• Published 7th Jan 2013
  • 2,940 Views, 57 Comments

COMET- Heart of Change - Author of MADness

Spike always wished to became a stallion but as he embarked into an adventure he slowly realized he already had what he truly needed. SpikeXTwilight fanfic, please enjoy!

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Chapter 8


Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony

Pinkie eyes look at him with hunger, hunger of taking him, and by how she suck the sex toy it only meant something to Spike if he will not leave the library.

He will be violated badly!

Pinkie tackled him his body landed with a loud thud in the floor. It didn't took Pinkie long to pin him, suddenly Spike felt his armor straps loosening as Pinkie's hooves work their way to his armored body ,he quickly halted Pinkie attempt.

She wanted him BAD!

In the struggle the pink pony press her lips to the stallion's ear whispering a weak but sickening voice "You know the story CUPCAKES do you?"

"AHHH!" Spike just screamed at her statement he knew what horror was in that story

Pinkie grabbed Spike flanks bringing him uncomfortably closer to her. "JUST CHANGE THE GENRE TO HENTAI!" Almost yelling those words came out of her lips

"NOO!" Spike shot back

Taking his hooves Spike landed a hard smack to Pinkie's face it hit her causing her to drop cold in the floor. Spike didn't consider checking

Spike flew, he took no notice of the distance as all he can think about is getting away from the crazed Pinkie Pie.

"Why is this happening to him?" he asked himself

He looked back in a second checking if or if not the pink mare following him.

Thankfully not a sigh of her is present. She knew Pinkie and when is she said she gonna do something, specially in her mentality, she means it. He needs to get away from her if he did not do anything he will get violated for sure.
But where can he go? He can't go back to the library, he thought of hiding in one of his friends homes but it would be hard for him to convince them that he is Spike the dragon now turned stallion. He run his hooves in his chin thinking of away. Twilight! It quickly caught his mind. Only Twilight knew how to help him. Not a second after he flew to the post office expecting that Twilight is they're sending a message for the princess.

Before he had glided in the sky he felt his stomach churn once more, Twilight was sending a message to the princess, a task he always do. Now their's another job for Twilight, his job, a task that he's task on doing not her guardian. Now that he is a stallion he can not send a letter to them. Spike took ground on a nearby roof. He can feel guilt building up in him.

"How can I be so selfish!?" He was helpless as tears came falling his cheeks. Twilight had done so many things to him , when he is lonely it is always Twilight by her side, when he left Poniville during the dragon migration Twilight took responsibility of letting him go and every time he became sadden it was always Twilight who help him forget all his woes not Rarity who beauty is only skin deep, Twilight wasn't afraid to show who she really are whatever or whoever ponies say to her. And now he just made her life harder again. He needs to become a dragon not that he wanted to but because of Twilight. Only then will his guilt stop to eat him.

-At Canterlot-

It was an average day in the great city ...or it is?
A place where nobles and royalties reign, from rich snobs to high and respected royal pony just the saying of the word beautiful aren't enough to express its magnificence.

Just outside the road a creature, hidden by its long black robe which its face concealed by its hood, it walk in two and covered with rigid scales of a shaded dark red tone. Swiftly it sprinted to the city's gate looking at it with rage, with an intense desire of killer.

Yet it didn't halt its attempt.
Faster than what the eye can see the blade swung it made contact with the metal. Sparks flew everywhere, but the town's guard didn't even bother to dodge them, they are shocked to their souls can take to amazed on what the creature just did.

"Ittou Ryoudan-Genmurei!(One-Bladed Double Severing)" It shouted, its roar came following cementing fear to the one's near it.
The once tall sturdy gate fell into ruble, instantly the guards' jaws drop.

"The gate! It destroyed the freaking gate!"


"The gate!It destroyed the freaking gate! " If it didn't happen in front of them they will not believe it.

The creature took it's had to its robe and with big pull it had removed the hood which were hiding it's identity.
It's a dragoness, a teenage in the look of her body but in the look of her eyes she was more matured than any dragon of her caliber. She withdraw her sword to her back tapping it a little as she were teasing it. Looking back she pointed her thumb to herself exposing a huge grin as she do so.

"My name is Omega Zero! And I am the destined mate of the dragon prince!" She yelled at all what's in her voice.

Withdrawing from the now destroyed gate Omega Zero place her sight at the terrified guards. She took a step closer to them, they took a step back. She stoke down the massive gate almost effortlessly, slaying them would be too easy for her. She took another step they stepped back.
The pony guards knew if they don't apprehend her the city might be put to harm, being the castle guards it's their duty to defend it from all threat no matter the odds. But even so they fail to stop the Changeling attack and even the Nightmare Moon incident. Only what's left of their pride is what's stopping them from running away scared.

They are as good as dead, the dragoness was just a few meters from them smiling devilishly. She took her blade once more swinging it to the air before pointing it at the frightened guards

But what the dragoness did shock them even more, she jammed the blade in the ground then he clamped her wrist together before she stand on her knees like she was surrendering to them. The guards are just mystified as ever. She can slay them right their and then what ever her reason she just surrendered like that in front of them without a fight.

Zero's eye twitch uncontrollably "HEY WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU ALL WAITING FOR!?" She snarled at them "For me to suck you dick! Just arrest me will you!"

Now this is just insane she wanted them to arrest her with all her power she might be able to rival that's of the princesses. Wasting no time one of the guards quickly grabbed her sword separating it fro it's owner a second came putting on a pair of hand cuffs to her wrist.

Along the way the dragoness saw many ponies looking at her with fear but the guards are confident they will not have any trouble with her as long as she is far away from her weapon or so they think. Pony residents only watch from a far it is rare to see a female dragon very well to see it attack them.

In Omega Zero's mind one thing only matters. "Don't worry my dragon prince I shall rescue you from these ponies so we will continue Alpha's plan." She let out a booming laughter causing on of the guards to smack her at the abdomen.

"Silent! The princess would want to talk to you." A guard spoke

Omega Zero's smile didn't left her face what only happened is her devilish smile only grew wider.

"All according to plan." Zero spoke

-Meanwhile at Poniville-

Spike flew slowly forgetting that's their's a pink mare trying to violate him, all he can think about was Twilight. He did have a strange feeling for her a feeling he keeps on burying under a deep-set of lies! Lies that he thought would stop him from having those fantasies about Twilight. Lies about he love Rarity, he do have feeling for the designer but never that strong. He thought if he keep having those fake feeling those would replace his real one's but now that their gone those feelings, his affection for Twilight will only return stronger than ever. Nonononono! He smacked a nearby tree. He can't have those feelings. Twilight loved him but surely he thought it would only be like how a mother loved her child, after all she did raise him, she did hatch her from his egg with her magic that can rival any high-ranking unicorn at this time, heck she maybe even the princess.

He had no chance from Rarity from the beginning as Rarity is a mare who aimed to be the best. Twilight, she is the best, the best friend he ever care about.

His minds just swirled uncontrollably, he felt once again dizzy. "Not again... Why do I feel so weak!"

Spike sight turned blurry, he feels like he's drunk,. "WHAT!? Twilight"! he saw a lavender pony from a far. It was Twilight, even if his sight began to blur his body was gliding across to her like it wanted her, no something else like his soul wanted her not because she's pretty like Rarity, or cool and tough like Rainbow Dash or sweet and caring like Fluttershy, Spike loved Twilight because Twilight is the mare Spike wanted, the mare he needed.

The purple stallion reached the post office but the moment he made contact with the ground he felt all his energy drained. All he felt was the hard ground hitting his face as the metal in his armor bang together.

"SPIKE!" Twilight approach him not a moment after

She held his hoof then his neck checking his pulse. It was beating but very slowly. His body was steaming, literally steaming as he had a fever.

"Oh no! what happen!?" Twilight frantically ask, yet Spike didn't answer he was too weak to do so.

Twilight don't know what's happening to Spike but she knew what to do, he took Spike on her back and began to take him to the nearest hospital.

"Spike what ever you do keep your self together!" Spike still didn't answer her

Spike voice was weak as his body now became, but although weakened he manage to let out a painful groan.

Twilight took notice of this before asking Spike what is it.

Spike took Twilight's ear before his voice hiss "Twilight just teleport to the hospital would you.."

"Oh right sorry..."

Unbeknownst to Twilight many ponies saw her taking the purple stallion away many are mystified some are confused but one, a cyan pegasus saw Twilight. Saw with the stallion, it was Rainbow Dash.

"I knew! Twilight knew that stallion and if she took off to his legs before I do I go ballistic on her." Huffs of dust came out of Rainbow Dash's snout

Then Spike drifted to slumber as he felt comport at his guardian's presence comport that he will not exchange for anything or anypony have to offer as long as it's from Twilight.

In the dark of Spike's dream he lay silent happy to be close with the mare she truly love not only by his heart but also his soul.
Next Chapter: Confrontation!

Author's Note:

MAD: And done! That's chapter 8 for you. The next chapter will take longer so please I may ask for patience from you. Anyhow that's all and thank you for all the reviews and support and I mean all of you. I am truly grateful!