• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 531 Views, 10 Comments

Etherial Dawn Book One: Dawn - masterchef227

Etherial Dawn is the story of a king 10,000 years in the future from the time the he was last awake.

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Authors Note: This story currently takes place 10,000 years prior to the end of season three. A.B. is the time-slot regarding after the birth of Equestria. I hope you enjoy!

"Hello?" Spoke a soft voice, sounding similar to that of silk. "Hello? Anyone there?" The voice spoke again. It was the year 11,127 A.B. The night was dark, the moon's ivory light kissing the tops of the coldest mountains. This made the mountains seem iridescent, over the valley that was home to many. It was near midnight, as silence was coming from every house on the grounds. Dawncrescent it was called, the city of morning.

The settlement was in a valley below, she had traversed a high and winding road in search of aid. She found that Dawncrescent had a Castle with towers every 10 meters. Perfectly square, gates made of solid silver. The symbol was encrusted upon the gates, looking like the moon and sun combined into one, though orange, red, and yellow linings made its mark upon some of the ridges. "Hello? Please, I need somewhere to stay the night. Is anyone going to help me." A soft whimper came from the filly.

She was very upset, as not only would no one reply to her calls for aid, she was angry. The people in the settlements refused to let her stay the night. She only had one more place to go for help, the castle. Definitely it was not her first choice as she was taught that expecting the best first is a form of greed. She hated greed, in all its boisterous idiocy. These towns people exerted nothing but greed and selfishness, she had hoped that the castle would be different. The filly had started to cry.

She had a mane of violet, with seams of silver. She had a cyan coat, and a strange maroon aura emanating from her being, though it was dim. A voice answered, "Hello, and please do not cry." A soft, low voice called. He sounded like he was only young, but none the less vibrant. He was speaking to her, directly in front of the gates. "I shall lend kindness to those who ask for it. And moreover, to those who need it." He smiled. She hadn't even noticed that he was there until he spoke.

She was only wearing a small coat, not nearly enough to keep warm. She had a cutie mark as well, the colt looked closely. The filly alicorn shuttered in confusion, but then came a reply from the stallion. "Do not be afraid, I was merely curious at how a filly at such a young age as yourself could already have a cutie mark." He asked with what sounded like pure curiosity. She calmed down, his voice seeming to emanate warmth. He looked closely and saw that it was very similar to his. She bore a mark of the sun, silver tipped rays, orange bases. The sun itself was ivory, and the middle of it was gold. His was the same as the insignia on the gates. Her majesty insisted that his cutie mark be the flag of the kingdom after all. His cutie mark looked like the sun at dawn.

"I don't know honestly, I was born with it." She replied rather timidly. He was startled by this information, as mysterious as cutie marks were this was never even heard of in all of Equestria. His expression turned to confusion. She looked up at him, her eyes were dominantly silver, though she had dark blue irises. His expression changed to one of suspicion, not the the filly was a danger from the outside view, he just found that where she was right now and at this time was a little suspicious. The filly's expression turned to one of panic, and he quickly replied with a complement. "You certainly are beautiful, may I ask your name?" The question though weird too her, seemed complacent enough. Her face calmed down as she replied, "My name is..." She shuddered in response to the cold. Concern spread across the colts face. "Please, come inside." He inquired of the filly alicorn. He looked up at one of the towers nearest the gate, "Guards! Open the gate!" He boomed in an urgent way. Someone replied, "Yes Sir!", as the gate was opening. It opened to reveal a wooden bridge, suspended by steel hinges. Underneath it a pit seemingly endless.

Light spread forth from torches placed on either side of the bridge inside the gate. The light revealed more descriptive features about the colt. He had a gold mane, with seams of silver and orange. He had a coat of oak brown, and crimson eyes with irises of gold. He was wearing a thick cloak of wool, brown, scarlet, and emerald green. Wool at the edges, seeming warm underneath it. The stallion was also wearing a crown, platinum and orange, with no gems. Though at the center, hovering above the crown, was indeed a gem of sorts. It was a pearl, and a bright light emanated from it. It seemed to be like a miniature sun, though her attention was towards the castle itself.

The castle wall was indeed perfectly square, but the castle was not. It had been dug into the side of the mountain, the architecture of which seemed triangular almost. With pyramidal roofs, corinthian pillars, and astounding marksmanship detail of the outer edges. They walked towards another set of doors, which were shining steel. Holding the same insignia as the outer gate, though with less color detail. She lowered her hood and spoke, with her silky voice, "I wish to thank you kindly, such hospitality is rare." He looked taken aback a bit. "My dear, I would hope that my subjects have shown the kindness I have shown for ages, and am now showing you. But I suppose a well-founded economy, a bit too much partying, and a residual trace of absolute arrogance from my predecessor still shines as bright as the sun." She replied, "That fault does not lie with you, though I must admit, I am abashed by the rudeness from your citizens in village below." She finished talking and waited for a reply from the kind stallion.

"Dawncrescent is a settlement founded by Serenity, her majesty. She has been alive for the longest of millennia, of which is unknown to any of us my dear. She herself resides at the top of the mountain, inside an ancient ruin that once belonged to ponies most ancient. But, enough of that. My name is Etherial Dawn, king of the morning." Though he was just an Earth Pony, the filly could sense a massive amount of power within him. They were finally close to the end, but at a closer look. The door was actually triangular, and with the speaking of a word, in a language unknown to the filly. "Persephone" The door slid up at such as speed, that no sound was made until it hit whatever was stopping it. It sounded like a "CLING!", hard metal against stone. He continued to walk, closely followed by the filly.

They entered into a hallway, with a silver carpet. The walls had murals entirely made of crystal, showing pictures of war, killing, even a creature with many animal parts, and him being scared as gems surrounded him, then he was turned into stone. "That battle took place merely eight months ago my dear. The creature you see there surrounded by those six gems, is named discord. He is The Lord of Chaos, and was defeated by the elements of harmony before they disappeared following the battle." The filly asked, "The elements of harmony?"

He looked surprised, but composed. He responded, "Those six gems surrounding Discord, kindness, loyalty, generosity, honesty, laughter, and magic. The elements are very powerful, but an unfortunate even occurred after we defeated Discord." He sighed, "The elements were lost and only the memory of what they are and what they stand for remains. As much as I might try to be an example my subjects are lost without them." He bowed his head slightly. They moved on, Etherial still sighing. She was close behind Etherial, still noticing the decor. The walls were dawned with torches of shimmering crystal which, though changing into 4 colors every five seconds, gave of the same color light.

She then saw at the end of the mural hallway, was something of a foyer. She then looked passed the marble floor and saw that at the edge of the hallway were stone bricks. Then she noticed that most of the castle had wasn't made of marble, but stone. Stone and marble, with steel beams support. Making bridges to and from towers, the place overall was impressive. He looked and saw the filly enjoying herself in the castle's architecture, he beamed at her. "I am flattered that you like my castle, the decadent decor took ages. The resources to build it longer." He saw where they were. "Ah, we are here. I hope you like my foyer."

Indeed no doors were present, she had a clear view of the castle foyer. It had a high ceiling, with glass chandeliers, tipped with gold colored crystal, emanating a bright yellow light. She saw that there were stairs on either side, curving around upwards. Leading to a grand oak balcony, underneath was a desk. Benches on either side had scarlet cushions, embodied with gems on the outside. The gems were brilliant cut, though at the top, shining outward, was the insignia. The floor looked like a mixture of tile granite, marble, and stone. Having a rhombus decor, with mini squares facing straight. "Amazing, I am truly impressed. With a man of such a decorous manner, a decadent living space, a brilliant couture." She gaped in awe at the foyer.

"For a filly, you have the vocabulary of which her majesty would be impressed by." Etherial smiled, "Truly." He finished. The alicorn blushed making her cheeks the shade of a crimson rose. They continued walking, going underneath the balcony and past the desk. "I am lucky, though not without reason, to be the ruler of such a wealthy country." He smiled at the filly, and now that he looked closer. He saw her aura glow just a little bit brighter, even in the blinding light of the chandeliers behind them. He also noticed that she looked eager to ask him something. "What is it my dear?" He asked as they walked. They had just turned left past the desk when she replied, "I wish to ask you, what is it like being the ruler of your country?" He seemed unshaken, though precarious with his answer. "That can be discussed over a meal." She seemed to beam with delightment, she was very hungry. Then he saw the ridges of where tears had once been. He thought back to what his subjects had done to the poor alicorn.

"I must again apologize for my subjects, I have tried and tried to be an example of generosity and kindness in place of the elements, but sadly, those elements of harmony has been gone for nearly 2 months now." He sighed, "Well, its a long tale, though one I would be happy to tell if you wished to know." She smiled with sincere delight, "I love stories, ranging from history to fiction. Oh, I would love to hear it." She showed the utmost enthusiasm, and though taken aback by this, he smiled. "I would love to share it." They continued walking.

They went past another hallway showing many doors, this one entirely made out of stone-brick. The doors made of wood and stone. At the end of it a set of doors, supported by steel hinges. When they came close, he gestured forward, and allowed her to enter first. There was something about this place that seemed to keep getting better and better. In the center was a feast unlike any the which she has never seen. The young alicorn took off her cloak, now realizing it was warm. She spread her wings momentarily allowing them to stretch, then they quickly subsided. The room was comforting, it had torch-lit chandeliers, a hard oak wooden dining table, covered by a thick sheet of a silver-like substance. She set her cloak down on a nearby end table as Etherial entered.

He spoke, "This literally is the oldest room in the castle, the dining room. We never made to improve it as it always seemed to be perfect the way that it is." He laughed, "Too think, the oldest room in the castle be the dining room. It always makes me laugh." He laughed slightly at this. Then she moved on to she asked, "How was this feast prepared so quickly?!" He stopped chuckling and answered, "Actually, I just had them make it and place a new veil over it." She replied, "How did you tell them? I mean, we were together the entire time." He smiled, "While you were admiring the architecture, I asked one of the guards to tell the cooks to get the dining room ready." She looked amazed, "Hold on..." Now that she was thinking about it, there hadn't been a single guard there the entire time.

"Before you ask, I have guards all around me all the time. Though only 2, they are invisible. They wear armor made out of a certain type of metal, very rare. Which holds a magic enabling them to be invisible in whole." He said, a little proud of it. "How did you get the metal?" She asked with a pure curiosity. "Oh, well we found it in the mountain as we were making the castle. We eventually smelted and refined the metal into a usable form once we found out its properties." Etherial seemed rather uneasy about this subject, so she let it be. She sat down in one of the chairs close too Etherial. As she sat down, Etherial inquired, "Please, do not eat just yet. I have some questions before we dig in." He said in a calm, comfortable voice.

"If it invades into our dining time, I am afraid I have no choice but too answer." They both chuckled lightly. "First off, I would like too know your name my dear." She seemed cool, though she also seemed reluctant to answer. "My dear, just by guessing I can assume that you are reluctant to state your name, because someone is looking for you?" She nodded, though only just. "Well, I must then state that I will protect you if necessary with my life and kingdom if you're in any danger. Never the less your past is your own, whether or not to share it entirely up too you. Now please, what is your name my dear?" She looked stunned, though she smiled. "My name is Elysia. I come from a place far away, in order to find peace of mind. And I felt obliged to go leaving everything I owned, except for some travel supplies, and venture off."

"May I ask for your maiden name?" He meant with intended politeness, though came out rather strong. "Elysia Duskfire, the fire of the sunset." She replied, though casually. "What?!" He said, taken quite aback yet again at this new information. Duskfire was the name of the royal family on the other side of Equestria. The two families had a quarrel in the past, one which still buries deep into the memories of each. His father had once had an affair with the Queen of Duskfire a long time ago. This lead to an outrage and the killing of his uncle. Which resulted in a near war until her majesty used the element of kindness on the queen's sister. Resulting in her convincing her brother-in-law, the king, to make a peace treaty with them.

She seemed rather complacent with his reaction, after all her being just a filly alicorn and making it too the other side of the world. It was rather impressive, almost impossible. "I am grateful that you did not ask why I left." He was startled, and this was of course, going to be his next question. But in the interest of retaining the air of hospitality, she let her past be hers. "I must say my dear, I am impressed. You made it too the other side of the world! A feat done by little over a few. You are just a filly after all." She did not look offended, but sort-of amused. "I may be a filly..." She replied, with humor emanating from her voice. "...but I am not at all weak. Do not be startled for I know you meant no such thing." As he was starting to get a little riled up at this.

"I merely meant that, I am capable of doing great things. My family of course is as well, though I reside something none of them have." She though, even having the voice of a filly, sounded very adult-like. "May I inquire as to what that is, I am also quite famished so let us please hurry." He said eagerly. "Love." She stated clear, concise, and elegantly. "My family of course can love, its just that I can utilize its power too do magnificent things." She stated. This gave the king a new impression of the filly alicorn, not a bad one, but not exactly the best impression. He himself approved of ambition as long as greed was not kept in the mix. "I shall tell you another time perhaps, but for now. Can we please eat! I am famished!" She said almost sardonically. The king laughed, "I was hoping you would ask, dig in!"

They lifted up Silver lids off of steel dinner plates and what she saw made her mouth water. The table had cake, salads with all sorts of nuts, vegetables, and sauces. A rare kind of jam, rainbow strips within it. Etherial noticed Elysia looking at the jam and said that the jam was made by a unicorn mistress in the peak far yonder. He gestures past a window to the mountain which seemed that small sparkle was shining. There was cupcakes, pastries, fruits, even grass tipped with sugar. "This certainly is quite a feast, now it is my turn again to give you praise." She said, bowing slightly. The king laughed as she did so. She seemed quite confused, "May I inquire as to what has delegated your humor?" He replied still laughing, "I just... can't stop... laughing!" He kept going and was starting to annoy the alicorn. He then yelled, "Stop it Rogil, stop..." His next attempt at a sentence caught him with even more vibrant laughs. He fell off his chair, and then a voice came.

"Hey, hey, alright." Said a young voice. The laughing eventually subsided, and much too Elysia's relief. The king stood upright and got back up onto his chair. "Next time you do that and I send you too that bottomless pit!" He boomed, wiping a tear from his eye. "Eh, alright. Good too see you my old friend." Clearly the alicorn was confused as he was hugging what looked like mid-air. "Oh right... Rogil take off your armor." As he said this, a pony came into view lifting off silver and ivory armor with a small, cobalt aura surrounding it. He was a tall pony, with very unique features. He had a mane that was frizzled, coloring pure red. He had an orange coat, and eyes colored pink, with blue irises. "Well hi there!" He said with an ecstatic appeal to his voice. "Old Ethel here didn't tell me he had a friend over!" The king looked annoyed, "What have I told you about calling me Ethel?!" He said, angry though in a friendly sort of serious way. "Dunno' something about tearing my head off and throwing me off a cliff." He shrugged, though in a sarcastic sort of way.

"I swear, one of these days I will do one of those things. Though not right now, we have a guest. Rogil, I would like you too meet Ms. Elysia Duskfire, here as my guest." He did not seemed at all startled by her last name as the king was, nor show any indignation of it. "A pleasure Ms. Duskfire." He said, shaking her hoof. "And this Elysia, is my good old friend Rogil Hearthmetal. His family are legends as they are the best blacksmiths in this side of the country." He smiled, and Rogil beamed at him. "He shows no modesty, but yes. We are the best blacksmiths in this side of the country. We are actually in charge of the metal used for this armor here."

He picked up the armor and set it down on the table. "Really now? On the table?" Etherial stated, with a retort from Rogil. "Not gunna kill you, not a danger to you, so unless you have any other reason to object." He was just about to when Rogil continued. "This my dear is how the king here has his private guard in secret, the royal armor. Mine is specially outfitted since I made it myself. I was also known for tickling my colleagues often, so I found other uses for it. Much to my victims displeasure." He grinned, almost evilly. "Yes, and why you do it none of us will ever understand."

Rogil laughed, "Sorry your highness, but it is a part of my personality. I just cannot stop it no matter how much I want too." He laughed slightly, then pressed on. "Have you told her why else you haven't seen any guards?" He said, sinisterly. Etherial looked puzzled, then said. "Ah, yes." And pressed on. "The other reason for you not seeing any guards, is that the two behind me are the only two in most of the castle." The princess looked puzzled, then asked, "Why is that? Aren't you frightened of thieves or assassins?" He laughed, and then moved on.

"Well you see my dear, the thing is. This castle has many secrets, too those of the unwary that is. The rooms where I do not tread the lights go out, and the living do not tread. For once I leave a room you see, ghosts come to be. And they haunt the halls and rooms of where those without my permission dare enter.." He saw her stunned expression, chortled a bit, then continued. "These ghosts are actually meant to be here on purpose. They are the security that have been placed. What happens too those who trespass, I know not." He smiled grimly. "They converse with each other, going about their own business. But they have a darkness to them, as they are indeed ghastly. They care not for the living."

Rogil then moved on, "Some say they take you too one of the inner caves, where you suffer something beyond horror." He said, with a ghastly voice. Which caused the three too laugh. "So, you mean to tell me that the rooms which we are not in have ghosts in them? And that is your security force?" She thought she was being pranked, but they had serious faces. As she was taught, serious faces from a king were never a joke. "The rooms become dark, and they who tread unannounced are filled with dread. As the dead form faces of which leave scary traces. The ghosts do not report to us, we assume they are an enchantment of some sort. They do not harm those who enter with the kings permission. They seem to sense when the king allows one entrance, and allow them to enter the room lit, without a danger in sight." Rogil snickered. Judging by the way he told this story, he told it a hundred times.

"I do have business with the king, but it can wait. I can see you guys are eating, looks like I am too!!!" He jumped onto the table and started scarfing everything down. Elysia started laughing, though the king just rubbed his forehead with suppressed angst. "Mishdint the fwimng shtill vu?" He explained through a full mouth. "Shta bale vis kagik." "What?" She replied, a little confused. "He means that the veil is magic, it seemed to clean up itself." And sure enough, when she looked at the veil it had no mess on it whatsoever except for the dishes and china clattering away from the scarfing stallion. "Mah, cut d lead." He said what sounded like, "Yeah, what he said." But it was very hard to distinguish from him scarfing down hordes of food.

Rogil eventually stopped after five minutes of eating, and a look of apology came from Etherial. Rogil eventually fell off from exhaustion, and just touched the veil as he became sparkly clean. Where mustaches and hats of cake had once been, there had been a mane possible cleaner then from when he has just entered. "Whoa!" She exclaimed, and decided to touch the veil. It cleaned her entire plate, as well as her being. She felt as though water were running through every hair on her coat, and then it subsided, leaving a feeling of immense clean behind. "Extraordinary! How is this possible?" She waited eagerly for his or Rogil's response. The king spoke, "Through a combination of enchanting, and material gather my dear." He smiled, leaving her with many questions.

"Rogil, I know you must have important business to discuss with me. But unfortunately, I have prior engagements with her majesty as she requested my presence in Ambertown, apparently she needs my help." Rogil nodded, and replied. "Of course my king, what is it you want me to do?" He smiled, "First off show our guest too her quarters, north wing if you do not mind. And send her a Nightveil Guard." She looked confused and before Rogil could reply, she asked, "What is a Nightveil guard? And more importantly, where is the North wing?" The king nor Rogil looked offended at being interrupted. Rogil spoke, "The Nightveil guard are the guard that wear the special armor, the king's private guard."

Rogil paused then continued, "The North Wing is the wing with the guest quarters, library, and astronomy tower. As well as the altar of water, which is an ancient and sacred place. Built by the first king, and is actually one of the few places the ghosts do not ever tread. It's not really a security risk being that it is entirely underground with no means of entry other then the front door. It is sort of like a spa, but with natural springs and beautiful pristine waters." Rogil smiled, "I will show you it tomorrow, its nearly 2:00 in the morning."

She looked taken aback by this, she had never been up so late in all her life. "Yes, we must retire. But before that what is Ambertown?" Elysia looked inquiringly at the king himself, he eventually spoke. "Ambertown is a settlement entirely underground. A mining settlement settled in a hollowed out mountain, and most of the kingdom's minerals and currency metal comes from there. It also has ponymade though seeming natural scenery. The waterfalls, lakes, forests, and even crystals are all ponymade. The city itself was built out of most of the resources taken to hollow out the mountain." She looked amazed at the description she was getting. A city entirely underground, with ponymade natural scenery. It was almost unbelievable.

"Yes well, Rogil here will show you too your room. Good night Rogil." He said with dignity, and in reply he got, "Good night Ethel." He swore underneath his breath as he got up, gestured a goodbye, and left through the way they had entered. As the oak doors slammed shut, Rogil smiled. "What?" She asked, almost unaware of his unusual behavior. "Do you want to have some fun?" He asked, with a grimace spreading ear to ear. He put on his armor, and then looked at Elysia. "I would love too tomor..." She was cut off as she was swept off her feet and was being carried by the earth pony at an incredibly high speed. "Whoa!" She said, clearly unaware that they were no longer in the dining room.

She asked while trying to keep calm. "Mind telling me what you are doing?" She said whilst wind blew through her ear. "I am taking you too the top of the peak." He said, an even wider grimace then before spreading across his face. Through watery eyes she could make out suits of armor, windows, and even some detailed architecture and murals. Finally they stopped, and she was shot forward. Instinctively she twist her flank upright, raised her hooves and spun, and landed feet first. She landed on something soft.

"Wow, I didn't know you were an acrobat." He smirked. This was not unusual for Rogil she assumed, he seemed to have and arrogant though friendly attitude towards others. Eventually she spoke, "I'm not, but I have been trained in the art of Shilem." Nostalgia blew through her head as she remembered begging her father too let her learn the art, and then for her training with a few older fillies. Then she was fighting others, and shewing off bullies. Hugging her family as she won a contest of Shilem, and every now and then climbing the city roofs and jumping house to house. "I am a full Shilemnest, 5th tier Correk." She stated. Rogil's jaw dropped and he exclaimed, "WOW!!! That is amazing!!!", with a booming voice and outspread arms of amazement. "Thanks." She said simply. She was reminded of how some in her kingdom say she was given that just for being the king's daughter, but she knew better.

The wind blew through her coat as she now regained full control of her senses. They were at the top of the castle, no, not the castle. The mountain it was built into. She could see the road she took to get there. "How did we get here?" She asked incredulously, and Rogil enjoyed this. "Well, put simply I used magic to increase my speed, agility, and endurance." Rogil smirked again, "I said my armor had other unique qualities..." His smirk turned into a smile, and then continued. "We are at what's called Solstice's Peak, this is the location where they say you can see all three of the kingdom's valleys." She looked and saw that the moon was getting low, the ivory now touching so little. She could see the three valleys of which he was speaking. They apparently were in the center of these three valleys, on top of a mountain range. She remembered something the king said and asked, "Is this where her majesty resides?" "Nah actually, she lives in some ruins a little back a ways." He gestured behind him.

She returned her attention the the valleys. One was facing east, curving towards the north where they lay. The other west, facing east as well as north, with a gap in the range. The other was South, and it had a large plateau in its base, which held a ruin of sorts. And just beyond that, was a dark region of land. Volcanoes could be seen though just barely, still active apparently. It seemed eerie though not exactly dark. Not in a bad way, just... off. "Ah, yes. What you are seeing is where the war took place against Discord." He paused too see if she knew who Discord was, and she did. "A tragedy, many casualties. That region was actually supposed to be our fourth valley signaling south but, sadly it remains to be a ruin. I hear rumors that another kingdom is trying to establish its reign over there." She looked wondrous, maybe that what was off about it?

She pondered a bit more and then commented on the rest of the land. "Its remarkable, you own all of this land? That is amazing." She stated, with a bit of impressment. "And I am disappointed no one decided to help you, Ethel tries to teach his kingdom as he has taught me generosity, but sadly, ever since that element was lost..." He looked outwards reminiscently apparently deep in thought. This was of course of topic from what she had just said, but he was clearly lost in his own thoughts. As she looked at some of the mountains and peaks, she noticed trickles of light, barely peering out through some of the valleys as though a candle through a violet veil. These must have been cities or forts, she thought. She looked back again at her surroundings. She noticed a small gazebo of granite. It had corinthian and doric pillars, lining up on the edge of marble stairs. Attached to each was a torch, a regular torch. The light was warm, it was a regular fire.

He noticed Elysia looking at it and began to speak. "The altar of the solstice, this was built by her majesty, with the aid of my grandfather. This leads toward the Solstice Stone, which glows a different color every solstice. Yellow for summer, orange for fall, cobalt for winter, and pink for spring." He sighed, "The festivals we have at every solstice, they're amazing." He smiled at her, causing her to smile back. "Come, let me show you what color it shows when the solstice is not here." He lead her up the stairs and removed a veil, revealing a fear cut stone atop gold, platinum, silver, and gems. It stood on a pedestal, showing the color white. "Go ahead, touch it." She did as she was told, and when she pressed her hoof lightly against it, it turned the color she loved the most, violet. "I simply love this color, does it change into your favorite color." Rogil laughed slightly, though with no intentions of being rude.

"Close, it shines forth the feeling we most adore. As from what I can tell, you most adore love." He smiled, though only slightly. "Here, let me try." He touched his hoof to the gem and it turned pink. "I enjoy the color pink also, but I prefer scarlet. My favorite feeling is the feeling of laughter and humor." He then looked at the stone eerily, and turned to her and said. "Oh, it also explodes sometimes." When he said this, it began to glow in a rhythmic pattern. She went to duck and cover and run for her life as fast as she could. Though only to be stopped by him. "Ha! Gotcha'!" I was startled and slightly irritated. "You sure know how to ruin the moment of romance." He looked startled and smiled as though expecting her to kiss him. "Are you sure I ruined the moment? After all you are only a filly, not really my type." Rogil stated with the most retort he could muster. "Good to know the moment wasn't there in the first place." She said with the kind of sarcasm that sounds like a fashionista could have said it.

Rogil laughed, and so did she. "So, the gem remains white until someone touches it?" He nodded, and she continued. "And it does our will when we touch it?" He replied, "Impressive, though it does our will to a point. Meaning it can only do certain things, and it has to remain on the altar at all times. I don't know why, Ethel tried to explain it once, maybe twice. But he is a boring speaker when he talks all intelligently and I got bored. I also fell asleep, yeah, he was furious." He mimicked an angry face which met laughter from her. After the laughter subsided, she yawned, and then spoke. "I am quite tired, can we head to bed."

She was surprised at his reaction, "Aw, party pooper. Just wanted to have fun, but fine." Then she realized it was foolish to be surprised, and from what she could tell of Rogil, he liked to spend time late into the night. "Alright, imma tell the guard, be right back." He dawned on the armor, and sprinted off into who knows what... She continued down the stairs back into the peak. She rested on a rock and when he returned he spoke, "Come on, give me a hug won't yah?" He held out his arms. Now this was a surprise, but she got up and replied. "No, I will not give you a hug, and furthermore... HEY!!! WHAT THE!!!?" She was picked up as Rogil turned invisible and sprinted off with her in his arms.

Rogil turned in a one-hundred and eighty degree spin at one point apparently making a wrong turn, and making the princess sick. He then headed back to a hallway, one side with windows, the other doors. And the poor filly was almost sick to her stomach. Finally he stopped in front of a door, just seconds before he had entered into the hallway. He stopped more slowly and set the filly down, and undid his invisibility. "Sorry about the rough ride, but I decided that going through the castle hallways 3 times and back until I got bored." She turned the deepest shade of scarlet purple in an outrage. "WWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled for the longest of times, literally causing the stallion to topple backwards. He stuttered, "Onl-ly jo.. joking." He said, scared to get up. She regained her composure, and stated simply. "Oh, my apologies. Here, let me help yo..." He interrupted, "No need, here is your room." He gestured towards a door with the number "3", embodied across the top of it.

"I am very grateful for your kindness." She bowed slightly, and saw him smirk slightly, though in a friendly way. "The pleasure is all mine." She opened the door, and stood in the door from. "Good night, or in this case. Good morning." He smiled and he was about to leave through the next door, but not before bowing to the princess and saying, "Love shines, I notice that so do you." And with that, he left. She was quite flustered and glowed scarlet, she thought a her aura was a secret, she was wrong. She noticed the sun beginning to rise, and she saw a tear in her eye. She quickly enter the room and saw a bed. Not caring to describe it in her thought, she began to cry herself to sleep.

Etherial was just beginning to wake, he was certainly flustered. He was lying on what felt like grass. It was slightly red through his eyes with some dark spots, must be some sort of foliage blocking out sunlight. He was exhausted and tired for some reason, almost too much so too wake up. His body would not let him rest, yet he felt like he was carrying her majesty and them some on his back. The temperature was moderate, and not too cold. There were spots on his coat which seemed rather warm, the sun must be touching them.

He opened his eyes, barely daring to look at where he was. He was in a forest, a place he knew all too well. This place too him was known as The Forest of Death. He looked around, and noticed indeed there was thick tree foliage, and after a while gazing, he noticed an old sundial ruin. He got up and shook off the grass that was on him. He blinked a few times, adjusting his eyes. He began to walk towards it. He began to also notice its dilapidated features, its stone bricks cracked and with moss growing in certain places. It was on top of a ponymade stone hill, and had steps carved on all the sides the shape of a hexagon. The steps lead to a smooth platform which revealed large stone slacks, with tiny ones in between each of its larger counterpart. The floor was littered with rubble from the above stone brick roof. It was common skill to know how to read these. But, what did it indicate?

Etherial walked towards up the steps underneath the broken roof. He looked around, the floor had a compass rose. With the inside of it blue and the spiked outwards triangles red. They had the letters at each end, N, E, S, W. He knew what they meant but something grabbed his attention. The sundial indicated something impossible, it stated that it was 200 years after his last recollection. He gathered his thoughts, the last thing he remembered was returning to his castle, and hearing some grave news. This wasn't just weird, nor impossible... It was unfathomable, even for the most creative scribe.

He remembered that after hearing the grave news, he sprinted down the hall in the North Wing as fast as he could, towards Elysia's room. He had no idea why he was doing what he did or what the news was, but that was all he could remember. He saw that his hoof was on the letter "E". He liked east because whenever he was gone, if ever he was lost, he would head east and it would mean home. His settlement was near the eastern shores after all. He remained silent except in thought, as he was imagining a world far different than the one he knew, but he also thought his castle would still be there. He had many questions racing through his head, giving him a headache. One of which was where his crown was. Etherial was home bound East, though unsure if his home was still there.

Author's Note:

May I take away just a few more moments of your time? I wish to speak boldly about my story. The inspiration came in a dream one day, describing a settlement at nighttime with a young filly alicorn. In the dream she was troubled greatly by something. Then I came to a spring, with many playing in its water. This was the end of this dream, as it is a very vague description. Yet then again, most dreams are vague. Needless to say, this was my inspiration. This story holds a great deal of potential. With that I am grateful for all the efforts of my editiors and bronies who are helping me complete it. :)