• Published 17th Nov 2012
  • 334 Views, 0 Comments

Revenge - Thunder_Strike

Life is not always easy

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Chapter 3

Strike quickly jumped inside a bush and concealed himself as best as he could. Blue jumped through the vines and started punching his hoof against the ground, emitting a small light from the tip of his horn.
“Strike…where are you? Come out, I won’t hurt you its all okay, I was just kidding is all…”
He started searching the area slowly, calling out Thunders name teasingly. Thunder began to sweat and shake again, he found it hard to breath and his heart rate went through the roof.
“C’mon now, stop hiding, didn’t your parents ever tell you to listen to your elders?”
He trotted slowly towards the area where Thunder was hiding and he stopped to listen for any signs of life. Blue leaned in really close to the bush where Thunder hid, inspecting it thoroughly. Thunder stopped breathing and closed his eyes tightly. He felt Blues breath breeze across his mane.
“Hmmph. Come on Strike, im going to find you we both know it! Might as well save yourself the trouble and give up now.”
Blue left the bush area and started heading further into the forest continuing to call out Strikes name and call out blank threats. Strike noticed the voice fade and the light slowly disappear, but he still didn’t move, he was too afraid. He was almost caught and he was sobbing quietly, wishing he was home.

Strike was in the bush for about 10 minutes, he eventually decided to get up and try and find his way back to the road. It was dark and cold, and he didn’t know which direction the road was in, so he decided to go with his better judgement and choose the path that was opposite the one Blue had gone down. He trekked for what seemed like hours through the jungle, hopping over tree trunks. He’d occasionally flinch at the sound of birds or other animals rustling in the foliage, every so often he’d look behind him to shake off the feeling that he was being followed. He was feeling like he should just give up, that he was going around in a never ending circle. Thunder started to get very tired and weary so he sat down on a rock by some trees and closed his eyes for a while and before he knew it he had fallen asleep. He was awoken a few hours later by a large crashing sound that seemed close by. He opened his eyes almost instantly to see that a tree and fallen down, almost hitting the rock he was sleeping on. He stopped himself from shaking as much as he could and stretched out on his hooves, but he was weak and fell backwards, rolling through the trees and landing on a dirt surface surrounded by dust. Thunder shook the dust away and observed his surroundings only to find that he had landed on the Dirt road he was looking for, next to some dried up blood and the entrance to the Everfree. A large smile spread across his face and at the sight of the road he felt stronger and the will to continue returned to him. He started to gallop back along the road, heading in the direction of home. The sun was starting to set, and he was very hungry and tired, but he didn’t care because he knew once he got home that everything would be okay, he’d tell mother and father what had happened and they would take care of him. He might even get to go see the Wonderbolts because he was so brave. It was at least another 10 minutes of galloping before he finally reached the familiar fence of home. Thunder immediately trotted up to it, opening the gate and trotting up the lane, trotting of course every so often out of weakness. He managed to get up to the front door where he knocked on it.
“Mother? Father? Is Anypony there?”
It wasn’t long before the door was swung wide open revealing Cloud Strike.
“Strikey! Oh we were so worried about you! are you okay? where on earth did you go?”
Strike smiled seeing his mother at the door and managed to call her name once before collapsing onto the ground. He heard Cloud call out to his father before the darkness consumed him.

“Ughh…I don’t feel so good…”
Thunders head was stirring, and when he opened his eyes he found that he was in his bed, surrounded by his mother, father and two other ponies.
“He’s awake! Look dear he’s waking up!”
Cloud leant over the bed and gave Thunder a long warm hug as his dad came over and rested a hoof on her shoulder, smiling down at him. When Cloud broke the hug Thunder could see that she was crying a little.
“Oh Strikey dear, it’s going to be okay! You’re in your room at home now, your fathers here too see!”
“Hello son, I’m so happy you’re safe! Your mother and I were so worried!”
“But it’s okay because we aren’t letting you out of our sight again!”
One of the ponies trotted up beside the bed and looked at Cloud and Rain Strike.
“Excuse me, ma’am, sir, now that young Thunder here is awake I think it would be the opportune moment to run some tests and do a check-up, it looks like he’s been through a lot.”
This pony had a brown coat, green eyes and a cutie mark in the shape of a red cross. He looked over at Thunder.
“Thunder, I am a doctor, im here to help you and make you feel a little better okay?”
He rested a hoof on the side of the bed and gave a warm smile to the young colt to show he meant to harm to him.
“Now I want you to be a brave little colt for me, this will only hurt a little bit okay?”
He pulled out a needle, and held it up. Upon seeing this, Thunder flinched and moved back as far from the doctor as he could.
“It’s okay son, it’s going to help make you feel better. Here hold my hoof If you want to”
Rain held his hoof out to grasp Thunders hoof, attempting to calm him down.
“C’mon son, it will only sting for a little bit then it will be all over”
Thunder nodded his head slightly and closed his eyes and before he knew it, it was over. Thunder rubbed a hoof along his arm and laid back down, looking back at his parents.
“Well from the looks of him he’ll be fine. He just needs to rest for a few days. May I ask what happened to him?”
“We don’t know! He just disappeared one day and came back a few days later, collapsed on the porch and now he’s here! We looked all over for him we were worried sick!”
The other pony, who was significantly taller than the other 4, trotted forward and kept his gaze on Rain and Cloud.
“I suppose that’s why you called the attention of the royal guard then?”
This unicorn had a white coat and blue eyes. He stood taller than the rest and his expression never changed from the stern one it always was.
“If this was a case of getting lost than obviously there is nothing we can do and it’s over now, I trust that there is a legitimate reason I have been sent here?”
When he spoke, his voice was deep and sounded very official. Rain Strike turned his attention from Thunder to the guard.
“Yes, who knows where he went other than our poor Thunder himself!”
“Let me have a talk to the colt, see what I can find out. If it’s something major we will do the best we can to help in any way possible. If not, then I’m afraid there’s not much the royal guard can do to help.”
He trotted over and looked down at the colt.
“Young Thunder, you need to tell me what happened, don’t leave anything out okay? We are all here to help you now you’ll be okay.”
Thunder strike looked up to him from the bed and spoke in a mere whisper.
“I don’t want to! They’ll hurt me more!”
“They? Who are they? Please you need to tell us, nopony is going to hurt you, you’ll be fine.”
Strike looked up at his father and mother, looking at them as if they would be able to tell the guard everything, had they known what happened. Cloud placed a reassuring hoof onto Strikes arm and stared at him.
“Strikey, just tell the guard, nopony can help you if you don’t tell us what happened”’
He sat there in the bed, and just shook his head. The guard turned his attention to the couple sitting by the bed.
“Never mind, he seems to have had a rough time…let him have some more rest, and call us back when he’s feeling better.”
The guard turned around and left the room without giving them a chance to respond, the sound of the front door opening, and quickly closing soon followed. The Doctor stood up, and spoke briefly to them.
“I think it would be best if I left as well. As the guard said, you should let him rest; he’ll feel better later on. If you have any more troubles you should get me as soon as you can.”
“Thankyou, surely he will be fine from here on though”
The Doctor nodded slightly, and left the house making his way back to Ponyville. Rain stood back up and brushed the mane out of his eyes.
“Thunder, if you need anything at all just ask, your mother and I will be downstairs if you need us, you try and rest up now, you’ll feel better by tomorrow.”
They started to head out the door, but a tired voice stopped them before they left.
“No don’t leave!”
Cloud turned around and trotted back towards Thunder, bending down and hugging him.
“Sweety, it will be okay. Nopony will hurt you your safe now.”
And with that, she turned around, and walked out, softly closing the door behind her, leaving Thunder to finally get some sleep. Thunder stared at the door for a while, he felt secure now. A sense that he had not felt for some time. He rolled onto his back, looked up at the ceiling and fell into a peaceful sleep.