• Published 28th Dec 2012
  • 1,490 Views, 60 Comments

Gone in 1800 Seconds - True Blue Spark

Stories written for the Thirty Minute Ponies community on Tumblr. Final update: #572, Dear Mom and Dad. Twilight Sparkle writes home.

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#265. Lavender Blossoms

The Prompt: Unexpected tears. / Unexpected laughter.


If Rarity was being honest with herself, she had to admit that her relationship with Hearts and Hooves Day could best be described as love-hate.

It was a fantastic time for business at the Carousel Boutique. Mares all across Equestria were looking for the finest dresses to wear, desperate to impress their special someponies (or their special someponies in potentia, as it were). And over the years Rarity’s fame had grown to the point where she was one of the first designers on everypony’s mind. It was very possibly her busiest week out of the entire year, so much so that she could barely set aside time for her own special somepony!

If she had one.

Which she didn’t.

How was it that she was still a spinster after all these years? It wasn’t as though she had a shortage of suitors... but none of the noble stallions who approached her were even remotely good enough. Prince Blueblood, cursed be his name, seemed to set the standard when it came to Equestrian nobility. If they weren’t completely classless and disgustingly sexist, they were dreadfully boring and apathetic. Even the best of them seemed to want nothing more from her than to hang off their forelegs like a trophy.

Was it too much to ask for somepony who would love her, cherish her, romance her? Was it too much to ask for somepony who would treat her like a lady and an equal? Was it too much to ask that she be given as much generosity as she gave? But precious few stallions met those standards, and they were all snapped up already—no doubt the other mares of Equestria had noticed how scarce they were as well.

So every year, Rarity threw herself into her work. And this year was no exception. With a week to go until Hearts and Hooves Day, she sat at her drawing table, nose buried in enough sketches and lists of customers to put Twilight’s checklists to shame.

“You don’t need this tulle today, right?”

Rarity waved a hoof dismissively. “That’s right, Spike, it can stay in the back until tomorrow.”

“Gotcha.” Behind her, she could hear the teenaged dragon heft the roll of fabric over his shoulder and drag it off to the shelves. At least she could always count on his assistance when her workload grew. It was as if he could sense when she was feeling overloaded.

With a sigh, Rarity put a few more lines down on her latest design. “That should do it,” she mumbled to herself. “Now, where did I put my scissors...?” She turned away from her papers—and found herself snout-deep in flowers.

She recoiled reflexively, staring at the intruding blossoms. Half a dozen lavender blossoms, in a lovely understated vase. They had certainly not been there when she sat down and started drawing. “What in the world?”

“Something wrong?”

Spike had quickly returned from his tiny errand, and a bemused Rarity turned to address him. “Spike, darling... Do you know where these flowers came from?”

Spike blinked at her for a moment, then, to her surprise, let out a short bark of laughter. He put a claw over his mouth to mask the continuing chuckles, only partially successful.

Rarity felt a twitch begin under her eye. She was stressed enough without having her assistant laugh at her. “May I kindly inquire as to what you find so amusing?” she asked archly.

“No, I—I’m sorry, I just...” Spike calmed himself down and smiled apologetically. “When you get in the zone, you really get in the zone, don’t you? I put those there half an hour ago when I got here!”

“You... You brought them?”

“Well, yeah. Roseluck had a bunch of them at her booth, and I thought... They’re your favorite, right?”

Rarity nodded slowly. “They are, indeed. But how did you...?”

“Oh, uh, I dunno... I guess you must’ve mentioned it once, and I just remembered, somehow...” As Spike spoke, a blush began to bloom on his face, and he shrank a bit before her disbelieving gaze, for a moment looking like that tiny dragon she’d met so many years ago. “You never seem very happy this time of year, so I just wanted to...”

He’d noticed? “Well, I... suppose not,” she admitted. “Thank you, Spike.”

“Sure thing!” Looking relieved that the conversation was over, he returned to his fabric sorting.

Rarity turned to look at the blossoms again. When had she mentioned that she liked them? Had it been weeks ago, or months? And Spike had remembered, and surprised her with them, just to brighten her mood. It was the kindest, sweetest gesture she’d received since... since the last time Spike had given her a thoughtful little gift.

It was as if she was opening her eyes for the first time. Lavender meant a few things, but “devotion” most of all. Did Spike know that? If he didn’t, it was surely an apt coincidence. They had known each other for years, and he was still as devoted and kind as ever. Always helping, always caring, through good times and bad...* How long had she been looking for a pony who truly cherished her, when a dragon was cherishing her right this moment and she wasn’t even appreciating it?

“Rarity, what’s wrong?”

Rarity turned toward the horrified-sounding dragon, wondering for an instant why his face looked so blurry. Then she came back to herself, and with an embarrassed giggle, she snatched up the nearest handkerchief and dabbed at her eyes. “It’s nothing,” she assured him.

Spike frowned at her, worry lines standing out around his eyes. “Nothing, my spines! You’re crying!”

“No, I assure you...” She brushed away the tears and smiled at him. “I’m alright, darling. Better than alright, in fact.”

“Well, alright, if you’re sure...” Spike bit his lip uncertainly. “But... If there’s anything I can do...”

Rarity glanced at the lavender for an instant, then brought her gaze back to Spike’s eyes. Those green, reptilian eyes that practically shone with love and devotion. “Actually, Spike... There is one thing you could do to help.”

He nodded immediately, without the least pause for thought. “Great! Just name it!”

“Well...” One hoof gently slipped forward, to rest on the back of his claw. “Do you happen to have any plans for next week?”

Author's Note:

Ah, here we return to my OTP. I’m bound and determined to write as much for these two as I can, since they’re such an adorable pairing and I for one think they fit together remarkably well. #211 fell a little flat, but I’m very happy with this one, aside from a couple word choices that could’ve been improved on. I managed to work in both of the prompts, too!

I kept changing which flowers I wanted to use right up until the end of the 30 minutes. It was heliotropes for a bit, if memory serves, and then I almost changed it to one that meant one-sided love. I stuck with “devotion”, though, because if there’s one word that describes Spike’s relationship with Rarity, that’s it.