• Published 24th Oct 2012
  • 19,503 Views, 268 Comments

Cutie Bloom - Black Kyurem

Apple Bloom disappears from Ponyville. Who or what was the cause?

  • ...

Day 8: Hope

~ Day 8 ~

"I wanted a cutie mark... because they picked on me... for not having one."

Applejack did not show up in Ponyville the following morning. Twilight feared that with Apple Bloom gone for five nights straight, Applejack's condition was more than likely beyond grief. She and Spike hurried down to Sweet Apple Acres, where she found Big Macintosh and Granny Smith in a state of depression. She noticed that other strong ponies were helping with the apple-bucking that needed to be done, as Applejack and Big Macintosh had been unable to do much in their depressed conditions.

"Big Mac," said Twilight. "Where's Applejack?"

"She's upstairs in her room," he replied. "But ah should say it's not a pretty sight."

"You've seen her?"

"Eeyup." So Twilight and Spike went into the house.

"What do you think could have happened?" asked Spike.

"Poor Applejack has been worried sick," said Twilight. "Apple Bloom's been gone for five days and five nights."

"This is bad," murmured Spike. "I wish we could do something."

"I know." They headed upstairs and came to the door of Applejack's room, where they heard Winona whining. "Applejack? Are you in there? Applejack?"

"I'm not about to wait," said Spike, entering Applejack's room first. Twilight was about to go in after him, when suddenly... "Aaaaaaah!!!!" Spike ran out of the room screaming. "Zombie pony! Zombie pony!"

"Spike?" Confused, Twilight went into Applejack's room herself. "Applejack? It's me, Twilight. Are you..." But when she saw her, she let out a loud gasp. Applejack was lying on her bed looking like a complete mess. Her mane and tail were more messed up than ever, still missing her hair bands, her face was coated in tear stains, she had dark circles under her swollen red eyes, and she looked somewhat starved. The poor cowgirl pony could barely move or talk. She was living as one already dead.

"Apple... Bloom..." she moaned. Poor Winona was in tears over Applejack's condition. Twilight Sparkle also came to tears and hurried to her friend's side.

"Oh, Applejack," she cried. "What's happened to you?! You look terrible!"

"Twi... Where's... Apple... Bloom...?"

"I'm sure she's fine, AJ, but you need to take care of yourself. You look like you haven't eaten or slept in days!"

"C... can't... Apple... Bloom... Please... come home..." Twilight shed tears and nuzzled Applejack's decrepit body. Winona cried. Out on the streets of Ponyville, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were crying heavily and Cheerilee was doing her best to comfort them, but she too was beginning to cry herself. Silver Spoon was also crying seeing them, so she bravely came to them.

"I'm so sorry, Miss Cheerilee," Silver Spoon wept. "Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, please forgive me!" The fillies must have because they pulled Silver Spoon into a group hug, all four now crying their eyes out. Diamond Tiara saw them as well, but her sympathy meter was practically empty, so she turned around and walked the other way.

"Freaks," she said to herself. She still didn't feel sorry for Apple Bloom, though she was likely upset that Silver Spoon didn't want to be friends with her anymore. All the flyers that had photos of Apple Bloom declaring her missing were being taken down by sad ponies, due to Twilight and Mayor Mare's request. Although the Cutie Mark Crusaders caused mischief and mayhem several times over, the denizens of Ponyville finally realized it was all unintentional and they were still good little fillies at heart. And now that they knew who had talked the fillies into scandalizing Ponyville, they were greatly saddened that Apple Bloom from Sweet Apple Acres was gone.

Back at Sweet Apple Acres, Twilight had left Applejack's house and found Big Macintosh and Granny Smith in a state of mourning. Other ponies were starting to get tired of doing all the work for Applejack and Big Macintosh and Twilight realized they couldn't keep doing this forever.

"Ah reckon we may be closin' down the farm soon," said Granny Smith.

"Oh, don't say things like that," said Twilight. "I know it's been five nights since Apple Bloom ran away, but we have to make sure Sweet Apple Acres stays in business. Ponyville needs the food it provides."

"How do we do that?" asked Granny Smith. "Applejack is in no condition, Big Mac is too depressed, and ah sure as hay ain't no apple bucker." Twilight sighed. Soon, she came to the streets of Ponyville and found Cheerilee crying.

"Cheerilee?" Twilight walked up to her and put her hoof around her.

"Oh, Twilight," she wept softly. "I feel that this is my fault."


"I was there when Apple Bloom was teased for not having a cutie mark. I'm the one who appointed Diamond Tiara as editor-in-chief of the Foal Free Press. Some ponies hated me for a while because of that. But I never imagined things would become so bad. I... What kind of a teacher am I?" She cried.

"Don't say that, Cheerilee. You're a wonderful teacher. But bullying is just something that Ponyville hasn't been aware of much. I just wish there was some way of fixing that, if Apple Bloom missing hasn't done that already." That's when Spike came to Twilight and for some reason he was holding the hat Cheerilee gave him as a birthday gift.

"Have you sent any letters to the Princess?" asked Cheerilee.

"One," said Twilight. "She was very sympathetic about Apple Bloom, but there really isn't much she can do at the moment."

"Uh, Cheerilee?" said Spike. "Do you want your hat back?"

"No thanks, Spike," said Cheerilee, rubbing her eyes with her hoof. Spike sighed.

"I miss Apple Bloom too."


Apple Bloom was still sleeping on the red lump in the desert cave, when all of the sudden there was a loud thump. She stirred for a few seconds before groggily waking up. And with another loud thump, the red lump she was on started to move towards the cave exit. Taking a second look, she soon realized this wasn't just any lump she had been sleeping on for two nights. It was a dragon! Apple Bloom squealed in fright, but before she could get off, the dragon quickly left the cave and took off in seconds, leaving her no choice but to hang on for dear life. Apple Bloom also realized she could be killed if the dragon saw her, so she tried not to scream in terror. But it was such a long way down while the dragon was airborne, so she shed tears out of fear and clung hard to the dragon's back as it soared across the land of Equestria.


Meanwhile, at Fluttershy's cottage, a group of animals had gathered around the garden for feeding time, even her picky pet bunny, Angel. As always, Fluttershy was happy and eager to get started.

"Now be patient, my dears," she said sweetly, holding a large sack. "Mama Fluttershy can only do one thing at a time." She started digging into her sack with one hoof, but she and the animals suddenly the heard the sound of giant wings flapping. The dragon from the San Palomino Desert flew overheard, and even though it flew so fast that it was gone in a flash, the animals still got spooked and ran off. "Oh, no! The animals!" Fluttershy started to look frantically for them. "Please... please, little animals. Please come out. I-it's all over now. Y...you can come out. Please... Please... Oh... oh my goodness..."


The dragon was nearing the capital city of Canterlot when it realized that Apple Bloom was hanging on its back. It growled menacingly and tried to shake her off, but she held on tight. Eventually, the dragon did a barrel roll, which caused Apple Bloom to let go, but only a few feet away from one of Canterlot's towers. She managed to grab ahold of the tower's pole and clung hard. She was safe, but trapped up high. And when she looked down, terror flooded her face.

"HELLLLP!!" cried Apple Bloom. "HELLLLLLLLP!!!" Her screams were so loud that some denizens of Canterlot down below happened to look up and notice, including Princess Celestia herself. Now Celestia was quick to take action, so she used her magic to easily retrieve Apple Bloom from the top of the tower and bring her down safely. Apple Bloom then realized who saved her and gasped. "Princess Celestia!" She instantly bowed.

"You're... Apple Bloom," said Celestia. "How did you get up there?"

"Ah was sleepin' in a cave, not knowin' ah was on a dragon's back and it carried me all the way here." Apple Bloom answered.

"Aren't you the little filly who's been missing for six days now?"

"Yes, Princess," said Apple Bloom, looking sorrowful. Princess Celestia could tell that something was wrong.

"What's the matter?"

"It's just... Ah don't wanna go back to Ponyville."

"Why not? Everypony must be worried sick about you by now. I hate to think of poor Applejack worrying herself the most."

"Ah'm afraid if ah told ya why, you wouldn't believe me." Hearing this, Celestia lowered her head closer to Apple Bloom and smiled warmly. Despite her position, she was still a very kind-hearted pony who cared about everyone she ruled over.

"Try me," she whispered. Later, they were both in Celestia's room sitting by the fireplace. Celestia had heard Apple Bloom's story and felt sorry for her.

"So ya see..." Apple Bloom finished after having poured her heart out to Celestia. "Ah wanted a cutie mark... because they picked on me... for not havin' one."

"You know," said Celestia. "If I remember correctly, you once delivered a friendship report to me on the importance of patience." Apple Bloom hung her head. "But I also remember Twilight Sparkle sending me a friendship report on how something that may make you feel left out can actually be something special. But I guess not everypony could see that in the same way. Apple Bloom, it seems to me that these two fillies you mentioned are just having a hard time understanding the importance of everypony in our wonderful land of Equestria. They see themselves as better than others because they are wealthy and they apparently believe that cutie marks are everything. Believe me, I know all about wealthy ponies. But you too are a special little filly, Apple Bloom, with or without your cutie mark. Never forget that."

"But what if ah'm not really special? What if ah don't even have a special talent?"

"Nonsense, dear," chuckled Celestia. "Everypony has a special talent. You've just had a hard time figuring out yours. You know, I'm willing to bet it's been right in front of your face this whole time and you haven't realized it yet."

"But ah really want mah cutie mark!" whined Apple Bloom. "Ah went so far as to runnin' away from home because ah couldn't stand being pushed around like a nopony!" She came to tears. "Ah thought ah could find out who ah am by tryin' mah luck away from Ponyville. Ah wanted to be somepony special! But ah just got mahself nowhere!" And Apple Bloom began to cry. Celestia wrapped her wing around Apple Bloom to comfort her.

"Shhh... Hush, little filly," she cooed gently. "You are strong, Apple Bloom. And you always have been." Celestia got up and walked towards her balcony. She gave a nod, gesturing Apple Bloom to come onto her balcony with her. It was evening and the stars were twinkling in the sky. Celestia then sang to the little red-haired filly.

Look to the stars, see how bright they shine
The sky may be dark, but we see their light shine
And I'm sure there's one shining just for you

We are each of us unique and even though you're small
You can help to make the biggest differences of all
And you'll find your destiny waiting for you

As she sang these lyrics, Princess Luna was flying above Canterlot when she took notice of Celestia and Apple Bloom. So she gracefully landed on the balcony beside Celestia and they nuzzled heads. Luna then looked up to the stars alongside Celestia and Apple Bloom.

So as long as you keep your hope shining through the night
Like the stars in the sky, you can shine
Never lose hope, let your dreams glow so bright
Don't be sad, just let your light shine

Apple Bloom had tears in her eyes, but she managed to smile and wiped her tears away. Celestia then lowered her head to allow Apple Bloom to get on her back to get a better view of the stars.

The sun beams so bright and the moon always shines
The day and night keep balance, all the while their light shines
Every day's a new beginning just for you

The night casts its spell and we all go to sleep
And we dream of our hopes like the ocean very deep
So believe and your dreams will come true

So as long as you keep your hope shining through the night
Like the stars in the sky, you can shine
Never lose hope, let your dreams glow so bright
Don't be scared, just let your light shine

Celestia carried Apple Bloom back inside her room. Apple Bloom slid off her back.

Remember, just let your light shine

As Celestia finished singing, she and Apple Bloom nuzzled heads affectionately. Apple Bloom then yawned and crawled onto a mattress Celestia prepared for her.

"Good night, Apple Bloom," said Celestia. "Tomorrow morning, I will personally bring you back to Ponyville. Don't worry, I think I know how I can help." She tucked Apple Bloom in by putting a blanket on her. "Oh, one more thing." Using her magic, she levitated a teddy bear over to Apple Bloom. "Here. It used to belong to Princess Luna, but she really doesn't want it anymore. You can have it now." Apple Bloom took the teddy bear and held it in her hooves.

"Thank you so much, Princess Celestia," she said.

"You're welcome... my little filly. Sleep well." And as Apple Bloom drifted off into a more peaceful sleep, Celestia opened a scroll and started writing a letter. A shooting star drifted through the night sky.


Back in Ponyville, Twilight, her friends, Cheerilee, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were all looking up to the stars, as if hoping and praying. Applejack was also there with them, and although she somehow didn't look like a wreck anymore, she was still very, very sad. Apparently, Twilight had sent Fluttershy to Sweet Apple Acres to help nurse Applejack back to health, because now Fluttershy's mane and tail were a bit messy.

"It's been six days," said Applejack. "And Apple Bloom's still gone."

"Applejack," said Twilight. "We have to believe that she's okay."

"But ah'm losing mah hope. Ah don't know how she could last this long on her own." That's when Spike suddenly belched up green fire, and out came another letter from Princess Celestia.

"A letter?" said Twilight. "From the princess?" Everyone gathered around to hear what news Celestia had to say. "Dear Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student, I am happy to report that Apple Bloom... is safe with me and completely healthy and unharmed! She's all right! Apple Bloom's all right!" This joyous news made everypony happy, especially Applejack, who practically collapsed with relief. "It's... it's a miracle!"

"She's all right..." murmured Applejack happily. "Apple Bloom's okay... Ah'm so happy... Thank Celestia..."

"Literally!" Rainbow Dash agreed.

"What's the rest of the letter say, Twilight?" asked Spike.

"Oh? Oh, right..." Twilight cleared her throat began to read the rest of Celestia's letter. "I will personally bring Apple Bloom back to Ponyville tomorrow morning, but I will also be visiting for the day, so be sure to inform the Mayor, as I wish to discuss a matter of importance with her. Your loving teacher, Princess Celestia." Twilight heaved a sigh of relief, but then realized... "Wait... Princess Celestia's coming here?! Tomorrow morning?! All day?!" She then started going into a needless frenzy. "Gotta tell the Mayor... I have to get ready! Oh... this is such short notice! Do I look okay?" Spike groaned and did a facepalm, while the others laughed, including Applejack for the first time in almost a week. Diamond Tiara had been watching them, but she then turned around and walked away.

"Hmph... Namby-pambies..." she muttered.