• Published 2nd Dec 2012
  • 1,788 Views, 24 Comments

The Komodo Brothers in Equestria - Mr101

Joe and Moe are thrown into Equestria after an accident with Dr N Brio's latest weapon.

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The group of ponies surrounding the two brothers began muttering to one another quietly in uncertainty.

“They can talk Equestrian?”

“Yeah…what are they though?”

“And why do they keep elongating their S’s?”

The crowd stopped muttering for a moment as Twilight cleared her throat.

“N-now that you two have stopped arguing “‘Ok’ she thought ‘just try and keep a calm and cool level head’ “Can you tell us who and what you are?”

“No” Joe replied keeping his eyes on the unicorn his hand clenching and un-clenching.

“Please?” Twilight steeped closer giving a smile trying her best not to appear confident.

“No” Joe stated again.

“Please? I just want to know you-“Twilight pleaded again before receiving a growl from Joe.

“I said no! Ssssso just back off!” Joe growled at her baring his sharp fangs, Fluttershy whimpered and hid behind Applejack. Rainbow Dash glared and shot in front of Twilight puffing her chest out to look intimidating.

“HEY No pony talks to my friend like that!” she scowled at Joe.
“Quite right” Rarity added standing beside Twilight “I’ve never seen a creature so rude before in my life!” she sniffed and turned her head away disgusted.

“Your gunna have to tell us your name at some point anyhow” Applejack said standing beside Rainbow Dash with Fluttershy reluctantly tagging along behind her “So start yapping and tells us your names!” Joe clenched his fists again getting more and more irritated.

“I ssssaid no” he replied.

“Look ‘pal’” Dash said emphasising sarcastically the last word “You can keep saying no all you like, you’re not going to win this argument!”

“Oh yesss I am” Joe hissed at her.

“Oh no you’re not” Dash replied, Moe looked back between his brother and Dash as did the other ponies all tense on how the conversation would turn out.

“Oh yesss I am”

Joe growled out his reply loudly enough for the other ponies to hear. During the heated discussion Fluttershy crept from behind Applejack and shook as she looked up at Moe who was focused on the argument but looked visible concerned, she gently tugged at his robes causing him to look down at her.

“O-oh…p-please Mr tall g-green creature….it won’t h-hurt you to tell…us… you’re…name…” Fluttershy spoke up quietly before shrinking behind Applejack as she spoke, Moe blinked at her and was about to tell her when Joe stuck his hand over his mouth.

“Don’t tell her Moe”

“Moe!” Dash grinned triumphantly “I knew you’d slip up” Joe snapped his head back to her and hissed to try and intimidate her but to no avail, Dash just hovered there smirking triumphantly. Moe couldn’t help but let out a snicker.

“Ah so your name is Moe then?” Twilight smiled at Moe who pushing his brother’s hand off his face smiled back.

“Yesss, my name is Moe and he isss called Joe, were the Komodo Brothers” he nudged his brother in the side gently with his elbow; Joe grumbled and nodded his head.

“Well my name is Twilight Sparkle, this is Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and last but not least Pinkie Pie” she pointed to the corresponding pony when she said there name each giving a nod or smile.

With the introductions made most of the crowd began to disperse satisfied with the situation being defused, Twilight was about to ask the two more questions before she realised Pinkie Pie had been quiet for the entire duration of the conversation quickly she shot her a glance and saw the mare was still in awe staring at the two. Twilight gulped before giving her a poke with her hoof.

“Uhm…Pinkie?” she asked nervously, Pinkie blinked rapidly a couple of times then a huge grin etched onto her face making Twilight face hoof herself, ‘here we go…’ she thought knowing what was about to happen.

“OH MY GOSH!” Pinkie screamed in delight bouncing rapidly around the two brothers who were looking at her startled. “ITS SO AWESOME TO MEET YOU YOU’RE GUNNA LOVE IT HERE!” she suddenly screeched to a halt as he inhaled with a loud gasp before jumping onto Moe’s chest holding onto his robes face to face with him “WE HAVE TO THROW YOU A PARTY!” she grinned manically as she suddenly bounced off him and sped off into the distance.

“W….what jusssst happened?” Moe asked dazed confusedly.

“Ya just got Pinkie’d sugar cube” Applejack chuckled.

“Come on, we can go to my house and answer any questions you have, which I’m certain you have and hopefully answer some of ours!” Twilight beamed as she started to lead the group to her home.

“Yesss…” Joe started “That would be bessst”


“There…ALL done” Spike grinned looking around the now clean library with pride, it had taken him all morning to clean up another of Twilight’s late night midnight studying session, he shot a glare at Owlowiscious who was softly sleeping on his perch “Stupid owl…has to be nocturnal” he muttered as he went into the kitchen to make himself some lunch, he rummaged around before finding a jar labelled ‘Spike, do not take!’ Spike simply shrugged and looked around with an evil grin before taking out an emerald. He placed the jar back and happily walked to the living room and settled himself on the sofa; it would be ages before Twilight would come back so he had plenty of time to enjoy his emerald, or so he thought, just as he was about to bite into the gem the door opened.

“And this is my home please have a seat” Twilight smiled as she let in the two brothers followed by the other girls, Spike’s jaw dropped as he looked at the two tall figures.

“T-twilight…?” he said nervously.

“And this is my faithful assistant, Spike!” she pointed at the little dragon with a hoof before noticing the emerald. “…have you been stealing gems?” she raised her eyebrow.

“Uhm well yes I mean no I mean…I uh…found it?” Spike tried to explain, Twilight giggled at him before smiling.

“Oh ok just this once” she said to him as Spike licked his lips taking a bite into the gem.

“NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Joe suddenly shouted in despair staring at the emerald, everyone jumped at his outburst except Moe who also stared in disbelief.

“U-uhm Mr Joe-” Twilight tried to say before Joe suddenly swiped the half eaten gem from Spikes claws and clutched onto it falling to his knees.

“YOU’VE RUINED IT!” he choked back a sob “Ssssuch a waste…” Joe began to softly stroke the emerald as if it was a cat; Moe pulled him to his feet with a grunt. The girls stood there confused as Twilight tilted her head.

“Are…you ok?” she asked him levitating the gem back to Spike much to Joe’s reluctance, his brother the only thing holding him back from lurching at the emerald.

“Ssssorry…I jusssst love gems….the sight of them, the feel of them the ssssmell of them…” Joe trailed off happily; the girls looked at each other nervously as Moe looked at them.

“We have a liking of rare gemsss…especially my brother” he gave Joe a slap to the back of his head snapping him out of his trance rubbing his head with a sheepish grin.

“So my first question is…what are you exactly? Twilight asked them.

“We are Komodo Dragonsss” Joe stated sitting down on the sofa with Moe, as the words left his mouth there was a loud gasp came six who stood their ground.

“Y-you’re dragons? Oh my goodness that’s incredible! Though I’ve never heard of dragons wearing clothes before, but who cares? Dragons! Twilight said with a massive grin on her face.

“Oh my gosh it’s so cool to meet another dragon! Well…a dragon that doesn’t try to kill me or other ponies for that matter…or one who is as small as you guys!” he looked up at them his eyes sparkling. Joe and Moe gave each other a glance blinking before Joe turned to Spike.

“Uh…there’s now ssssuch thing as Dragonsss…there a myth” Moe frowned at him, he didn’t want to crush the little guys spirit seeing as he was a reptile like them. Spike blinked before laughing along with the girls.

“Yeah, and Griffins don’t have feathers or fly, good one guys!” Spike said between laughs although he soon started to stop as he noticed the brother’s unamused faces. “Uhm…you weren’t joking were you…”

“Why would we joke? They don’t exisssst its fact” Joe simply shrugged.

“But…ya’ll just said you were dragons” Applejack said.

“No I said were Komodo Dragonsss” Joe replied, Twilight and the girls exchanged confused looks.

“What’s the difference?” Rarity asked them

“Nothing really” Moe started “Were a type of lizard that live in sssome islands near a country called Indonesssia, however thossse lizards that live there aren’t like we are.” Spike frowned hearing they weren’t dragons, this made Moe frown to.
“Meaning what exactly?” Twilight said sitting herself down on a chair scribbling notes away.

“We were originally just lizards till we were ‘changed’ by meansss of the evolv-o-ray-” Joe tried to explain before being interrupted by Rainbow Dash.

“Evolvo what now?”

Joe growled, he was getting a bit irritated now and clenched his fist tightly.

“Let me finish” he growled “The evolv-v-o-ray wasss created by a man called Doctor Neo Cortex but perfected by Doctor Nitrus Brio, asss far as I know it turnssss creatures into well…intelligent beingsss” in truth Joe didn’t really know how the ray worked, he only got random bits of information from Brio when he hired them to sort out Crash, ranting about Cortex stealing the credit and the such.

“I see…” Twilight wanted to ask more questions but could easily tell Joe was getting annoyed and decided to hold her tongue. “And do you have any questions you’d like to ask?”

“Yesss, firstly, where the hell are we exactly” Joe said

“Like I told you earlier, you’re in Ponyville Equestria” she replied

“Ssso were not on Earth?”

“No…there’s no place called Earth in Equestria.”

Joe nodded to himself quietly for a moment tapping his jaw with his claws thinking, Moe decided to ask a question.
“What are you lot exactly anyway…you said poniesss but…” he trailed off as he looked to Twilight deciding that she was the apparent leader of the group.

“Yes that’s correct, we’re ponies more specially though Rarity and myself are unicorns, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are pegasi and Applejack and Pinkie Pie who is the pink one you uh…encountered earlier are earth ponies” she pointed to each pony as she said their names each one giving a nod or smile. During this time Joe had been pondering something and decided to speak his mind.

“Doesss this world have a lot of gems then?” he motioned towards Spike who was now devouring the last of the emerald happily.

“Huh? Well yes, yes it does our world has thousands of mines and caves filled with them though some of them are dragon homes and others are out in the Everfree forest and places ponies can’t get to without risk. There are however places owned by ponies such as mines like I mentioned and the Royal Magical Gem mine.” Twilight replied with a smile on her face.
“Wait….magical?” Joe asked tilting his head

“Mhm, there gems that the Princesses use for spells and as gifts for dignitaries that visit Equestria”

Joe’s eyes lit up as he smirked to himself tapping his jaw again with his claws.

“Interesssting…”he muttered to himself.

“One thing I want to ask but please don’t be offended” Twilight lowered her ears and gritted her teeth “Why do you two talk like that?”

“Like what?” Moe raised his brow at her.

“You know…with your elongation of the letter s” she cringed ready for some form of angry retort but none came instead she heard Moe let out a loud ‘hmm’.

“You know…I don’t even know why” he shrugged then gave her a grin, Twilight let out a sigh of relief.

The conversation carried on for a few more minutes, Moe asked basic questions about their world such as its ruling body and Twilight asked them the same about theirs.

“So there are more creatures that have been changed by that ray?” she asked Moe.

“Yesss, we know a fair few creatures some are friendsss others are…”he stopped to think about Crash and growled “others are not. Twilight heard him growl and decided not press matters further.

“Well…I think it’s about time we go find what Pinkie has done…OH that reminds me I need to tell the Princess about you two she’d love to meet you!” she turned to the girls “You girls go on ahead me and Spike will catch up”

The group led the two brothers out of the building leaving Spike and Twilight in the room, Spike picked up a blank scroll and a quill and looked to Twilight who cleared her throat.

“Dear Princess Celestia”


The group were silent as they walked through the streets of Ponyville; most ponies gave them a wide berth although there were not as many around as the brothers had initially thought of. The girls knew the reason for this but decided not to tell them.

“So…what ya’ll guys do anyway” Applejack asked them trying to clear the awkward silence.

“Well were mercenariesss” Joe replied bluntly.

“What’s a mercenary?” she asked looking back at them, before either one could reply Dash’s face lit up.

“Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!” she suddenly shot up and hovered in front of Joe “Are you serious?! That’s so AWESOME!” she pushed her cheeks together making a face at Joe who looked at her confused.

“Dash, you know what that is?” Applejack looked back at her friend.

“Well duh! There in the Daring-Do books I read, brave cold hearted warriors who will serve anyone who asks performing amazing feats of bravery…or savagery, you know for the right price” she cackled looming over Fluttershy who whimpered hiding behind her mane.

“Heaven’s sake Rainbow Dash do stop scaring poor Fluttershy” she scowled at Rainbow as she snickered and gave Fluttershy a reassuring pat on the back “I’m sure the Komodo brothers aren’t anything like that now are you?” she looked to Joe with an expression he read as ‘please reassure her’

“Uh…why yesss Flutterssssshy, we are indeed warriorssss but we only do work for people who are good hearted like a King or Queen”

“But Joe we work for-“Moe was interrupted with an elbow in his chest and quickly shut up.

“There you see dear Fluttershy, nothing to worry about” she smiled at Fluttershy who smiled softly back having stopped shaking. After a while the group came to a strange looking building, the brothers stopped and stared at it.

“Isss…that building made out of….cake?” Moe asked his mouth wide open as he stared at the building salivating a little.
“Nah it’s just designed that way” Rainbow replied much to Moe’s disappointment, the approached the door and opened it revealing a pitch black room. The girls stepped in followed by the two brothers who slowly advanced in.

“Why isss it so-“Joe was cut off as the lights suddenly came on and was greeted by a room full of ponies, a large banner on the wall had ‘Welcome to Ponyville Lizardmen!’ written on it.

“SURPRISE!” came a collective cry from the room sending the brothers into the air with a startled fright.
“W-whatssss going on?!” Joe cried clutching his chest panting heavily.

“It’s a party silly!” Pinkie said popping up as if from nowhere in front of him startling him once more “To welcome to you to Ponyville! LETS PARTY!” the whole room cheered as music began playing and several ponies started to dance mingle with one another, the two brothers just looked at each other each as confused as the other.

“Oh I see you’ve met the wrath of a Pinkie party”

The turned round to see Twilight with Spike on her back smiling at them.

“I had the same treatment when I first came to Ponyville, you get used to it” she giggled as she joined her friends, Pinkie Pie suddenly grabbed Moe’s arm and dragged him off to a group of ponies.

“Come on I’ll introduce you to every pony!”

Moe looked at his brother in desperation for some help; Joe couldn’t help but let out a laugh and shook his head with a ‘you’re on your own brother’ expression on his face. His laughter soon stopped as he was dragged off to the other side of the room by Applejack who began to make introductions.

The party carried on for a good couple of hours, Joe was getting more and more annoyed with each passing minute not really caring about the ponies he was being introduced to or forced to dance with Moe on the other hand was having a good time. He had Spike on his shoulder for the most part and was quite happily munching on the food on offer as well as conversing with the ponies, it felt good to him that someone was appreciating him as he regaled Spike with stories he had heard about his world the little dragon hanging onto his every word.

As the day drew to a close the party began to die down ponies leaving feeling better about the two new visitors some saying goodbye to them before departing, Twilight sighed and smiled at them giggling at the sight of Pinkie who was contently sleeping on a table cuddling a large half eaten chocolate cake, the rest being on her front and mouth.

“Some party eh? Pinkie sure knows how to throw them”

“Yesss it was…fun” Joe forced out the last word as he crossed his arms, Moe on the other hand was grinning.
“It wasss brilliant!” he chuckled as he ate another pastry Spike handed to him.

“Seems you made a new friend” she giggled as Spike and Moe looked to one another then grinned.

“Sure have Twi! Moe is…so…totally-“Spike tried to finish his sentence but fell off Moe’s shoulder snoring away; Twilight caught him with her magic levitating him onto her back giggling.

“Bless him...well I’d better get him back home, you two coming? “She asked the two.

“What do you mean coming?” Joe asked her raising his brow.

“Well until you meet the Princess which will most likely be tomorrow you can stay with me at the library I have a guest room which would be the best place to sleep until every pony is fully comfortable with you two being around.”

“Well….yesss that does make ssssense, we will be with you momentarily I would like to have a private word with my brother”

“Ok see you at home then” Twilight replied and headed out of the room leaving the brothers alone with a passed out Pinkie Pie. Joe waited till he was certain he was out of earshot and gave a wicked smirk as he whispered to Moe.

“Lisssten… you remember that purple one talking about that magic gem mine?”

“Twilight, yesss what about it?”

Joe grinned showing his fangs

“I have an idea…”