• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,307 Views, 149 Comments

Searching for Six Ponies (And Discord if I Feel Like It) - Coltsguy

I have to find the Mane Six, but who knows where they are?

  • ...

Some Musings With a Side of Enlightenment

"Rarity! You're back!"

I felt myself get tackled out of the way as something ran past me; presumably into Rarity. I surmised pretty easily that it was Pinkie Pie. Luckily, I didn't fall to the ground this time. I merely flailed wildly while managing to stay on one knee.

"It's good to, well, see isn't the best term to use right now, but I'm glad you're here right now," I heard who I thought was Rarity speaking.

"Four down, two to go," I said happily.

"Three to go Seth. Remember, you still need to go retrieve Discord as well."

I wasn't sure who said that. However, I had a pretty good guess.

"Celestia, we need to talk about that when I've finished rescuing Rainbow Dash and Twilight."

I blinked away the last of the blindness and saw Pinkie Pie still hugging Rarity. I stood up to survey the scene. Everyone was still here except for Shining Armor and the Doctor. It didn't really bother me that Shining Armor had left. He really didn't seem too important in this situation. However, the Doctor should be around to check on the progress of this venture he had engaged in.

Oh wait, there they are. The both of them were at a table... was that a buffet table? Did Pinkie Pie set that up?

"Did you set up a buffet table while I was gone?"

"I sure did!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie. "I was going to have it for the party, but then Princess Celestia said that some of the guards around here were probably pretty hungry since they were keeping an eye on her so I decided to set up a buffet table for everypony to have something to eat because they were really hungry, but they also should have some variety since I don't think they want to eat the same thing over and over and-"

Surprisingly, Rarity covered Pinkie Pie's mouth to stop her from talking.

"I think he understands, Pinkie dear."

"Yes, I do understand. In fact, I'm pretty hungry myself. Have you got any vanilla ice cream over there?"

"I sure do! I'll be right back!" she said and ran off.

"Don't forget the chocolate syrup!" I yelled after her.

I looked to the side just in time to catch a glare from Princess Celestia.

"What? With Discord's magic it's not even affecting me," I said in my own defense.

"You cannot use that kind of excuse on me. This is the very reason you have your current stature. A healthier diet would prove to be wondrous for your physical well-being."

"Pleeeease do not go into lecturing mode. It doesn't work on me. It just makes everything so... annoying."

"Tell us about it," I heard Luna say exasperatedly.

Celestia shot Luna a look and then turned back towards me.

"We both know that you get away with that because you have nopony to look after you all the time. You need to-"

"Aaaauuuugh! No way! It's time to see how Spike is doing!"

I concentrated hard and teleported away. I arrived just outside of the Ponyville library.

"Man, I am getting really good at teleporting."

I stood back up and looked around. It looked like all the ponies had gone back to normal. I was hoping that that was the case. My spells at the Appleloosa plains had faded away when I left and I had hoped that the same had happened here. This made me feel better.

I went to the door, opened it up, squatted down, and looked inside. I saw Spike who was keeping himself busy by dusting the books on the shelves. Since I didn't feel like shimmying inside, I stood back up and simply teleported inside.

"Hey there Spike!" I called out.

He gave a quick yelp of surprise and turned to see me.

"Hey there Seth! If your here, then does that mean Twilight's back?" he said with shimmering eyes full of hope.

"I still have to rescue her and Rainbow Dash. I'm just taking a quick break to get something to eat. You up for something, little man?"

"I'm not sure we eat the same kind of food," he said tentatively.

"I can magic us up some food. I'm told by Twilight that you had your eye on this special ruby once. I bet I can make one for you."

"You can make me a fire ruby?" he asked with his mouth watering up.

"Theoretically yes."


"It means I can do it, but there's a chance that it won't work. I'm getting a great deal better at chaos control, but there is no certainty that I can. You know, let me try doing it in a different way. Close your eyes and imagine the one from before."

"I'm not so sure about this," Spike said with a hint of hesitation.

I promptly rolled my eyes and snapped my fingers. A table and two chairs appeared in the middle of the floor. I snapped my fingers again and on one side there was a bowl full of gems. On the other side, there was a cheeseburger and fries.

"There you go. At least you'll have some gems for sure."

I kept my eye on him as I walked over to the table to eat my burger. I noticed the glimmer he had in his eyes at the bowl of gems. As I pulled out my chair to sit down, he quickly zipped over to the table himself. Whereas I sat down quietly, he jumped up into the other chair and made googly eyes at the bowl presented before him.

"You'll need to eat those before I leave or else they'll disappear," I said in a sing song voice.

That seemed to quell his hesitation. He started to shovel the gems into his mouth. He still chewed in between the shoveling, but the point still remains. I had barely taken a third bite of my burger before he had already finished his bowl of gems off. He then looked at me expectantly. I promptly rolled my eyes and conjured up another bowl-full with a snap of my fingers.

As he ate is second bowl in a much more dignified manner, I ate in silence while thinking about the places that I had gone to so far. The first was a fusion between Danny Phantom and Ghost in the Shell. It was an interesting take on things. The human elements that persisted in Ghost in the Shell were made more tangible thanks to the more physical presence of ghosts from Danny Phantom. An interesting blend of ideas that seemed like it could be interesting; for lack of a better term.

Next, there was that future version of the Powerpuff Girls. Whoever wrote that definitely has a thing for those girls. Sure, if you think about only those girls from back in the original cartoon, then it seems a bit off. Those girls that I met were only girls in the sense of gender. They were much more battle hardened than I bet they let on. However, they still seemed to maintain a sense of innocence that I wasn't quite expecting. To be honest, if I had more time with them, I might have asked one of them out.

The third was the real kick in the balls. That one was the fanfiction piece called Rebel Against the Night. It was then that I realized that these were places that had been created solely thorough the act of human creativity. It legitimized, at least in my view, the fact that thought equals reality. It didn't really matter if their thoughts created it or if they merely saw it in their minds or some other option that I couldn't really understand. Yeah, it didn't matter much. Though it may have taken me a while to do so, I had just accepted that fact.

The fourth and final one I had been to was that odd little universe. I assumed that it was a fanfiction universe and a self insert one at that since he was the only human there. It wasn't necessarily true, but the modern clothing, the badass machete, and the magic he was wielding was some of the indicators that usually adorned self inserts. I may not have had to deal with the same kind of problems, but things didn't go off without some complications either.

All of them were fanfictions as far as I could tell. The thought was quite intriguing to me as I continued eating. If that trend continued, then the next two places I would visit would also be fanfiction universes. If their thoughts went into creating those universes, then why couldn't I try to enter the one that I had made? Heh, that would be interesting. I hadn't gone that far into my story yet. I had only written as far as the assassination attempt on the main character. Sure, I had a goal, but what if I saw my own work before I had gotten anywhere in it? I'm not even sure what the hell might happen at that point.

I could try to go into someone else's fanfic. By that, I meant a fanfic that I knew about, but that hadn't been made by me. Well, I think that would be obvious if anyone heard me say it out loud. Well, maybe not the fanfic part since I doubt any of the ponies even know what I'm talking about with that.

Where was I? Oh right, focus. What do I really know of focus? I'm usually not very good at it. Who even knows if I can do something like that in the vast quantities of possible fanfictions out there? I absolutely lucked into Rebel Against the Night. If I didn't I wouldn't even be having this conversation.

Oh who was I kidding? I can't choose where the ponies had gone. They had already been sent there. I can't reroll their destinations like a dungeon master. I could only go where they already were.

I had a few bites left of my burger, when I heard the front door to the library burst open.

"Twilight! Where is the-"

I turned to see who it was and instantly froze as they stopped speaking.

Lyra had gotten back into town.

"You! You're the human!?! You said your name was Buckshot!!!"

At that, Spike burst out laughing.

"Did the others come up with that silly name?" wheezed out Spike in between breaths.

"I was going to ask something about that as well, but I was too busy trying to find the human that was in front of me the whole time!!!" yelled Lyra in a mighty voice.

"Hey! My father gave me that nickname as a boy! Can someone tell me why that is so damned funny!?!" I practically spat out at them.

"Don't you know?" asked Spike while calming down a bit. "Buckshot is a nickname for a stallion's private parts!" he said as his laughing fit started again.

I, however, had a much different reaction to hearing that.

"You're telling me that my dad's nickname for me is a damn ball joke? That's it! I'm having a chat with the girls right now!"

"Oh no you don't!" yelled Lyra.

At that outburst, she used her magic to levitate me off of the ground a few feet and rushed over to me. Luckily, I wasn't suspended in place, so I was able to erect a shield that cancelled out her levitation before she got close enough. Needless to say, I fell on my side rather roughly. I still managed, however, to keep my concentration enough to not let the shield falter.

"Stop right there human! I demand to have a chat with you right now!"

"The last time you and I had a chat," I said while air quoting, "you basically stated that you wanted to stay a human and to show you everything about being a human while having lust filled eyes. That was a line that I did not want to see if I would cross. When this problem I have with the princesses is all over, and you promise to behave, I'll consider having a chat with you. However, right now I want to go vent at the others for not telling me the nickname my father gave me is a damn ball joke!!!"

I used the surprise I had given Lyra to drop my shield and teleport outside of the library. As I heard the shouts coming from inside the library, I concentrated and teleported back to the fields of Appleloosa. I was off by a little. I ended up teleporting to the other side of the rifts from before. I then noticed the ponies talking amongst themselves not too far from me.

It seemed like as good a time as any to bring up my angry protests.

"Why in the hell didn't any of you tell me, huh?"

The ponies all whirled around at my outburst. I continued on before they had a chance to answer.

"None of you could have taken ten seconds to explain to me what was going on about my nickname?"

I saw understanding bloom on most of their faces. I then walked over to one of the rifts. I didn't want to be around them when I was angry.

"When I get back, I'd like an apology for that. I'll have one ready for the yelling by then."

I then reached out and touched the rift. The flash of light washed over me like it always did. However, the normal sounds of what usually came were not what I heard this time. Instead, I heard a loud klaxon alarm and a computer voice that sounded vaguely familiar.

"Intruder alert! Intruder alert! Intruder alert!"

It was a gruff male voice. It was also coming out in a stiff, monotonous tone. I still couldn't see, so I began to rub my eyes furiously to get it back quicker. I doubt that it helped, but anything to keep my mind off of the constant alarm going off was helpful in it's own right.

A few more seconds of furious rubbing and my eyesight returned. I looked around to get a bearing on where I was. Unfortunately, all I saw was a drab, dark, slightly curved hallway with some lighting tinged in red. Nothing was there to help me figure out where I was. I quickly activated my invisibility spell to keep myself concealed from whomever was coming for me.

I also decided that waiting around for them was a bad idea as well. I then started to jog down the corridor to find a way out of there. As I did so, I came upon a door without a handle. There was a pad next to the door, so I reached out and tapped on it. After a few tries, the door slid open.

It seemed to just be a an empty room. There didn't seem to be anything inside it at all. I decided to leave it alone and continued down the corridor.

I didn't make it far before I came upon several people coming down the corridor. I glued myself to the wall to let them by. As I watched the four of them run by, I couldn't help but notice their outfits.

They were each wearing an odd suit of some kind. None of them matched at all. One of them was wearing a cowboy outfit. Another looked like she was a magician's assistant. The third was just a guy dressed all in black and it looked a little like he had a cat face. The last guy was wearing a purple trenchcoat and matching suit and... didn't seem to have a face?

As they all ran past me, I felt the weirdness sink in. I don't know who they were, but they just screamed super humans. As they disappeared around the curvature of the hallway, I couldn't help but think about what I had seen. I was in a place that was inhabited by super humans. I wasn't sure whether they were heroes or villains though. I hadn't really recognized any of the people who I had passed so until I could figure out which side they were on, my best bet was to stick to the shadows and get out.

I kept moving along down the corridor and finally came upon an open doors. Said doors led to a staircase. I didn't know if I should go up or down, however. I could be in an underground lair or in a skyscraper. Without any windows, I couldn't make a guess as to which one was true.

The sounds of more people coming from the bottom of the stairs help me decide. I started going up the stairs as silently, yet quickly as possible. I didn't want to run into anyone and I didn't want them to notice me either. However, the sounds of someone coming up the stairs behind me glued me to a corner on one of the breaks in the stairs. As I watched, I finally saw someone that helped me determine which side it was.

It was Green Arrow.

It was hard to mistake him for anyone else. The Robin Hood look complete with the green bow was all the proof that I needed. The mask and the blond goatee helped, though. He was being flanked by two other guys that I couldn't quite identify, but that really didn't matter to me at the time. It did give me the information I needed to know who I was dealing with.

It was the Justice League. I was in the DC comics universe.