• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 10,425 Views, 572 Comments

Turning Point - ZachTheBrony

A God of War and Pony crossover. Oh geez...

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Chapter 4

So, Twilight nodded at his decision, and levitated the book in front of Kratos, and opened it to the first page.

Kratos tried to read it, but he couldn't. Reason being was that it was in Equestrian; thereby, it looked something like an Egyptian tablet, with symbols and such here and about. "What is this? A picture book?" He asked the unicorn. "I cannot read these scriptures."

"Uh... no, these are words... oh! I forgot, you must not know Equestrian... sorry..." Twilight apologized, taking the book from him. "I can read it to you, if you'd like." She offered with a smile.

Kratos simply nodded. "I would be pleased..." He muttered dully, closing his eyes to ease them from the brightness of the room.

And so, Twilight began to read. "As Daring Do trekked through the tropical jungle, the wet heat sapped her energy and slowed her every step. If only she could escape this oppressive atmosphere and fly up into the cool blue sky. But her crash landing in the jungle had injured her wing and she was grounded for a few days. Few days... it might as well be a few months, or a few years!" Twilight read from the book in which Kratos chose, the demigod paying attention as she did so. The unicorn looked over to Kratos, and he nodded, telling her to go on.

She continued, "The mosquitoes buzzed loudly. The macaws cried from the high trees. Yet all of these distracting noises were not enough to cover the sound of the predators following her every step..."

Kratos imagined the scene as Twilight read, only, it was in his version...

Kratos limped along the path of dirt, looking around while holding his blades out. The sounds of the jungle were heavy, but not heavy enough, as Kratos glanced to his right. With a yell, the demigod painfully rolled to the right, his broken ankle disagreeing with the motion, barely evading a deadly blow from a Minotaur's war-axe. Then, an arrow pierced the ground next to his foot, and he looked over, to see a Centaur archer loading another arrow to fire. Kratos jumped to attention as the Minotaur attempted to strike once again, the Spartan successfully parrying the downward swipe with a vicious parry and counter-attack, which left a gash in the Minotaur's midsection. The mighty warrior sent a chainblade out, catching the Centaur's bow. He yanked downward, jerking the bow out of the creature's grasp. He lashed his arm out, and retracted the blade, the bow going off into the bushes. Angered, both the Minotaur and the Centaur charged at Kratos, who rolled backward just as they were a split second away, the two creatures smashing into one another. But, he lost his footing, now hanging onto the edge of a deep ravine!

Kratos held on, and let one arm loose, grabbing one chainblade from his back. He stabbed it into the rock face, and looked down. There was no light at the bottom of the ravine, but he had no other choice, if he wanted no further injuries. He grabbed and stabbed his second blade into the rock face. He then pulled down, and the blades cut through the rock, and allowed him to slide down and get to the bottom without injury. He removed the blades from the rock face, and hopped down into the darkness. Putting away one blade, he pulled out a gory head; Helios's head. Its mouth opened and its eyes shone with bright light, with the power of the sun itself. He used the head's mangled hair as a handle, and began to trek through the damp, dark cavern.

The godly torch allowed Kratos to see very many feet in front of him. But, he snapped his head back as he heard the crumbling of stone. He shone his lantern to the direction, and found that the tunnel behind him had collapsed! "Damn..." Kratos muttered. No turning back now. With a frustrated sigh, the Spartan demigod continued to walk through the darkness.

Soon, he almost tripped over an edge; in front of him, was a pit with holes at the bottom, measuring many, many meters in length. A spike trap, to be exact. Kratos humphed, and looked to the far end of the pit. Cracking his neck, he hurled the gory torchlight to the end, and now in an ignorance to his agonizing ankle-pain, he jumped into the pit, a row of spikes springing up behind him! It didn't stop him, as he broke into a full-on sprint, the spikes on his tail like drugs to Jack Nicholson. With a grunt, he jumped up and pulled himself up over the edge of the end of the pit, barely being missed by the spikes. He grabbed Helios's bloody head, and brushed himself off with a sniffle, pressing on.

He eventually came into a large room, which was composed of sixteen large, square stone blocks, which made up the walls. Four on the floor, four on the right, four on the left, and four on the top. The front and back walls, however, were made of different stone; it was red in coloration. A pedestal stood in the center of the room, and Kratos approached it. An aged book was atop the pedestal, and he read it aloud. "The walls of darkness are lesser than the light. The passage ahead leads to great fortune-... what passage?" He wondered, looking around. It seemed that the room came to a dead end, but he read on, shaking his head. "... but you will need to find it first. The walls around you are much like an unsolved puzzle; the pieces are scattered. Solve the puzzle, and the door shall open." Something caught his eye on the pedestal. There were creases along the bottom, and Kratos tapped the floor lightly. It was hallow, just as he suspected. Then, he began to push down, and the pedestal descended into the floor, and a loud click was heard. The walls began to shake, before they moved, the top column of red stone switching with the top columns of lighter stone. The pedestal moved back up. Kratos raised a brow, and looked around. "I have no time for this..." He growled, before taking out the Nemean Cestus, two massive, lion-headed gauntlets. He then thought 'The walls of darkness are lesser than the light... Hmm...' So, before he could do anything, the walls moved back into place. He smirked. 'This just makes things easier...'

A few moments later, Kratos smashed through one of the red walls, into a perfectly square stone passage. He removed the Cestus from himself, and brushed off the debris, trekking down the hall. He pulled out Helios's head, and the godly torch lit-up the passage once again, and he took out one of the blades of Exile, moving forward.

Quicker than he thought, he came across a very, very large room, made of marble. At the end of it... was Zeus, sitting in his throne, with his eyes closed. The very sight of the King of the Gods angered Kratos; it made his eyes burn with flames of hatred, and made his body scream with vicious battle-cries. His eye twitched, and he yelled loudly, taking out the Blades of Exile, and rushing at Zeus, with the intent of bloodshed beyond comprehension.

Zeus opened his eyes, and stood up, just as Kratos jumped at him. Suddenly, Kratos was falling. Falling through the sky; but the ground wasn't visible. The sky was blood red, clouds of black shadowed the entirety of the void-like air, which was thick and damp. Past memories haunted him as he fell, invisible hands clawing at his mind, tearing into his very soul-

"GAH!" Kratos yelped, waking up. Around him, the hospital room was dark, save for a single nightlight, which was on a wall next to the bed. He had fallen asleep whilst Twilight was reading, and had slept through the entire day. He groaned, resting his bandaged head on the pillow once more.

- - - - The Next Afternoon...

After a lunch of hot soup, Twilight came into the room to visit again. "Good afternoon," She greeted the demigod as she walked in, bringing a few more books with her, of course.

"Mm..." Kratos replied with a nod. He was rather tired; his schedule for sleeping was screwy now, since he slept through the day.

"How are you feeling?" Twilight asked, sitting next to the bed.

"The same as before... but only this time, tired..." Kratos sighed lowly, his eyes closed. "... very... tired..." He added.

"Well... sorry I didn't wake you up..." Twilight blushed sheepishly. "I-I couldn't wake you up! Of course, my common sense was telling me to wake you up, but I just couldn't lis-"

She was interrupted by Kratos, who lifted his right hand up, to silence her. "Shhh... be quiet... my head already aches..."

Twilight complied, but she wasn't one who liked being interrupted. Especially like that! How rude of him, to imply that she worsens his headache! But, luckily for Kratos, she silenced herself.

For a few moments, there was silence. Glorious silence. Before she spoke, "You know... that wasn't exactly very nice..."

Kratos groaned. "Well..." He suddenly went blank on his reply.

"Well what?"

"... ignore it."

"No, you were going to say something. What was it?"

"I said to ignore it."

"And I'm saying to say what you said to ignore."

"'Well'." He repeated the word that he said.

"No, not that. What you were going to say, not what you said."

"I do not know what I was going to say, Twilight."

"Likely story. Now, what was it?"

"I do not know, damn you!" He raised his voice. Twilight's ears pinned back.

"... S-sorry..."

What was this? An apology? Yes. If Kratos hadn't have been so ignorant and unforgiving to her previous apologies, he would've realized sooner that she was actually trying to speak with him as a person, and not a prisoner or lower being. "Hmm?" He looked over to her with a raised brow that she couldn't see, for the bandages on his face covered his eyebrows.

"I said... sorry..." She replied.

Kratos thought over his words for a moment, before deciding on what to say. "It's... not a... problem...?"

Twilight's eyes opened. 'Did he just...' She thought, before she smiled.

This was indeed...

... The first sign.

Author's Note:

"All of my stories run on my theories, and my ideas. If you have a problem with them, move on, and have a good day. If you don't like it, don't read it. It's as simple as that.

"If you spot any grammatical problems, tell me. If you spot any punctuation problems, tell me. If you have a problem with the plot, I'll give you this and this only: It's my story. Not yours. If you want <insert your idea here> to happen, write it yourself, or stop bugging authors to make a story that they enjoy writing, into something that you would enjoy. In other words, your ideas are your ideas, and my ideas are my ideas. Don't try to force anything down my throat, or another's. Write it yourself, or it isn't going to happen."