• Published 10th Jan 2013
  • 5,573 Views, 74 Comments

Return To The Haven - Sweet Tale

Jason and Celestia spend another day together, along with an extra visitor.

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Chapter 3

"Ugh...oh man..."

It felt like I had just spent an hour on one of those spinning rides you find at the fair. You know the ones when they just spin and you go up the wall? Yeah those.

"Jason? Are you alright?"

Celestia's worried voice rung through my head as I tried to pick myself up from the cold, hard floor. Gradually getting into a seated position, my head decided to have another spinning episode and I started to wobble. "I'm...I not so good. I'm...uh-oh." My stomach was sending me a warning. The stomach express was about to lift off. "Sorry about this."

"About what?" I leant forward and heaved, coughing ferociously. "OH! Oh no! Oh Jason..." Celestia said sympathetically.

Finishing my internal evacuation, I opened my eyes slowly and caught a glimpse of Celestia looking down at me. "Sorry." I groaned and rubbed my eyes so they could focus. "What happened?"

"Your wife was returning home and you asked me to leave. But...I panicked." Celestia sheepishly replied.

"You panicked? Wait...SARAH!" I shot my head up and looked around. "Quick, you need to...need to...huh?" I wasn't in my home. I was in a giant room, enormous in size. "Where am I?" I looked up at Celestia. "What did you do?" She broke her gaze with me and looked away. My temper was rising but I tried to keep my cool. "Celestia, what did you do?" I asked sternly.

"I...I teleported back to Canterlot...but...you came with me."

"I...you...wha..." I was speechless. I slowly got to my feet and looked around properly. Then it hit me - this room. I now recognised where I was. "This is...this is the throne room." I noticed the giant throne and slowly approached it, walking up the red rug. Raising my hand slowly, I touched the golden seat and felt the smooth texture of the edge of it. "This is...I'm really...oh my god."

"Jason I...are you OK?" Celestia asked from behind me.

"I er...I..." I turned around to face the solar princess. "I'm really here aren't I?" I asked, a small smile creeping onto my face. Celestia slowly nodded but her face remained sullen. "So what really happened? I remember telling you that Sarah's a gossiper like Rarity, then you got up quickly and everything went white."

Celestia hung her head and closed her eyes. "Your wife was nearly entering your home. I cast my teleportation spell to take me back but I overpowered it. In essence, the area of the spell grew and took you along with it. I do hope you can forgive me Jason."



"Huh? Over here, I'm just...wow, these are beautiful." I was observing the stain glass windows, depicting events in Equestria's history. I was standing under the one which showed the Mane 6 sealing Discord in stone again. The sun was just at the right angle and the light shone through the colourful display of glass, reflecting a plethora of colours onto the floor below it. "Sorry, what did you say?"

Celestia shook her head. "I said I hope you can forgive me for taking you to Equestria without asking."

"Are you kidding?! I'm not mad at all! Do you know how long I've wanted to come here? How long I've dreamed of coming here?" I turned and observed the rest of the throne room. "This is incredible. Astonishing." I then noticed a puddle of something rotten. "Sorry about puking though..."

Celestia chuckled. "That is quite alright. I will have somepony clear it up."

"Speaking of which, where are your guards? Shouldn't they be here protecting you from the new and mysterious creature?" I said with a laugh.

"They have already seen you." My eyes widened in shock. "Do not fear, I dismissed the guards before they could question me further. All they know is that you are a creature in need of some help. When we arrived back here, you were unconscious and the guards were all alert at the appearance of you. A simple explanation from me sufficed." Celestia explained.

"And they bought it?"

"I'm the Princess. They should do." We both laughed at that. "But I do feel terrible about something."

"Hmm? What's that?" I asked.

"We left your wife alone in your home and left it in a mess."

I slapped my head in frustration. "Ohhh nooo. Sarah's gonna go barmy. I left the TV on, the 360, the lights, everything! She always moans at me about keeping the cost of electricity down." I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. "Alright so...what happens now?"

"I can return you to Earth immediately. This will cut our time short I am afraid for which I apologise." Celestia said.

"Yeah, that's probably for the best. But still..." I gestured to where we were. "Look where you've brought me. There are thousands of people who can only dream of visiting a place like this. For what it's worth, even though our time was short, you've made it amazing and for that I thank you."

A yellow glow enveloped my body as I was levitated towards Celestia, who put her wings around me. "You are most welcome. Shall I send you back now?"

"Yeah, OK...just let me leave viewing the throne room. I can't believe how beautiful it is..." I ask. Celestia releases me and turns me around. I wait as I hear Celestia's horn charge. I take one last look around the throne room, marvelling in the medieval-esque decor and the elegant designs. The stain-glass window depicting Celestia and Luna...wait..."Wait, stop a second!"

I turn around to see Celestia's horn deplete it's magic. "What is the problem?" she asks.

"You came to my home to visit me right? So no-one would be here during the day right?"

"Oh of course not! My sister, Luna, will be taking over for a few days." Celestia explained.

"Right. So if she is supposed to be here during the day then...where is she?" I said, gesturing towards the empty throne.

"Well she..." Celestia froze as she realised what I meant. "But...she should be here. Where could she...Jason, do you trust me?"

"Uhh...I...yeah of course." I replied hesitantly.

"I need to explore the castle in search of my younger sibling. Which means you will remain here. But I will disguise you. Please remain still." Celestia's horn glowed and shot a beam of light at me. Shutting my eyes and waiting for the pain, I felt none. "There you are."

I opened my eyes to see...that nothing changed. "What was that for?"

"I have cast an invisibility spell on you. Only you and I can see your body."

"Holy..." I couldn't believe what she did. I was invisible! "Sure this will work?"

"Positive. Now, please remain here. I will return shortly." With a flash, Celestia disappeared. I stood there, thinking about what I should do now.


With another flash, Celestia returned to the throne room. Spotting me, she cast another spell on me. "You are back to normal...but we have a problem."

"Can't find her?" I reply.

"She is not in the castle..." Celestia narrowed her eyes. "But I know where she has gone..." she finished coldly. "And if my assumptions are correct...then your wife may have a visitor."

"Sarah?" My brain cogs spun and I realised what she meant. "You mean...she's gone to Earth?!" I asked with worry.

"I'm almost certain. I was searching the castle and picked up a strong magical residue from where I teleported from earlier this evening. At first I thought it was mine but...the magic was different. It had a different feel...a feel that I recognise all too much."

I put my hands to my face and dragged them down. "Ohhh...this is bloody fantastic...so what we do?"

"The only thing we can do." Celestia's horn began charging again. "We will return to Earth and locate my sister."

"And what if you're wrong?" I ask. Celestia glared at me but said nothing. Her horn kept charging and charging. Another yellow glow surrounded us both as her spell was nearly ready to use. "I just hope that Sarah hasn't seen Princess Luna...that's gonna be tough if she has."

"Princess Celestia!" I knew that voice. I turned my head to the throne room door to see a pony which made me fanboy scream inside. "I haven't seen you in...er, Princess?"

"Not now Twilight! Another time!" Celestia shouted before my vision was lost once again in a flash of white.

Landing with a thump, my eyes quickly regain their vision. We were back in my house. I looked around to see that neither Sarah or Luna were here.

"Are you OK?" Celestia asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm alright. Wasn't as bad as last time." I realised that the TV and the 360 were switched off. "This is different. She's been back but...she's not here now. Can you sense Princess Luna at all?"

"I...I sense something but..."


A tea cup. She WAS here. "Uhh...Sarah? Honey?" I slowly approached the kitchen. Before I could enter, my wife walked out and gave me and Celestia glares.

"You have some explaining to do." she ordered coldly.

"OK, alright. Look, I can explain everything." I started.

"Oh I know most of it!" She stared at Celestia. "One of YOUR friends told me!" she stated loudly.

"Does that mean--"

"Greetings dear Sister!" My mouth hung open in shock. As if going to Equestria wasn't the highlight of my day, this certainly was. Princess Luna, in all of her glory, slowly entered the room, smiling at Celestia.

I walked backwards and fell into my armchair, sighing heavily and pinching the bridge of my nose. "Fan...tastic..."

Author's Note:

Hey guys. Bit of a filler chapter here. The next chapter will be the last...or maybe the one after if I decide to do another. Next chapter will be better than this one!