• Published 21st Dec 2012
  • 3,579 Views, 76 Comments

Stealing a Heart of Gold - Silentpegasus

A battle scared pegasus police officer get's transferred from the crime ridden streets of Manehattan to the small town of Ponyville.

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Chapter 1

Stealing a Heart of Gold

Chapter 1

Shining Shield, a jet black pegasus stallion with a bright red mane and eyes sat at his favorite bar. His signature black leather jacket draped across the back of his chair, he ordered a shot of Applejack Daniels from the old bartender. Shield had just come from his going away party the department had thrown him. The old bartender looked at his frequent customer with a concerned look in his eye.

“Alright Shield what’s wrong? You only go for Jack when you’re depressed.”

“The chief just promoted me to Inspector.” he said in a low grumble

“That’s great! Congratulations! You deserve a promotion!” he said as he patted his friend on the back.

“Yeah but they’re transferring me to some small town.” the bartender had a look of surprise on his face.

“What? But you’re the best cop in the city! In the seven years you’ve been working in Manehattan you’ve arrested more criminals than the entire department has in a five years! Why are they transferring you?”

“Apparently I’m making the other officers look bad.”

“What! That’s bullshit! You’ve never been a glory hog, you hate award ceremony’s and you even let some of the rookies take the credit for your arrests!”

“I know, the chief thinks I need some time to ‘recover.’” he said as he took another shot of the auburn color drink. The bartender made the connection in his head.

“Oh..well maybe some time off isn’t such a bad-”

“Who’s side are you on?”

“I’m just saying that maybe you need to get away from it all for a few weeks. You need a vacation.”

“I NEED to be on the street’s. If I’m not there then who’s gonna lock up all the perverts and muggers?”

“Some-pony else will.” the bartender said as he rolled his eyes.

“Like who?”

“I don’t know. But you need a vacation to get over what happened to-” Shield shot a burning look at the bartender. “Sorry, but it’s the truth. Not a lot of ponies can go through that and come out on top, not to mention your fa-” Shield slammed his hoof down on the table.

“Enough! If I wanted to be lectured I would’ve stayed at the going away party.” he looked back at the bartender who had a scared look in his eye. “Sorry Whiskey, I’m having trouble...adjusting.”

“It’s fine I shouldn’t have brought that stuff up.” The door to the bar opened, revealing the police chief. The brown unicorn trotted over to Shield and sat next to him.

“Hey listen I-”

“Relax chief, I get it.”

“Hey, I’m on your side. I don’t want you to go, you’re a good cop.”

“I’m just another cop, no better that any other.”

“Bullshit, you’re the best cop I have, but this order’s coming straight from the top. I can’t even over rule it and trust me I’ve tried.” he said as he ordered a drink. “Do you know what your best quality is?” Shield shook his head. “You’re modest. I’ve seen too many of these young cops thinking they’re the cream of the crop and can’t even make a simple arrest without making a big deal out of it.” the two laughed at the thought. “I guess I just came by here to wish you good luck, and I’ll see if I can transfer you back here post haste.”

“Thank’s Chief.” Shield said as he pulled out an old pocket watch from his coat pocket.

“You still carry that old thing around with you?”

“Yeah and by the way I’m brining my equipment with me.”

“Fine by me, bring you’re toys if you want to. I doubt you’re gonna need them though. It’s a pretty quiet town.”

“Better to have it and not need it that to need it and not have it.” he said as the brown pony got up and saluted the pegasus. Shield returned the salute as the pony exited through the door. He spent the next hour or so at the bar, until he saw a white unicorn mare with a long purple mane leave, the only problem was that three stallions went after her. Shield payed for his drink and grabbed his jacket.

Shield ventured outside into the pouring rain, he followed the stallions to a dark alley way, they had surrounded the mare.

“Help!” he heard the mare scream.

“Shut it lady, there’s no-pony else here. Now how about some fun?” the stallion said with an evil gleam in his eye. The white unicorn was about to scream but was silenced by one of the stallions hoof’s covering her mouth, muffling her screams of distress. She then felt two strong hooves grab her arms and force her up against the side of the building. The ponies then saw three bright flashes.

“Hey! What the hell is going on here?” Shield bellowed. The ponies looked at the dark stallion.

“None of your business! Why don’t you just buck-” the stallion was silenced by a quick uppercut from Shield, the blow made the stallion drop to the ground. The other two stallions released the white mare and proceeded to converge on the dark stallion. Shield raised his right hoof, suddenly two ropes shot out, wrapped itself around and tied the stallions together.

“What the-” the stallion was silenced as he felt electricity corse through his body and fell over on the ground unconscious. Shield tied the last one up and made his way over to the frightened white mare.

“P-Please! Don’t hurt me!” the mare said as she cowered in fear.

“I’m not gonna hurt you. What’s your name?” he said as he outstretched his hoof.

“I-I’m-” she suddenly felt woozy and collapsed on the ground, Shield moved to catch her. He took out his badge and pressed the center, a small magical beam shot up, soon a police pony arrived. As he looked at the three unconscious ponies he saw a note and an envelope taped to one of them.

To what officer finds these three,

They attempted to attack a mare in the alley way, you subdued and caught them. Get your self a medal, you probably deserve it. Photographic evidence is encased in this envelope. Take them to the chief.


The police officer opened the envelope and looked at the photo’s, he was was baffled, but took the three into custody. Meanwhile Shield carried the passed out mare through the dark and damp streets of Manehattan. He kept checking his corners to watch and see it any-pony was following him. Soon he made it to his apartment, it wasn’t much but it was home, one bedroom a kitchenette, a small sofa and book shelf. Shield entered his room and laid the mare on his bed, he tucked her in and went into the living room, he laid back on the couch and drifted off to sleep.

Rarity woke up to find herself in an unfamiliar room. She sprang up in surprise and looked around, she heard the sounds of snoring coming from the other room. She poked her head out of the door to see a jet black stallion sleeping on the couch. She gathered her strength and snuck over to the kitchenette and levitated a frying pan with her magic, she then made her way over to the sleeping stallion with the frying pan raised.

“Don’t even think about it.” he said as his eyes snapped open, Rarity brought the pan down on his head. “Ouch! What the buck lady geez!” he said as he grasped his head in pain, he got to his hooves and noticed the white mare cringed back. He trotted over to the frightened mare with an angry look on his face. “For the love of Faust! What was that for?” Rarity was still holding the pan by her magic with fear in her eyes.

“St-stay back or I’ll call the police!” she said still holding the pan.

“I am the Police!” he trotted over to his jacket and showed her his silver police badge. “See!” Rarity looked at the badge and lowered her weapon.

“Oh..I’m terribly sorry officer.”

“It’s fine, I’d probably be freaked out too If I woke up in a strangers bed.” he said still holding his head in pain.

“How did I get here?” she asked as the stallion grabbed an ice pack and put it on his throbbing head.

“You were attacked last night by three stallions in an alley way. I stopped them from doing anything.....unpleasant to you, then I brought you here to rest.” Rarity’s eyes lit up as she remembered the previous night’s events.

“Oh I remember those three ruffians.” she said as she let out a grumble, she then turned to the injured stallion. “Oh dear, how can I ever repay you?”

“Forget about it, it’s my job to protect the ponies of Manehattan. Or at least it was.” he said as he sat on the couch.

“What do you mean by that?” Rarity said as she cocked an eyebrow.

“I got promoted and transferred to some small town.” he said in a low grumble.

“Oh...which town?”

“Some place called Ponyville.” Rarity’s jaw dropped at the name. “What?”

“I’m from Ponyville!”

“Really? You struck me more as a Canterlot mare.”

“Well just because I’m from a small town doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy the finer things in life.” she said with a scoff.

“I meant no offense. Usually the mare’s around here aren’t so ‘pleasant.’” Rarity blushed at the compliment.

“So you’re a Police officer?”

“I’m an Inspector now.”

“So when do you leave for Ponyville?”

“In a few days, I need to find a place before I make the move.” Rarity then though for a moment.

“Well..If you don’t find a place, you could always stay with me.” she said with a weak grin. Shield was taken back by the mare’s offer.

“Thank you for the offer miss.....”


“Thank’s for the offer Ms. Rarity but I’ll have to decline.”

“Please dear, let me repay-”

“You don’t owe me a thing, it’s my job to help ponies.”


“No but’s, I’ll manage.” he pulled out his pocket watch and glanced at the time. “I need to go to work. You have bit’s for train ticket?”

“Yes and thank you again, and the offer still stands incase you change your mind Mr...I’m terribly sorry dear but what is your name?”

“Shining Shield.”

“Thank you, Shining Shield.”

“No problem. Nice to meet you Ms. Rarity.”

“Oh please darling, call me Rarity.”

“Alright and you can just call me Shield.” he said as he threw on his leather jacket the two trotted out of the apartment complex and out onto the busy street. “See you when I get to Ponyville.”

“Of corse darling good bye.” Rarity said as she trotted off down the road. Shield turned his head and trotted in the opposite direction.

He entered the police department and caught several glances from the other officers. He ignored their looks and entered the chief’s office, It was small filled with filing cabinet’s and bookshelves. The tan earth pony noticed the dark pegasus he smiled at him and motioned with his hoof.

“Ah, Shield come in, sit down.” Shield took the seat in front of the wooden desk. “I just got off the phone with the Mayor of Ponyville, she is expecting your arrival.”

“Thanks Chief, I only came by to clean out my locker.”

“Now hold on a second.” the earth pony said as he reached into his desk and withdrew a small wrapped box. “It’s just a little something for old times sake.”

“Chief you didn’t-”

“Open it. That’s an order.” he said with a grin. Shield took the small box and opened it, his eyes shrank at what laid inside, a small silver whistle.

“Is that-”

“Yes, it’s your fathers whistle. I promised to hold onto it until you were ready.” he said as he got up and put a hoof on the pegasus’s shoulder.

“Thanks chief.” he held out his hoof to the old stallion, who smacked it away and brought him into a hug.

“You’ve grown up my boy, It’s time you moved on.” he said as he broke the hug.

“Thanks, for everything.” Shield said as he went towards the door.

“Wait one last thing.” the old pony said as he rifled through his pocket’s. “Here.” he threw a black leather wallet looking item. He opened it to reveal a golden shield. “Your new badge. Good luck.” Shield gave him a salute and exited the office. A green unicorn wearing a white lab coat and a pair of black rimmed glasses, trotted up to him.

“What’s up Gizmo?”

“Hey Shield, I heard you got transferred.”

“Yeah I did, I just came by to pick up my things.” the stallion continued to walk next to his friend.

“Me and the guys down at the lab are gonna miss you, so we got you a little something.” Gizmo led him down to his lab which was covered with papers and wires. Gizmo cleared off a table and pulled out a black briefcase. He opened it to reveal a pair of sunglasses, three pairs of bracelets, a package of dart’s, rope, an odd looking badge with a blue crystal in the middle of it and a strange looking metal contraption.

“Gizmo, what the hell is all this stuff?”

“These hoof-cuffs are specialized to cancel out a unicorns magic or render a pegasus flightless, they also have a distance meter on them. You wear the master cuff and strap the other one onto the criminal, set the distance and power strength. If the perp get’s to far away then they’ll be shocked, the master cuff also has a tracking spell on it so you’ll be able to find them if they try and run.” he said as he held up the bracelets. “These are knock out darts for your ‘gauntlet’ and some sealing rope for capturing.”

“What about these sun glasses?” he said as he picked up the stylish sun glasses with his hooves.

“Those glasses have a direct link into our criminal system, simply look at a pony’s face and it will immediately tell you if he or she has a record. They can also see in inferred, X-ray, night vision, they also measure a unicorns’ magic level.” Shield put on the glasses and looked at the stallion, he cycled through the visions settings.

“And what about this badge? I already have one.” he said as he showed the stallion his golden badge.

“Well it’s not the badge itself, it’s the amulet in the center.” the scientist then took the small crystal and placed it on the badge. “This crystal will project a magical shield that will absorb and deflect magical energy. If you find yourself in a jam you can overload it and it will project a dome shield around you, now that will drain it quickly so use it wisely. It absorbs magic so just ask a unicorn to recharge it.”

“And what about this thing?” he said as he held up the odd contraption.

“That is an attachment to your gauntlet, it fires a concentrated magical burst, It’s a prototype.” Shield took off his jacket to reveal a metal frame around his front right and left hoofs, both of them had a series of ropes running up and down the frame. He attached the contraption to his right hoof, he pointed it at the wall. “To activate it just point and move your hoof, it’s telepathically linked although it can only hold six shot’s until it needs to be recharged.” Shield did as he was told and let loose a blast of blue magical energy that scorched the wall. Gizmo looked at the damage it caused and his jaw hit the floor, Shield put a hoof on his friends shoulder.

“My friend, you’ve out done yourself.” he said with a grin. “I’ll be sure to write to you guys.” he said as he put the items back into the brief case and trotted out of the room with his jacket on.

“Good luck.” Gizmo said as he shook his friends hoof.

“Thanks.” Shield said as he trotted out of the door and made his way to his locker to collect his things. An old uniform, and an old photograph of him as a colt and a large unicorn stallion in a police uniform. He tucked the picture away behind his badge and trotted out of the locker room after he took his name off the locker. With the brief case on his back he trotted out of the Police station, he took a look back at the building and made his way home.