• Published 18th Nov 2012
  • 2,367 Views, 125 Comments

Fiends of Manehatten - Skrive Flip

Everything is Well For Cheerilee untill she is called upon a task to defend the Ponies of Manehatten

  • ...

The end of the Fiend

Canterlot Castle:

"This is a bad idea"

Cheerilee´s deadpanned voice was to be expected. She and the Princess had closed off the prison and found an isolated place to discuss the Fiend´s message.

It was just too suspicious.

‘You still hold Dear Sister of Mine Imprisoned,

And I have some ponies you want returned,

How about we simply exchange what we want and part ways?

Come to the enclosed address, Princess Luna.

Feel free to bring your pets along, I don’t care.

You have a day to comply, If you break the deal,

I will simply have to keep your little ponies for myself.’

It was signed off just like the note Cheerilee had received the night before, with a thorny rose drawn in blood.

Luna had been considering the contents of the message ever since it had been read, and her thoughtful expression hadn't changed once.

The two had not left the dungeon yet. The room they were in was separate, but not far from the ‘statuary’ as Cheerilee had considered calling it instead. A prison where all prisoners were encased in stone. Statuary was much more fitting.

“That may be… But we do not have much of a choice,” Luna replied with a reluctant sigh. “Angel wants his sister back, and he is going to continue with different plans until one of them succeeds. If we can just catch him now, then we can stop him before he causes even more damage.”

“But if the Fiend is this insane,-” Cheerilee raised her voice, concerned with Luna´s conclusion. “-Then reuniting him with his Kaynite sister would only double the problems.,” she asserted.

“He is not going to be reunited.” Luna replied. “We are going to bring Fond along to make him drop his guard. And then I shall seal him away just like I did to Fond.”

Cheerilee looked up at Luna. “Can you do that? I hardly think he is going to keep still and just let you blast him into stone?” Cheerilee asked in a small amount of cynical assurance.

Luna however just nodded. “Trust me on this, Cheerilee. He will if we bring Fond Along... He will have other things on his mind,” she finished, before walking out of the secluded room, opening the squeaky wooden door that had not seen much use in quite a while. She turned to the side, a pair of her Lunar Guards standing vigilantly outside the door, ensuring the Princess´s safety, and privacy with the matter.

“Private Nightlight,” Luna spoke, her powerful voice shining through the echoey hall. “Pack up Prisoner #93, prepare her for transfer, and meet us out in the back of Canterlot castle with a carriage. You are to under no circumstance to mention your orders to any of the Solar Guards or to Princess Celestia. Is that understood?” she commanded, her eyes imposing the same authority her voice did.

The Guard saluted his Princess as trained. “Understood, Your Majesty!” He quickly replied, like a good soldier.

“Good, make it so,” Luna commanded, allowing the two guards to get to their duty quickly. She then turned to see Cheerilee having walked up beside her.

“We best get going, if we want to reach Manehatten in time and avoid talking to Celestia.” Luna explained almost dismissively, as if Cheerilee just needed to know it, but she had no say in the situation.

Turning on her hooves and beginning to walk out of the dungeon, Cheerilee was left for a few seconds confused. “Hey, where are you going!?” she asked, before hurrying after the Princess.

“I need to return to Celestia. I have to come up with an excuse for why I will not be home at the castle tonight.” Luna responded without looking back.

Cheerilee caught up with Luna, jumping out in front of her and began walking backwards at the same pace of which Luna walked. “Whoa, whoa, what? You mean to tell me you're not going to tell her the situation?” Cheerilee asked in disbelief.

“That’s what I am telling you.” Luna nodded in her dismissive reply.

“Why!?” Cheerilee asked loudly. “She is your sister, she must know of the situation as well, and if what you told me about Kaynites is true, then she would be able to help-”

“My sister must in no way know anything about the rescue operation tonight.” Luna asserted, sending a powerful glare down at Cheerilee. “I will not have anypony die tonight. The last of the Kaynites shall be locked away safely, and without any more bloodshed…”

“Princess, do you really think the Fiend is just going to give in?” Cheerilee asked in disbelief, now awkwardly walking backwards up the stairs leading out of the old dusty dungeons.

“I know he isn't. But I will make him. It’s my responsibility,” Luna said as the two reached the top of the staircase.

“What’s your responsibility?”

Both Luna and Cheerilee stopped mid step and turned their heads to see none other than Princess Celestia standing there, tilting her head inquisitively.

For just a second, Luna and Cheerilee exchanged glances, as if each was expecting the other to quickly come up with a reasonable alibi, until Luna spoke up.

“An inspection in Manehatten. Cheerilee here found an infestation of Diamond Dogs, and I´ve decided to take care of it personally.” Luna lied, her voice even and stoic as she confidently sidestepped Cheerilee without looking at Celestia. “Cheerilee and I will have it sorted out by the time you have to raise the sun again.”

Celestia looked in confusion upon Luna as she walked away from her. What had gotten into her? Why wasn't she making eye contact?

“Well, do you want me to come along-”

“No, we will handle it well enough. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some preparations to make.” Luna interrupted Celestia and walked off, taking the turn down the hall towards her tower. She did her utmost to make sure to not allow Celestia to look her in the eyes. She knew when she lied. She could see it in her.

Luna hated lying to her sister. It never felt good, but it was necessary, she would tell herself.

“My sister doesn’t need any further worries than the problems of the day. Ruling Equestria is quite a hooffull. You understand, Cheerilee…” Luna spoke as she was certain the two had gotten out of earshot, and eyeshot of Celestia. Though she didn’t get Any response. “Cheerilee?” she asked, and looked over her shoulder, seeing that her best Agent wasn't there.

“What in the-”

“I’m here!”

Cheerilee suddenly came trotting around the corner, catching up with Luna.

“Did you tell Celestia anything?”

“Yes, but I dodged the true answers.” Cheerilee responded with a small smile.

“Are you sure?” Luna asked in clear skepticism, her eyes narrowing at Cheerilee.

The vampire teacher just raised her head and smiled at her boss. “Absolutely,” she assured Luna, her smile staying a little too long.

Luna raised her eyebrow slightly, for a moment concerned if Cheerilee was truly sure, Her sister was a wily one when she wanted to be, but Cheerilee was Luna´s top agent. She sighed, reclining to the idea that she was right. She had promised her to trust her more after all.

“That is good,” she said, turning away and walking ahead again. “I will take care of what duties I have now, we'll meet up once my guard has prepared us a carriage.” The Princess stopped just as she almost reached another corner. “Make sure to get some rest before tonight”.

“Of course, Your Majesty.” Cheerilee bowed her head in reply, making sure to keep it bowed just long enough for Luna to leave before the two´s eyes would meet again.

Now alone in the hall, Cheerilee released a breath she had not realized she had been holding.

She really hated lying to Luna.

The Fiend’s Lair :

The long known, yet never old, passionate sensation of his fangs piercing pony necks and blood gently sliding down his throat, still gave gentle shivers down his spine. Each single time he took someone´s blood to sustain himself, he was just reminded what a damn wonderful world he had been brought into.

Reluctantly, he let go of the pony´s throat, a small string of saliva was still clinging to one of his fangs as he pulled away from his victim of choice.

It was a gray unicorn with a curly white mane, the stockbroker known as ‘Money Bags’. The pony was restrained, gagged, and blindfolded. Yet he still was able to give off some so lovely whimpers, and twitches of resistance as its captor was no longer sharing in the ecstasy.

The Fiend giggled.

“I think you're ready for the crescendo, Little Bags…” he said, before shifting his eyes slightly, looking over to the corner.

In the corner he had placed Emerald Song Bags, restrained in the same fashion, but she was still able to see. In fact, she was forced to witness everything the Fiend had done to her husband. And it terrified her. Emerald was shivering, desperately averting and closing her eyes, however she could still hear everything that had gone on. The whispers, the cuts…

The Fiend grinned and stretched himself, clicking a few of his joints before he turned his head to the door.

“Mutt! Get in here!” he called out.

The door opened up and a large lumbering diamond dog walked inside, throwing itself at the hooves of the Fiend as soon as it had come in completely.

“Yes, Sire?” it asked in its deep scratchy voice. The Fiend stepped off of his victim and whipped his mane backwards slightly.

“Bring Mister Bags up into the main chamber, and prepare for the return of the Princess…” he spoke in a calm but commanding tone.

The diamond dog bowed its head again. “As you wish, sire.” the dog said, it was just about to comply with the order before the Fiend placed down its hoof in the way of the dog, stopping it in its track. The dog looked up into its sire´s eyes and froze, staring into the red eyes of its Kaynite sire.

“I hope you will remember to treat the Princess with respect when she arrives…” The Fiend said, his voice dark and intimidating for the huge beast. The dog shivered in fear, before nodding its head.

“Of course! All praise the Princess of the Night…” The dog quickly added, before looking up, to see if its sire was happy with the reply.

The Fiend was, and allowed the dog to comply with his first order. He sighed happily as he saw the unicorn stock broker get carried away.

“If only I had these mutts back then… They´re quite the helping hoof,” he mused, smiling as if it was the neighbor’s foals who had helped with the yard. He then poked his head out and called out. “Scruffy!”

The name bounced off of the walls and echoed throughout the hall. It didn't take more than a few seconds before the scuttling of feet and the huffing breath of the smaller diamond dog came along, the dog almost tripping over its own feet as it tried to reach its master.

Scruffy threw himself down before the Fiend.

“Y-Yes Sire Fiend Pony?” He nervously greeted.

The Fiend smirked and gently lifted the smaller dog´s chin up as to look him in the eyes.

“I am going to need a… messenger, who can wait and guide our guests.”

On the way to Manehatten:

The trip back to Manehatten was a bit shorter than expected, considering they were hauling a large pony sized box along with the carriage.

They had opted not to take a royal carriage, as to not arouse suspicion. Luna insisted that the Fiend would stay by his side of the deal until the time he had stated, but Cheerilee did not think him above just robbing them blind.

Then again, the Fiend would need Luna to release the prisoner, so he would need to wait for them anyhow.

Cheerilee and Luna had used most of the trip, arguing about how to handle the situation, and the momentary silence between the two was more because of the living princess´s need of oxygen than anything else.

“Your Majesty, with all due respect, with what you have told me of Kaynites, I don’t believe we should even allow him to get within meters of the prisoner,” Cheerilee stated firmly.

Luna shook her head. “He will not let his guard down unless he thinks he can have Fond back.” Luna asserted in return. “I will exchange her for the promise of the return of his prisoners, however, when he demands the spell to be lifted, I should be within the perfect distance to perform the sealing spell on him as well.”

Cheerilee shook her head. “It’s not worth the risk. The Fiend has escaped me before, I don’t want to give him the chance to do so again.”

“He won’t escape.” Luna asserted. “He won’t leave without Fond… Not again.”

“Why would he not?” Cheerilee asked.

“Fond is his sister, and his Sire. He has no reason to leave,” Luna responded

“Beyond saving his own life?” Cheerilee continued, sounding unconvinced.

Luna lowered her eyes for a moment. “If we just have Fond along, his obsession should help us distract him,” she asserted, as if wanting to end the discussion now. She averted her eyes from Cheerilee, hoping that the vampire would drop the discussion and simply trust that her plan would work.

Cheerilee groaned in frustration, facehoofing hard, knowing exactly what Luna was hoping.

“Your Majesty. I understand,” she insisted, though her frustration shining through her tone of voice. “But you have to understand, we can’t just go into this without any backup plan…” she continued, quickly lifting a hoof defensively as Luna looked back at her with a slight accusatory glare. “I am not saying that I don’t trust in your abilities, Luna! You know that. What I am saying is that this Fiend has bested me once before due to my arrogance. I don’t want it to happen again!”

Luna stared for a few moments upon Cheerilee, taking in her concern and her thoughts. She wanted to simply tell Cheerilee to remember her spot. She was under Luna’s command after all. But remembering their conversation earlier, a small pang of guilt made her sigh in defeat.

“Then what would you suggest?” she offered. “There should be no way he could overpower an Alicorn, but, hypothetically, what would you do?”

Cheerilee smirked for a moment as the Princess finally conceded, before she lowered her head down to pull up a bag she had brought along into the carriage. It made an audible thump as she placed it on the seat next to her.

The Princess raised a small eyebrow as Cheerilee opened the bag and began pulling out its contents.

“If everything else fails, It will have to come down to the old fashioned way.” Cheerilee begun, first pulling out some rolls of electricians tape and a couple of stakes. Luna recognized the kit, they were used by most vampire hunters throughout history. Cheerilee then proceeded to strap on of the stakes along the cannon of her foreleg, being careful to fasten it correctly and firmly. “I am going in fully decked this time.” Cheerilee asserted, gnawing at the tape to rip it from the rest of the roll. “If the Fiend makes any kind of move towards you, I am going to tear his legs off of him.”

Luna could not disagree with that plan. It was the most sound and most logical extra plan to have after all, though she did raise and inquisitive eyebrow again as Cheerilee pulled out a couple of flares, and proceeded to taping those to her gaskin.

“Flares?” she asked in confusion.

Cheerilee gave a rather confident smirk. “Just pop the head off of these things, and you have a flame in your hoof. Rather effective when fighting against anything undead,” she replied, as if Luna had been one of her students, inquisitive about some kind of random trivia.

Luna opened her mouth to inquire if it wasn’t more detrimental for Cheerilee to have a source of fire upon her in the case of a fight, as it could easily be turned upon her, but instead she just shook her head.

“I… Will trust that you know what is best here, Cheerilee…” She eventually conceded, looking out of the window of the Carriage, not seeing Cheerilee´s expression visibly relax as she did not question the flares. Luna sighed slightly, beginning to hope that they could just arrive to the address and have everything be done with. Ever since Cheerilee had returned to her, reporting her failure and the loss of yet another pony, Luna´s thoughts had been haunting her. Ironic, considering she was the mistress of the night, ruler of dreams and nightmares, but even she could not keep her conscience from haunting her.

Cheerilee, in the meantime, continued to strap the weapons to reasonably accessible areas of her legs, making sure that they did not restrict her movement too much. Her thoughts was also on the time ahead, along with all this preparation. She was feeling almost a little buzzing in her hooves as she imagined tearing the Fiend´s head from his shoulders, and stamping the thing into oblivion. Maybe even toying with him a bit before ending him. Would serve him right for all the things he had done to Emerald, and the things he was undoubtedly doing to Pen. Oh how she would take deep seeded pleasure in ending that beast´s unlife, ridding him of the world. She could just imagine his screams of mercy as she´d-

And then she just stopped. In the middle of thinking and in the middle of taping the last flare onto herself. Cheerilee stopped.

She had an epiphany. And not a pleasant one.

Was that the way the Fiend was thinking? She already could tell he was a sadist, but… Was that maybe the way he thought always? Enjoyment from others suffering, where he´d have rationalized it somehow?

The idea continued to simmer in Cheerilee´s mind and it was slowly making her feel sick to her stomach.

Could she possibly ever turn into something like… him?

She shook her head. No. That couldn’t be true. She wasn’t a Monster. She wasn’t a Kaynite she…. She was just a regular vampire.

A small shudder was sent up her spine.

Since when was, ‘I am just a vampire’, a comforting thought?

“Luna…” Cheerilee´s voice barely above a whisper. “Would you do me a favour?” she asked, raising her eyes to meet with Luna´s who had just turned to face her in confusion.

“Anything, Cheerilee. Simply ask, and I´ll see to it.” Luna assured.


Luna blinked in confusion. Cheerilee suddenly had gone from focused and determined to, somber, maybe even… sad?

“Because you're my best Agent Cheerilee… and…” Luna took a deep breath, closing her eyes, before exhaling and letting a true sincere look go back to Cheerilee. “I know you do your best for those around you. You have a good heart, Cheerilee. Despite everything you have gone through, you're still determined to fight for the good of Equestria, even if you have seen some of the darkest parts of its underworld.” The Princess spoke in a sincere, somber tone.

“Are you certain?” Cheerilee asked, her voice sharp and challenging. “What if I were to turn? What If I were to go insane? What If I-”

“You won’t.” Luna cut off Cheerilee, both her voice and eyes like sharp knives that cut everything to a screeching halt. “I trust you, Cheerilee. You may not trust me after my…” She sighed. “averseness with the truth… But I trust you.”

“But I am-” Cheerilee began, but was cut off by Luna again.

“But you're what? A vampire?” Luna asked, before scoffing. “I am The Nightmare who almost brought ruin to all of Equestria… Why would anypony trust me, Hmm?” Luna leaned forward to emphasise her point.

Cheerilee was silent for a little while. She just stared at Luna, letting her words sink in and compile inside of her.

“I guess you're right…” She conceded, but it wasn't really that uplifting.

Luna frowned, sensing Cheerilee´s low spirits.

“Cheerilee. You are doing what must be done. You are the one who are protecting Equestria from the things those who walk during the day doing even realize exists. You're a Hero.” Luna asserted.

“A hero who constantly need to drink blood and Kill…” Cheerilee mumbled, turning her face away from Luna.

The Princess opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off by the shaking of the carriage, as it landed on solid ground again. She pulled aside the blinds of the carriage and looked outside, it was well into the night by now, and darkness had fallen over the city.

“We are here…” Luna stated, the carriage giving a small jolt as it came to a full stop. The Princess looked back at Cheerilee. Her best agent looked sadder than she had seen her in years. She could almost see her thoughts going on an introspective rampage. That was when she leaned forwards, taking one of Cheerilee´s hooves into a gentle embrace of both her royal hooves. Cheerilee´s attention was snapped to the Princess as she began to speak. “Cheerilee. You're a better Pony than you think. Just remember, You're actually thinking about this. You're thinking about your actions. I don't think The Fiend have ever done that.”

Cheerilee stared into the Princess's eyes for what felt like an eternity, taking in her words and just the caring tone of her voice. It was… comforting. A word she hadn't expected to feel from her boss. Princess Luna was her boss wasn't she? Just her boss… She was just like any other agent-

She stopped that train of thought. Because she could hear who was saying that. It wasn't her idea. It was the Fiend´s. His words had still run through her head. ‘Traitor’ he had called her. She had betrayed him and Fond. But… That was the right choice.

She knew it was the right decision.

And with that thought, she suddenly threw herself forwards, embracing the ruler of the night tightly, to the great surprise of the Princess herself.

“Thank You… Luna… I… Really appreciate it…” Cheerilee said in a slightly shaken voice.

Mildly confused at first, Luna finally smiled and returned the embrace.

“You´re Welcome, Cheerilee.” Luna whispered.

The embrace was short lived, as the sound of somepony knocking against the carriage door pulled the two from their moment of understanding.

“We are at the address, Your Highness.” Private Nightlight called into the Carriage.

The two let go of each other, Luna turning to open the door of the Carriage.

“We Thank you, Private Nightlight. Bring along the Prisoner.” She ordered, the Young soldier quickly saluting his Princess and seeing to his orders. Luna turned to Cheerilee one more time with a soft smile. “You just take a moment to breathe. We won't leave without you.”

Cheerilee could not help but give a little smile in return. “You wouldn't be able to outrun me, Princess.” She replied.

The Princess replied with an amused grunt, before leaving the carriage and Cheerilee to finish her preparations.

Cheerilee took a deep breath into her old dead lungs and closed her eyes. She placed a hoof upon one of the flares she had strapped to her legs.

“This will be the last time I lie to You, Princess.” She tried to promise herself, Just in that moment, meaning this sincerely.

A couple of minutes of preparation and awkward lugging of a pony Sized box passed by, and then everything was ready.

Finally arriving at the address enclosed in the letter, Luna ordered her guards to slowly encircle the building. It was an old ruined warehouse, looking like it was up for demolition.

Cheerilee, Luna and a couple of her Night Guards were the ones who walked inside, the guards carrying the pony sized box containing the prisoner.

Nothing seemed off once they got inside. Just like the outside, it looked unremarkable. It was just empty and ready for demolition.

Cheerilee wondered if perhaps the Fiend had just thrown them a random address, though dismissed the notion, thinking it wouldn't make any sense. ‘Why send a letter in the first place then?’

The question was answered as suddenly, a loud clanking announced something had been moved, and everyone turned to see a large flooring panel, about the size of a carriage, was slowly being lifted aside. As the floor panel was removed, it revealed a relatively small diamond dog, who was huffing and puffing with trying to remove the heavy panel. The dog looked around, giving a small yelp as it´s eyes settled upon Cheerilee and Luna.

“U-Uhm… Yous! alicorn pony and… earth pony-pony!” He addressed. “M-Mista… Fiend Pony-Pony wants Scruffy to show you two… The way… ALONE!” He did his best to convey with his shaky and scared voice. “Oh, and Uhm… Bring the… uh… Uh… Thing! Yes the Thing! Along with you!” he quickly added.

Cheerilee and Luna exchanged a glance with each other. They each nodded, seeing the same opportunity.

“Why of course, Scruffy was it?” Luna spoke, stepping forwards. “However, we cannot bring along the… ‘thing’, unless we have somepony to carry it. So we need to bring along some of my ‘Friends’” the Princess of night spoke, her air of regality only furthering the diamond dog´s fear.

Scruffy swallowed a moment, before exclaiming loudly: “Fiend says Earth-Pony-Pony is strong enough to carry alone! Fiend specifically says only to bring Princess Pony and other Earth-Pony-Pony! And only if they have the Thing!”

Cheerilee stood behind as Luna did the talking. But she could not help but eye up the small diamond dog. It really looked terrified, and it was clear to her that he was trying to follow his orders to the letter. He feared the repercussions.

Luna spoke again. “Well, young Dog, we can only bring the Thing, if we bring along our Friends to carry the Thing… So it seems you better let us.” The princess calmly pressed, not even betraying the smirk that Cheerilee was sure she wanted to flash.

The dog stared in a combination of internal panic and uncertainty upon the Princess. “B-But… I… The…” He then groaned. “Alright! Bring along other ponies! But makes sure to bring the thing!”

Luna was happy with the result and nodded lightly. “Of course,” she said, then looked to her guards, signaling for them to follow her.

Cheerilee sent a small look over at the dog that was still sticking halfway out of the floor. It ran its claws through its fur.

“Da Fiend is gonna kill Scruffy…” he mumbled to himself, only Cheerilee´s sensitive ears catching it.

‘Well, He certainly keeps his minions on a short leash’, Cheerilee mused.

“Right then! Follow Scruffy! Only Princess pony, earth-pony-pony, and ponies carrying the thing!”

The group complied, Luna taking the lead into the hole in the ground, followed by the guards who were carrying the box, and Cheerilee taking the back guard duty. She would not be surprised if the Fiend had some kind of extra trap to just take back the prisoner from them.

What they landed in as they got down through the floor showed itself to be a storage room, leading into the Manehatten sewer system again.

This time, Cheerilee instinctively covered her nose most of the way, and kept walking on the sides of the tube. She didn’t want to smell like eight different flavors of disgusting again. The guards were of course not as picky, just following their orders and marching straight behind their Princess.

Luna was almost completely unphased by the sewers. Or at least, that’s what she looked like. Princess Luna, Ruler of Night and Mistress of the Pokerface, was hard to shake.

That said, Cheerilee was certain that those shoes was NOT going to be seen in public view again. More than likely they would be sent to the moon for the stench.

The group followed calmly behind Scruffy, who didn’t have any trouble with navigating the dark tunnels of the sewer system no matter how far they got.

Cheerilee was constantly keeping her eyes and ears out for any possibility of an ambush but found none. Instead she came to realize how the tunneling was getting narrower and narrower, and how the branching paths seemed to lessen as they continued to walk. The Manehatten sewer system was quite the maze, all with constant turns and possibilities of circling in on yourself. But now, they had been walking in only one direction with not even a single side path for a few minutes.

Cheerilee took a few moments to think of the logic of the situation. If the Manehatten sewer system all went in labyrinthine directions, but they now were without branching paths, there were only a few possible places they could be in correlation to the surface, and the most logical would be-

“No… That can't possibly…” Cheerilee lowly stated in disbelief.

Finally the group came to a halt. They were at what looked like an old vault door. Something you'd put in a bunker. Much like the ones that was made during World Party 2, to help ponies who had partied too hard, be shielded from the rampant party canons and flying pies.

Cheerilee knew of a few of those having been built in Manehatten, This only furthering her thought.

“Noouu…” She repeated, hardly able to believe it herself. Luna and the guards were calm and stoic (Though the guards were betraying a few huffs of breaths and beads of sweat) as Scruffy made a few knocks upon the door in a special rhythm.

Everyone waited as they heard a few knocks against the metal in retort to Scruffy, who responded with even more rhythmic knocking. Finally the door opened with loud metallic screeches as the bolts got removed, and the hinged grid against each other. The door was large, heavy and only just large enough to allow the box to wiggle through, thankfully.

As the door opened, it revealed a much larger Diamond dog on the other side.

The much larger dog gave the group a small perusal, before looking down at Scruffy.

The smaller dog huffed and raised its voice.

“Scruffy brings Thing for the Fiend! Move out of the way You lumbering rockhead!”

A momentary stare of challenge was exchanged between the two dogs, before the much larger one stepped aside. “Master is waiting…” it just said.

Luna nodded her head in acknowledgement, and sauntered inside.

“Best not keep him waiting then,” she stated calmly, the guards right behind her, doing their best to move the box unscathed through just large enough door. Not being full time movers, they did clang it once or twice, but otherwise nothing happened.

Cheerilee followed after the two, only stopping to take a peek over her shoulder, seeing the much larger dog close the door behind them all.

“Now, follow Scruffy!” Scruffy once again spoke aloud, taking the lead.

Inside, There was very long stretching hallways in soulless gray concrete. The walls was riddles with doors with tiny windows, creating perfect holding cells.

While their original purpose might have been to contain ponies on too high sugar rushes, or for the protection of the introverts in the harsh days of the World Party, it was clear they had been taken into much darker use.

Even if the halls were seemingly clean, Cheerilee could smell it. Stale and dried out blood. Everywhere. It was as if it had been painted upon the walls itself, before then getting an extra coat of gray paint on top.

Finally reaching the end of the journey, having gone down halls, and up a set of stairs, the group funneled into the large circular room of the Fiend´s sanctum. Scruffy was in first, with Luna right behind him, along with the Guards and Cheerilee.

Everyone walking into the room, their demeanors changed. Luna was barely able to keep her firm gaze, while her guards were horrified, freezing in place, allowing Cheerilee to walk past them and see what they all saw as well.

It was a torture chamber.

Those were the best words to describe the room.

Along the walls, with a perfectly equal distance between each, were the victims of all the cases chained to the wall, with one door on the far side, straight opposite of the entrance.

Clear Brush, Sweet Gold, Sunset Spring, Money Bags. And on the opposite side of the room, she saw Pen chained to the wall as well. All the Ponies had chains around each of their limbs, and one specifically around the base of their horns. They were all gagged and blindfolded as well.

The final victim, Emerald Song, was in the middle of the room. Right there with him.

The middle of the room had several tables filled with surgical tools and other instruments Cheerilee truly wished she hadn't seen.

The Fiend was holding Emerald Song in what seemed to some a passionate embrace, but Cheerilee recognized it as one of the many positions in which a vampire could extract blood from their victims. His fangs were buried deeply into her throat, and Emerald was left with nothing but a blank stare into the room, as she was at the mercy of a predator.

As everyone finally was inside, the Fiend released his bite upon Emerald, throwing his head back in the ecstasy that it was for vampires to feed. (Clearly even ‘Kaynites’, felt the same kind of satisfaction from feeding).

He took a small reflexive breath in the enjoyment, before he leaned his head down again. No one could see it, but he again licked up the wound, cleaning it and closing it with his own blood, before just dropped Emerald onto the floor, letting her body flop weakly. He then turned around, still licking his fangs instinctively, seeing everyone who had entered, and his previous look of pure pleasure had turned into one of maniacal glee.

“Why hellou there, Prrrinceesss…” He said, his tongue rolling on the word Princess, with a deep amount of spite in the utterance. His eyes then shifted to Cheerilee. “And hellou to you too, Cheerilee. I welcome you all to my… Sanctuary~” Once again, his focus shifted onto the two guards and the box they had brought along. Cheerilee noticed the tiniest bit of twitching from his lip, as it seemed to perk up in excitement. “I see you have… Agreed, to my demands.”

Cheerilee´s chest tightened and she grit her teeth in anger at the display before her. She wanted to just pounce onto the Fiend and tear out his throat right there. Her energy and anger was adding up, as she took in the room around her. She also noticed that as the Fiend had begun speaking, Pen, on the other side of the room, while gagged and blinded, had begun struggling against his chains a bit more, trying to say something through the gag.

The Fiend seemed to ignore it though.

Luna then stepped forward.

“As long as you release your prisoners, you may have what you demand.” She spoke calmly, her self control being truly put on a test, as she kept her eyes upon the Fiend.

When the conversation began, Cheerilee took her chance to look around. She saw that there was no other guard dogs in the room. That meant that possibly she could sneak around and get around to Pen. He was obviously trying to say something, and the others seemed much more, passive and or exhausted to actually be of any aid in the situation. The Fiend had really done a number on them all.

She then took slowly a few steps aside as the Fiend replied to Luna.

“Why of course, Your… ‘Majesty’...” he said with a small amount of venom in his voice. “Shall we, proceed? If you please?” He asked, inclining his head slightly towards the box the guards were still carrying.

Luna nodded and turned to the guards. “Open the box.”

Her guards snapped into action, doing as commanded, and cracked open the box. The walls of the box fell to the ground, and the statue prison of Fond Amour was revealed to the room.

Cheerilee took a moment to study the small details about the Fiend during the exchange. It was especially interesting to see just, what an impact it had on him.

He almost visibly shaken as he was greeted with the sight of his Sister, even while locked away in stone, his eyes softened for just a moment. He took a quivering breath and closed his eyes again, exhaling, and steeling himself. He then was back into his superior smile.

“I… see you are able to hold your word for once…” He said, his voice just shaking a bit at the start before it completely returned to his ‘normal’ arrogance.

Cheerilee slowly stepped aside, checking to see if the Fiend was paying any attention to her. As far as she could see, he wasn’t. His eyes were transfixed between the statue and the Princess. Not even a single glance her way. She decided to continue and was slowly getting half the way over towards the restrained Pen, her eyes fixed upon the Fiend, with a burning glare.

Princess nodded in reply to the Fiend.

“Now, release the prisoners.” Luna demanded.

The Fiend tilted his head slightly. “I was under the impression that this was an exchange.” he said, putting his usual arrogant emphasis on ‘Exchange’. “You have to give me what I want, then I give you what you want. How else am I to trust you?” He smirked.

Cheerilee continued, getting closer to Pen, seeing the Princess´s frustration.

“Very well,” she resigned, as she had already planned.

Cheerilee still didn’t like the situation, but she continued her silent steps around, seeing the Princess´s horn lighting up, her personally lifting the statue from her side, and slowly levitating it into the center of the room.

Just as the statue clanked down besides the Fiend, who still didn’t seem to have seen her, Cheerilee finally reached Pen. She first pushed his head aside, causing Pen to freeze momentarily as she undid the blindfold.

As Pen was able to see again, and that the one turning his head was not the Fiend, but in fact Cheerilee, his eyes lit up, but not in relief as Cheerilee would have expected, but in panic. He got even louder at attempting to speak, before Cheerilee pressed a hoof against his mouth, doing her best to signify that they had to be quiet.

Pen shook his head frantically.

Back in the middle of the room, The Fiend starred in a moment of bliss upon the statue now placed besides him. He lifted a shaky hoof up and placed it upon the cheek of the statute, for just a few seconds letting the realization sink in, before he turned his head to Luna.

“Now, if you would kindly undo the lock on the spell. Release Dear Sister of Mine. Dear Sister Of Mine has been locked up for long enough don't you think?” He asked, taking some calm steps towards Luna, not even phased with him pressuring an alicorn.

The exact arrogance that Luna counted on. She for once, got a small smirk on her face. “I don’t think so.”

Suddenly, her horn flared up in an immense concentration of magical energy. The Fiend stopped in shock, and Luna lowered her head, discharging the spell directly towards the Fiend.

The huge burst of magical energy was beyond anything any singular pony could conjure up, the magical potential of the alicorn.

The Fiend´s horn lit up as well, trying to shield himself, but the Princess´s spell crashed through the shield like a bullet would go through a piece of plywood. Though the sudden raising, and destruction of a shielding spell caused the Fiend to be flung backwards, even as the spell hit him directly, he flopped backwards and landed besides the statue of Fond.

As the spells had met, the room had been blinded for a moment, and Luna had calmly raised her head again, and walked forwards.

The Fiend had flopped back onto the floor next to the Statue of Fond. He was groaning in pain after the sudden impact of the spell, and his limbs were twitching.

“I am sorry, Angel.” Luna spoke, her voice hard and determined, despite the sincerity of her words. “But I cannot allow you to harm my subjects any further. Nor can I allow Fond to be freed.”

The Fiend grunted in pain as he forced himself onto his knees at least, just being able to look up at the Princess of the night with a defiant stare. “So, you´re going to betray your word a Second time?”

Cheerilee had turned to see what happened after the sound of the spell discharging, and was almost unable to believe what she was seeing. Luna was easily besting the Fiend, who had been pummeling Cheerilee into the ground just a few nights earlier.

Luna showed no regret or remorse at the Fiend´s accusation.

“My highest duty is to protect My Little Ponies, and to shield them from those who would seek shelter in my nightly domain. Including you,” she stated clearly.

The Fiend was staring up at Luna, who was now barely two meters away from him, towering over him like the night itself. His face looked resigned, as if he was prepared to meet his fate. “So, there can be only one Princess of the Night, then?” he asked.

Princess Luna lowered her head, her horn once again, slowly charging up her magic. It was time, she thought. She had him where she needed him, and now all there was to do was to do the spell. “I am sorry, Angel.” She said again.

This was the moment Cheerilee felt another bump against her, she turned to see and hear Pen resist against his restraints again, seeming to want to say something.

Thinking that it didn’t matter if the Fiend heard them now, Luna was about to lock him away after all, she reached her head behind Pen´s head as to undo the gag.

The Fiend reclined back. “Don’t be sorry, Luna…”

Pen gasped the moment his mouth was freed, and then Screamed. “PRINCESS DON'T! ITS A TRAP!”

But it was too late.

Luna closed her eyes and fired off the Sealing spell directly towards the Fiend, expecting it to strike him, and begin to seal up the Kaynite into stone.

But that did not happen.

The moment the spell struck The Fiend, his horn lit up, and he fired magic straight up into the ceiling, into what looked like nothing, but which quickly showed itself to be much much more.

The magic struck the stone, and the entire ceiling began to fade like a fata morgana, and revealed that the ceiling was just a bit further up, and that a gem about double the size of Princess Luna herself was suspended from the Ceiling. Latching out from it beyond the suspenders, were five exact chains, each leading down to each a different victim.

The gem lit up from the sudden surge of magical energy coursing through it, and all the chains suddenly lit up in magic as well.

Cheerilee backed away reflexively as suddenly Pen began to writhe in pain. She saw the chain lit up in magic, and Pen wasn’t the only one who wanted to scream, he was the only one who could however. All the other victims were caught in their gags, but she could still hear it, their attempts to scream, their pain.

Everything was happening so fast, even to Cheerilee.

She had just been able to turn her head towards the Fiend as she saw the next step in the trap snap right before her eyes.

The magic beam that was striking up into the Catalyst gem, suddenly shot down in one concentrated beam straight into Princess Luna.

There was a blinding light as the spell collided with the alicorn, and Cheerilee was almost thrown backwards again in another burst of powerful magic that threw both her, the Lunar Guards and all the victims roughly against the wall.

Cheerilee was taken by surprise, so the knock against the wall had dazed her slightly. Her head swayed a bit as she tried to get back on her hooves and get her bearings. She didn't like what she was able to hear though.

She heard no more magic, and she heard the maniacal Laughter of the Fiend.

“You are so predictable!” The Fiend announced before taking another round of his cackling.

Cheerilee opened her eyes and the scene slowly dawned upon her.

A magical force field was in place, in the shape of a Hexagram, each part of the outside having one victim, including the part where Cheerilee was, inside of it and then a central part in the middle. On the opposite side of them, Luna´s guards were slowly recovering, and in the middle of the room were The Fiend, And Luna.

And that’s when she saw what had happened to Luna.

The mighty alicorn was had fallen down, just about half of her body encapsulated in the same stone she had expected to use upon the Fiend.

The Princess had also been dazed by the sudden return of the spell, but she was returning to her senses.

“Wh-Wha… What? How?!” The Princess stared in confusion down upon her hooves that had been encased in stone. She could feel them, but she could not move them. She raised her head as the Fiend began laughing once again, sitting back on his flank and holding his stomach.

“Ohhh This is just so wonderful!~” he almost sang.

Cheerilee growled in anger, and leapt forwards. She twirled quickly on her hooves and sent all her strength into bucking at the Shield, which just seemingly blinked at the disturbance. It was like bucking five tonnes of topaz, The only thing moving, was Cheerilee from the feedback, as she flopped forwards.

The Fiend looked over his shoulder, seeing Cheerilee´s attempts at breaking the shield and only laughed further.

“I do so love when everything works out as planned~” he announced before walking casually over to where Cheerilee continued to try and smash at the shield. She tried bucking, charging it, punching it, nothing was working. The Shield just flashed slightly each time she struck against it, and with each time it lit up, the chains did as well.

The Fiend grinned as he was merely inches away from Cheerilee. “That’s right, just keep punching, Don’t you worry. You almost got it. Oh, just a little more.” He spoke in a very condescending tone, as if prompting a child to reach the cookie jar.

Cheerilee was only getting more and more infuriated by the taunting. She reared back, baring her fangs in anger and with an almost warcry like outburst, she slammed her hooves into the shield again, making it bulge just a tiny bit, enough to make the Fiend actually jump back in surprise.

“My my.” He commented, though clearly not happy with seeing the shield wavering a bit. But he was still confident. “Now you just stay out there and hammer at that all you want. The adults are going to have a little talk.”

Cheerilee continued to growl as the Fiend just casually strolled over towards the downed alicorn who had also taken on a spiteful expression.

“How is this possible!?” Luna demanded to know, her voice still proud despite her disposition.

The Fiend smirked. “Simple magics, Princess.” He said, rolling his tongue and leaning his head in for emphasis on the word Princess. “It’s like placing a mirror in front a light beam. All you need is a powerful enough mirror,” he said, raising his head up, allowing both his and Luna´s eyes to find the Catalyst gem in the ceiling. “And I have had years to charge this thing… Ever since you took Her away from me.” He gave a small sneer at the end of the sentence and glared down at Luna.

The Princess looked back into his eyes, and for the first time that night, she could see those eyes she had remembered. That pure anger, rage, and blind hatred.

“You know…” he said, stepping forwards again, bringing a hoof under her chin to keep her from looking away. “I could not care less about your betrayal…” He said, causing Luna´s eyes to open in surprise. “I could not care less about the lives of your precious little ponies. The only thing I want… is Dear Sister of Mine. So I will ask you one more time…” His voice grew increasingly darker. “Release her.”

Luna stared back at The Fiend. That anger, It was unbearable to look at. His eyes were shining red with a beastly rage. The rage that all the blood drinkers all had to fight with. The beast beneath their skin.

“No,” she said softly. “I will not, Angel. And you know why. I know you do. Somewhere inside there, behind the beast, lies a pony who understands.” Luna spoke, her voice calm and comforting like the blanket of night itself. “I know you´re still there, Angel. You must understand.”

For just a few seconds, The Fiend and Luna stared into each other´s eyes. Him looking into what once had been a source of comfort and awe, but now had grown into the purest object of hatred he had. She staring back into the eyes of the beast beneath. Staring at just that little flicker she could see. The flicker of a crying Angel.

“I’m sorry.”

The words fell from Angel´s mouth, rolled onto the floor and was immediately stamped on by The Fiend turning around.

“I understand this, Princess Luna. You have Dear Sister of Mine trapped in stone,” he declared, strolling over to tap gently against the statue. “However, there is a way of unlocking this spell, it just demands a key. A key that you have in the sense of being you,” he explained, beginning to actually sound calmer again. He sent a small look over at Cheerilee, who had stopped pounding against the shield, just holding her hooves onto it and looking around, trying to decipher a way to undo the spell.

The Fiend looked back at Luna. “And much like normal locks, it is possible to create a fake key. All you need is a cast of the original key. Now creating such a cast demands a huge amount of magical energy. Lucky for me…” he said, finally getting his smirk back. “I have years of pain stored right above our heads, and more added each time our wonderful little pet vampire hammers at the Shield.” He said, turning to see Cheerilee stop, mid-buck, as she realized what he just said.

She looked back around at the different victims, taking a specific notice of their excessive panting and his pained expression.

The Fiend looked bemused before turning back to Luna. “I don’t need your cooperation, just your presence… Though I would have preferred if we just each got what we wanted and then parted ways…” he said with an overly dramatic sigh. “But alas. It seems you insist on betraying your words yet again.” He slowly stepped aside from the statue, sending a look over his shoulder to Cheerilee. “You'll see that one day she'll do the same to you. She'll lie to you. She'll betray your trust. She'll have you removed. You´re nothing to her.” He took a small pause. “You'd be better off-

“You're wrong.”

The Fiend looked in surprise as Cheerilee glared back in defiance.

“Luna is my friend. And I trust her to do what is best for Equestria. And if I ever turned into a psychopath like you or your Sister, I'd want her to lock me away,” Cheerilee said, making eye contact with Luna. The two exchanged one clear look of respect. Luna bowed her head and smiled at Cheerilee, who returned the gesture.

“Fine then…”

Both their attention was taken by the Fiend speaking up again, who began to charge up his horn.

“Let’s hope the magic of your friendship will somehow pull through in the end.”

The Fiend unleashed a powerful beam of magic straight at the Catalyst Gem, which lit up once again, the winds of magic flourishing around inside as suddenly most of its reserves were being used, and shortly after another beam shot out from the gem and straight down upon the Princess.

She threw her head back, screaming from the sudden influx of magic that felt like it was going through her very being, drawing something out of her, extracting it with force.

Cheerilee grit her teeth as she saw the Princess in pain, and seeing no way of getting to the Fiend and stopping him.

“Buck!” she cursed and hammered her hoof down into the stone floor. If the Fiend had been telling the truth, she could not keep hitting the Shield, it would only aide him.

‘What am I going to do!?’ she thought, the situation demanding a solution now, yet she could not think of one.

“Cheerilee…” A voice rasped.

Cheerilee turned around to see Pen was forcing himself to focus upon her, even with the chain lit up upon his horn.

“The shield… The chain…” He panted, trying to form his words as clearly as possible for her.

Thats when it clicked for Cheerilee.

“Of course!” She said, running over to Pen, immediately trying to pull the chain off of his horn, but the moment she began wiggling it a bit, She felt a magical shock go through her body. She exclaimed in surprise and pain, and let go of the chain again.

“No!” she growled in frustration. “It’s stuck. If I rip too much it will only charge the shield more-”

“Exactly!” Pen confirmed, causing Cheerilee to raise an eyebrow. He could see her confusion and took a hissing breath through his teeth. “You need… to make a deficit of energy.” he squeaked. “Add more, then take it away quickly….Hsssss… Cause it to fl…fluctuate!”

Cheerilee looked back at the Shield, and behind where Luna was still writhing under the Fiend´s spell. She tried to process the plan that Pen seemed to have.

“If the shield fluctuates, it means there will suddenly be a moment when the shield is weaker,” she spoke aloud, making sure that the two had the same plan.

Pen twitched slightly, but then nodded. “Yes! You… You could smash through! Just hurry! You must make it fluctuate, somehow!”

Cheerilee quickly looked around again. The shield was charged by the pain of all the victims and the residual energy from the gem, the gem was currently being used, so the victims was the most important. The chains was connected to each victim at the source of their magic, so somehow she would have to…

Cheerilee stopped. For just there, she stopped and looked down at Pen, to truly see the state he was in.

He was slightly bruised, and there was the unmistakable smell of blood, sweat, tears and sex over him. He was chained to the wall, but still allowed enough line of chains to lay down and writhe around. Small amounts of tears had been forming in the corners of his eyes for a while, but right now he was looking up at Cheerilee. There was a small amount of determination in them. They were determined, and they were looking upon her in hope. Despite everything he had been through the last forty eight hours, He was trusting her to come up with a plan.

She had.

She stepped over Pen, and gently placed a hoof down upon his chin, turning his head as to position it just perfectly.

“Pen,” she said, their eyes meeting, her own preemptive pained expression was not alleviated by the sudden realization Pen clearly got just those seconds too late. “I am so sorry.”

And with those words, Cheerilee applied pressure down upon the young unicorn, keeping him from moving and then lifted up her spare hoof.

In a swift but strong motion, she brought down all her strength down upon just the base of the unicorn's horn.

The crack just resounded inside of Cheerilee´s head with almost a sick glee in its own existence, wishing it could stay longer to torment Cheerilee, as she snapped the horn straight off the Pen´s skull.

Pen´s eyes grew as wide as they could be, and it was as if he had to scream, but could not possibly reach the level he wanted, as the most sensitive part of him, the very thing that made him a unicorn, was broken off.

In the same moment as this, immense amounts of pain rushed through the entirety of Pen´s system, and the momentary magical connection that still was between the horn and its owner, sent a sudden massive influx of energy up through the chain, striking directly into the gem, and out into the shield, which suddenly glowed immensely.

The chain with the disembodied horn then just swung backwards, clanking against the wall, no longer connected to its source of energy, and the entire chain gave up its glow and its energy.

And with that, the Shield attempted to stabilize itself, but suddenly going from having an abundance of energy, to suddenly having less than normal created too big a deficit, and it began to waver, it flickered.

That was just the moment that Cheerilee needed.

This was a moment she had to put her emotions aside, even as she leapt off of the poor pony she had just maimed. Now was the time to strike.

And strike she did. She leapt forwards, getting just enough ground to make the destined charge.

She crashed her shoulder into the Shield, which this time didn't just bulge, it cracked under the sudden pressure from the vampire Cheerilee´s immense strength.

Like smashing through a window, shards of magic was sent everywhere, and the entire bubble-like hexagram shield collapsed in on itself, all remaining energy reverting back into the catalyst gem.

Cheerilee landed firmly upon all four of her hooves, and thankfully had just enough time to steel herself as the gem acted up again.

For as suddenly the shield had cracked, the energy that was being used by the Fiend in his spell, also suddenly began to flicker weirdly. The Fiend opened one of his eyes and watched in confusion.

“Wait, nooou!-”

He didn't have the time to say more before suddenly the gem´s energy pulsed, throwing him off of his mental focus, and the entire spell suddenly flared up. The glow that was being pulled out from Luna flared as well, and the essence, magic and energy all suddenly spun around the magical system. From Luna to gem, from gem enhanced to Fiend, and back again.

Another blinding light flashed along with what sounded almost like an explosion occurred. Cheerilee had steeled herself, and only averted her eyes from the flash, but held her ground against the magical pulse. She could hear the Fiend yell in surprise, and the magical pulse had even cracked some of the floor tiles and the walls themselves had pieces of debris fall off of them.

Cheerilee turned back to look upon the scene.

The entire room had been wrecked, whatever sort of stability the room seemed to have earlier, had suddenly been replaced by this unnerving feeling that everything was broken. Cracks were all over the wall and the floor in lightning like arches, and piles of wall and ceiling had fallen a couple of places. Luckily it hadn't hit anyone.

Anyone that Cheerilee cared for.

Princess Luna was still stuck halfway in stone, and the victims were still stuck to the wall. Being able to hear everything again, it truly ate at Cheerilee to hear the pained whimpers and gasps of Pen lying behind her. She didn't want to turn around and see him. She would leave it to later. The unicorn was still awake… She had hoped the flash perhaps had knocked him out. At least then he would be at peace for a bit.

But now she had her focus upon a couple of hooves sticking out from a smaller pile of debris.

The Fiend was easy to recognize, even lying beneath the heavy debris, though his at first pained grunts turned into frustrated growls.

“You… Little…”

The Fiend punched his hooves upwards, removing the debris on top of him, and sort of flopped upwards.

“- Pea brained, blunt fanged, thin blooded-” The Fiend continued to come up with outdated slurs, when he felt something tug at his back. He tried to rise up again, but something was sticking him to the ground. He turned around and pulled at the aforementioned things. Only to stop the moment his newly formed pair of limbs were free.

Cheerilee almost had the same sort of slack jawed expression as the Fiend had, at the revelation that the Fiend had gotten a pair of wings.

“- Absolutely… Wonderful?” he said in amazement.

It was a pair of perfectly proportioned feathery pegasus wings. They looked like they had always been there, fitting together just perfectly with his back and the joints within. He flapped a few times, feeling the new muscles working. He looked genuinely as confused as Cheerilee for just a few seconds, before a grin crept upon his lips.

“Well Well Well! Seems like the interrupted gave me… a little more than a key~” He said, looking back along with Cheerilee over at Luna.

Luna looked exhausted, but she was still sporting everything, wings, cutie mark, horn everything.

Cheerilee looked back as the Fiend got slowly onto his hooves, stretching his new appendages and flaring them up with glee.

“I have gotten the key… or at least a fake enough edition of it… and now, a physical gift to Dear Sister of Mine.” He turned to face with the Statue of Fond Amour, which was still standing there like nothing had happened. He grinned and took slow steps, taking pleasure in every moment he got closer and closer to her.

“Dear Sister of Mine,” he spoke. “You were taken from me a broken mare. I shall take you back, and turn you Into a Queen,” he finished, his voice almost quivering with its own anticipation, his own dead heart beginning to pound with glee at the possibility of seeing its Sire again. The Fiend´s horn slowly began to light up. All he had to do was unlock the stone and let her out. Nothing could ruin this moment, nothing could-

“With you, as her consort I presume?” A voice interrupted.

The Fiend stopped dead in his tracks. He knew who said that. And he could just imagine the challenging face of Cheerilee standing behind him.

He turned around, finding not her challenging face, but an amused smirk placed upon her face, as she was within leaping distance of him, but just standing there for now.

“What did you just say?”

Cheerilee just calmly flicked her mane back arrogantly.

“That way you constantly describe her as ‘Dear sister of Mine’... It’s rather, forced is it not?” She asked, sounding like she was casually questioning an acquaintance, rather than a blood sucking creature, which was now slowly turning around, taking attention to her. “It sounds much more like that’s what you want people to think.”

“Dear Sister of Mine and I have been together since before we were born.” He glared back at her, his air of confidence gone and replaced with anger.

“Oh, of course you have. I heard, you're twins… But you really sound like you want more than just being ‘With’ her.” Cheerilee casually mused, keeping an eye on the fiend at all times. “Sounds much more like… an unhealthy obsession with an object of desire.” Cheerilee took upon an almost mockingly similar tone as the Fiend had, each time he had taunted her.

“Of course I desire her! I wish Dear Sister Of Mine back! Nopony can have her!” He growled, suddenly being on the receiving end was grating at his nerves.

“Nopony but you, you mean?” Cheerilee smirked in return.

The Fiend growled in anger, his new wings flared, and his eyes began to have more of that angry Kaynite fire beneath them. The red colour beginning to flare.

“Oh don’t give me that, little Fiend.” Cheerilee continued to keep the Fiend´s attention, calmly stepping around as to position herself in front of the second locked door. “It’s obvious you want her for yourself. It’s obvious you're much more interested in her than a broth-”

“Shut up!” The Fiend growled, his eyes flaring into a red shining glare, as he stepped forwards menacingly. Each step was heavy and almost the borderline of a stamp that cracked the floor tiles.

“Oh dear me, seems like I struck a nerve.” Cheerilee giggled, aping the Fiend´s way of taunting. “And judging by how angry you are, something tells me this has been going on for very long. Tell me, how often do you think of crawling into bed with her and-”

“SHUT UP!” he shrilled, The Fiend suddenly setting off in a leap, his wings flared up and his fangs bared.

The leap was fast, but Cheerilee was prepared, as she jumped aside, allowing the Fiend to plow straight into the locked metal door behind her. A comical metal bong sounded as the Fiend smashed face first into the iron door, leaving him stunned form the sudden recoil of metal.

The Fiend shook his head quickly, regaining his senses and turned around, just in time to face Cheerilee again, But not in time to stop her from grabbing his face.

Cheerilee took great enjoyment from quickly using her momentum to slam the Fiend´s head back into the door, using his head as a drumstick, and the door was the drum.

As much as Cheerilee just wanted to continue to hammer the Fiend against the door for her own entertainment, and a good bit of karma, her hammering was interrupted, sadly not by the final cracking of The Fiend´s skull, but by the cracking of the metal door she was smashing him into. The vast amount of strength being stressed against the metal had made it bulge to the point of the door no longer being considered locked by any standards.

That is not to say that the Fiend´s skull had not cracked, it had in fact, each time Cheerilee had used her vampiric strength to smash the back of the head against metal, but the same crack had just continuously healed.

Cheerilee growled in frustration as she tried one final time to crush the Fiend´s skull against the metal door, but instead of the skull giving in, the door gave in, and the two of them were flung forwards, Cheerilee toppling onto the Fiend.

The sudden loss of balance had disoriented Cheerilee for a second, which allowed the Fiend to finally summon his own strength.

“ARRRGH!” He roared as he kicked all four hooves against Cheerilee´s chest, flinging her backwards into his sanctuary again.

Cheerilee flew backwards like a cat flung off a building, but luckily that analogy was even more fitting as the vampire teacher managed to land safely upon all four of her hooves, granted, stumbling a little on the sudden change.

She readjusted herself, seeing the Fiend getting back upon his hooves, blood dripping from his mouth for a few seconds before he wiped it away and turned his fury back onto Cheerilee. His eyes were filled with anger and malice. Just as she had planned.

“Luna! You stay put! I'll take care of this!” Cheerilee spoke at the same instant the Fiend leapt for her again. This time Cheerilee mirrored the leap, but broke it off, as so she slid just beneath the Fiend, and the two had exchanged places, allowing her near the exit.

Luna who was still exhausted upon the floor after the Fiend´s spell, sent a small curious look over at Cheerilee. “Uhm… Sure…” she said. The Fiend growled again and charged after Cheerilee, who fled out the now open metal door, leaving Luna literally stuck with the other prisoners. She looked down at her hooves encased in stone. “It’s not as if I have much of a choice…” she commented snarkily despite her exhaustion.

Through the door, Cheerilee was running as fast as she could. She was holding a good distance from the Fiend, who was ferociously following behind her. She could hear for every time her hooves clanked against the floor that four more were just within earshot, and accompanied by an almost constant growl of anger. She really seemed to have stirred the hornets nest.

Only thing that put Cheerilee to a halt, was the revelation of a ladder, leading straight up through a concrete tunnel in the ceiling.

She couldn't stop now, she knew she wasn't quite there yet. If her suspicions were correct, then this could be it. Then again, she could just be running around in a circle.

She didn't have the time to think on it further, She didn't even look behind her, all she could do was head up the ladder.

Thanks to her Vampiric strength, she took it in leaps, skipping quite a few steps, and was able to scale the long ladder and the tunnel. Only to be stopped by a metal hatch.

Cheerilee caught a reflexive breath in her throat as she dared to look down. The Fiend wasn't there, but she could hear him, hear the galloping of his hooves and the distant growling yells he was throwing at her.

“STAND STILL SO I CAN TEAR YOUR TONGUE FROM YOUR MOUTH!” He yelled once, just as she came to a halt at the bottom of the ladder. He looked up, meeting with Cheerilee´s eyes and his features twisting into his sadistic glee. “There you Are!” He declared.

Cheerilee could feel her dead heart jumping as she desperately tried to turn the handle on the hatch door. She could just hear the Fiend begin to jump up the ladder, and knew that he would be there within seconds.

A loud clank sounded as the hatch was unlocked, and Cheerilee threw herself up upon the edge of the tunnel, just hoping to get out in time. She was able to get most of herself out.

But just as she was about to pull her last hind leg out, she was tugged backwards.

She turned to see the Fiend having grabbed onto her hind leg with both of his front hooves, and his newly formed wings were flaring up and out of the tunnel. He was grinning.

“Got you!” He whispered.

“No you don't!” Cheerilee shot back, as she grabbed the edge of the hatch door and with full force slammed it straight back onto the Fiend´s face and hooves.

Cheerilee could not help but smile as it had looked like a much more violent edition of ‘Whack-a-dog’ from some kind of arcade, except for this time she had just smashed an undead creature in the face with a reinforced steel hatch.

She repeated the smash a couple of times, before finally the Fiend let go, and flopped a couple of steps down on the ladder, getting his legs strangely tangled up between the metal beams on the ladder.

Cheerilee took the opportunity to quickly slam the hatch shut again, turning the circular handle to try and lock it again, but she knew she couldn't keep it there. Her eyes quickly scanned around to try and find anything she could use to bolt the hatch with, but found none.

“Buck…” She conceded to saying, after taking the decision to grab a hold of the Stake she had tied around her foreleg, ripping it from the tape in a quick tear, and jabbed the thing in between the hatch handle mechanism.

‘That should jam it for at least a few extra seconds’ She thought before getting up. She finally took a notice of that she was in some kind of old storage room, with an metal door seeming like the only way out.

The sound of metal clanking against wood was enough to urge Cheerilee on to ignore the room further and just barge out the door.

The now open door revealed the inside of a large metal structure, support beams and a large circular staircase leading upwards into the structure.

It was almost undoubtable where she was now… But she still couldnt believe it.

“This… Is just too ridiculous…” She said as she set up the stairs. She was taking strong strides and almost small jumps for each, as she skipped steps to get as far ahead as possible.

She looked over her shoulder as she heard the second sound of metal being smashed in, and a second later, the Fiend had rushed out of the door and was now at the foot of the staircase. He set off in just as quick a stride as Cheerilee, trying to catch up to her on the staircase.

‘Looks like he still hadn't Quite understood that he just got wings...’ Cheerilee thought and was thankful for this. Anything that could give her an advantage was welcome.

The two kept running up the stairs, the Fiend slowly inching closer and closer up the stairs towards his prey, but he was not able to get to her before she reached the top of the staircase.

Rushing out of the doorway at the top of the stairs, Cheerilee came to a screeching halt, as a metal railing was thankfully stopping her from falling to her death.

She reflexively grabbed the metal railing and looked down, seeing just how far down there was, Straight down to water.

She looked ahead, seeing the bay of Manehatten, the lights of the Cityscape, brightening up the night, along with a rather large one, emanating from this very structure.

Now she could see it all. She turned her head back, finally taking in the entire statue she had now gotten to the top of. The large torch held in the hoof of the mare standing atop of the platform.

She was on the Statue of Manehatten.

That took a few seconds to just truly sink in.

“The Statue… of Manehatten… I'm On… the Statue of Manehatten…” She repeated aloud. “The Statue… Of Manehatten…” This now, undeniable fact was circling in her head. The Fiend had somehow refurbished an old safe room into his sanctuary of torture and blood… Underneath the Statue of Manehatten. And it made her smile. In fact, it made her laugh. She held onto the railing as the laughter began to take complete hold over her system. This was just too ridiculous.

It was ridiculous enough to keep her full on laughing, even when the Fiend reached the top of the staircase. His face turned from twisted anger, to one of frustrated confusion.

“What Is so funny?!” He demanded to know.

Cheerilee was still laughing. She held out a hoof to signal him to wait a moment. She then took a couple of deep breaths, trying to balance out everything again, before looking back at the Fiend. “A Hideout… Under a National Landmark? Seriously?” She asked, doing her best to strangle her laughter.

The Fiend looked confused for a few more moments. He then walked out on the platform as well, looking out onto Manehatten before shrugging. “You Take what you can get…” he rationalized, turning to Cheerilee who was giggling incessantly. It was really rather grating. He rolled his eyes slightly, and took a polite step away from Cheerilee. “Can We get back to the point where I was about to rip out your throat?” He asked, with a slightly annoyed tone of voice.

“Oh, Ehehehe, Of course… Give me a moment…” Cheerilee was still giggling slightly. She braced herself against the railing, taking a deep breath to stop the giggling. “Thank you…” She stated, as she stood off of the railing to face the Fiend.

“Dont Mention i-” The Fiend responded, but was interrupted by Cheerilee suddenly leaping forwards and socking him right in the jaw. He staggered backwards, before snapping his eyes back to Cheerilee, his anger returning in an instant. She made another swing for him, but he ducked under and kited around her.

Cheerilee quickly spun around for another jab at the Fiend, but it didn't connect. Instead it was finally time for the Fiend to strike.

He ducked under her jab and swung under Cheerilee´s jaw, just powerful enough for her to flop backwards. She was saved by the railing however, hammering into it, instead of falling off of the statue.

“We remind any and all tourists that the drop is extremely dangerous.” The Fiend said rather snarkily as he calmly strolled over towards Cheerilee.

The mare shook her head, regaining her senses, just to look up, seeing the Fiend stand over her again.

He tried to stamp onto Cheerilee, but she rolled aside and skidded back onto her hooves.

Cheerilee wiped a bit of blood from her muzzle, her chin healing up almost instantly again. The hit hadn't been that powerful, but she could still feel it.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds, each trying to guess what the other would do, before the Fiend made another leap for Cheerilee.

She jumped aside, just getting out in time and letting the Fiend punch a bulge into the torch part of the statue. She saw a quick opportunity and punched him square in the jaw, sendinding him flopping back a few metres.

He was equally as quickly onto his hooves again, making almost the same gesture of Cheerilee of wiping away a small amount of blood that had escaped his muzzle. The only difference was that he got angered. Cheerilee had been hurt a lot, but she wasn't just hurting him. She was hurting his pride.

“Enough of this…” He stated firmly.

Cheerilee stepped slightly aside, finding the perfect position to fight the Winged Kaynite in front of her.

And in that instant, the Fiend leapt for her again, this time hoping to slam Cheerilee into the ground.

But Cheerilee was prepared.

She flopped onto her back, holding all four of her hooves above her, and slammed all four of them into the Fiend just as he was about to slam into her from above. This put the Fiend to a stock still in mid air above her.

Now It was Cheerilee´s turn to smirk.

“‘I hope you know how to Swim M’Dear’” She mimicked his voice, before she arched herself further backwards, and flung him back over her head. And over the railing.

He flew just over the railing, his newly formed wings only just clipping against the metal beams in a desperate attempt to save himself from the forces of gravity.

Cheerilee hadn't been as satisfied and relieved in a good while since she saw the Fiend fall over the edge, and heard his roaring voice get further and further away from her. She let go of her breath, allowing herself to flop down on the floor. For just that moment, she had time to breathe and was sure she was safe, for at least a couple of minutes. A fall from the Statue of Manehatten should most certainly crack that skull of his a bit, and all she would need was to continue her plan.

‘Now… Just need to get the flare...’ She thought, remembering her plan. She sat up and tried to rip off the flare from her leg. It resisted quite a bit, as she accidentally had fastened it a bit too well.

“Come on you little…” She mumbled beneath her breath, reaching down to try and rip off the tape individually. She was just about halfway through ripping off the tape as she looked at the second flare on her other leg. That one didn't look as well bound together. She sighed at her own little mistake there.

“Oh Well” She said, picking that and ripping it off of her leg, the ripping feeling from the tape quickly evaporating.

Now holding the flare in her hooves, she smirked. With this, the plan would come to fruition. She only hoped that Celestia would keep her promise.

Her train of thought was interrupted by the sudden swoosh of something flying through the air.

She turned around, only just in time to feel the agonizingly painful and powerful kick to the face of a perfectly placed hind hoof, sending her crashing to the ground. As her skull stuck the floor, a Second crack resounded and she dropped the flare. She looked up in shaky panic as she saw the flare roll on the ground and right off of the edge of the statue.

Her eyes flickered quickly back from the flare, and around to determine what had stuck her, even from her downed position. And there she saw him again.

The Fiend was flying.

“Did you forget I just got a Pair of Wings, M’Dear?~” He asked, letting out a fit of laughter following up, while he was floating just above the downed mare.

Cheerilee was in agony. She could feel fluids leave her skull, and any attempts at retorting was reduced to a combination of gurgles and growls. While she felt dizzy, and had trouble coordinating her hooves, she was able to reach them up to her Jaw, feeling the broken bones and heavy dislocation she had just sustained.

She glared up at the Fiend, who was only reveling in Cheerilee´s attempts at making some quick fixes upon herself. She took a deep breath and with agonizing cracks snapped her jaw back into its sockets, needing it there before the bones would heal again. In concern to her skull, she brought a shaky hoof up to just hold in any excess blood that might try to escape, while she slowly sat upwards.

“How´s the Jaw?” The Fiend tauntingly asked.

Cheerilee growled in return, He could have ended it, he knew it, she knew that he knew it, but that bastard just enjoyed breaking her bones too much. ‘Lucky for me… I guess’ She thought.

“Its…. Fine…” She hissed in return.

“Well We can't have that~” The Fiend replied, beating his wings one extra powerful time as to gain him some more air, before he made another dive for Cheerilee.

This time, she rolled out of the way, making the Fiend simply disengage and make a full circling around the torch of the statue. He was laughing all the while. “I Must say! I never thought having wings would be so Fun!” He called out from above, before swooping down a second time.

Cheerilee threw herself forwards again, barely dodging the Fiend again, before getting back upon her hooves. She threw her head back and kept her eyes on him, baring her fangs and growling. He didn't pay that much mind, instead he flew around and made another swoop down for her.

Cheerilee could feel the air being pushed aside as she narrowly escaped him yet another time by throwing herself for the floor again.

As the Fiend made his turnaround, Cheerilee was desperately fumbling for her leg, she needed to get that Flare out. She couldn't afford to lose this one, she needed to do it now!

She ripped off the flare and looked up. The Fiend was just about to swoop down upon her again, so she needed to pop the hood of the flare now. But she was barely able to get a hold of it with her teeth before the Fiend struck her. Instead of pouncing to crush her bones this time though, he grabbed her, holding her around her abdomen and ascended at a rapid speed.

Cheerilee fumbled with the flare, the thing hopping back and forth between her hooves just before she was able to catch it tightly to her chest.

The Two continued to ascend, the Fiend keeping a tight hold around Cheerilee as they flew, his newly formed wings not even seeming slightly strained.

The flight was just so fast, the lights beneath them were dimming and the cloud free night was soon mainly illuminated by the Moon, rather than the lights of the city.

And then, it stopped. The flight came to a halt as the Fiend reached the height he wanted. The two were way above cloud level, but having no clouds that night you could see the entirety of Manehatten from there.

The Fiend twirled Cheerilee around in his grasp, the two now being muzzle to muzzle, and staring each into each others eyes. The Fiend with superior glee, and Cheerilee with burning hatred.

“Why Its such a lovely night here.” He taunted Cheerilee with a smirk. “Now… Any Last Words before I watch you drop?”

Cheerilee in one swift motion lifted up her hooves and twisted the hood of the flare off, the thing lighting up in a bright light between the two, causing the two´s heads to rear backwards in undead fear of fire for just a moment, but The Fiend kept a hold of her… and sadly… The Flare.

He lowered his head and grabbed the flare between his teeth, and quickly flung it aside.

The red flare dropped. Four eyes were following it as it just fell towards the unforgiving waters below.

The Fiend gave a small chuckle. “Quite the Last Words.” He commented.

“My last words!” Cheerilee quickly added, with suddenly a much more superior smile on her face. “Is… ‘Good Morning, Fiend Amour’.”

The Fiend opened his mouth to respond, but then the trap shut.

He could feel it.

He turned his head towards the east and he saw it rise.

Celestia had raised the Sun Earlier.

It was as if someone had suddenly doused him in water and then dropped him in a bath filled with napalm. Within even a second, before he had been able to react to anything, he could feel his skin tense from the sudden pain and he could feel all of his muscles tense up from the sudden major input of pain.

He let out a Shriek. He was in agony. And it was only about to get worse.

For the second his muscles tensed, he had not the appropriate grip upon Cheerilee, and his wings were exposed.

The Purple Vampire mare took the opportunity that her plan had so perfectly given her, and grabbed for one of the Fiend´s wings.

“Have a good Drop!” She was just able to yell, before she slammed her hoof down on the tensed wing, In one strike breaking the bone and then with all her might, Pulled.

With the sudden strike, and the agonizing pain of the Sun beginning to take effect, the two dropped. Gravity took a hold of both of them, as they twirled around each other in the drop. This was mainly due to Cheerilee still holding on to the wing she just broke, but not for very long. Because in another quick motion, Cheerilee placed her back hooves against he Fiend´s body and pulled for all her might. With the bones broken, and the sudden muscle tensions and agony of the Sun beginning to literally burn the fur off of the Fiend, The flesh gave in.

With a rip and a loud squelch, Cheerilee tore the wing straight off of the Fiend´s back, sending the two flying away from each other. Cheerilee with a hoof full of wing, and the Fiend falling and slowly beginning to ignite.

To the confused ponies of Manehatten, the two were just two specs in the sky, both falling with incredible speed, but one of them, were lighting up.

Cheerilee let go of the ripped off wing, seeing it burn up in a matter of seconds, being reduced to ash in the wind, while the Fiend on the other hand was still screaming in agony. His fur had been burnt to a crisp, and now his skin was slowly getting charred as if he was thrown directly into a fireplace.

That was the last Cheerilee saw of the Fiend, because the two were falling quickly, and they were falling away from each other. Turning around in the air as to look down towards hopefully something soft she could land on, The last thing Cheerilee saw that waking morning was the unforgiving blue of the Manehatten bay.

While Cheerilee crashed with the Manehatten bay, The Fiend had a different fate.

Now Mono-winged, his crippled and charred body struck through the crown of the Statue of Manehatten, making a hole in the metal statue. His drop didn't stop, he continued to smash through the internal metal support beams. He cracked both the beams and his bones for each single he smashed into, his fall only slowing marginally for each and every metal beam that he cracked. Other beams cracked from the sudden snaps in the structures, more metal pipes and beams even falling before his broken body crashed into them, and clanging down onto the only thing that would stop his descent.

The floor.

The Fiend did not see it. He couldn't even feel it anymore. He had an overload of sensory input. He could feel was the piercing of metal through his already charred body and the sudden and enormous force of his body impacting with the floor. He could feel the sudden snaps and cracks of several more bones within him and the snapping of flesh and cords.

And then, Silence.

There he laid. His senses overloaded, his limbs pained to the level of numbness, his mind only now gathering the full reality of what had happened.

His head was leaking, none of his limbs was responding to anything anymore, and he knew what was stuck through him now. He could feel the coldness of the metal beam that he had landed on. It had impaled him through his burnt skin and was now keeping him riveted to the ground.

He tried to do something, anything, but nothing was responding. Nothing. Anything he tried, just heightened his sense of reality, and the return of the actual feeling of agony.

But the most bitter pain that crept upon his mind was not his bones, not his charred body, not his now mono winged back. It was that he was here… Stuck… And dying.

There was no way around it. He could feel it. He couldn't heal this. No amount of Kaynite Strength he wanted to sacrifice, could save his life. He needed that strength, he needed that magic for Fond. She needed it… She was still there.

But he couldn't get there… It was over.

With the last of his strength, he opened his mouth, drawing in a small shaky breath. He didn't care about the pain of breathing, or the wheezing or shaking of his voice.

He needed to say it.

Gathering everything he had within him, one more drop of blood was spilled onto the ground that day, escaping as the last tear that Kaynite had and he spoke:


Author's Note:

Aaaaaand Finally I got a freaking round to not sitting in my silly corner and keep changing things.

This, took way too much time.

This, Is in fact not the Last Chapter, we still have an Epilogue to go through. Though I thought it would be better to get this out of the way instead of milling around in a pool of uncertainty and keep it in limbo.

This story shall be Finished soon, I promise that.

For all who still wish to read this, Hope you enjoyed it so far, and PLEASE Tell me what you DIDNT like. Tell me what mistakes I have made, because I cant see it myself.

Thanks a Tons again to Totallynotabrony for the proofreading and allowing me to go nuts on the Vampire Cheerilee subuniverse.