• Published 16th Nov 2012
  • 3,975 Views, 85 Comments

Sisterly Love - Lux

Two ponies are drawn into a strong bond of sisterhood

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The Ugly Truth

Chapter 8 – The Ugly truth

Rainbow Dash flew over Ponyville looking for Scootaloo. She knew that this conversation couldn’t wait another day or even another minute. What she had to say was important, more important than anything she ever talked to the filly about in the past. Her mind was a blend of being upset that Scootaloo had lied to her all these years rather than just telling her of all ponies the truth along with a desire to know what brought the orange Pegasus to such low state.

The rainbow manned Pegasus checked every place in town and asked every pony she could find. None had seen the filly since the afternoon, which Rainbow Dash knew that she spent the afternoon with Scootaloo. She then flew to Sweet Apple Acres, hoping that she’d catch the orange Pegasus at the Cutie Mark Crusaders’ clubhouse. As she approached she heard the joyful sounds of three fillies talking and landed on a cloud overhead the farm area. There she spotted the three Crusaders in front of the barn walking in the direction of the orchard. The mare knew she had to catch Scootaloo before she went in; otherwise she would have to wait for the three to reach the clubhouse.

“Scootaloo,” she shouted as she landed right in front of the three Crusaders causing them to jump back in shock.

“Oh hi Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo said, “What’s up?”

“Are you going to help us get our cutie marks,” Sweetie Belle said innocently.

“If you’re looking for my sister, she’s in the house,” Apple Bloom said thinking that Rainbow Dash was here to talk to Applejack.

“No girls,” Rainbow said curtly, “I’m not here to help you get your cutie marks, and I’m not here to see Applejack. Scootaloo, we need to talk.”

“Um… ok,” she said confused. The other fillies just stood by wondering what was so important for Rainbow to tell Scootaloo.

“What I mean is we need to talk alone,” Rainbow Dash said seeing that the other fillies confused, “Sorry, girls. This is between Scootaloo and me.”

“What’s goin’ on here,” Applejack said as she approached the four ponies.

“I need to talk to Scootaloo alone,” Rainbow Dash said.

The earth pony gave a confused look to her friend to which Rainbow Dash leaned over and whispered into Applejack’s ear about what she found. The orange mare’s eyes lit up in surprise at the news but she then tried recollected herself and gave a solemn nod to her friend.

“Apple Bloom? Sweetie Belle? Why don’t you two come in the house for a little? Maybe Granny Smith can teach you how to make her award winnin’ apple cake.”

“Yay! Cutie Mark Crusaders Apple Cake Bakers,” the two fillies shouted with joy as they followed Applejack into the house.

“So, you wanted to talk to me,” Scootaloo said still confused.

“Yes,” Rainbow Dash said seriously, “Look, you say you want me to be your sister, right?”

“Definitely,” Scootaloo said.

“And sisters are always loyal to each other and trust each other, right?”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo said confused at where the conversation was going.

“So why have you been lying to me all this time?”

“Lying? I’m not lying about anything,” Scootaloo said defiantly.

Rainbow Dash realized that she was in jeopardy of angering Scootaloo to the point of her possibly running off. If that happened, she might never get to see the pony she loved so much like a sister ever again. She knew the time for arguing was over. She had to tell the filly what she knew.

“Scootaloo,” she said calmly, “I know where you’ve been living. I’ve seen the basement in the vacant house. Look, I may be upset at you not telling me of all ponies the truth, but I’m more upset that you have to live like that. So I want to know as you friend, as your sister, where are your parents and where’s your real home?”

The filly at first felt angry that Rainbow Dash had discovered the truth, but she knew that one day some pony would find out. At least it was some pony she could trust. She wanted to run away, pack up, and leave Ponyville for a new town. Then she realized that she could no longer run from her problems. She had friends now and a pony she considered a sister, all of whom loved her so much and all who would miss her terribly if she left. She had to tell the truth.

“Ok,” she said sitting under a nearby tree, “the fact is I don’t have parents or a home.”

“You mean to tell me you’re an orphan?”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo said tears welling up in her eyes, “I was left on the doorstep of the orphanage in Canterlot I think when I was a little foal. I don’t think I was even old enough to talk. No pony at the orphanage could find my parents, so I had to stay there. Most of the caretakers at the orphanage were nice, but there was this one old pony, Miss Strict, who was very mean. She called us all names and she made us do chores like scrubbing the floors. The other kids were also mean. They used to make fun of me since I couldn’t fly so well and that I was smaller than most. They’d tease me, take my things, and even beat me up. One night I had enough, so when everypony was asleep I snuck out. I took the only things I had and this Scooter from the play area and never looked back. It took a few days, but I finally reached the nearest town of Ponyville.”

“Why didn’t you tell some pony that you were an orphan,” Rainbow Dash said feeling tears streaming down her eyes after hearing Scootaloo’s story.

“Are you kidding? I was afraid that if somepony knew, they’d send me back I don’t ever want to go back there! I’d rather be dead.”

Finally the two ponies could not contain their sadness any longer. They hugged and cried bitter tears for what seemed like an eternity. They cried for the pain. They cried for the unforgiving reality. Most importantly they cried as a sign that they cared for each other so deeply.

“Scootaloo, I’m so sorry,” Rainbow Dash said through her tears, “I’m sorry you had to go through with that. I’m sorry that I didn’t know sooner what was going on.”

“I’m sorry too,” Scootaloo sobbed, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you or anypony else. I’m sorry that I lied to you.”

“I’m glad you told me,” Rainbow Dash said, “Now I can help you.”

“You’re not going to tell anypony that I’m homeless, right?”

“The truth is kid, that some of my friends know that you were living in the basement because they saw you leave there, but they aren’t going to tell anypony else I promise.”

“So, what are you going to do,” the filly said.

“I have a plan,” Rainbow Dash said, “but I need a little time to put it together. Can you trust me?”

“Yes,” Scootaloo said, “I still trust you.”

“Good. Now go play with your friends. I’ll explain the plan hopefully tomorrow.”

With a silver lining in the otherwise grey cloud of her situation, Scootaloo dried her eyes and went into the house and back to her friends, trusting that Rainbow Dash had a good plan like she said.

The mare then flew back to Ponyville as fast as she could and landed in front of the Golden Oaks Library. She then took a deep breath as she knocked on the door.

“I’m coming,” a voice was heard inside.

The door then opened and Twilight Sparkle greeted her rainbow manned friend.

“Oh Rainbow, did you find Scootaloo? What happened? Did you tell her what you found?”

“Yeah, I told her,” Rainbow dash said as she entered the library, “I’ll explain that to you later. Right now I need your help. This is not just for me, but for Scootaloo.”

“Anything,” Twilight said without hesitation.

“I need to send an urgent letter to Princess Celestia. You’ll understand when I tell you.”
“Ok,” Twilight said, “Let me get Spike.”

The mare then shouted for the baby dragon who promptly ran down the stairs.

“What’s up you two,” Spike said seeing Twilight and Rainbow standing there.

“Spike, I need you to take a letter for Rainbow Dash. It needs to be sent urgently.”

“Got it,” the baby dragon said as he searched the library for a quill, ink and paper.

“Oh, and this letter has to be a secret, so please don’t tell anypony,” Rainbow Dash said.

“What kind of secret,” the dragon said jokingly.

The two mares stared at Spike with a look that spelled doom for him if he were to tell.
“Fine, sheesh,” the dragon said, “I was only joking. I’m ready when you are Rainbow.”

The Pegasus cleared her throat and began dictating the letter.

“Dear Princess Celestia…”