• Published 14th Jan 2012
  • 1,037 Views, 7 Comments

My Little Pony: Harmony at Play - Prince Luna

A fan-series similar to the actual, with filler episodes and villain episodes.

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Episode 1: Drained of Power

All was not well in Ponyville. The clouds were out of control and Rainbow Dash, along with other Pegasi, were chasing them around and stopping them from filling the sky with grey.
"Argh! This is impossible!" Rainbow Dash said, "I can hardly see a thing with the greyness of these clouds."
Just as she thought it couldn't get any worse, a cloud flew directly above her and rained on her. She gave up and took to the ground to find help.
"It's raining pretty bad out there!" Spike said, peeping out of the window of the library.
"And I remember just yesterday that Rainbow Dash told us it would be clear skies today. I wonder if there's something up with the skies?" Twilight Sparkle wondered, lifting her head from a book she was reading to improve her magic.
She shut the book with her magic and put it back on to a shelf. Just in time for a soaking Rainbow Dash to come bursting in.
"Twilight! You gotta have something in here!" She said, going to Twilight's shelves and throwing books all over the place.
"Rainbow Dash! Hold up! You're making a mess with your dripping body and the books. Spike just arranged these too!" Twilight complained.
"No time for that. Sorry Spike, but I gotta find a book on weather problems. Anything to help with this strange weather!" Rainbow Dash said, still throwing books willy-nilly.
"I...don't have any books on weather, Dash. At least, not here. Perhaps in the Canterlot library?" Twilight informed.
"Yeah! There must be something in there, Dash! If you don't know what this is, maybe we should go to Celestia and ask her if she knows what's going o-" Spike was suddenly interrupted and belched fire, revealing a scroll.
Twilight levitated it and began to read.
"It's from Celestia. She wants the six of us ponies for an audience. As soon as possible. She does not sound pleased." Twilight read hurriedly.
"I was right! Celestia does know what's going on!" Spike bragged.
"No time for bragging, Spike." Twilight said as she and Rainbow Dash prepared to rush to Canterlot.
"See ya, Spike! Sorry for messing the place up, you can clean it right? Thanks!" Said Rainbow Dash as the two ponies galloped out of the door to gather their other friends, leaving the dragon to sigh and start collecting up the books.
Celestia was pacing back and forth impatiently, waiting for her student and her friends to come to her. Luna was watching from the side, just as worried for her sister as the disaster they foresaw.
The ponies arrived, galloping in fast as Celestia began to prepare the Elements of Harmony.
"What's goin' on?" Asked Applejack.
"Why do you need us, your majesty?" Rarity asked, reminding the ponies to bow.
"There's not really much time to explain." Celestia replied, "Take the Elements and prepare outside. He's coming."
"Who?" Asked Fluttershy.
"Anarchy." Replied Luna, "and old foe my sister and I once had to face."
"How many foes do these guys have?" Rainbow Dash mumbled to Pinkie Pie, making her laugh.
"We vanquished him soon after we did so with Discord. But it seems our power was not as we thought. We are sincerely worried about what power we have if we could not hold Night Mare Moon, Discord and Anarchy."
The ponies put on the Elements, bowed to their master and galloped outside to ready for what they did not know.
Years ago, some time after Discord had turned to stone and Equestria was in peace, something did not seem right. The skies grew dark earlier and random showers appeared against the will of the Pegasi. A large ghostly outline of a pony the size of a skyscraper started destroying the towns in Equestria one by one. Celestia and Luna ran to the problem.
"I am Anarchy. Brother of Discord." He said dully.
"Brother?!" Luna gasped.
"You have sealed my sibling and you shall pay!" He said, touching a nearby metal tower. His see-through body became metal as he touched the tower and he violently knocked Celestia and Luna back.
"Luna...we need to use the Elements." Celestia muttered. Luna nodded.
The alicorns stood up and prepared themselves.
"ELEMENTS OF HARMONY...ACTIVATE! Magic! Generosity! Honesty! Kindness!" Celestia called, bringing the power of her Elements to her heart and forming great power.
"ELEMENTS OF HARMONY...ACTIVATE! Laughter! Loyalty!" Luna followed, bringing her two Elements to power.
The two shot beams of light from their horns, but Anarchy quickly followed, touching a tree and assuming the form of it's branches, making holes to avoid the beams.
"You'll have to try better than that!" He laughed.
The alicorns flew and continued to attack to no avail. Then Luna became very serious. So serious, she began to use the royal accent.
"SISTER. WE SHALL..." She then quietened down, realizing that Anarchy may hear her plan. "We shall dive into him. Lend me your Elements. A sacrifice. Do not worry, We are sure we will make it. We realize that this may be the only way to defeat him."
"Luna! You cannot do that! I worry too much for you. I understand that it may be the way to defeat him, however, I will not let you go through with it. I shall go."
"No, sister. You have the kingdom to rule over. We are not as good with it as you are. Please allow us this." Luna responded.
Celestia sighed, seeing as there was no arguing.
"Good luck. Please survive. No. You will survive." Celestia said, kissing her sister on the cheek. She transferred her Elements to Luna.
Luna nodded and suddenly felt a strange sensation. Her eyes began to glow and she unexpectedly floated.
Luna's wings and horn shone golden and her coat was a darker shade. Her mane had expanded massively, flowing faster than before and lighter in colour. Her wings were much larger and her cutie-mark had disappeared.
She was ready.


Ponyville seemed strangely clearer when the ponies arrived from Canterlot. The skies weren't as grey but were still hectic. Rainbow Dash looked closely and saw something speeding around in the clouds.
"Is there a...pony up there? I thought we all gave up." She pondered.
"I...think I can see it. The silhouette-like shape?" Applejack asked.
"Yes! I see it too!" Exclaimed Rarity.
The pegasus was darting around like nobodies business, tackling clouds to nothing. But then a bolt of lightning struck her and she began to fall.
"Oh my gosh!" Screamed Fluttershy.
"We gotta go see if she's alright!" Shouted Twilight.
The ponies ran to where the pegasus had fallen. She was a dark blue pony with a long and sharp black mane. Her cutie-mark was a bunch of yellow stars. Another pony was stood by her side, a light brown unicorn with a fluffy white mane and steaming bun cutie-mark.
"Loopdeloop? Loopdeloop! Oh please be alright, Loopdeeloop!" She cried.
"Is she alright?" Rainbow Dash asked.
The pony was in tears, she wiped them and sniffed.
"I...I think so. She was trying to help with the cloud problem. She's an expert at flying in the dark. Looks like she's just knocked out..." The unicorn said.
"Oh...well we really can't dilly dally. I'm sorry but we must be off." Said Rarity.
"Do you know where the doctor is? Just round the corner and down the street." Twilight explained.
"I'm...I'm fine." Loopdeloop said, just waking up.
"Oh! Loopdeloop!" Her friend smiled.
"Hey, Hotcakes! I'm fine!" She returned a smile.
Pinkie then noticed that the two ponies were wearing necklaces with their cutie-marks on them, but she shrugged it off.
"Good to know you're awake, Loopdeloop. And Hotcakes was it? Alright, see you around." Said Twilight, leading the ponies to the Evertree Forest.
"They had nice necklaces..." Loopdeloop said, standing up.
"Yeah! They were just like ours." Noticed Hotcakes.
Years ago, after using the powers of the 8 Elements of Harmony to 'Harmonize' herself, Luna defeated Anarchy. However, he had simply been launched off the planet and a return would be no surprise.
"Eight Elements of Harmony...I did not know such a thing existed as a further two. Were they inside you this whole time, Luna?" Celestia asked.
"I'm...not too sure, sister. It just happened on it's own. Willpower and Luck?" Luna pondered.
"Regardless, eight Elements in the vicinity is too much of a responsibility and a risk. I am going to send the two new ones to another town in Equestria." Celestia explained.
"Why did we come to the Evertree forest, Twilight?" Applejack asked.
"I'm sure I've read about it before. A monster who makes storms? It sounds like a beast called 'Anarchy', who has the brother of Discord. Luna defeated her years ago in this place and it was told if he returned, this would be the first place he comes to." Twilight explained.
"Ah, very good, Twilight Sparkle." A voice said coming from the shadows.
The ponies were surprised and stood ready for danger. Luna emerged from the darkness.
"Ah, Princess Luna. You were the one to defeat Anarchy last time. It makes sense you would return to assist the Elements of Harmony to do so once again!" Twilight smiled.
"Yes. Now come with us. We must venture further in the forest to be ahead of Anarchy." Luna explained.
The ponies nodded and followed her. Luna wore a strange grin and twitch in her eye, but they did not notice this. They also did not notice the two not so far behind them.