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Celestial Catharsis

Dashing through the firmaments
Dancing among the stars
They ring like heavenly instruments
Singing harmonious melodic bars

Riding along an asteroid
It's tail a frozen trail of silver
Astonishing physics of the void
Momentarily part of something greater

The solar winds that come and go
The warm embrace of nebulae
Allow my thoughts to ebb and flow
Invigorating and refreshing as sea spray

The astral plain grants me peace
Troubles and terrors passing by
This great escape and grand release
There's nothing left for me to hide

I've come so far and gone so fast
The adrenaline keeps me company
Streaking shining, oh if the joy could last
Happiness diffuse from within me

Watching planets parade the universe
An astral ensemble in perfect cadence
These breathless cosmic bodies disperse
Accrued grief from terrestrial agents

Rocky congregations of ice and stones
Frustration dispensed against them is
When the fury has fled my shaking bones
My mind is calmed and honed are my senses

This comic playground keeps me whole
Tears born not of grief but of burdens shed
The fire within me that is my soul
Reduces now that excess heat is bled

Looking back at the brilliant azure marble
The place I call home with all those I know
Beauty as striking as the universe I marvel
Traversing back home, to loved ones I go

Author's Note:

I imagine that whenever Celestia really needs to vent she just flys off into the cosmos and sleeps on beds of nebulae and smashes rocky planetoids