• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 1,876 Views, 43 Comments

The revenge of Gilda! - Tangerine Blast

Gilda is back! But is she here to apoligize like she said? Or did something else bring her back?

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Gilda is in town

Dash was snoozing on a cloud one day. She always took a nap around this time a day so it wasn't a big surprise. What was a surprise is when she was rudely awoken by someone gently shaking her. "Nhnhn." Dash grunted, rolling away form the shaking, but it just continued, a little bit harder this time. "What?" Rainbow snapped, opening her eyes to see who had disturbed her nap. What met her eyes was a sight she never expected to see again.

Standing before her on the cloud was the big powerful figure of a griffin. Not just any griffin though, her school pal and recently discovered bully, Gilda. Gilda was staring a Dash with a sheepish grin.

"Gilda?" Dash asked, thinking that perhaps she was dreaming.

"Hey Dash." The griffin greeted, seemingly embarrassed. "Listen Dash, I know I've been a real jerk, I see that now. I....l came over here to apologize. I want to start over with your friends Dash, you know get to know them better."

Rainbow had blinked the sleep out of her eyes and was now watching the griffin intensely.

"So....I'm hoping I can be your friend again Dash. I've changed, I've really have. So what do you say, friends?"

Rainbow looked at her for a second before replying, "Of course I'll be your friend again Gilda, I just got mad because you were acting like a jerk." The rainbow Pegasus started to giggle.

"Ya," Gilda agreed, "I was being a real grump wasn't I?" She started to chuckle along. Soon the to friends were laughing at nothing in particular.

"So.....want to meet all my friends formally now?" Rainbow asked.

"Ya, I'd like that." Gilda grinned.


Rainbow introduced Gilda to Applejack and Rarity with ease. Neither of them had really been apart of when Gilda was first there and they were content with the explanation that the griffin had changed. Twilight was a little harder, but with a little encouragement she accepted that Gilda had indeed changed for the better. Fluttershy was really tricky, as soon as she saw the griffin, she ran into her house and cowered. Rainbow spent a good portion of time trying to convince her to come out. When she finally did though and Gilda had shown a lot of patients and kindness, Fluttershy started to warm up to her and become friendly.

Then they went to Pinkie's house. "Don't worry Gilda." Rainbow reassured her friend. "Pinkie's the type of forgive and forget kind of mares, she'll totally accept that you've changed."

"I don't know Dash." Gilda said uncertainly. "I was a real jerk to her you know. Do you really think she'll accept me that easily?"

Rainbow nodded as the two friends walked into Sugarcube Corner. "Hello and welcome!" a cheery voice called.

"Hey Pinkie." Dash greeted back. "You remember Gilda right?" The Pegasus stepped aside so the griffin was in full view."

Pinkie Pie narrowed her eyes and asked "Why is she here?"

"It's OK Pinkie." Dash reassured. "Gilda's changed, she came to ponyville to say sorry to everyone."

"OH! OK then! Nice to meet you non jerk Gilda!" Pinkie exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Hey, Dw......DASH." Gilda stated, quickly facing the Pegasus. "Can I um....buy something here? You know.....to show there are no hard feelings."

"Of course you can silly." Pinkie giggled. "This is a bakery after all."

"Me and Dash will have donuts then." Gilda handed Pinkie some bits and Pinkie handed Gilda the donuts. As they were exchanging though, Gilda's talon grazed Pinkie's hoof, cutting it slightly. Pinkie just let it go, after all, she reasoned with herself, If I had those super huge claws I would probably scratch people all the time on accident.

Just before Dash and Gilda left Pinkie called out, "I'll throw you a 'Welcome BACK to Ponyville Party.' And no pranks this time Dashie!"

"Ya, no pranks at all at this party!" Rainbow called back before she and Gilda got out of earshot.