked into the depth's of the changeling's memories, her name was Mirage, she was one of the queens scouts, and the most suprising thing, was that she had a nimph. She was also one of the changeling that took part in the siege of Canterlot, and was one of the changlings who were unlucky enough to be aimed away from the badlands, rather than toward it.

He looked into the recent memories, such as when she woke from being sent so far away, how she passed through Tall Tale, and how she wanderd near the train tracks, coated in cuts and bruises that she had gotten from tall tail. Then he looked to when she arived in ponyville, how she waited till nightfall to enter. She had seen him during the party, she was the set of teal eyes in the darkness, all the way to now, to the point where he was seeing what she saw.

He finnaly broke the link, and looked at the changeling, who was shocked that he just did that."Wha-what did you just do?" she asked, still stuned." I looked in you memories. Im sorry, i just wanted to know what you've been through." Specter said. Mirage had noiced something, When Specter had finishe'd using his mind probe, she had felt much fuller, like he was giving her the love that she needed to live.

Specter was rather exausted though. him being awake this late, and using the mindprobe, was rather tiring. Specter took a few steps back, his head aching from the probe, which gave him so much information in one time, and he was still learning how to use it." Well, you best be on your way, you need to get bak to your nimph, dont you?" he said with a smile. Mirage gave him a quick hug," thank you, what's your name?" she asked him, leting go of him." My name is Specter. Tell your queen if you want, i dont hate changelings." He said.

" Well thats good, dont want to hate on one of your own do you?" she said to him , whch left him puzzled,what does she mean by that? "What do you mean? why would hating a changeling be hating one of my own?" He asked her."You dont know? I thought you would know if you were part changling." she said to him. He just stood there, compleatly stiff, he wasnt sure if she wa telling the truth," How am i part changeling? And do you know?" he asked." How do you think us changelings can tell each other apart from the ponys we mimic?" she said in responce.

She then began to walk off," Dont worry, hybrids are the best to be, but dont let everypony know, the'll hate you more then they hate reguler changelings." she said as a word of advice.

Specter was rather suprised that she said that, and was wondering if she was right, or if she should be trusted. He decide to sleep over it, and climbed back ito the tree, falling asleep much quicker now that he was so tired. The calm embrace of sleep over took him in minutes.

Ponyville, outside of the school house, 0942(9:42)

Miss Cheerly had been in a sour mood. First off, she had to miss Pinkies party ecause she had to grade a bunch of tests and homework in one day, and she had put it off untill the evening. Second, somepony decided it would be funny if they wrote a bunch of nonsence on the walls of the school house at recess yesterday. And finnaly, she was as tired as tartarus.

When she got to the school house she heard somepony snoring, and saw somepony sleeping in a tree. She went over to the tree and knocked on the trunk of the tree to wake the pony up. To her suprise, the pony woke up before he could hit the tree a second time, and on the ground just as quick.

"Oh, hello. I never saw you at Pinkie's party. My name's Specter, Specter Atomis, pleased to meat you." Specter said with a smile, while shaking Miss cheerly's hoof like Applejack. Cheerly was rather curious as to why he was so peppy, and why he had bandages around his head and left eye."um, hello, im Miss Cheerly, nice to meet you specter." she said as she struggled to get out of his viper like grip on her hoof." Um, Why are you so peppy, and whats with the bandages?" she said, finnaly escaping his grip, but with her arm stll moving.

"Im peppy because i got a realy good nights sleep, and the bandages are from me loseing my eye and geting a huge cut on my head." He said. "i'm gunna guess your the village teacher, am i right?" he continued."um, yes. but you mind telling me why you were sleeping in a tree?" she asked him." Because i dont have a home, and a tree is good enough." he said."Now excuse me, but i gotta go, bye!" he said, before zooming off towards the Ponyville library.

When he got to the library, he stoped at the door and knocked. When the door opened, he saw Twilight, who still looked like she needed a cup of coffee."Specter, what are you doing here? The library Hardly opened a few minutes ago." Twilight said."Well, remember how last night i said i, um, i dont know how to read, i decided to come here and see if you were willing to teach me!" He said, hoping to learn it before his lack of knowledge would come to bite him in the ass.

Twilight just sighed, she was tired, yes, but she was also willing to help," Fine, i guess, i dont really have much planned today. Go to the basement and wait there, i'll be down in a second." She said, knowing how ackward that sounded. Specter went down to the basement, which was rather well lit for a cluterd basement.

He began to look at all the machines, all of them resembiling old human compters and such. These machines were all relics to him, but they were still machines he could have fun with, all he would need is some silicon. He went up to a machine that resembled one of the first ever computers, and turned it on.

Twilight had just gotten her cup of coffee and some books and such, along with some flash cards for helping Specter learn to read. She thought of how a pony with a cutie mark like his dosn't even know how to read. When she was about to open the door to the basement, she hurd what sounded like a sisle of sparks, and Specter swearing like a sailer."How did he hurt himself in the minute that it took me to get this stuff?" she wondered.

When she opened the door, she saw Specter in a pile of wires and a bit of metal, trying to get free of the wires." Can i get a little help here?" he asked, " How the hay did you do that to my computer!?" she asked him, as she put the stuff she was holding on the floor, and began to untange Specter fron the wires with her magic.

"I was just turning it on, then the screan blew up in my face into a shower of sparks!" he said, as he was getting free from one of the last peices of wiring. When helooked inside of the computer, hesaw that it was dusty, filled with cobwebs, and the metal was rusted.

He just looked at it with an unamused expresion, then he simply face hoofed,"She dosnt even maintain the dam thing!' he thought. Specter looked at Twilight," You mind explainong to me why this thing is in such a stste of disrepair?" he asked her.

Twilight just stood there for a moment and was thinking of a way to tell him." Umm,i, haven't botherd to get around to cleaning it up.." she said, though she was obviosley embaresed that one of her best machines was in disrepair.

"Well than, i guess im gunna have to fix it." Specter said in a sad voice, though he was faking it."Um, we still have leasons planed for today." Twilight said." Oh, um, right, well i guess i'll fix it tomarow." Specter said, and was a little disopointed. He knew he would be here for a while, so he took a seat near the computer, and waited till Twilight was ready setting up."Note to self, get sand and see if spike can help me make some silicon.

Ponyville library, basement, 1721(5:21)

Specter had been down in the library basement for around five hours, and he was begining to think of how much he felt like chewing his own wing off. He had gone over all the leasons three times, wrote an essay three times, and wrote down notes for each and every letter, with a cypher showing the human alphabet and equestrian alphabet, just to help him memorize it.

When he had been told he could leave, he zoomed off like a bullet. He was walking to Sugercube Corner, hopeing to do some work to earn a few bits, when he spotted something out of the corner of his eye. He could see Rainbow Dash doing her tricks and flips around Ponyville, flipping, twirling, barrel-rolling, and was doing it so fast, he could hardly keep track of her. He took a second and just watched her as she flew for a few seconds, thinking about how it must feel to be able fly.

He looked at his wings, which were useless for anything but substitute hands. He sighed, and continued on his way, taking a mentel note to learn how to fly someday. When he got to Sugercube Corner, he saw that the cakes were just begining to close up shop."Hello!" he said in a voice just loud enough for Mister Cake to hear.

Mister Cake looked at Specter and waved his hoof in responce. Specter walked up to him, though he had to angle his head up a bit, since Mister Cakes neck was a little longer then most ponys."Mister cake, do you happen to have any work that needs to be done? I've had a bit of a list to do, and i need some bits to do it." Specter said.

" Oh, um, well, me and the misses do need a bit of help, seeing as how pinkie is off doing who knows what." Mister Cake said, though not fully convinced that Specter was realy ok, sanity wise."Dont worry, i'll do my best to avoid making a biger mess." Specter said, hoping to make Mister Cake a bit confident on geting a mad-man to help clean up the bakery. Lets just say, Mister cake was more woried when he said that then he was a few seconds prior, but he did need the help.
Specter was walking toward the library, and had a small pouch with ten bits in it. He had been a good help in the bakery when it came to cleaning up, and had gained the trust of some of the ponys, but not enough bits for what he planned on doing. when he got to the librry, the sun was just begining to set.

He circled around the tree and found what he was looking for, a way into the basement. Well, it was actually a window, but it was only screwd in, and easy to remove. He got out his sonic and turned it on, and began working on the screws.the sonic fired pulses of kenetic energy that went around the screw, and bursted off the bottom of it, forcing the screw to start to come out.

After about a minute, he jad managed to remove the screws, and snuck inside. It was rather dark, but the sonic was a swiss army knife of a tool. Specter sent a mental pulse into the sonic, as he did whenever he used it, and activated the flashlight. The sonic created light by being exposed to a focused beem of energy, rather than pulses, which was routed into the cartiogragh gem on top, and focused forward by the claws on the four sides of the gem.

He began to look around, but made sure to make as little noise as possible. Soon, he found the computer, and then the thing he came down for,his belt! He slowly crept over to the belt,and began to inspect it, just to make sure it was still fully stocked. Wrench, check; hammer, check; pouches with books,check; white phosphorus, only half check. He saw that two of the five vials of the powder were missing, but what was two vials?

He decided to check with Twilight in the morning to check it out. He snatched the belt and quietly put it around his waist, and buckled it. It was a bit bulky now that he was a pony, but he could ask Rarity for help with it. He then went back to the area below the window, and managed to make a few hoof holds in the wall to let him climb up to the window. When he emerged from the window, he set about getting the screws back into place.After about half a minute, he got the screws as tight as they were when he got there, and headed back to the area near the school.
After about a five minute walk to the school, he climbed the tree, set his belt on a higher branch, and decided to do a bit of star-gazing. He climbed down the tree, climbed to the top of the school house, and started to locate constellations. He had just sat there, looking at the stars, so still, he looked like a statue from a distence."There's the big dipper, but why is it like a frying pan? Then the ursa is should be there, but its missing. So if the ursa's there, that meens that Orion should be right, about, there." he was muttering to himself," and they all seem to be backwards, odd." he continued. he had benn trying to see if he was somewhere close to his star, his home, but the position of the stars ment that he was anywere but close to home. after about another five minutes, he climbed back into the tree, and went to bed.

Ponyville, school, 0954(9:54)

Specter had been awoken by what sounded like russling, he layed there with his eyes closed, trying to zone it out, but he was already awake. He opend his eye just a bit, and looked around. He saw that his belt was missing from the highbrabch that it rested on, and the branch was still in one peice. In a panic, he shot up like a bullet, and started to look around.

He heard some whispers from nearby, below him. He climbed down from the tree and looked around, hoping that whoever it was would talk again." Alright, whoever took my belt, give it back!" he said in an angry voice.

He heard whispers, in a bush near the school entrance. He leaped towards the bush, getting three smal, yelps," Yup, its them" he thought," Give, me, my,stuff!" he said, still pissed that they tried to take his belt

The bush rusteld, and out came the CMC, and Scootaloo was dragging his belt out of the bush. "Were sorry mister, we were just realy curious about your belt, it had a lot of weird stuff on it." Applebloom said, in a guilty voice, giveing Specter her best puppy dog eyes.

Specter just looked at her with a straight face, then looked over to Scootaloo."Can i have my belt back?" he asked her. Scootaloo just gave him the belt, and remained silent while he put it on."You know, i could tell your parents that you took my stuff without asking, but i'll let you off the hook this time." Specter said, while the CMC were just happy that he wouldn't tell on them."but only this once!" he said, as he got close to them a bit, just to get his point across,"Got it?"

The CMC shook there heasd and ran off to the apple orchard. Specter just sighed,wishing life would be easier, and began to walk to the lake.

Ponyville Library,1000(10:00)

Spike was rather upset that somebody ate the gems he was going to use in a jewl cake, and was not able to make the conection that he was the one who ate them. Somepony had just knocked on the door, and when he opened it, he was a little suprised to see Fluttershy, with the demon "angle" on her head.

When she saw Spike in his bakers outfit, she thought she had just interupted him in doing something."Oh, oh goodness, i-i hope im not inturupting anything." Fluttershy said, a bit embarrassed thst she inturupted him."Well,i do have this cake to not bake." Spike said in a sarcastic voice, though Fluttershy didnt realy pickup on the sarcasm.

"Ooh, sorry, its a bad time." She said, as she began to tuen away."Uh, inside joke, talk to me." he said, getting her to turn back to him."i-its just that, Princess Cadence needs us to do a great job welcoming the head of the Equestria games when she visits the crystal empire tomorrow-."Flutterdshy said, before being inturupted by Spike.

"Oh i know all about that. As if i wouldnt be any help at welcoming." Spike said, in a rather annoyed voice.and so began the day that spike would help with the invention of Specters favorite "toy"

Ponyville, local swimming hole, 1032(10:32)

Specter had purchesed two buckets, both were very cheap, and had been filling them with sand. When he was finished with filling the buckets, he was on his way to the library,but decided to admire the sceanery on the way, makin him take longer than needed.

He picked up every possible detail about the area around him at all times.he looked ahead after a few minutes, and saw that the town was not to far now. He picked up the pace, but made sure not to spill any sand. a few ponys gave him some funny looks, but they were used to this kind of weird behavior, seeing as how they all knew Pinkie Pie.

When he was at the town well, he got hit in the head by something he didn't see, knocking him out cold. Nearby, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Spike had seen the tortise hit Specter head on, and a comicly large bump on his head form."Uh,oh." was all anypony said, before they rushed over to his limp body, and the flipped tortise.

"We need to get him inside. Dash, you mind helping me carry him to the library?" Spike asked, seeing as how he needed to take care of there freind, who seemed to be a magnet for bad luck.

Rarity levitated Tank onto his feet, and the little magic-powered propeller placed onto his back and fixed."I'll carry his buckets, one wouldn't collect sand for no good reason." Rarity said, levitation the sand into the buckets. the trio then hurried off to the library, with the limp form of Specter on dashes back, and tank flying close behind.

Ponyville library, 1043(10:43), the next day

Specter felt like he was hit in the head by a falling comet, but then again, thats how he felt most of the time. He slowly began to open his eyes." That would be nice. you sure you dont already have your hands full?" he heard a familier voice say.

"Nawh, peshaw, i'll be fine! But uh, just betwean you and me, i got to give priority to the, paying customers." He heard spike say in a cocky tone. Specter decided to be a troll, and hooted just like owlicious."Twilight and the others, thats who." Spike said.

Specter just chuckled quietly enough for them not to hear. He felt wood on his chest, which ment that he was lying on his chest on the floor." You know, you are so easy to fool spike." Specter said in a weak voice as he got up.

Spike rolled his eyes and held out the cup for gems to Twilight, who put a light pink diamand inside of it. the group walked outside, but Twilight stoped just outside of the door way, but Specter didn't pay any attention to them. He got up, put on the belt with all the tools, and grabbed his sonic, seeing as how he was gunna need it soon.

Upon the closing of the front door, all tartarus broke loose. Opal was tearing some curtains, Gummy was ripping books, Tank was crashing into the walls, knocking books off the shelfs, and angle and Winona were running around like mad men. Specter held up the sonic, and started to pulse high frequency screaches, that only the animals could hear.

The sound was created when the gem on top of the sonic was fed energy from the top, sending the pulses to the rest of the sonic. The sonic had small vents it routed air through, the air was pushed faster and then vibrated by the pulses, causin the high pitch sound. The animals stoped dead in there tracks, and attempted to block thesound from there ears, exept gummy, who just stood in one spot.

Specter quickly turned off the pulse,"All yours Spike, i'll be down in the basement if you need me." Specter said, as he slid the sonic under his wing, and walked downstairs. When he got down, he didn't waste any time. he began to inspect the ruined computer, and wrote down some mesurment and blueprints on some spare paper that was down there, and got to work building replacement parts for the computer.

He started by gathering any scrap metal he could find and started to make a rather large pile of metal. When he was done collecting the metal, he got out his sonic, and began to scan the scap to see what he had to work with, and began to seperate the different metals into different piles. When he had sorted all of the metal, he went upstairs, then outside for some fresh air.

when he got outside, he saw the train that was headed to the Crystal Empire leave the station,and spike with it. Specter began to think of what to do, the girls wont be back for a while, the other townsfolk think hes a bit loco-in-the-coco, and he neaded to make some silicon, but how would he get the crystal seed? He began to think hard, though it hurt from how Tank hit him with the force of a,well, tank.

He had gotten a few ideas, but the most sensible one was to ask Twilight to make one. He knew it was far fetched, but it was worth a try. He stayed out for a bit longer, went back inside, and began to draw the structure of the atoms in the silicon seed, and he decided he would start translating his books on computers and such in his book bag to equestrian after that.

same place, 1534(3:34)

Specter was working on translating the advanced masonry section of his book into equestrian,which was harder than he though, when he heard talking in the distance, though he couldnt make it out. He soon heard the library door open, and Twilight say to Spike," So what are you thinking, bake 'em into a jewl pie? Oo, six layerd gem cake sounds pretty good!" Twilight said.

Specter turrned around to Twiliht and said" yea, hi to you guys to." in a monotone voice."yea, it does." Spike said, as he droped the big green emerald above the cake batter he was using.

Specter pulled out his sonic and watched as spike stuck out his tounge and cought the gem before it could land in the dough. Specter shot a energised pulse at spikes tounge, making it nomb, and droping the gem into the batter." Dont want to ruin your cake, do you?" Specter said, as he turrned around and continued translating his book.

Spike just gave a slight nervous laugh. Specter was able to feel something breathing on his shoulder, so he looked over with his eye, and saw that Twi was looking at his translating."Can i help you?" he said, as he turrned to face her.

Twilight took a step away, and said," how are you able to translate that, i thought you forgot everything?" "I never said everything, just alot." Specter said in responce."This alphabet is the only one i know, so im translating this from this language to equestrian." he said in a happy tone.

"Oook, i guess that makes sense. By the way, what is this for?" Twilight said, as she levitated the paper with the atomic structure of a silicon crystal seed." Oh, i need you to make something using that atomic structure.Ii need it to fix the computer in the basement. you can make it right?" Specter asked her.

Twilight nodded her head,"I can made it, on one condition." She said to Spec."What is it?" Spec said, not looking forward to it at all." I want the first copy of that book when you finish translating it, just for my studies." Twilight said with a smile.

Spec turrned to her, extended his hoof, and said" You got yourself a deal."Twilight shook his hoof," i'll have it by tomarrow morning." she said.

Specter continued to work the book well into the night, before he decided to leave. He had kept the book in his satchel atatchment in his belt, along with the translation. As usual, he climbed the tree, placed the belt on a sturdy high branch, and went to sleep on the softest branch, letting sleep come to him in a few moments.

The plot thickens

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Ponyville, Books and Branches Library, 0841(8:41)

It was a nice day in Ponyville, the sun was as bright as ever, only a few clouds blocked the rays of light. Specter had gotten up much earlier than normal, just for two reasons. He had been slaving away, carrying buckets of sand to the library basement, untill he had a small mountain." Hey Spec, what are you gunna do with all this sand anywase? I mean, you've been gathering a bunch in only a few minutes!" Spike said, just thinking of more ways he could prove Specter was a loon.

Specter wiped the sweat from his forehed, and then went back upstairs, where Twilight was getting a few things ready for the spell she was going to cast." So, that the stuff your gunna use to make the seed?" Specter asked, since he was waiting for the seed to help with the project.

She placed the last thing she needed on the table that the rest of the things were located," Yes, i need these for the atoms I require to make the seed. I've memorised all the elements and such by heart, so i should be good." Twilight said, with a cocky grin. She was realy looking forward to seeing if she could even preform the spell, seeing as how she had never created a new mineral, or element for that matter." I'll need you two to be quiet, i need full consentration if im gunna do this right, and not blow something up." she said, looking at Specter.

She closed her eyes, and began to encompass her horn in magic essence, the same thing that was stored in Specters amulet. The items on the table where then surrounded by the same glow, and were levitated above the table, slowly begining to circle Twilight. The glow around Twilights horn intensified, meaning that she kicked it up a nothch with her magic, trying her hardest to get the atoms out of the objects that surrounded her.

They sat there for a good few minutes as she was making progress taking the atoms required out, and discarding of the remainder. When all was said and done, Twilight still had the biggest problem left, getting the atoms to bond in the right pattern. She slowly began to peice together the atoms, conecting them together, intertwining the valence electrons in each. When she had fineshed connecting the elemens, she cast one last spell, just to be sure they stuck together, and created a blinding white light in the process.

When the three had gotten there sense of sight back, Twilight levitated a small test tube, and jently placed the seed at the bottom, which was near imposible to see with the naked eye. she levitated the tube over to Specter, who took it from the air, and placed it on his belt, which had small pouched for tubes."I've held my side of the bargen, i hope you'll do the same." she said with a cocky grin." Dont worry, when the books finished, you'll get the first copy. Hey, can i borrow spike for a second, if you dont need him, i need some help making a vital part of the computer." Spec said, looking over to Spike, who seemed more than happy to help.

"Wellll, i guess he could help, just as long as he dosn't get hurt." Twilight said in a less then reasured voice to leave Spike in the hands of a mad stallion."I promise that he wont get more than a burnt or scratched scale! Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" Specter said, makeing the corisponding hoof motions, and quicky hurrying down stairs with spike in tow.

When he got down, he began to collect the sand into a melting pot that was also in the basement, and pegan to pour it in. When he fineshed that, he pulled out a strange object that was hidden by a tarp, and it was almost big enough to reach the cealing."Alright, i need you to get this sand to melt, when it's melted," he said, pulling off the tarp, revealing a monstrocity of a pully system," i'll need you to help me dip the seed into the molten goop, and hang it over there." he said, pointing at a makeshift metal cylender, which was about three and ahalf feet in diamiter, and had a hanger that matched the one that would hold the seed into the vat of molten sand.

Spike was rather confused, dip the thing Twilight made into molten sand, hang it in a metal tube, and let the mad stallion work some magic on it, which sounded like a plan Pinkie would understand, but Spike was clueless. Spike stood on a stool, which was realy a pile of scrap metal, and took the biggest breath he could, and blew out a large, white-hot flame. The sand began to heat, turning into the equivilent of lava, while specter was just rubbing his hooves together in anticipation. When Spike was out of breath, about half of the sand was melted.

He took one more deep breath, and repeated. After about five seconds of the fire stream, the rest of the sand was melted. Spike then hurried to the base of the monstocity that was a pully crane, and asked Specter what to do," Ok, im going to hang this seed on the top hook, im going to need you to lower it into the vat with this lever." he said, pointing to the lever, which was colored red. Spike waited at the side of the lever, waiting for the seed to be hooked.

When Specter hooked the seed, spike began to lower the lever slowly. The pully crane was finnaly diped into the molten vat of sand," Alright, stop there, that should be good enough for the seed to work its magic." Specter said, as Spike put a wedge under the lever to keep it still." Soooo, now what?" Spike said," We wait for about half an hour for the seed to work its magic, in the meantime, we should work on fixing the main metal components of the computer." Specter said," and i'll need you for bending metal, and welding it together." he said, already collecting cob webs from the iner workings of the computer

" Why are you saving the webs?" Spike asked, as Specter began collecting about a bucket full of the silk." Good questian! Im collecting the webs because of how tough they are when you combine them to form a thicker sheet, and they can be strong enough to stand a hydras bite!" Specter said, his voice teeming with enthusiasm.

Spike decided not to question the logic of a mad stallion, and began collecting the webs and stuffing them in the bucket. After about four minutes, they were finished, and decided to see who could collect the most webs by the time the silicon was done forming around the seed. They began to run around, Spike with buckets, and Specter with his belt satchels and a bucket.

They ran around for about another twenty-five minutes before every web in the basement, including the webs in the old machines, was collected. Spike had by-far beaten Specter, having had to dump his buckets twice to make room for the webs." I guess you win this one, but i'll be the victor next time!" Specter said with a grin, but panting like a dog after running a marithon.

" Thats what you think, but i guess i should let an old timer win for once." Spike said with a cocky grin." HEY, im only thirty! That means im still not an old timer!" Specter said to Spike, and felt like snaping the little dragons neck.

Specter looked at the clock on the wall near the base of the steps, and saw it was about time to remove the silicon." Hey Spike, we got some silicon to collect, man the lever." Specter commanded, as he began to climb to the end of the pully, and waited for spike to raise it.

Spike waddled over to the lever, and began to push it up, which was much harder with the added weight of both specter and the silicon. As the hook began to raise, it revealed the large silicon crystal, which was the color black. When Spike lifted the lever as high as he could, he put a metal wedge into it, and saw Specter come down from the pully." Alright Spike, you can go now if you want, i can handel it from here." He said to Spike, who got out as soon as he could.

Specter then began to push a horizantol lever, and made the pulley turn the towards the odd container. When he got it aligned with the capsole, he went over to another lever, and began to push it up, resulting in the pully system moving forward, and placing the crystal next to the hook. He began to make very small changes to get the pully hook latched onto the cylinder's hook.

When he was sure it was secured, he began to crawl along the arm of the pully to unhook the pully, and leave the still in need of cooling sylicon crystal in the cylinder. When he felt the tension of the pully release, he returned to the levers, and moved everything away from the cylinder, and in its standby position, which ment that he just set it to be pointing up and touching the roof.

Specter quickly rushed up to the library kitchen, and got lots of ice, and a fan. Quickly going down to the basement, he placed the ice in the buckets , which were now empty, and moved them near the cylender. He aimed the fan over the buckets and turnes it on, making a sort of imprompto cooler. He decided he would figure out how the fan worke later, he didn't realy want to hurt his head more thanit always hurt.

He Went back upatairs, and saw Twilight and Spike giving him a few odd stares." Um, you mind explaining why you needed so much ice, adn my fan?" Twilight asked." Oh, i needed it to cool the silicon. it needs to be cool for me to use it." Specter said, as he began to walk to the little desk that he used to write his book, he got his book and translation out, and began to write the book, And spent a good few minutes writing, before he could feel breathing on his neck. He put his pencil down and looked at Twlight." Would it kill you to not look over my shoulder to see what im writing." He said in a monotone voice

Twilight gave a sheepish grin and walked back to the couch she was sitting on earlier. Specter worked another five minutes before he felt the brathing on his neck. He put the pencil down a little harder and faster," If you you dont stop, i'll mind probe you, and nopony likes mind probes." he said, again, in a monotone yet serious voice. he didnt even have to look back to know that the quick scurrying of hooves was Twilight hurrying to the couch.

He picked up the pencil, and continued to write, hoping to not be inturupted. He managed to write for another twenty minutes before something else inturupted him. The door to the library was opened by Applejack, and all the others folloed soon after, along with there pets. they all began to say hi , but Specter was trying to avoid the tortise that seemed to be trying to hit him on purpose.

"Hey specter, what're you doing?" He heard Rainbow Dash voice ask.by now, he was royaly pissed that he couldn't even write for more then a few minutes before being interupted, but realy didnt want to be angry when there was more than a mare and a baby dragon around," Im translating this book to equestrian. Its about masonry and basic and complicated machines, like gyro copters." Specter said in a slightly peppy tone.

"OH,OH, i have a gyro copter!" Pinkie said. Specter was infront of her in a second" You have a gyro copter? How did you get a gyro copter!?" Specter asked, realy just playing the dumb card, he knew all allong that she had a gyro copter, he just never knew how she got it.

" I found a copy of that book, in equestian, while i was helping zecora gather some herbs for her potions!" Pinkie said, Hopping over to the desk with the book. Specter began togo threw the book to the pages that told how to build a gyro copter." See, it tells how to built the copter!" She said, pointing to the picture of a gyro copter.

The rest of the ponyslooked over the page, mostly the picture aids for puting links and such in certain places." B-b-but how does that make sence? I haven't even finished the book yet!" Specter said, compleatly flabergasted that the book translation already existed. He grasped Pinkies head with his hooves," Where did you find it!?" Specter demanded to know.

"Hmm, i was walking down along the forest, when i thought i heard a timber wolf. I was so scared that i heard it, i ran half way to appleloosa! But when i stoped, i decided to look around, seeing as how i never saw this side of the forest from Ponyville." She said, putting her left hoof on her chin, trying to remember some details

"When i was in sight of the rambling rock ridge, i saw this thing not to far into the forest, it looked like a realy old building, but when i tried to get close, these weird things popped out of the ground. They were like realy fast shooting cannons, and when i tried to find the pony who was controlling them, i couldnt see anypony!" She said, while the entire group, even SPike, who had joined in half way through, was dead quiet, though Twilight was writing Pinkies tale down on a peice of parchment.

"So she found a place defended by automatic turrets? Specter thought, letting Pinkie go finnaly." When i maneged to get past them, i saw a long hallway that went under ground, but the hallway was filled with, like, a million of those weird cannons, so i grabbed the nearest thing to me and ran, that thing just happend to be the book." Pinkie said, but specter was hardly paying attention anymore, he had gone to the shelf that was labled "A", and got an atlas.

He quickly guessed where the ruins were, grabbing a spare peice of parchment and begining to copy the map down, and wrote an "X" were he guessed the ruins were." Spec, what are you doing?" Twilight asked him, looking over his shoulder at the map. Specter rolled up the paper and grined,"Planing a trip, what else would a mad stallion like me do?" he said, turning to the group."Now excuse me while i get some stuff done in the basement!"He said, zooming away and down the stairs.

The girls put there ears against the door, trying to figure out what he was doing. They could here what sounded like a hammer hiting metal, when they heard it hit something abit more meaty." BAISE" they could hear specter say. "Oh my,i think he hit himself, and knowes some rather colerfull language" Rarity said in a whisper,"What did he say, what did he say!?" Pinkie asked in a loud whisper,"i dont think you should know." Rarity replied, before putting her ear against the door.

For the longest time, they heard only the beating of metal, but soon could faintly hear the sound of wood being carved, again, only to hear the sound of a knife cutting something meaty."AHHHHHA, OH BORDEL DE MERDE!" they heard Specter say in pain, they all rushed down to see what happend." Spec is something wrong? What happend?" Twilight quickly asked as they hurried down the stairs

They were greeted by the sight of Specter wrapping a bandage around his hoof very quickly, but Twilight didnt recall ever giving him any bandeges."And were did you get that bandage?"she asked, slowing down here pace.When he finished wraping his hoof, he turned to the group,which now included spike since he heard from his bead," What do you think i did with all those cobwebs me and spike collected?" he asked them, getting a look from Rarity showing how sick she felt upon hearing this.

"I decided to try and compress it into semi thick sheets, and use it as back-up bandades. There actually really soft and cozy!"He said, rubing his hoof to make sure that the bandage was secure."Wait, so thats, spider webs? Why would anypony in the right mind ever evenget close to a web!?"Rarity asked, looking at how much of a cleaning this room needed, aswell as seeing the pile of web sheets that reached the ceiling.

"Well incase you havent noticed,im not in the right mind. By the way, do you know were a good place to go mioning for gems is?" He asked, taking the pick to the rough metal head and began beating the rough edges into the holes in it, showing that it was ment to be rough,that way there was something to put in the holes to grip on, and showing how smoth it realy was.

" Um,well, there is a small hilly area that i used to go to to get my gems, but i've stayed away from it as much as possible now that i know that theres a colony of diamand dogs under my very hooves whenever i go there," Rarity said,not to sure she should have told him." Perfict! I guess thats where ill go in the morning than, but i'll need to make some preperations," he said, looking towards the group," and i dont need youall down here for it,you know, to let me focus."He went to the mountain of sheets of cobwebs and began to pick a few out.

Rarity was disgusted that he was using webs, but watched for a short time while the otheres went upstairss as Specter got a small needel and some spider silk thread and began to weave the sheets together, cutting off some of the silk to make it the perfict size. Having seen enough, she quickly went upstairs, but couldn't help but feel a little sorry for him." Poor stallion, having to make everthing from scraps, and hardly has a bit in his name,even forced to make things from cobwebs and make-shift tools. I do hope he dosnt do anything brash." She thought, taking one last glance at him before closing the door to the basement.

seven hours later, same location

The girls had stayed upstairs for a few minutes whenthey left specter to his weaving, and had left with their pets, saying that they were going for their weekly pet playdate. Inthe meen time, Specter had made two fairly strong, light, and big satchles to hold all of his gems, which he was going to collect.

Even though he wanted to go mining right now, Specter knew better than to go out when the dogs were most likely to be out, so he decided to work on his book, and a reason that it already existed. He had thought that the one he was making was the onlyone, so it was quite a shock to findout that this is how Pinkie got her gyro copter. As he begsn to cross refrence the two books for accuracy, and found that they were near perfict copies.

He set the book aside, and decided to work on the translation of the book he was making, only to feel breathing on his neck. He had given Twilight fair warning already, and knew she knew what he would do. With the speed of a cobra, he turned and faced her, looking into her eyes. Before she could look away, the blue apeared in Specters eyes, freezing her in place, the mind-probing was on.

When Specter had probed her mind, he expected a hole lot of book smarts, but was suprised to see where it stoped being smarts, and began to be personal stuff about her freinds and family. He saw that she had once taken a look at the inside of the guard barracks, which was filled to the brim with armor, shields, crossbows, bows and arrows, and spears and swords. He saw when she had left to Ponyville, and could feel the sadness she felt when she was waving goodbye to her brother, how scared she was when she saw Nightmare Moon, And how she felt when she used the elements.

Specter had decided to take a look at her spells to, how she used them, how they worked, and found that she knew the mind-probe spell too, and knew how to control it. He read as much of her mind there as he could and finnaly ended the mind-probe.

When he shook the feeling of nausea he always got after the probe, he saw that Twilight was much more wobbly than he was by a mile. After a few minutes of Specter not caring and just working on his book, The quill was pulled from his hoof, and the stool he was on was spun around to face a very pissed off Twilight." Why the hay did you do that for!" she said, again, very clearly pissed off." I told you i would probe you if you kept looking over my shoulder, and thats what i did. He said, turning the stool to face the book, and grabing a new quill.

Twilight was about to argue, but had rememberd what he said, giving her no choice but to just think of some way to get revenge. Specter just sat there writing for hours before he felt tired, and he never feels tired. He got up and headed down to the basement, but heard the door get knocked, he stoped at the door to the basement, and watched the scene of Twilight getting her pacage unfold, and stoped the door before it closed on the mail stallion."sorry bout her, she just realy wants to read that book." Specter said, grabbing the nearest quill, and putting his signature.

The mail stallion said thanks and left, and Specter hurried down to his ;ab, and jumped right into the mountain of spider silk. He just layed there, staying awake for a little while, and began to think."Ok, so tomorrow is the seasen three ending, now who should i help? Mabey i should help keep Rainbow Dash, but then again, she is the one who Twilight and Spike help with. Mabey i should help Rarity? No, she's to much of a drama queen. Mabey i sho-" His thinking was cut-off when he saw a small amount of light coming from his medalian, and it soon began to spread.

He paniced and threw the medalian, only for the light to latch onto him like a manticor's jaws on a fresh peice of meat. Before he could yell out for help, the light clamped his muzzle shut tight. It began to envelope his body in the light," Dam you deja vo!" He coudint help but think, seeing as how this reminded him of how he was turned into an Equine. The light was begining to squeez him, from the area of his mark to his brain. It squeezed him so much, he was begining to go into shock, slowly falling unconscious, untill he was finnaly out like a light.

Same place, 0816(8:16)

Specter was lying still as a stone on the ground, aching all over because of the squeezing that happend last night. He slowly began to come to when he could here the singing of a familier unicorn, and birds chirping. He began to inspect himself from mane to tail, and spotted no difference, exept mabey a few broken ribs, and the lack of a cutie mark. When he saw his mark was missing, he jumped to his hoves and gasped, but regreted the standing part when his entire body was filled with pain.

He slowly began to test his limbs, moving and slowly shaking his hooves and neck. WHen he was sure he was fine he quickly grabed some spider silk and made a small imprompto shirt that coverd his now blank flank. he hurried outside and went to the bridge that Twilight and Rarity were on, and was nearly hit by a lightning bolt on the way there." I knew i should've learned how to fly![i/] he thought to himself.

Twilight passed right by him, running to get Spike mostlikly. He cought up to her and kept pace, trying not to fall behind." Hey Twi, i think we have a rather big problem!" he said to her,"You think!?" She said in a bit of an adjitated voice. He was sure that she was just mad from last night. Specter waited outside when they got to the library, and hurried with them in the direction of Fluttershys cottage.

Fluttershys cottage, 0850(8:50)

Spike had finnaly been convinced to get out of bed and help Twilight and Specter, but was dog tired."i still dont know what you guys had to wake me up for. I love sleeping in the rain." Spike said, hopeing that he could go back to bed soon."Its not about the weather spike. Rarity had Rainbow Dash's cutie mark and said this was Rainbow dash's cottage! Something strange is going on." Twilight said in return.

She knocked on the door, and listened for the sound of hooves among the loud noise from the inside of the cottage. The door opend rather soon after she knocked, revealing a rather woried looking Rainbow Dash."H-hey guys." Rainbow Dash said," Rainbow Dash, why is Rarity doing your job?" Twilight asked her.

A loud-ish crash eminated from the inside of the cottage. Upon hearing it, Rainbow Dash sped back inside, leaving the door wife open." And what in Equestria is going on in..here?" Shesaid, opening the door with magic, only to see a scene of chaos. Animals were Ruining everything in the house, and wern't to happy either." these animals wont listen, no not one little bit!" Dash said, begining the small song that all the other elements would sing, and putting gummy in a cage." They run around, out of control, and throw there hissy fits." She continued, looking towards a cat that was scrapping its claws on a curtain.

"its up to me to stop them, cause plainly you can see! Its got to be my destiny," she sang while chasing a bird, but wound up slamming muzzle first into a mouse hole." and its what my cutie mark is telling me." She fineshed, showing her cutie mark to be the same as fluttershys. All three of the group, Spike, Specter, and Twilight, looked towards eachother, clearly thinking the same thing.

SUgercube Corner,0915(9:15)

The group had decided to go to Sugercube Corner, hopeing that everything was fine there. When they got inside, they saw Fluttershy rather than Pinkie trying to entertain several ponies, including Vynal Scratch." i try to keep them laughing, put a smile upon there face. Fluttershy started, tossing the deflated balloon and putting on a mask of fake glasses and a fake mustach.

The ponies she was trying to entertain were clearly not amused."but nomatter what i try, it seems a bit of a disgrace,its there for all to see." She continued, trying to use one of the party blowers(not sure what there called). the crowed began laughing, but not at Fluttershy, who turned and saw soike doing a much better job at being funny with hte fake glasses and mustach."its got to be my destiny, and its what my cutie mark is telling me." she said, finishing the song, and showing her mark to be the same as Pinkies.

Front entrance of Sweet Apple Acres, 0940(9:40)

The group had decided to go check Sweet Apple Acres next, hopeing that atleast one of there freinds was still normal. They saw Pinkie instead of Applejack shaking a tree, trying to get the apples to come down,"i dont care much for picking fruit," she said, quickly going to a very sturdy plow, that wait a metric ton," and plowing feilds aint such a hoot." she then went to the barn that the group was infront of, and began trying to fix a water chute in all the wrong ways." No matter what i try i can not fix this buster water chute!" The chute eventually brok after about four seconds of her laying on it,

She quickly went and began pulling a cart full of chickens in cages."i've got so many chores to do, its no fun being me!" she then gave up on the cart when the chickens learned how to open the cages, and attempted to buck a tree to knock the apples down."It has to be my destiny," Apples did fall, but on here head instead of in the bucket she held." cause its what my cutie mark is telling me." She lied don wn on here back, and aloud the group to see her cutie mark, which was swapped with Applejack's mark.before the group left, Specter used his sonic on Pinkie's head to lower the pain.

Rarity's Boutique,1012(10:12)

When they got to the boutique, they had already ruled out rarity, so they knew that it would have to be Applejack, who they haden't seen all day. When they got inside, they saw Applejack trying to make a very poor dress." looky here at what i made, i think that its a dress." she put the "dress" on a manikin, and it looked like she just found an old table cloth that was left in the mud and put it on the manikin."i know it dosn't look like much, im under some distress. yall give me a hand here, and help me fix this mess?" she said, putting a fairly ugly had on another manikin, and looked through a hole in a rag on its back.

" my destiny, is not pretty," She put a small headband with two leaves on the head of a third manikin, which looked like it had a ripped bag for clothes. She quickly when to a soweing machine, attempting to put some threads into the mateirial."But its what my cutie mark is telling me." she looked at her mark, which had Rarity's mark. By this point, Specter was about to just head back to the library to work on his project, but Spike begged to check on Rarity, who Twilight had already seen.

Hill on the outskirts of Ponyville,1032(10:32)

Rarity had been doing a botched up job of trying to keep the skys in order, but just wound up making teh area full of chaos Discord would be proud of." im in love with weather patterns, but the others have consernes. fo i just gave them frostbite over top of there sunburns!" she said, while in the distance, three unlucky ponies had been standing in the way of the sun and the flash freeze she had focused there.

" i have to keep on trying, for everypony can see, its got to be," SPecter could just sense that everpony else was also now singing, and played the memory of this episode in his head over," yes its what my cutie mark, its what my cutie mark is telling meee." she finished, signalling for the group to leave in a sense.

Books and Branches library, 1055(10:55)

The group had rushed back to the library in a bit of a state of panic, and it was a very noticable panic. Twilight magiced open the door and let Spec and Spike in, before slamming it shut." this is bad, this is very, very bad!" she said, doing a little dance-ish move, aka, constantly tiphoofing on the floor, before quickly walking to the elements." whats going on, whys this happening?" Spike asked, before spining like a top when Specter rushed by him and looked at the elements next to Twilight.

" last night, when you were taking one of your seven hour bubble bathes, i got a special delivery from the princess!" Specter rememberd that he had to sign the package for her, due to her being a chienne, and how he quickly went down the stairs to go to bed. She said what Specter never heard, but saw due to his knowledge of the show. When she said the spell phrase, Specter saw that the elements were still in how the were.

" i cast the spell so i could find out whay it was, but nothing seemed to happen. but now i know something did happen, the spell has changed the elements of harmony!" she said, looking at the changed elements." that must be why there cutie marks are all wrong!"," So just cast a counter spell to change switch them back!" Spike said, hopeing that this spell had a counter.

Twilight began to flip through the pages, but was fruitless in the search." there is no counter spell!" she stated, feeling more and more that this might be a lost cause." Why dont we use that memory spell you used to fix everpony when Discord was here?" Spike suggested.

"Its not there memory Spike, its there true selfes that have been altered!"

"Zecoras cure for the cutie pox?"

"That wont work either" Twilight said, levitating the book to spike.

Specter had no idea what to do. He memorized this event and went over it so many times, and each time healways asked himself, should he change the outcome? He could take the book and cast the spell time and time again, hopeing that it would randomize to the corect order, or he could try and convince Twilight to help the others adjust to their new lives, keeping her from eing an alicorn, or he could ty to find a spell in the book that he could ask her to use in an attempt to help.

He decided that the random chance would not really be easy, and he douted that she would help change her freinds without even trying to help them, which left only one option. He finnaly zoned back into reality, and quickly grabbed the book from Spikes claws. Spike was about to say something, but was silenced by specters hoof." trust me on this one, im just trying to see if theres something in here that would help." He said in a whisper.

He placed the book on the table he wrote at, and looked back to Spike, who was walking up the stairs, just to be sure he was gone. He grabbed a spare few peices of paper and began to copy soem pages from the book, and looked for hidden details. The pages he copied were pages of intrest that he would look at later. He skimed to the last page, which had the spell that caused this, and began to look at details.

He studdied every last inch of the page, and found nothing, nothing but some very out-of-place random dashes and around three or four random lines around a picture of the elements, and wrote them down on a peice of paper. He began to look a bit more closely at the shapes, "Why would these be around the elements? Mabey they make something, orare part of a pattern on another page?" he thought. he could here Twilight upstairs, who just got the idea of how she could help her freinds. he could hear her coming down the stairs, and the sound of her levitating something." I may not be able to remind them of who they are, but i can show them what they meen to eachother!" he turned to see that she had levitated the elements into the chest that they were originaly stored in." they'll finf the part of themselfes thats been lost so they could help the freinds they care about so much!" Twilight said,

"comeon spike!" She looked at specter,"You to mad stalion!" she said to him. He was happy that she asked him, seeing as how he was going anywase. they galloped out if the house, and to Fluttershy.

two minutes later, balloon station

The group had gotten there just intime, as they saw that Fluttershy was about to get on the balloon and leave."Fluttershy wait!" Twilight said, as she avoided bumping into a rather unhappy Sweetie drops."Oh, hey Twilight." Dluttershy said back, clearly very sad." where are you going?" Twi asked, looking at the balloon that Fluttershy was about to board."Im moveing back to cloudsdale. I dont kmow whats wrong, but i cant seem to make anypony laugh." she said, using a whoopey cushion, which just deflated upon being squeezed.

Specter wasn't listening though, he was thinking about why the spell Twilight usedhad also affected him, but only got rid of his mark. By the time he zoned back into reality, the others were already galloping to the cottage. He decided it was something that would get fixed soon, and galloped sfter the others.

you dam well know were,1123(11:23)

It had taken abit longer to get to the cottage since many ponies were giving here a hard time. By the time that the group had been able to see the cottage, they slowed to a brisk trot,and were about to open the door, when it was hit hard, and followed by the sound of Rainbow Dash going,"woh!"

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight called into the cottage. She magiced the door open, and was greeted by the sight of most of the animals circleing a cauldren," im in here, help!" Dash yelled from her spot in the cauldren." Im trapped!" The animals had tied her up and left her in the cauldren, and were circleing it, weilding spoons, forks, and knives.

Fluttershy turned to Twilight," Hurry Twilight, cant you do some sort of spell to get her out?" She asked, clearly very frantic.Twilight just shook her headn "No, Fluttershy, your the only one who could help! Rainbow Dash needs you!" Twilight stated, which clearly suprised her.

Fluttershy looked at Twilight, then the animals, then back to Twilight. She gave a short nod to Twi, and slowly began to walk to hte cauldren."um, hello? Little, woodland, creatures?" She stopped in hte middle of the room, just as a bear ran by, using a table to scratch its back.

She leaned in close to a mouse, who was one of the animals parading around the cauldren, and said,"i know that your all very upset, and you like giving Rainbow Dash a hard time, but we'd all realy appreciate if you all calm down and mabey rest for a bit." She said, and was promptly surrounded by most of the creatures in the room

Everypony knew it was working, but Fluttershy was not to sure if she should be happy, or scared. She quickly flew to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of fresh fruits and a few veggies," oh, uh,look, heres some nice, juicy leaves for you to munch on," She said, setting the bowl down for some of the mice and such," and some, crunchy, munchy acorns to!" She said, seting some nuts and acorns she had grabbed down for some other animals.

She walked up to the area of the cauldren were some animals were standing, who were still mad at Rainbow Dash."Uh, wouldn't you like to take a break and, have a little snack?" He said, pointing a hoof to the other animals who were eating already. The tallest of the three animals, a ferret, shrugged his shoulders, and had the others follow him to eat.

All the animals were rather happy, and were eating to there hearts content." aw look at that, i guess you were all just cranky because you were hungry." She said, walking near the bowl that the bunnys were eating at. One such bunny happend to be Angle, who took notice of Fluttershy, and hopped onto her, getting caught in mid air, and gave her a hug.

A few other animals gatherd around her, all seeming to be saying thanks or something simaler to her." Aww, you are very welcome little freinds." she said to them. no sooner had she said that, the nearby bear decided he would hug Fluttershy, and held her like a little filly, and kissed her on the forehead." My goodness, its like i can understand them!" she said, still being cradeld.

A pink aura formed around her, and Twilight knew that that was the sign she was ready. She opened the box and levitated out Fluttershy's element. Waisting no time, she ran to her,eager to bring her freind back to normal,"i-i feel strange, like this what im meant to do, like this is who i am, my destiny!" she said, flying into a hover with some birds.

Twilight levitated the element around Fluttershy's neck, and it took affect. If youwere to look into her eyes, one would see Fluttershy's life flash before her eyes, in her eyes. After that, a bit of a flash eminated from her, before she promptly fell. Still conscious, she raised herself a bit"w-what happend?" she asked.'Fluttershy look, your cutie mark!" Twilight said with exitment in her voice. When Fluttershy sat up, she looked at her flank, which now had three butterflys instead of balloons.

Specter would have heard more, but a certain flying tortise was in the room, and was still blinded from the flash, and hit Specter in the base of his neck, knocking him out cold. The last thing he heard before going under, was the sound of a flash, and some light comeing from his flank.

Books and Branches Library, 1406(2:06)

Specter was begining to regain consciousness, but still felt like he had been stabbed in the neck. as his senses began to reactivate, he could hear singing from outside, and saw that he was in the library. After a few seconds, he got up, satisfied that he had gotten all his senses back.

He began to walk to the table that had his scetched from Starswirl's book. He put his hoof on his neck, and felt the cold metal of his medalion. Glad it haden't fallen off, he started looking threw the shapes on his paper once more. He was not so sure that they were important, but why else would Starswirl have them in there?

He began to hear less and less singing outside, meaning that the elements would be back soon, and began to look threw the book again but quicker, writing the newly found lines and shapes on a fresh peice of parchment. When fineshed writing down the last of the lines, the door burst open, and the elements came threw. Before he could do anything, Twilight took the book via magic, the wind from the bokk moving sent the two papers he was using flying, and the book hit his medalion, taking it on a corner.

He was to busy trying to get his papers to pay attention to Twilight and her spell making. He soon heard the sound of her levitating the book back to the desk, and Specter forgot about the papers for a second to get his medalion. When he put it on, he saw it begin to light up, and heard the element of magic begining to hum. When the element released its wave of energy, it set off the other elements, and soon reached Specters medalion, causing it to glow.

Specter was rather worried, seeing as how the last time he saw the shade of green that his medalion was glowing, a nuclear reactor exploded. He heard the other elements fire,and his medalion quickly raised over his head.He jumped to grab it,only for it yo fire a beam of energy,like the other elements, which hit himbin the forehead,knocking him out cold. Before he went under,he had one last thought,"I fucking hate my life."

Limbo, time unknown

Spec has had his fare share of nightmares and limbos, but was still terrified of each one. He would never admit it, but he was actualy terrified of the dark. As he just floted there, in the vast void, he was searching for some sort of light, hopeing that this was atleast a nightmare with light. The void around him had wind, he could feel it, and his limbos never have air, meaning that he was having a nightmare.

When he closed his eye shut tight, he could feel the wind getting stronger, and stronger, until it felt like a hurricane. Soon the wind calmed down a bit, and specter could feel something different, the ground. He opened his eye, and was terrified at what he saw, the ruins of his home, and his home city, stood right before his eye. What made it even worse, was that, impailed threw them all, were giant, dark, humming crystals.

By this point, he was ready to just curl up into a ball and start to cry, but he knew it was all a dream, so he pressed on, past his home. His hooves slowly moving one infront of the other, echoing through the city, with nothing but the wind to comfort him. Slowly, as he walked, the crystals were getting more and more frequent, and much larger, until they reached the hight of a sky-scraper. When he stopped, he recognised the ruble around him as the downtown area, or what was left of it.

All around him, body were laid, covered in small dark crystals, some holding small children, others wearing uniforms and holding guns." Hello old freind, like what i did to your home?" he heard a dark, somewhat hoarse voice say. He recognised the voice, and it seny chills down his entire body. He slowly turned around, and saw the very thing he didnt want to see, King Sombra, the very king who was able to do all of this. he was in his solid equine state, and was wearing armor that was made of the very crystals he had made. To make matters worse, he was surrounded by a hoard of shambiling, dark creatures, that only barley looked like they were human, and had a large crystal embeded in there skin, all of them at different locations for each body, meaning no two were in the same spot as for another creature.

He just stood there, terrified about what he saw, and the body around him were even begining to move, growing dark crystal armor around there decaying flesh, and they began to raise, walking towards Specter, some were even whispering, but the whispers of those passed were to quiet to hear. He tried to run, trying to lift his hooves, but found he was stuck to the ground, and was now far beyond scared, he was absolutly terrified. He tried to pull himself free, but was compleatly stuck, no matter how hard he tried to move.

"Your world is mine little welp, and soon, Equestrtia, and all of Equis, will, be, mine." Sombra said, walking ahead of his hoard, Specter was trying to think of what to do,how he could escape this, and got the answer he was hopeing for. He looked straight at sombra, right into his eyes, and began his mind-probe spell.

He closed his eye for a second to let it change, and looked at sombras right eye. Sombra stood still for a moment, and was soon as open as a book, and the probing began. He was, by far, the most intresting one that Spec had probed.Specter looked into the past, when sombra was a small, normal, foal. He could see his parents, both pegasie, his freinds, and his first visit to the crystal empire.

He skipped all of the stuff he knewm and looked to Sombra's later years, as an adult. He slowly began to grow a facination for the empire, and a book he had found, a book on dark magic, which corrupted his soul the more he used it. From there, things got interesting. When a guild of powerfull unicorns had discoverd his use of dark magic, they set out to find him and put a stop to it, but Sombra was already at his crowning moment, the control of the crystal empire. In the begining of that chapter, he simply used his dark magic to corrupt the crystals, but when the guild members arived, he did something more drastic.

He began to currupt the ponies in the empire, turning them into abominations, the same type of abomination that surrounded him. The guild members were torn limb from limb by both the abominations, and Sombra. When the crystal ponies saw what was happening, they paniced. Sombra disposed of the abominations when he was done, using his power to grow more and more corrupted crystals. But like all villans, he was soon taken down.

When Celestia and Luna came to the empire, they came prepared. Along side them was three legions of her best warriors, all of them willing to lose there lives to defend there leader. When the finnal battle between Celestia, Luna, and sombra drew to a close, they used the elements to finnaly end him, but not before he cast the curse on the empire, which Specter now knew.

Sombra spent the thousand years the elements affected him in a dark limbo, alone and cold. Eventually, they spell wore off, and so did his curse. He tried so hard during his escape tobreak the sheild around the empire, but figured out that it would soon be lowerd. Then there was the memory of when he was chaseing the elements and Shining Armor, and how he corrupted Shining's horn. Then Specter skipped to the part when the crystal heart was used, and could feel the pain Sombra felt during the blast, so much infact, thathe was forced to remove himself from Sombra's mind, just to avoid more pain.

The entire time, Sombra diden't even seem fazed, or even seem to notice that he was mind probed. Specter was exausted from such a long probing, and just stood there, waiting for sombra to finish him. When Sombra was only a few feet away from him, Specter closed his eye, and just stood there, waiting for the deadly blow, but it never came. He opened his abit, and saw that he was alone, there wasnt even a corpse.

From the silence, came darkness, as the moon began to rise, the darkness was all there was. He tried once more to walk, and found that the stuff that bound him to the ground was gone. He looked behind him, thinking that there would be an abomination waiting for him, only to see a pair of pure green eyes. Soon enough, another pair apeared, then another, and another, and another, and many more, untill one last pair apeared, this one higher than the last, and had pupals." You dont have to worry now, you're safe with us. The hive wont let you get hurt." A voice said, coming from the eyes.

He Squinted his eye to try and see who it was, but the voice was familier enough, the queen of the changlings, Queen Chysalis. She cast a spell on the area around Specter, lighting it up so that the other members of the swarm could see him, and be seen. Specter saw them all, and noticed that they all looked very thin, to the point that there bones could be seen. He wasn't sure whether to be afraid, or sad." As you can see, the swarm is in very rough shape, but we still live off what we can get. Not that many ponies come to the Badlands, and fewer help changelings on there way." Her voice seemed to echo throughout the entire bubble of light

Specter was now more confused than anything, and was trying to comprehend the fact that the changeling queen managed to get into his mind. Right when he thought that it was like she read his mind," I only maneged to establish a link to your mind because Mirage told me about you, and a scout i sent to Ponyville confermed what she said, that there was a hybrid in existence." All but two changelings disapeared, the two left being the scout and Mirage he presumed.

He strode up to the queen, but still kept abit of distence between her and him." Why do you call me a hybrid? I honestly dont know why." He said, hopeing that she would tell him." you dont know, i thout you would have know you were half changeling atleast by now?" She said, raising an eyebrow." How could i be half changeling, i've never-" He never got to finish, because the whole of his dream seemed to be shaking.

Several of the buildings began to fall, and the ruble was kept from Specter by a bubble that formed around him. The ground began to crumbe, forming cracks that dropped chunks of the world down, revealing the same void that Specter had floated in at the begining of the dream. Chysalis was just standing there, not fazed in the slightest, whispering two words over and over again." Wake up." He watched as the cracks reached chysalis and the changelings, only to see them faze away when the floor fell from under them. When the cracks reached him, black tendrals grasped it, tearing it apart causing him to fall into the abis, and wake up.

Books and Branches library, same day, mid-night

The elements had all been waiting for specter to wake up, exept Twilight, who was still in some sort of heaven with Celestia. When the elements activated, the beam that hit Specter had left a burn right in the center of his forehead, right where his gash had been when he first was sent to Equestria.

Soon enough though, he began to come-to, but was in lots of pain from the burn. His eye began to slowly open," Wha- what happend?" he asked quietly. " Thank Celestia that your awake, we thought you were in a coma or something." Rainbow Dash said, wipeing a bead of sweat from her head. What got everyponys attention next, was a droneing sound, comeing from outside.

Everypony, and Spike, rushed outside, though Specter felt a little light-headed. They were soon blinded by a bright flash of light, which had erupted in the sky above the library, and was as bright as the sun." Look up there everypony!" Applejack said,pointing to the now dimer light"Thanks for the warning captain obvious." Specter thought.

The light soon began to dim enough for the center to be visable, revealing a large mimic of Twilight's cutie mark. The mimic quickly began to decend, and seemed to be like a blob of water, which was in space. When the mark reached the ground, the light was brightend once more, making the group cover their eyes, or eye in Specters case. Again, the light began to subside," Twilight, is that you?" Applejack said, trying hard to strain her eyes to see into the light, which seemed to clear up when she finished talking.

Twilight was in a bowing position when the light cleared, and stood up. With her eyes closed, she stood still for a second, before revealing something new on her, her wings. For some reason, raising her wings created a flash of light, and caused them to sparkle. Everypony gasped at the sight, suprised that there freind had changed so much."Mère de Dieu!" Specter said, making Rarity glad he didnt use more of his "colerfull' vocabulary.

Twilight seemed suprised that she had wing to, and inspected them for abit, before Applejack interupted." Wa, i-iv- i've never seen anything like it!" Applejack said, at a loss for any other words" Ha, Twilights got wings! Awsome, a new flying buddy!" Rainbow Dash said, giving Twilight a hug." Why you've become an alicorn! I didnt even know thaat was posible!" Rarity said, examining Twilights new wings." Alicorn party!" Pinkie said, swinging on a rope with a fake horn and fake wings.

When she blew through her little party-hat horn, confetti and ballons apeared out of thin air." Wow, you look just like a princess!" Fluttershy said, in her normal quiet voice. " thats because she, is, a princess." The group heard a familier voice say. Everypony turned, and saw Princess Celestia floating down from nowhere." Huh?" Everypony said in unisen.

" Hold on a second!" Pinkie said. She grabbed a glass of water from thin air, and did a spit take."Mère de Dieu, again!" Specter said."A- A princess?" Twilight asked. Celestia put a reasuring hoof on Twilight's shoulder." since you've come to Ponyville, You've displayed the charity, compassion, devotian, integrity, optimism, and of course, the leadership, of a true princess." she said, and when she was going through the traits, each of the ponies that they represented seemed happy to be acknoledged.

Twilight was happy, yes, but another thought took place of that happines." But, does this mean i wont be your student anymore?" She asked,not sure what to expect." Not in the same way as before. I'll still be here to help and guide you, but were all your students now to. You are an insperation to us all, Twilight." Celestia said, bowing down. The others got the idea, and bowed aswell, but it took abit for Specters brain to relize that he should bow aswell." But, w-what do i do now?I-is there a book about being a princess i should read?" Twilight asked, sounding genualy worried." Hehe, there will be time for all of that later." Celestia said with a small chuckle" Now, i think we shouldl get you to Canterlot, we have a cornation to plan." Celestia than disapeard into a flash of light, leaving behind a scroll, and taking Twilight.

Specter read the letter aloud for everypony, though it was rather short." When you are all ready, please send a letter and i will teleport you to Canterlot, yours truly, Celestia.", He tossed the letter to spike," So, who isnt ready?" He asked, looking at all of the elements." Well, we all need something to wear, and you need to get that burn bandaged, so we needa bit of time to get ready." Rarity said, " so is there anything specific you want on a suit dear?" she asked specter, " um, make it green, and made with this material," he said, dashing to the library basement, and bringing up a large quantity of spider-silk.

" You want it green of all colors, and made of old cobwebs? Well, i guess i could pull it off, meet me in an hour, all of you, and ill have our clothes ready." She said, taking the silk and trotting to her boutique.

They all just waited untill Rarity was out of ear-shot, before talking." So, what do you all want to do?" Rainbow Dash asked them, hopeing for something to do while waiting." Well, i still dont know how to fly." Specter said, getting a few giggles in response." well than, looks like I have some work to do, come on!" She said, grabing Specter by the tail, and draging him to an open field, with the others following"I hate today, so much. Specter thought.

Canterlot Castle, 1116(11:16)

The elements had been at the castle for a little while now, and didnt look bad either. Rarity had made the perfict suit for Specter, and made beutifull dresses for the others, and was acctually proud with the bright shade of green she used in Specters suit. The crowd was rather large, and loud, and Specter was trying to locate any duplicates in the crowd, but wouldn't reveal them, he just wanted to see how many he could find.

Princess Celestia cleared her throught, getting everypony to quiet down. She waited for a second to make sure they were all quiet, and began." We are gathered here today in celebration of a momentis occasion. My most faithfull student, Twilight Sparkle, has done many extrordinary things since she's lived in ponyville, she even helped reunite me with my sister, Princess Luna." She said, looking towards her sister." But today, Twilight Sparkle did something extrordinary, she created,new magic, proveing without a doubt, that she is ready to be crowned, Equestrias newest princess!" Specter could see Twilights parents in the front of the croud, with her mother begining to tear up.

" Fillies and jental colts, may i present, for the very first time, Princess, Twilight Sparkle!" When Celestia said that, the doors on the other side of the room opened, revealing Twilight, and two pairs of blonde haired, white coated ponies, who looked abit like Fluttershy, who were carying Twilights standerd, followed by two pairs of royal guards."thou princess comeith, behooold, behoooold. our princess here before us, behold, behoooooold, behoooooold" through the singing, near the end verse, Princess Celestia lifted the crown, and placed it upon Twilight's head.

The Fluttershy look-alikes just contiued to say the same thing over and over again, and the princesses walked to the balcony that faced the castle courtyard, and looked upon the giant crowd that stood below, cheering for Twilight. She didnt realy know what to do, so she just waived abit to the crowd." Say something princess" Celestia whispered into her ear." Oh um, ahem." Twilight was rather nervous, and quickly thought of something to say.

" A littel while ago, my teacher and mentor Princess Celestia sent me to live in ponyville. She sent me to study freindship, which is something i didnt really care much about," she looked towards her freinds, and Specter who were all standing in the door frame, with Specter hovering above Rarity." but know, on a day like today, i could honestly say, i woldn't be standing here if it wern't for the freindships i made with all of you." The group walked up to near the part of the balcony that twilight was at, and all of them were tearing up, all save Specter who was still at the arch, not really thinking he should be part of this.

"Each one of you taught me something about freindship, and for that, i will always be gratefull." She turned back to face the crowd." Today, i consider myself the luckiest pony in Equestria.Thank you freinds, thank you everypony!" She said to both the crowd, and her freinds next to her, and sounding like she was about to tear up. The croud cheared like crazy, exited to know that they had a once normal unicorn as a princess, and if she could do it, who sayes that others cant try and prove worthey?

The princesses and elements walked back into the main room, were Shining Armor was coming in, after being retreaved by Cadence" Twilight, im so proud of you!" he said, giving his sister a hug. Specter was now leaning against a window, adn when he saw Shining hug Twilight, he couldnt help but think about his sister, who was still on earth, faceing lord-knows- what that Sombra was sending at humanity. He zoned-out abit, compleatly blocking out all sound, and thought back to his dream, to the abominations Sombra created, the corpses, and how the city burned, and the ground colapsing.

He hit his head abit, and zoned back into reality, and saw the elements embracing Twilight, before heading for the door, and Specter folowed suit soon after, and cought up with Shining Armor." Liquid pride, really?" he said to him, startiling Shining for a second. " Oh, um yea, sorry, i dont think we've met." Specter chuckled to himself," Specter Atomis, I was what was in the epicenter of that explosion a few days ago." Specter said.

" Wait, so you're the one who Twilight mentiond in her last letter?" Shining asked." I guess, did it describe a mad- stallion who is messing with her machines in her basement?" Specter asked, stoping infront of a very newstaind-glass window. the window that was just put in showed the crowning of Princess Twilight Sparkle, and the elements close to her.

" Well, yea, thats her her description of you in a nutshell, so what are you doing to her machines?" Shining asked, stopping at the same stained-glass. " Well, im making them better! I happen to be abit of a scientist, and I know a few ways to improve them to make them more usefull, like by adding better silicon." Specter said, looking at the other ataind- glass windows.

" Whats silicon?" Shining asked. Specter reached into a pocket woven into his suit, and pulled out a shard of silicon." This, is silicon. Its a durible substence that is good for making the data-banks that store the programming in machines that need to be automated. The only thing i need now is a really hot furnace, and alot of sand thats filled with silicon." Specter said, putting back the shard, and pulling out his sonic.

" Whats that?" Shining asked." Oh, its just the most usefull tool that i ever invented. I call it the sonic screw-driver, and its usefull for more than use as a screw-driver. The gem on the top is where all the use is, and these little arms that surround it spin to focus air around the gem, which is used in several ways, from shooting air at high speed and pressure, to use as a hoof-held toolbox, or even a small labratory." Spec said, scanning the entire window.

" How did you manage to build it? I honestly dont know how you could have that much power stored in such a small space." Shining said, starting to trot down the hall back to the elements. Specter followed suit, and caught-up to him quickly" Its useing a very compact and complicated storage system for containing the energy, but to be honest, its not very stable if i over-work it." Specter said.

Shining was a little faster than specter in his pace, and was gaining a very small amount of distence." Well, you science types do tend to relly on your fancy gizmoes, i dout you could even win a foot race without useing it to cheat." Shining said, clearly trying to bait spec into a race" Oh, it, is, on." Specter said,"threetwoonego!" he said, dashing off down the hall, with Shining close behind.

They spent the better part of ten minutes trying to stay ahead of one another, and trying to findout where the elements went. When Specter found out, Shining did aswell, and they had taken seprate routes to the location, the front door to the castle. They were sprinting for about three minutes, before spotting the stairs that they each had to go down on seprate sides of the door, and pushed themselves to go faster.

As it so happened, the stairs had recently been washed and waxed near the bottom, and was slicker that polished and wet concrete. Specter and Shining saw eachother, and the elements, just as they were about to reach the bottem, only for them both to slip, and tumble down the stairs, and the elements had been un-lucky enough to be in there path, with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, getting sandwiched by the two stallions.

Shining and Specter were just lying there, with Shinings eyes rolling, and Specters eyes developing the blue aura, and were spinning that. Twilight and Celestia levitated the four back onto there hooves." So, any reason why you chose to run over Rainbow Dash and Pinkie pie?" Celestia said.

Specter put on his best poker face, which as no better that Applejacks."U-u-um,, w-w-we got lost, and we didnt know which way you went, s-s-so we went looking for you." Specter said, with his poker-face begining to falter. Celestia looked towards Shining Armor, who had his poker-face on aswell, similar to how all guards look when there just standing somewhere.

She simply smiled." Well, i guess you did fall behind, so try not to next time, ok?" She said. Specter nodded his head, and Shining gave a salute. the elements and princesses past them, walking out the door, where a carriage was waiting for Twilight.

Shining and Specter waited a little longer, and finnaly un-tensed when they heard singing."phew, that was close." Specter said, knowing how dangerous Celestia is." Ok, lets not, do that again." Shining said. they both moved out the door, and watched the carriage as it traveled down the path, with the elements close behind. "so....what do you want to do know?" Specter asked, hopeing that there was something he could do while the whole," new alicorn princess" party was going on.

" Well, im sure that some of our scientists would love to see that little, um, " screw-driver", so I guess i could take you to the castles reaserch wing." Shining said, not sure whether bringing a compleat stranger into the labs, but he showed potential."Lead the way my good sir!" Specter said, despretly wanting to see the labs." Then follow me, i promise that those labs wont disipoint." Shining said, begining to walk to the labs, with Specter close behind.

Cantelot Castle, main lab, mid-day

Most ponies knew little about what went on inside the labs. Some said that the scientists all went mad, and that the guards just made it look like the lab was occupied, others say that they were hideing extra-equestrial beings, but neither of those rumors were true, infact, the labritorys were just rather under-staffed.

When Shining knocked on the door to the lab, which was made of metal, a hidden slot opened on the door, revealing a pair of eyes," Oh, shining armor, what are you doing here?" Asked the pony on the other side of the door." Bill Neigh, good to see you to. I just so happened to meet somepony who you might be interested in, he is quite the scientist." Shining said, folowed by a distincted hum of the sonic screwdriver." How in the name of tartarus did you get the materiels to make quantimillion alloy!?" Specter said, just out of Bills line of sight.

The slot closed in a second, and the door flung wide open." How did you know this was quantimillion alloy?" Bill said, suprising Specter, causing him to drop his sonic and take a step back." um,ewll, theres the way it sounds when hit, its look, and how hard it feels." Specter said, picking up his sonic.

" B-b-but how do you know about it? The research team is the only group of ponies that know about it!" Bill said, fully steping out of the door. " Well, i know how to make it, an memoriset its atomic structure by heart. Then theres this thing," Specter said, showing Bill his sonic." which i use to analyze things, and read the code that tells me what it's atomic structure is." He put his sonic in the pocket that held his shard.

"Well, if you know what quantimillion alloy is, than i guess you are up-to-snuff with technology?"
" Id say that im far beyond snuff."
" Oh really?"
" Yea really!"
" How far?"
Specter grinned," I can make a rocket that could travel to the moon and back, given the right materials." " I wont beleave you untill it happens." Bill said, not convinced in the slightest," i cant prove it without materials." Specter rebutled." Look, we havent even compleated finding out how to compress and store air, much less get to space." bill turned back to the room "Well than, i guess you dont want a new member to join your undder staffed team!" Bill stoped in his trackes.

He stood there for a second, before letting out a long sigh." Well, you have that scanner, so thats usefull, so i guess i could let you try to help." Bill said, "but your not in the team untill you can prove your going to be usefull!" He said, moveing to let Specter into the lab."lookes like things are finnaly going my way!" Specter thought, walking into the lab.