• Published 21st Dec 2012
  • 3,580 Views, 76 Comments

Stealing a Heart of Gold - Silentpegasus

A battle scared pegasus police officer get's transferred from the crime ridden streets of Manehattan to the small town of Ponyville.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Shield was on the train to Ponyville as he drifted off to sleep. He dreamt of a small alleyway, dark, cold and unforgiving. He made his way down it, he could smell the blood that was spilt the night before. As he made his way down other officers began to funnel into the small alleyway, the body was covered by a sheet and photographers were taking shots of the murder weapon. A butcher knife with the blood still smeared across the blade, Shield inspected the crime scene and made his way over to the victim’s body. It was little pegasus filly no older than eight, her throat had been cut. He could hear the public starting to gather outside the alleyway and the cries from the assumed mother. Suddenly a light green mare burst through the crowd and cried over the little fillies body. Shield put a hoof on the mare’s shoulder even though he knew that no matter what ever he said would offer no comfort to the mother. Two officers dragged the mare away from the scene as she wailed in agony.

Shield woke up in a cold sweat and noticed that the train had stopped, the conductor’s voice rang over the speaker.

“Last stop. Ponyville.” Shield got to his hooves and threw his saddle bags over his back and made his way out of the train car and into the bright light of the day. Shield put on the sunglasses that Gizmo had given him and made his way into the small town. He examined the ponies that walked by, nothing out of the ordinary. Shield entered a small bakery and had a seat at the counter, the inside smelled of sugar, frosting and hot coffee. Soon a mustard yellow stallion wearing a red stripped hat and apron stopped in front of him.

“Well how can I help you today sir?”

“I’ll just take a cup of coffee, black if you don’t mind.”

“Sure just give me a min-” suddenly a large unicorn stallion burst through the door wearing a mask.

“Alright every-pony stay down! This is a robbery!” he said as he held a large knife up. The ponied did as he was asked and got underneath the tables. He made his way to where Shield was sitting. “I said get down!”

“What was that? I couldn’t hear you could you come closer.” Shield deadpanned, the stallion then came closer and put the knife to his back.

“I said get-” he was cut off by Shield grabbing the stallions mane and slamming his head into the counter, stunning him. The stallion charged at Shield, knife drawn. He raised his hoof and let a blast erupt from his gauntlet sending the stallion out of the door and into the street. Shield calmly trotted out of the bakery towards the stallion who was scrambling to his hooves. Shield looked at the stallion with a blank face. The stallion was eyeing the knife on the ground.

“Don’t even think-” the stallion lunged for the knife, Shield shot two ropes which wrapped themselves around the stallion preventing his escape. The stallion was starting to struggle to break free. Shield picked up the stallion and trotted back inside to the counter, the ponies in the room looked at him with amazement in their eyes. Shield reached into his pocket and withdrew a bag of bit’s and tossed them on the table. “Sorry about the mess.” he said with a small smile. He dragged the stallion out of the bakery, the stallion looked up at him with fear in his eyes.

“Who are you?”

“Officer friendly.” he said as they were stopped by two police ponies.

“Alright both of you! Don’t move.” Shield dropped the stallion and did as he was told.

“Relax officers. I was just-”

“SHUT UP!” the police pony bellowed as his horn glowed. He walked forward and checked Shields pocket’s he pulled out his badge and ID. The officer looked at him with surprise. “S-sorry S-sir.” he said as he handed him his badge back.

“No problem, this guy just tried to rob this bakery.” he said as he looked over to the tied up stallion. “I’m Inspector Shield, I just got transferred from Manehattan.” the two ponies looked at him in wonder. “I’ll leave this guy in your hooves. Is that alright?”

“S-sure.” the two ponies responded. Shield left the scene and made his way through the street’s once again. He kept on walking down the road until he was rammed by a cyan blur. As he got to his hooves he saw a pair of rose colored eyes looking down at him.

“Sorry about that.” she said as he got to his hooves.

“It’s fine. Just an accident.”

“Well my names Rainbow Dash, best flyer in Equestria.”

“Shining Shield, Inspector.” Rainbow’s eyes shrank.

“Aren’t you the stallion that took down that mugger?”.

“Yes and I’d prefer to keep a low profile if that’s alright with-” he was cut off by a familiar voice.

“Rainbow Dash! How many times have I told you to watch where........Shield! Is that you?” he looked over to see a familiar white unicorn mare looking at him.

“Hey Rarity.” he said as she trotted over to him.

“You two know each other?” Rainbow asked.

“This is the stallion that helped me last week in Manehattan.” Rainbow had a grin spread across her face.

“Oh..So you’re the stallion she hasn’t stopped talking about!”

“RAINBOW!” she yelled as she blushed.

“What? You haven’t and he’s good at his job he just took down some-pony using a weird laser beam or something.”

“It’s not a laser. It fires a concentrated blast of magic.” he said as he rolled up his sleeve to reveal the odd machine.

“That looks so cool!” Rainbow said as she looked at the machine.

“It has other applications to it.”

“Like what?” Rainbow asked.

“Well, theres the ‘wing clipper’ as I call it.”

“What does it do?” Rarity asked.

“Watch.” he pointed the device at Dash. He moved his hoof and a spinning rope with half a ball on each end wrapped itself around the cyan mare, the two halves locked together tying the mare’s wings and legs to her side. Rainbow started to struggle in the restraints.

“What the? Let me GO!” she said in an angry voice.

“Fine hold still.” He bent over and unlocked the restraint and re equipped it to to his gauntlet. “I use that thing when it comes to Pegasi and Griffin criminals.”

“Where did you get that thing?” Rainbow asked as she got to her hooves.

“A friend of mine made it for me.”

“Can I get one of those?” Rarity asked with a giggle.

“Sorry, one of a kind.”

“What’s that glowing thing on your badge?” Rarity asked. Shield took out his badge and showed them.

“This is a shield amulet, it project’s a magical shield that deflect’s and absorbs magical energy.”

“Awesome! Can I see it work?”

“Umm..sure. Rarity would you mind shooting a spell at me?” Rarity had an unsure look on her face.

“Well okay. Get ready.” her horn began to glow and a white beam was shot at the stallion. An arm sized shield materialized and absorbed the magical energy. Rarity and Rainbow’s jaw dropped as the shield vanished.

“It still needs some work but, it’s fine for now.”

“THAT IS SO COOL!” Rainbow yelled.

“Hmm..Interesting.” he said as he stared at the badge.

“What is it darling.” Rarity asked.

“The magic I absorbed, seemed to have transferred to the cannon.”

“The what?” Rainbow asked.

“The thing I used to take down the mugger.”

“Oh...that thing. So is that all you can do?” Rainbow asked.

“Rainbow that was terribly rude!” Rarity said.

“It’s fine Rarity I’ve seen plenty of ponies like Rainbow here. Cocky, athletic..”

“Yes, yes it’s all true.” she said as she struck a pose.

“And always move their mouth’s faster than their brain.” he said in a flat tone. Rarity giggled at the comment while Rainbow’s expression turned sour.

“There you are!” the three ponies looked over to see a cream colored mare with wavy silver hair. “I have been looking all over town for you, Inspector!”

“And you are?”

"I'm the Mayor."

“Oh, nice to meet you.” he said as he shook her hoof. “What do you need ma’am?”

“I need you down at the department pronto!”


“For your welcome party! Not to mention to congratulate you for stopping the mugger.”


“Why? It’s in your honor.”

“With all due respect mayor, I’m not big on social event’s.”

“But you deserve it.” Rarity added.

“I’m not sure how much the chief told you about me but-”

“I haven’t read your file yet.”

“Well your gonna have quite the read when you do.” he said in an annoyed tone.

“What do you mean?”

“You’ll see. But back on topic I’ll drop by and introduce myself to the officers after I get settled in.”

“Very well, how can I contact you?”

“I haven’t found a-”

“He’ll be staying with me mayor.” Rarity interjected, the two pegasi looked at her with a confused look.

“Splendid! I’ll see you at the department then.” the mayor said as she trotted away. Rainbow and Shield looked at Rarity.

“What?” she said while holding an innocent expression on her face.

“Why did you just tell the mayor that I’ll be staying with you?”

“Well do you have any where else to stay for the moment?”

“Not yet but-”

“Then I see no problem.”

“Well I’ll see you guy’s later. I’m gonna go practice.” Rainbow said as she flew off. The dark stallion watched in shock as rainbow left a rainbow trail behind her.

“Is she always like that?”

“Yes, you’ll get used to her.” Rarity said with a small chuckle. “So do you want to go get settled in?”

“Sure. Lead the way.” The two ponies made their way back through town, the street’s were bustling with ponies, the crowd from earlier had dispersed. “So what’s your occupation?”

“I run Carousel Boutique. I design and make custom formal attire for all sort’s of mare’s and stallions.”

“You’re a designer?”

“Yes, Ponies from all around Equestria have ordered things from me.”

“That must be stressful.”

“It can get....overwhelming at times but I make it work.”

“And what does Rainbow Dash do?”

“She’s the local weather manager for Ponyville.” she said as she rolled her eyes.

“What did she mean by training?”

“She’s aspiring to be a Wonderbolt.”

“Oh, really? Those guys are nice.” Rarity’s eyes shrank.

“You know the Wonderbolts?”

“Let’s just say I’ve helped them get out of a jam once or twice.”

“What kind of trouble did they get-” she was cut off by the stallion jumping in front of her and his shield coming up before a small burst of purple magic came into contact with it. The force knocked the stallion back onto the ground. “Shield are you okay?” Rarity said as she trotted to his side.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’ve taken worse hit’s.” he said as he got to his hooves. Shield then saw a purple unicorn galloping towards them.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry I was trying out a new spell-”

“It’s fine Miss, It was an accident.” he said as he brushed the dirt off his jacket. He then put his glasses on and scanned the purple mare. “Whoa, your off the charts.” Twilight blushed with a confused look on her face.

“Excuse me?”

“Your magic. You’re a class seven unicorn, rare to meet one nowadays.”

“What are you talking about?” Rarity asked.

“Every unicorn has a certain level of magic, most unicorns are either a class four or five. The level’s are measured by the amount and quality of spells a unicorn learns.” Twilight said.

“Powerful and smart. You ever think about becoming a cop miss...”

“Twilight Sparkle, and no. I prefer to use my magic for academic study.”

“Ah...you’re a teacher then.”

“No still a student, I run the local library. Who are you?”

“Inspector Shield, newly arrived from Manehattan.” Twilight looked at her friend and back to the dark stallion. A grin creeped across her face.

“Oh...so your the officer that helped Rarity.”

“Yes, that’s correct, he just got into town this morning.” Rarity answered.

“Rarity’s told us quite a bit about you.” the lavender mare said with a smirk. Rarity blushed as she glared at the unicorn.

“How? We barely know each other.” he said as he looked back at the white unicorn with a raised eyebrow.

“W-well I just told them how you saved me from those stallions.” the white mare said with a weak smile.

“Ugh, I prefer to keep a low profile if that’s alright with you two.” he said as he rolled his eyes.

“Why don’t you want to be recognized for doing a good deed?” Rarity asked.

“I’m modest and I don’t like to draw attention to myself.”

“Too late for that I’m afraid.” Twilight said with a grin.

“Come again?”

“Every-pony’s talking about that incident at Sugar Cube Corner.”

“The bakery?”


“Fantastic.” he said in a low grumble. “Well nice meeting you Twilight. I gotta go get settled.”

“Oh where are you staying?”

“For the time being he’s staying with me.” Rarity interjected.

“Okay, don’t let me keep you then. Bye.” the lavender mare trotted passed the two and continued on her way. Shield and Rarity continued to make their way down town.

“She seem’s nice.” Shield said to the white mare.

“Oh, Twilight is a dear friend, although she can be kind of a know-it-all at times.”

“I figured. Most ponies above a class five are.”

“So what class am I in?” Shield put on his glasses and scanned the unicorn.

“You’re a class three, average. However..”

“What’s wrong dear?”

“These things must be busted, it’s showing some unknown energy signature. I’ll fix them when I get my lab set up.”

“You’re lab?”

“I have a small work bench I use for modifying my equipment, hope that’s alright.”

“Of corse dear, it’s fine by me. Well here we are.” Shield looked ahead to see a tall, purple and pink building with matching window’s and banners. As they made their way inside the smell of vanilla perfume filled his nostrils and made him choke a little on the smell.

“Strong perfume in here.”

“Yes, I do like a fresh smelling home. The guest room is upstairs second door on your left.”

“Thanks, I’ll be down in a minute.”

“Take your time dear.” Rarity chimed as Shield made his way upstairs. He found the room quite accommodating, it was medium size, had a queen sized bed, dresser and a large desk. Shield began to unpack, he set his equipment to the side and unloaded his important items, the pocket watch his whistle and badge. Shield laid the three next to each other and examined the three items. Shield put the pocket watch back into his jacket, along with his badge. He put the whistle on a chain and hung the heirloom around his neck. Shield trotted over and slung his jacket over his shoulder and left the room. He trotted back downstairs to see a small unicorn filly with a light purple mane and tail sitting on the couch.

“Can I help you miss?” he asked the little filly then looked up at him in surprise.

“Who are you?”

“I’m Shining Shield.”

“Well what are you doing here?”

“I live here what about you?”

“This is my house!” she yelled.

“You’re house?”

“Well my sister’s, but I live with her.”

“Oh...Well I’m a friend of your sister’s and she’s letting me stay the night.”

“Are you my sister’s cot-friend?”

“No.” the two were interrupted by the white mare entering the room.

“Sweetie Belle, don’t pester him!”

“It’s alright Rarity, she’s just curious. I’d be to if I found a stranger in my house.”

“Sweetie this is, Shining Shield. He’s the stallion that helped me in Manehattan.” the filly then looked up at the dark stallion with a smile.

“You saved my sister from being mugged?”

“Yes and among other things.” she then galloped over and hugged him.

“Thank you so much!” Shield patted the filly’s head with his hoof.

“No problem...It’s my job.”

“What do you mean?” she said as she broke the hug.

“He’s an Inspector for the Ponyville Police Department.” Rarity interjected.

“Right speaking of which, we’d better get going.” Shield said as he trotted towards the door. The two unicorns followed him into the street’s of Ponyville. The way there was spent mostly in silence, until Sweetie Belles spoke up.

“So, Mr. Shield...”

“You can just call me Shield.” he said as he looked down at the small filly.

“Okay Shield, what kind of crimes have you solved?”

“You don’t want to know.”

“Why not?”

“They’re not......pleasant.”

“Any robbers?”

“Yeah a few of those.”

“What did they steal?”

“Jewelry, money, antiques, all sort’s of things.”

“How many have you arrested?”

“I lost track, years ago.”

“Alright that’s enough questions Sweetie, we’re here.” Shield looked ahead to see an old red brick’d and decrepit building.

“This is the Police Department?”

“Yes why?”

“It’s a dump. I’ve seen condemned buildings look better than this....thing.”

“Well it’s what we’ve got.” Rarity said in an annoyed tone.

“Sorry, maybe it’s better on the inside.” the three trotted inside the dark department. Something felt wrong, he prepared his gauntlet, he looked behind him to see that the two unicorns were missing. “What’s going on here?” the light’s suddenly switched on and the room was filled with ponies. Shield lowered his weapon and looked at the ponies.


“Great.” he said in a sarcastic tone. The mayor then stepped forward.

“We are here to welcome Inspector Shining Shield, newly arrived from Manehattan.” the ponies started to clap and cheer. “he made his first arrest, this morning by thwarting a robbery at Sugar Cube Corner.” the ponies cheered louder.

“It was nothing, just doing my job.”

“Nonsense, you deserve it. Go on have some fun.”

“I’d prefer to meet the officers if that’s alright.”

“Of corse, follow me.” Shield followed the mare over to a table with ten ponies looking up at him. “Inspector, meet the team.”

“So this is the new guy?” a grey unicorn said.

“Yes Captain.” the unicorn got to his hooves and shook Shield’s hoof.

“Nice to meet you Inspector.”

“The feeling is mutual.” Shield said as a green unicorn mare with a brown mane the trotted up next to him.

“And this is your partner, Comet Shooter.”

“Hi nice to meet you.” she said in a cheery tone. Shield looked back at the chief and mare in surprise.

“I don’t do partners, no offense. Just not my style.” both ponies looked back at him in surprise.

“Well I’m sorry sir, but rules are rules.”

“Fine. Just be on your hooves.” he said in a flat tone.

“Understood sir.” she said in an stern tone. Shield walked away from the pair and made his way over to the bar, an orange mare sporting a stetson hat was serving drinks.

“What can ah get for ya partner?”

“I guess just some Applejack Daniels if you have it?”

“Sure do!” she said as she poured the drink.

“Out of all the ponies here, I like you the most right now.” the two laughed at the statement. Soon Rarity joined the two.

“Ah I see you’ve met Applejack, our local farmer and owner of Sweet Apple Acres.” Shield looked in surprise at the orange mare.

“You own Sweet Apple Acres?”


“You guys make my favorite drink.” he said as he raised the glass.

“Well, that’s mighty kind of you Mr....What’s your name?”

“Shinning Shield.”

“Oh your the guest of honor! In that case, drinks on the house.” his ears shot up at the statement.

“Applejack, will you be my best friend?” he said in a chuckle.

“Why not, I always like meeting new ponies.” Rarity then started to glare at the two. “Hey Rarity is this the stallion that-”

“Yes, he’s the one who helped me.”

“Well then, it’s nice to have you working in our town.” she said with a grin. Soon Comet shooter trotted up next to him and ordered a drink. “Howdy there miss, what can ah get ya?”

“I’ll have what he’s having.” Comet said as she pit her bit’s on the table.

“Brown nosing will get you nowhere with me rookie.” he said as he took a sip from his glass.

“Don’t flatter yourself. I love this drink.” Comet then levitated the glass to her lips and drank the liquid, her eyes shrank in surprise at the taste and spat the drink out onto the bar, she looked at the stallion with a weak smile. “Heh-heh, sorry about that Applejack.”

“It’s alright Comet, no harm done. How about a nice sarsaparilla?”

“Thanks AJ.” she breathed out. She looked over to see Shield glaring at her. “Fine you caught me .”

“Look, Comet. You seem like a good cop, but being my partner could end up being hazardous to your health.”

“Why’s that?”

“It’s in my file.”

“Well I’m looking for something more than just a file.”

“Too bad, cause that’s where you’re getting answers from.” he said as he finished his drink and trotted away from the three mares only to be stopped by the mayor.

“Ah, Inspector. How are you settling in?”

“Fairly, still getting used to things around here.”

“I expected as much.”

“When do I start?”

“Report back here tomorrow morning for a simple physical test.”

“Good, see you around.” he shook the mare’s hoof and exited the station.

As he trotted back towards town, the busy town was now desolate and dark. It reminded Shield of the city. Minus the homeless, thugs and prostitutes. Shield entered the boutique and finished un-packing his things. An old and damaged photo rested on the dresser, he took off the gauntlet and put it back in the brief case. He laid down on the bed and began to stare up at the ceiling, Shield then heard the down stairs door open and left to investigate. Shield wasn’t surprised to see Rarity or the small white unicorn asleep on her back. Rarity looked up to see Shield descending the staircase.

“Oh, you’re already back. I thought that you’d want to stay at the party more.”

“Nah, I don’t like parties that much.” he said as he trotted up to the mare.

“Really? I thought a stallion from the big city loved theses social engagements.”

“Every stallion except me. I’d take a quiet night alone over a party any day.” Rarity adverted her gaze.

“You’d prefer to be alone all the time?”

“Not all the time, once in awhile I’d invite a friend or two over, but never a massive party.”

“What about a girlfriend? Do you have one of those?” Rarity asked in a blush. Shield froze for a moment and looked at the mare with a raised eyebrow.

“No...not anymore.” he said in a flat tone.

“Oh.....sorry for asking dear I just wanted to make sure I wouldn’t walk in on anything I would want Sweetie Belle to see. You understand right?” she said with a nervous smile.

“Of corse. But I won’t stay here for long.”

“What! Why? You just settled in and-”

“Let’s just say my work has a habit of following me home sometimes.”

“What do you mean darling?” Rarity asked in a worried tone.

“I tend to deal with......unpleasant crimes and I don’t want you or Sweetie Belle to be exposed to that sort of thing.” Rarity pondered the thought for a moment.

“Oh...I see. Well that’s completely understandable. But if you ever need a place to stay my door is always open.” Shield looked at the mare in surprise.

“Thanks, that’s very generous of you Rarity.”

“Oh it’s the least I can do for how you helped me.” she said as she hid her blush. The two then looked back at the little filly who started to stir. “Well I think it’s time put this little filly to bed.”

“Good idea, I need to have an early start, I’m just gonna relax downstairs for a bit, that alright with you?”

“Of corse darling. Let me just put Sweetie to bed and I’ll join you.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“Oh it’s no trouble at all, I would love to have a small chat, there aren’t a lot of ponies who come by my shop these days.” she said with a sad look on her face. Shield looked at the saddened mare and let out a sigh.

“Well...okay then. I’ll see you in a few minutes.” He deviated from the mare as she continued upstairs, with a grin on her face. Rarity opened the door to her sister’s door and tucked her little sister in, she was about to open the door to leave when she heard a small voice coming from the bed.

“You like him don’t you sis?” Rarity turned around to see the small unicorn sitting up on her bed with a smile on her face.

“Sweetie Belle! What gave you that idea?”

“They you were talking to him and how your face got red when he answered back.”

“You were awake the whole time?” the little filly nodded. “Then why did you make me carry you back to the house?”

“I was just tired of walking.” the little filly said as she gave a shrug. “But still you should tell him how you feel.”

“Sweetie just go to bed.” she said as she left the room. Rarity regained her composure and trotted back down stairs and joined the dark stallion on the couch. “So, Shield how do you like Ponyville so far?”

“Seems like a nice quiet town, very different than Manehattan.”

“I can imagine. So why did you become a police officer anyway?”

“Runs in the family, my dad did it, his dad didi it, and his dad before him. Just carrying on the tradition I guess.”

“Have you ever thought of doing anything else.” Shield paused for a moment and avoided eye contact.

“No....never have, never will. It’s where I belong.”

“How old are you?”

“Twenty five. Why?” he said as he eyed the mare who had moved closer to him.

“Just curious, you look a lot older than that, no offense.”

“None taken, this job takes it’s toll on you somehow.”

“How long have you been a police officer?

“Since I was eighteen. Fresh out of high school.”

“That long?”

“Yup, what about you? You always wanted to be a designer?”

“Well, I’m more than a designer. I’m also skilled with jewel hunting.” Shield looked back at the mare in surprise.

“Really? I thought you were the type that didn’t like to get their hooves dirty.” Rarity frowned at him.

“Well just because I’m a lady doesn’t mean I don’t know how to handle myself. Plus I get Spike to come and help me.”


“He’s Twilight’s dragon assistant.”

“A dragon!”

“He’s a baby dragon and is just the sweetest little dear.”

“Oh, never met a dragon before.”

“Can I ask you something?”

“Sure, depending what it is.”

“Why were you harsh towards Comet at the party.” Shield rolled his eyes.

“I don’t like working with other ponies.”


“They just......tend to slow me down. I’m better off on my own.” he said as he got off the couch.

“You’ve never had a partner?”

“No..I did, but not any more.” he glanced up at the clock. “Sorry Rarity, but it’s late and I need to get up early, nice talking with you.” he turned towards the stair case and began

“Good idea, I need my beauty sleep as well.” Rarity then joined the stallion as he trotted upstairs . The two said goodnight and went to their rooms. Shield got into his bead and sleep eventually came to him.