Premiere of Pony Poetry: an Amateur Anthology

by The Bromeister

First published

Poetry pertaining to ponies.

Pontificating poetry pertaining to ponies.

Each chapter explores a particular aspect of a character from the show with the title sharing the name of its muse.

I was Inspired to write my own poetry after reading Ice Star's "Equinity".
Go read it people! Poetry needs more love on here!

Lunar Lament

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The heaven's opaque
While all are awake
The firmament's beauty is hidden

The Sun at it's height
Blinds them all to the sight
The majestic Cosmos therein

"What beauty!" I cry
The Dark Brilliance nigh
For the Sunfall has just begun

On this path I had trod
To find comforting sod
To bathe in the luminance shunned

As I rest body supine
Astral lights above remind
Not a soul in proximity here

A tear blessed my cheek
As the stars above streak
No love to hold me so dear

Pointed lights above pass
Their tails fading fast
Past relations pass in memory

All of my life
Passed in solitary strife
No bonds have I built for family

My independent tendencies
Left no room for dependencies
My heart grew as distant as the Moon

Joy and happiness fleeting
Wishing for a chanced meeting
Hoping for love to bloom

Yet as I contemplate history
I realize it is no mystery
That my first true love is the night

So with the Moon at its height
Sat enthralled by the sight
By Selene grant me strength as bright

Terror and Tumult at Twilight [Dark]

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Drowning in Confusion
Combating Demonic Illusions
Fighting for a breath
These monsters crave Death

My cognitive defenses
Assaulted by the Dark Horde
Thrashing my senses
I'm struck to my core

Razor talons sundering mental Flesh
More Ghouls I await
Their Bloodlust to sate
Agony of my Hell is fresh

Why am I Alone
Where are my Friends
Why can't I go Home
Is there no way back

How do I defend
Against that which I don't understand
Is there a path to retrace
A bridge I can mend

My mind stolen by a Thief
My heart eviscerated
My guts in acid liquified
My fractured soul is Burning

I try to contain the pieces
They glide past my grasp
There's constant Confusion
I'm lost in a sea of grief

My old bones grow cold
Purgatory's expanse lies ahead
Frosted irons unwillingly drag me
In Fatal Finality to the Demons I've capitulated

Darkness surrounds
Thoughts are fleeting
My awareness fades
Now I realize, I have died

My life and loves dissolved
Identity fractured

What I've lived, Loved, and Lost
To have returned is all that I'm yearning

Grim Glimmer of the Guilty

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Trust destroyed
Retribution deployed
Promises shattered
Faith battered

Loyal friends, advantage taken
Their belief in me shaken
How horribly they are wounded
Treasured bonds no longer sacred

The blade stabbed deep in their back
They never expected the attack
Countenance filled with utter shock
The pain in their eyes I have to block

This action taken out of need and desperation
There was no other path to bring restoration
Plotted and schemed 'till the moment was right
Glistening and glimmering my goal in sight

All that I want, here I did gain
All it cost was another's pain
And yet in my heart, I feel a strain
Out damned spot! This wretched stain!

Their eyes are haunting
This dread is now daunting
I now feel a hole
This crater in my soul

Did their friendship mean so little
Our bond defaced with spittle
Was gain thought so great
That their true gold be forsake

Treasure turns to tatters
I remember what truly matters
Nothing can truly replace
When in trouble together friends face

Head hung in shame
They know who's to blame
My steps I retrace
Once again at that place

My heart colored black
Will they dare take me back
Tears on my cheek
I can hardly speak

Suddenly I'm held and embraced
My composure lost all grace
They forgive not forget
At least till restitution is met

I'll never let go
These friends treasured so
I hope someday to repay
The outstanding kindness shown that day

Shimmering Solitude

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My strength is born from my solitude,
Solidarity to myself and independent from all.
All my trials and tribulations learned
By my own hands. Tasked from within
And received from none, the challenges
I've faced, crafted my castle.
My army of skills, founded by failures,
Secures my station and bolsters my body.

Lessons learned by struggle and strife
Are sharper than any adversary's sword.
The dexterity to dodge danger
Cultivated from multiples of mis-steps.
Mistakes that have misaligned me from my
Course now serve as milestones and markers
Should I ever become lost or wayward.
The shining star of my triumphs against
Adversity, Shimmers in the sky amongst giants.
I would consider myself fortunate to be
Counted among them. When calamity strikes,
I am not cast out into the tumultuous tide of
Indecision and doubt. I instead am a steadfast
Station for others to moor themselves against.

My independence must not be mistaken as
Indifference, for even a solitary soldier as
Myself still craves for kinship and companions.
A contradiction of conviction, to be an army of
One yet want for friends to company keep.
Hypocritical, having survived singular.
However, it is not unnatural as relationships
Can be richly rewarding in their course.
I do not dismiss or deride the value of
Brotherly bonds or the sorority of sisters
Nor the stability of the foundation of family.
For not all that is gold will glitter.
It may be that my next lesson will be in the
Strength that also lay with found family.

Celestial Catharsis

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Dashing through the firmaments
Dancing among the stars
They ring like heavenly instruments
Singing harmonious melodic bars

Riding along an asteroid
It's tail a frozen trail of silver
Astonishing physics of the void
Momentarily part of something greater

The solar winds that come and go
The warm embrace of nebulae
Allow my thoughts to ebb and flow
Invigorating and refreshing as sea spray

The astral plain grants me peace
Troubles and terrors passing by
This great escape and grand release
There's nothing left for me to hide

I've come so far and gone so fast
The adrenaline keeps me company
Streaking shining, oh if the joy could last
Happiness diffuse from within me

Watching planets parade the universe
An astral ensemble in perfect cadence
These breathless cosmic bodies disperse
Accrued grief from terrestrial agents

Rocky congregations of ice and stones
Frustration dispensed against them is
When the fury has fled my shaking bones
My mind is calmed and honed are my senses

This comic playground keeps me whole
Tears born not of grief but of burdens shed
The fire within me that is my soul
Reduces now that excess heat is bled

Looking back at the brilliant azure marble
The place I call home with all those I know
Beauty as striking as the universe I marvel
Traversing back home, to loved ones I go

The Cadence of Compassion

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From the fires of desire
To the rapids of infatuation
From the companionship of comrades
To the families found in friendship

Sometimes it burns slow
It smolders and it glows
Other times it ignites fast
And blinds you with a flash

It can suddenly overwhelm
And surprise the captain at the helm
With the rapid rush of water
All your logic can be slaughtered

Sometimes the feeling hides
Like a tiger it's time it bides
Only to suddenly spring out
Like a kite that's come about

It can strike deep in your heart
As the courtship gets it start
And yet sputter out with a whisper
Falling silent to all but one listener

Some build strong over time
Others slowly erode like lime
With some it feels like you're friends of old
With others it feels like a story never told

Every relationship has its pace
Some at a walk or others at a race
Every action and reaction
Is the cadence of compassion