• Published 11th Dec 2012
  • 2,888 Views, 304 Comments

The Sunset Trilogy - ocalhoun

Twilight Sparkle faces the end of the world as she knows it. An epic three book series depicting the fall of Equestria and the rise of a new nation from the ashes.

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Book 2 - Chapter XXXI

Book 2: Equestria Lost
Chapter 23

“You're really going looking for medical supplies?” Twilight asked apprehensively. She stood in the casino's entryway as Apollo and the other two ponies with him prepared to go.

“We can't do without them, lady.” Apollo replied.

“But it's too risky!” Twilight insisted, “the hospitals are all full of dead ponies... and they still carry the disease.”

Apollo scoffed at this pony of all ponies trying to tell him to be safe. “It's my job. Getting things from dangerous places is pretty much what I do!”

“Well, at least let me go with you,” she pleaded.

Apollo laughed this time. “You? ... And what would you do, besides get in the way?” He winced a little; he hadn't meant for that to sound so rude.

She didn't seem perturbed by it though. Instead, she gritted her teeth and her horn began to glow. Apollo's leeriness of magic came into full force as a violet aura surrounded him closely. He suppressed a shiver... he didn't want to appear weak and fearful, not now. The aura seemed to solidify around him, becoming, well, shiny... he lifted his hoof up, and he could see the reflection of the sun on the magic around his leg. As he set it back down he noticed something odd... he couldn't feel the ground below it anymore. Instead, it felt like stepping on a smooth bubble.

“There,” Twilight Sparkle said pridefully, “the personal barrier spell!” She trotted up and poked him, causing a ripple in the field, but he couldn't feel it at all. “You can still breathe and move around, and do pretty much anything, but now nothing can touch you.”

She touched him with her horn, and as the spell dissolved, he couldn't help but be a little impressed, despite his distaste for magic. “Where'd you learn that?” He asked.

“Oh... that?” She asked, a with a little faux modesty. “I made it up myself... number twelve... it's actually based on an older spell for...” Her face began to blush furiously. “well, for protection on a more intimate level... just change it a little to allow filtered air in instead of sense of touch...”

Apollo glanced at the unicorn... Had she just covered him in a magical, full-body... what? He shook his head. At any rate, it didn't matter. “Well, come on then, we need to get moving if we want to be back before dark.” He looked at the purple unicorn again. Seems she was talented after all... maybe he had been wrong about her.

* * *

As the four ponies walked down Stalliongrad's main street, for some reason Twilight couldn't stop thinking about the warm look of approval the blue pegasus had given her. What was it about that? Somehow, at the moment, it seemed to be the one thing making her life worthwhile... But how could that be? She didn't care what he thought of her... did she?

* * *

Apollo nudged open the hospital door, all four ponies already covered by Twilight's protection spell. Already, just the entrance alone was a house of horrors. Ponies littered the place, barely even a clear path between them. He found himself very glad of the filtered air... he didn't want to know what this smelled like.

He picked his way through, stepping around carefully. Behind him followed Albatross, a horrified look on his face. As he reached the main lobby – again littered with bodies, though now at least they were covered in sheets – he turned to see Splints following, disgust and morbid curiosity warring on her face. Behind her came Twilight Sparkle, who to his surprise, didn't seem much affected. She looked a little distressed, to be sure, but didn't show the horror or revulsion he was expecting.

Of course, he thought, she's been all over Equestria... she's seen all this before. He stepped carefully between the sheets lining the floor, off to a side hallway... They needed to find a supply closet.

He turned to see Twilight staring at a directory posted on the wall... She turned to him and shrugged... Of course supply closets wouldn't be on the directory... he'd just have to use his instincts to locate one.

Before he turned back, he noticed Splints eying one of the corpses closely. Could she really want a closer look at that​​​​? As he watched, she turned down the sheet, revealing what was left of a face. Apollo shuddered. Just who did he have on his team anyway? The pink pony leaned even closer in... what was she going to do, kiss it?

Splints suddenly let out a piercing squeal. She jumped backwards, scrambling away from the corpse she had been looking at. As Apollo looked at her, standing a good distance away now and catching her breath, he saw the rat that had startled her scurry away to some other hiding place. He couldn't prevent a grin from spreading across his face... maybe she wasn't quite so untouchable after all!

* * *

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