• Published 25th Oct 2012
  • 7,023 Views, 119 Comments

Follow the Melody - Astrocity

Lyle Hartston finds himself in Equestria. He meets Lyra Heartstrings. Human to pony story.

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Mixed Feelings

I know I said I was hungry before, but now… I wasn’t so sure. Sitting in front of me was a plate filled with what I assumed was hay and a salad with dandelions mixed with the green, leafy vegetables. My stomach was telling me to gorge on the food in front of me, but my brain was saying “this shit ain't real food.”

After a few minutes of contemplating and staring at what was essentially a plate of grass and flowers, I decided to try out my new diet. Maybe I developed a new taste for grass and flowers? Who knows? I gingerly took a dandelion in my teeth and started chewing the flower. Well… it tasted like I expected it would taste. Like a flower. There was no other way to describe it. I didn’t know why I was expecting it to taste like anything else. Although, it did have a hint of sweetness that I probably wouldn't have tasted if I was human. I dug into my dandelion salad. It wasn't really my favorite food in the world, but it was still okay. I would much rather eat a cheeseburger right now.

As I was eating my vegan meal, I noticed Bon Bon staring at me and Lyra, who sat next to me at the dinner table. Starting to feel uncomfortable with her staring, I spoke up. "Something wrong, Bon Bon?"

She shook her head, realizing that she had been staring. "Nothing's wrong. It's just... With you sitting side by side with Lyra, you look a lot like her." Lyra, hearing Bon Bon's observation, took another look at me while chewing on some hay. With me sitting right next to her, I looked like a miniature, colt version of her.

"You know, I never really noticed until you pointed that out. Heh, if somepony walked by, they would probably think we're siblings or something,” Lyra said, giving me a little nudge with her elbow.

I gave an awkward laugh. "Ha, yeah... siblings..." I wasn’t sure why, but I felt a bit of disappointment when she said "sibling." That feeling quickly dissipated when she pointed out another thing about me.

"Hey! I just realized that our names our pretty similar too! Lyra Heartstrings. Lyle Hartston. Pretty weird coincidence, right, Lyle?"

Bon Bon gave me a curious look. "Your full name is Lyle Hartston?"

I swallowed some strands of hay, which had a dry taste to it, and took a gulp of water from my glass before replying. "Yeah, I had to cut our introduction short remember?"

"Oh right. You were in a rush when you almost bumped into me a while ago. I take it everything went alright?" Bon Bon joked.

I smiled sheepishly, a blush starting to form on my face after recalling my “interesting” experience to the bathroom. "Uh, yeah. Just fine, thank you."

Both Lyra and Bon Bon giggled at my reaction. "So, Lyle Hartston? That's an interesting name. So where are you from before ending up in the Everfree Forest?" asked the earth pony.

Before I could respond to Bon Bon's question, Lyra answered for me instead. "He's from A-Mare-ica!"

Like I thought, this earned a perplexed look from Bon Bon. "A-Mare-ica? Where’s that?"

"It's a faraway place from here," I answered, trying to remain as vague as possible. "It's kind of a secluded place, so not many ponies know about it." I hoped the two mares bought it. I didn’t want to shatter the newly formed trust I made with them. Luckily, they seemed to accept my explanation that I was from some far, exotic place as they nodded..

At this point, we had finished eating dinner. Lyra brought the dirty the dishes to the sink. I trotted up to her, still a little shaky in my steps. “Need any help, Lyra?” I asked. Even though I wasn't completely used to my new body, I couldn’t just eat all their food without doing a little something in return. It was the least I could do.

She looked down at me with a warm smile. “Thanks for the offer, Lyle, but I think I can handle it here. You just make yourself comfortable while I finish this up.” Before I could say any more on the matter, the plates and utensils were wrapped in a yellow glow and began flying into the sink, where they were systematically scrubbed, rinsed, and dried, before being neatly stacked. It had only been a few minutes before she finished. She made magic look so easy.

Damn, I wish I could use magic. Better make that one of my priorities. While I’m in Equestria, I better make use of all the perks that come with it. I mean, who wouldn't want to do magic?

With the dishes washed and dried, Lyra glanced at a clock that hung on the wall of the kitchen, revealing that it was now a quarter-past nine. "It's getting pretty late, and we should sleep soon. Don't you think so, Lyle?"

Bon Bon had already gone to her room, saying something about getting up early for work, so it was just the two of us in the kitchen. I, however, didn't even feel tired at all. I felt wide awake after sleeping through most of the day. I didn't want to sleep this early; it was like reliving my childhood when my parents set a curfew. Also, back at home, I was used to staying up past midnight and even into early morning, doing whatever.

"Lyra, isn't it a little early to go to bed?" I asked.

"Lyle, growing young colts need their sleep if they want to grow up big and strong," she said in a tone that reminded me of my mother.

If I was still human, I would insist that I wasn't a little kid and maybe mix in some profanity. But, I didn't want to cause her any trouble since she was letting me stay after all. So, I reluctantly complied.. "Alright. I'll just sleep on the couch then."

Before I could take a step towards the couch, the green unicorn stepped in front of me, obstructing my path. "Lyle, you don't have to sleep on the couch. You're still hurt from last night. You can take my bed for the night instead."

The hospitality of these ponies knew no bounds. Lyra had done nothing but give to me, and I felt I should refuse her offer. It was only right. "Lyra, you don't have to do that. Really! I'm feeling much better now thanks to you. I'll sleep on the couch, and you can have your bed back." Although I tried to do the right thing, Lyra wouldn’t take no for an answer. What can I say? She was a stubborn mare.

"I don't mind letting you sleep in my bed, so you take it."

I shook my head. "No no, I insist.'

I watched as her brows furrowed and her mouth turned into a frown. "Lyle, if you're that insistent on not letting me sleep on the couch, then I guess we could share the bed. I'm sure the bed is big enough for the two of us since you're little enough," she said as she began to walk upstairs.

I was a little irritated that she called me "little." However, I felt the heat rush to my cheeks at her suggestion that we share the bed... together -- a male and female pony lying in the same bed. With the intensity of my blush, I was pretty sure my face was taking on a crimson shade like that of a rose. Remember Lyle, she's a pony. A cartoon pony. It's not like she has feelings for you. She still thinks you're a colt, and I highly doubt pedophilia exists in Equestria. Right...?

With these thoughts in mind, I slowly walked upstairs trying to catch up to her, so I can protest against the idea and give her the many reasons why we shouldn't. However, before I could speak out my thoughts, she walked out of the bathroom and levitated a brand new toothbrush to me. "Here's a spare toothbrush, Lyle, Be sure to brush your teeth before going to bed." With a sigh, I grabbed the toothbrush with my mouth and headed into the bathroom.

I was starting to get used to using hooves to grab things. How I managed to hold a toothbrush with one hoof confused me to no end. but I decided it was best to not think about it, no matter how much it didn't make sense. After brushing my teeth, which I found were only slightly different than that of a human's, I walked towards Lyra's room, light spilling out of her room into the dark hall.

As I was walking, I heard some muffled snores coming from the room across Lyra's room, which I figured was Bon Bon's room. When I entered the room, Lyra was getting another pillow set up at the bed for me. I was about to protest against the idea of sleeping together, but the door quietly closed behind me. A familiar, golden glow surrounded me, and I was brought under the covers of the bed and tucked in. Lyra turned off the light switch, bathing the room in darkness save for the sliver of moonlight coming from the crack of the curtains of the window.

She walked towards the other side of the bed and slipped under the covers. The bed was big enough to accommodate both of us with only a few inches of space between us. Though, this was too close for comfort for me.

She's a pony. She's just a pony. We're just friends sharing a bed. Nothing more!

I felt the bed shift as Lyra turned to face me. "Goodnight, Lyle."

"G-goodnight, Lyra," I managed to reply back.

Silence filled the room soon after. The only sounds heard were the soft breathing from the mare sleeping beside me and my own heartbeat. I was wide awake. I couldn't sleep with the mare sleeping only inches away from me. I decided I would use this time to plan out my next course of action.

First, learn how to use magic. I can't really do much with hooves after all. Second, get to know the ponies in Ponyville, especially the show’s stars. Third, find a way to pay back Lyra and Bon Bon. Maybe find a way to earn some bits. And fourth, find a way back home. I can probably ask the princesses for help, but to do that, I'm gonna need to convince Twilight that I'm from another universe or whatever. But... what if they don’t know how to send me back?

A foreleg draped over me, and I was suddenly pulled towards Lyra. I could tell she was still sleeping because she kept mumbling something about hands. Well, at least now I know that the fandom was right about the human thing.

She then proceeded to hug me in a vice-like grip, squeezing the air out of my lungs. CAN'T BREATHE! NEED AIR! I tried to wiggle my way out of her grip, but to no avail, I was trapped in her death grip. These mares were a lot stronger than I thought. I was at least able to position myself so that I was able to breathe and thankfully not die from suffocation. However, that left me in an uncomfortable situation since my face was now in front of hers, just barely touching.

Even in the darkness, I could still see her face. Her eyes were still closed, and her face was very peaceful. Every time she exhaled, I could feel her warm breath on my face and smell the hint of minty toothpaste from her breath. I thought it was pretty cute that there was a small trail of drool coming from the corner of her mouth.

Wait, did I just think she was cute? Well, she is... but I don't mean cute as in the 'I want to have sex with you' kind of way. I mean cute like a small puppy. Adorable, that's it! She’s adorable! Wait...

There was something about her -- her innocence that filled me with warmth. In a cartoon world where violence was a very rare occurrence, she never had to see or hear about things like war, murder, or rape that can be found in my world. If she ever found out I was human, I don't want to tell her about what my world was like. I didn't want to ruin something so pure and innocent by exposing her to the flaws of my world.

As if sensing my distress, she pulled me close to her chest and laid her head on top of mine, barely avoiding the horn at the top of my head. I lost myself in her warm, comforting embrace, the hairs of her soft fur brushing against my face. I felt all my worries melt away.

I guess I could worry about that later if the time ever comes. For now, I guess I should just enjoy my stay in Equestria. I can get used to this. I buried my face into her neck, enjoying her smell and touch.

A wet sensation on top of my head -- that was all it took to ruin the moment. The saliva that was leaking out of her mouth was now trailing down onto my mane. All the adorableness I thought she held at that point was gone in an instant, shattered by the wet feeling that trailed from the top of my head. Since I couldn't move at all, I was forced to sleep with Lyra drooling on me. And so, I spent my night as Lyra's huggable pony pillow.


While the residents of Ponyville were fast asleep in their homes, a certain lavender unicorn was still awake inside her tree house. In one of the windows, a faint light can be seen. A single candle sat on a wooden desk. Most ponies would think that it would be a bad idea to have a lit candle inside a tree, where tinder and firewood was abundant. But what most ponies didn’t know was that Twilight's home was actually enchanted to protect the tree house and books from fire and such.

Scrolls and books were strewn all over the desk. Star Swirl the Bearded's Theory of Teleportation. Object Displacement and You. Teleportation 101. Introduction to Child Psychology. Twilight searched through all these scrolls and books, fervently writing on a parchment, using her quill with her magic. Her only company was a brown owl, perched on the window sill of her library. Her draconic friend was nowhere to be seen, most likely snoring away and dreaming of knights in shining armor and damsels in distress.

Something was on Twilight's mind. It was a feeling, as if something didn't fit or was missing. This very feeling was connected to the appearance of the unicorn colt. How did Lyle end up in the Everfree Forest? Lyle doesn't seem like the colt to cause trouble. Also, why wasn't he sent to an orphanage if his parents are gone? Something doesn't seem right, she thought.

A loud yawn escaped her, her eyes straining to stay open. The fact that he looks like Lyra just seems too uncanny. His name even sounds too much like Lyra. As she pondered on the mysteries surrounding the mysterious colt, she blew out the candle, shrouding the library in the darkness of the night.

As she began to trot up the stairs to her room, she turned her head towards her feathered friend. "Goodnight, Owlowiscious."

The owl responded with a simple "Hoo." Twilight smiled at her nocturnal assistant and headed towards her room, where a baby dragon slept. Maybe some questions will be answered at the Everfree Forest. With that thought, she slipped under the covers of her bed and drifted into slumber.