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Chapter 14: Reunion

Chapter 14


She broke the hug and struck him with her hoof. Rainbow stood up about to tackle the mare when Sky raised a hoof. “It’s alright Dash. I deserved that.” he said as he rubbed the sore spot.

“Damn right you do!” she said with rage in her voice. “After what you did...”

“I had no choice Lilly! I’ll regret that day until I die. I’m not asking for your forgiveness, I don’t deserve it.” the mare looked down at him with tears in her eyes she wrapped her hooves around him.

“I understand why you did it...Is he still......you know trapped?”

“Yeah, he’s still there, safe and sound.” He then turned his glance back to the six mares who looked at him in confusion. “Ah yes, Lilly I want you to meet my friends, Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie pie and lastly my mare friend Rainbow Dash.”

“Hi.” she waved a hoof at the mares who all had a weak smile on their face.

“So this is the same Lilly that helped you all those years ago?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, she’s my oldest friend.”

“And best friend.” Lilly added.

“True, no offense Rainbow.”

“It’s cool.” Rainbow said with a smile. The green mare whispered to Sky.

“Do they know?”

“Yeah they know. They’re cool.”

“Oh that’s a relief, I’ve had to hide it for so long.” she said as she sat down. “Well it was great see ing you again but I need to get back to work.”

“Well we’re on our way to the castle to see the princess, do you want to come along?” the mare looked at him in shock.

“Are you crazy if she finds out that you can-”

“She already knows and she’s fine with it. I’m sure that she’ll welcome you as well.”

“But my job...”

“Do you honestly expect me to believe that you’re happy working here? At a Canterlot tea shop? C’mon It’ll be just like old times.”

“Well.....I don’t want to be a bother.”

“Oh think nothing of it darling any friend of Sky’s is a friend of ours.” Rarity interjected.

“Oy! Lilly enough chatting and get back to work!” bellowed the pony behind the counter. Lilly got up from the table and handed him her apron and name tag and stormed back to Sky.

“I’ve wanted to do that for months!” she said with a smile. “Let’s go then!” the ponies then began to walk towards the castle, Sky and Lilly began catching up. Applejack then trotted next to her cyan friend.

“Looks Like you’ve got competition RD.”

“What her? Why should I worry about her when Sky’s got me?” she said in a cocky attitude.

“Well, she’s beautiful, can do magic and-” Rarity was interrupted by an orange hoof.

“Darling, I suggest you shut yer mouth before Rainbow does it for you.” she said as she looked at the flustered pegasus.

“Sorry, dear.” Rarity said with a sad look on her face.

“I’m sure I can handle Lilly.” Rainbow said with a grin. “Watch and learn.” she said as she flew next to Sky and Lilly. “So Lilly what kind of magic can you do?”

“Rainbow right?”


“Well some illusion spells, some levitation and some others.” Twilight’s ears perked up at the conversation.

“Wow, that's pretty impressive."

“Well I had a great teacher.” she said as she looked at Sky. Twilight then shifted her gaze to Sky Blazer.

“Why didn’t you tell me you could teach?”

“I don’t like to brag, plus I thought you might be jealous.”

“Well yeah. Now I want to see it!”

“After we get back to Ponyville, then I’d be happy to show you all my tricks.” he said with a grin.

“And you can do that with ease?” Twilight said to Lilly.

“Yeah, I may not be as strong as Sky, but I can hold my own in a fight.” The friends continued to chat until they arrived at the castle gate. The guards eyed the group of ponies Twilight Sparkle stepped forward.

“Good afternoon sir’s my friends and I are here to see the princess.” the guards looked at each other and let the group pass except for Sky and Lilly.

“Um hello, we’re with them.” Sky interjected.

“I know who they are, not sure about you two though.” the guard said with a cross face.

“Sir they are with us they-” Twilight was cut off by Lilly raising a hoof.

“Relax, I’ve got this.” Lilly said with a grin. She suddenly glared at the two guards and her eyes glowed for half a second. The guards then stepped aside.

“Terribly sorry ma’am.” the guards said as they stepped aside.

“It’s alright, just a slip up.” she said with a smile as the two trotted inside and joined the others. The mares looked at the two in astonishment. “What? A girls got to have her tricks.”

“But how did you-”

“Simple mind trick, glad to see you haven’t gotten rusty.” Sky said with a grin as he looked at the green mare. He then looked back to Rainbow who had a cross look on her face. The group began to make their way to the grand hall. Sky trotted next to Rainbow who still had a cross look on her face. “Hey what’s the matter?”

“You getting all chummy with that mare over there.”

“That ‘mare’ is my oldest friend, she’s the only connection I have to the past.” Rainbow looked down at her hooves.

“Alright but I still don’t like it.”

“Why are you being so difficult all of a-...Oh, you’re jealous! That is so cute.” Rainbow’s face suddenly turned crimson.

“What? I am not jealous! Why would I be jealous?” she said as she tried to hide her blush.

“Rainbow you’re almost as bad as AJ when it comes to lying. Plus, Lilly is just a friend and she knows it. I’ll prove it to you.” he then trotted over to Lilly and brought her over to the cyan mare. “Lilly answer me this, are you not my best friend?”

“Of corse. You’re like a brother to me, why?”

“Rainbow here is afraid that you might try and steal me from her.” Lilly then began to laugh at the statement, while Rainbow glared at the two with a bright blush on her face.

“Rainbow you have nothing to worry about! I have no interest in stealing you’re colt-friend.” she said as she wiped the tears from her eyes.


“Of corse, he’s so vague all the time and very cheesy.”

“Oh, I know you should hear how I asked him out.”

“Still thick headed I see." Lilly said as she looked back to Sky who had a confused look on his face, she then turned back to the cyan mare and put a hoof around her as the two walked down the corridor. "Rainbow, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” Lilly said with a smile. The two mares trotted ahead as Sky face hoofed, AJ walked up next to him with a smug grin on her face.

“AJ what just happened?”

“Simply put sugar cube, ya done goofed.” Sky looked back at her with a sarcastic smile.

“I’m never going to hear the end of this am I?”

“Nope.” she said with a grin. The group continued down the hall way until they reached the grand hall. The ponies soon entered the grand hall to see the royal sisters sitting on their thrones. Twilight stepped forward and bowed to the alicorn’s, the others followed suit.

“Twilight Sparkle my prize pupil. It’s so good o see you and your friends again.” he gaze then fell upon Lilly. “Who’s this?”

“Oh, sorry princess she’s an old friend of mine. I kinda told her she could come along. Lilly here like me. She can use magic.” he said the two princess’s looked at each other and then back to the green mare.

“She can do magic?” Celestia said in a surprised tone.

“Yeah, taught her myself. Is that a problem?” Sky said in a challenging tone.

“No, we are just surprised that there are more-” Luna was cut off by Sky.

“More of what?”

“Just ponies that can do magic that aren’t unicorns.” she said with a nervous look on her face.

“It’s alright princess I’m only pulling your hoof.” Sky said with a smile across his face. “So what are we doing here exactly?”

“I just wanted to chat about your progress over some lunch and tea.” Celestia said with a warm smile. The ponies took their seats and began to chat about what has happened in Ponyville since Sky has stayed in the small town, the manticore, the incident with Fluttershy’s ex and Rainbow’s birthday. “Well it sounds like it’s been a busy couple of days, I’m very happy for you and Rainbow Dash.”

“Thank you princess.” Rainbow said with a smile on her face. Princess Celestia then brought her attention to Lilly.

“So...Lilly is it?”

“That’s right your majesty. What is it?”

“How do you and Sky know one another?” Sky and Lilly looked at one another, Sky shook his head at the green mare.

“Well...we’ve known each other since we were foals and we bumped into each other while he was trotting to the castle.”

“Well that’s convenient.” Luna said with a smile.

“Yeah, it was a stroke of luck.” Sky said with a grin.

“So Sky tell me about your family.” Sky coughed on his drink at the statement.

“Well, I’ve told you about my parents and theres not much else to tell.” he lied.

“What about your-” Pinkies words were muffled by Lilly’s hoof over her mouth.

“His what?”

“My...my....Pet. Yes my pet, he’s such a good boy, quite the companion.”

“You have a pet?” Rainbow asked.


“What is he? I’de love to meet him.” Fluttershy spoke up with a massive smile.

“Well, I don’t think that such a good idea. With the princess-” he was cut off by Luna raising a hoof.

“Don’t be ridiculous we would love to see your companion.”

“Well alright, but let’s just do it outside.”

“He’s not house broken?” Luna said as she raised an eyebrow.

“Something like that.” Sky said as he flew outside into the courtyard. He pulled out a whistle and blew a loud note. Suddenly the ground began to shake, the ponies inside struggled to keep their balance, a massive purple bear with razor sharp claws and teeth came into view. It was an Ursa Major. Sky flew on top of the beast’s head and started scratching it with his hoof, the beat let out a sound of comfort. “Every-pony this is....Fluffy.” The ponies stood there in shock as the pegasus petted the massive beast, Rarity had fainted, while the others had the expression of fear and amazement on their faces. “What?”

“Th-that’s and Ursa Major!” Twilight shouted.

“Yeah, so?”

“So that thing is dangerous!” the beast started to growl.

“Hey be nice. He’s a good boy, a little intimidating yeah but, he’s really sweet once you get to know him. He’s considered nice compared to the others.”


“Yeah I’ve got quite a few pets, I’d call them too but they don’t exactly get along with one another. Except for Ash.” he then turned back to the massive bear. “Hey Fluffy, did Ash come with you?” The large beast opened his mouth and a large black bird, swooped in front of the princess and her companions. “This is Ash he’s a..”

“Phoenix.” Fluttershy finished.

“A Black Phoenix.” Celestia said as she marveled at the bird that had perched itself in front of the princess. “That race is almost extinct, where did you get it.”

“I found him as an egg, when we were on a job for the dragon king.” the princess’s eyes widened at the statement.

“Y-you know the dragon king?”

“Sure, very nice species the dragons, if you’re ever in jam with them always go with flattery. They have a massive ego, stroke it and they’ll purr like a kitten.”

“What job did you do for them.” Celestia said with a cold stare.

“I helped them reclaim a lost treasure. What was it? The Lidless eye?” Celestia’s eyes shrunk at the statement. “What? It was only a jewel.” Celestia then stepped forward with anger in her eyes.

“The Lidless Eye diamond was hidden away from them by me 300 years ago. How could you have found it?” Celestia exclaimed.

“It took some digging and going through a lot of traps, but at the end we found it and returned it to it’s rightful owner. I nearly died six times in there, you remember that adventure right Lil?” he said as he looked at the green mare who was deep in thought.

“Oh, Yeah! The massive red diamond right?”

“Bingo! Those were the days.” he looked back at the sun goddess who now had a confused look on her face.

“What bout your brother, did he go with you?” Pinkie exclaimed, Lilly and Sky looked back at her with daggers in their eyes.

“Brother? You have a brother?” Celestia exclaimed. Sky looked down at the ground in shame, Lilly shot a glance that could frighten a manticore at Pinkie as she trotted over to her pegasus friend.

“Yes, I had a brother. He’s gone now.”

“Oh I’m so sorry.” Celestia said as she put a hoof on his shoulder. “If you don’t mind me asking how did he die?”

“He’s not dead, just imprisoned, by me.”

“What?” It was Lilly’s turn to speak up.

“His twin brother Pyro, he was dangerous. Sky had no choice.”

“Where is he imprisoned?”

“A place where no-pony can see him, except for me.” Lilly looked back at him with a look of horror.

“You’ve seen him?”

“Yes, I’ve tried to reason with him but he is lost to me.”

“Where is he?” Luna exclaimed.

“Fine I can’t escape it forever. It’s a prison of my own design.”

“I don’t understand.” Celestia said.

“He’s in me! I imprisoned him in my mind!” Sky bellowed in frustration. “The perfect prison. inescapable, he can’t get out without my approval.” he looked back at the ponies with tears in his eyes. Lilly brought him into a hug.

“I want to help him.” Celestia said, Sky and Lilly looked at her with shock.

“Are you insane? He’ll attack everyone in here!”

“We won’t know unless we try.”

“No! He stay’s.” Sky suddenly felt himself being held up by an invisible force.

“This isn’t a negotiation! Bring him out!”

“Never!” he said as he struggled in the magical grip, the mares rushed to help him but were held back by the princess of the night. Sky began to feel a presence inside his mind he let out a cry of agony and every thing faded to black.

Celestia found herself inside a dark room with a single light lit inside a cell. The cell was average size, in side was a red unicorn wrapped in chains and looking right at her with a sad look on his face.

“A visitor, strange I don’t get many visitors in here.”

“Who are you?” Celestia asked.

“Pyro Blaster, at your service.” he said as he tried to bow his head.

“Why are you here?”

“What did ‘he’ tell you?”

“That you went mad with power.”

“Ha! Still playing the innocent role I see. Why are you here?”

“To try and help you.”

“Well how can you possibly help me?”

“I’ll let you out, if you swear on your life that you will obey me.”

“And why should I trust you?”

“If you don’t then you’ll rot away in this prison.”

“True, but what’s waiting for me out there?”

“Your brother.”

“Is that it?”

“And an old friend, Lilly I believe her name is.” Pyro’s eyes lit up at the mares’s name.

“Lilly! She’s alright?”

“Yes, they both are. If you agree to my terms than I will set you free.”

“I’ll do what ever you want!”

“Very well, hold still.” the royal horn began to glow and the chains and locks began to click open. The red stallion began to move towards the cell door and opened it.


Sky opened his eyes to see a pair of red hooves standing in front of him, as he looked up in horror to see a red unicorn stallion glaring down at him with an evil look in his eye.

“Hello brother.” he said with a laugh.

“You-” he tried to get up but felt a red hoof forcing him down on the floor.

“Oh, don’t bother getting up, the fun’s just about to start.” he then saw the princess starting to rise, he shot a beam at her rocketing her back against the wall. Pyro saw the entire room starting to fill with guards. “Looks like it’s time for me to leave, but don’t worry bro I’ll come and visit really, really soon.” In a flash of light he was gone. Rainbow rushed over to him as he got to his hooves he looked over at the white Alicorn.

“What have you done?”