• Published 22nd May 2024
  • 215 Views, 9 Comments

Sister... - Mellow Mare

Two young fillies in search for help find themselves in some of the most wicked adventures a little pony could get themselves into!

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Chapter 3: An unfortunate descent...

The snow was freshly fallen and the weather was luckily more calm, Luna was galloping and bouncing around her big sister.
She was still a little too young to understand the importance of their quest.. But Celestia was sure happy to have her by her side, she couldn't do it without her sister's young soul and her love.

So far, it has been at the very least 3 moons since they left their home, leaving behind their village, their family... All that they have ever known.

Celestia's plan was to reach the mountain, and possibly beyond. Elders talked of the mountains fairly often, it seemed to be legends told to scare off little foals and fillies... They talked that there was nothing beyond them, that the world ended at the edge of the mountains. But what if it wasn't true?

If anything, or anyone was causing this, it HAS to be there...

While the young mare was reflecting the possibilities of this quest, Luna was playing in the snow surrounding them, she saw a certain beauty within this cold evil. It was cold, white and shiny, and could be eaten!..

''Luna! Do not eat the snow!''

Exclamed Celestia, the young filly had a mouth full of snow as she looked up to her big sister.

''Bu..fff..t itff tafftes ffooo goodff!!''

She responded enjoying her frozen morning snack.

''Well... maybe the rabbit who peed there isn't so sure about that...''

Celestia had a big 'ol smirk on her face as she walked pass Luna, who now had big round eyes. She immediately spat out the snow, coughing with disgust on her face.


Celestia let out a little giggle as her sister catched up to her.

''So... What now Tia?''

''Do you see those mountains, aaaaaalllll the way over there?''

Celestia got down to her level and pointed at the horizon. A sudden feeling took over Luna, a fearful feeling... she knew that they would fall if they went beyond those mountains.... That there was nothing..

''Y...yeah? I do...''

''Well, I want to see if there is something causing this storm behind those... Are you okay Luna?''

The mare realised that her sister felt fearful of going there... but sadly it was too late to go back home, there was no going back and Luna knew this...

''Don't worry my dearest little sister, We are not meant to reach them before at least 5 more moons.''


The little filly looked away, fearfully.... Celestia Got back up and looked over at the horizon, the wind picked up a little bit, making both of their mane flow while they stood on this little snowy hill, admiring the horizon before them. She turned Luna's gaze towards the path they had to take together, it led to a big and quite dense forest.

''Dont think too much of the what if's... Just trust the present and who you are Luna.''


''Stay close, stay with me... Keep your eyes open at all times, and now.... breathe in...''

Luna now had a soft smile as she took in a deep breath, she finally realised the importance of their mission, she knew that she could do this, as long as she was with her sister, nothing could hurt her.

''... Remember, just one wrong move and we're dead.''

''*COUGH* TIA!! Dont say that!''

Celestia couldnt help but laugh at her sister's reaction, the two of them began chasing eachother, now more ready than ever.


By the time they reached the forest separating them from the mountains, the wind started to pick up once more and the snow followed closely behind.
They have noticed that the snow would only happen from sundown to sunrise., they did not know why, but at least it gave them enough time during the day without a blizzard ripping their skins off their bodies.

They were very happy to discover that the density of the forest blocked most of it anyways, it was such a relief.

The sunset made the forest look absolutely gorgeous, the trees did not had enough time to shed their leaves, so now each leaf was covered in a thin ice sheet, that would reflect the orange light that the sun emitted.

The two sister entered what seemed like an uncharted territory. It felt quiet and calming, and a little unnerving as well...

They both quietly walked in between branches and trees as there was no direct path, the snow made the ground quite uneven, they never knew what they could step into.

The sun finally layed down for the night, leaving Celestia and luna no choice but to use their horns and light themself a path.

The soft blue and golden glow of their magic made the trees look so beautiful, but no amount of light seemed to reassure Luna...

She has always been afraid of the dark, and the night times have always been a challenge ever since she was born.
When she was but a foal, Luna would cry until somepony came to her bedside, so Celetia simply welcomed her into her room so that she would never be alone in the darkness ever again...

Not having know their father, Luna always saw Celestia as a second figure in her life alongside their mother. She looked up to Celestia and wanted to grow just like her. Well, once she stops being afraid of the dark she can start to....


As Luna was lost in her toughts, she spotted a figure in the shadows, lurking and creeping up to them.... She could hear the snow crunching under the weight of this thing...

''C....Celestia, I don't think we are alone....''

Whispered the young filly to her big sister.

Celestia stopped and looked in the direction Luna pointed at. She too, noticed something that looked unusual, hiding behind the trees and frozen bushes...

The figure seemed to get bigger, taller.... very, very... tall...
The two young mares took a quick step back, Luna went ahead and hid behind her sister, she knew she had to keep quiet...

The figure stepped out of the shadows and into the light of Celestia's horn, it was an enormous brown bear, it was at least 3 times the size of Celestia! He creeped towards the two ponies while growling lowly, he was covered in bruises and had bald patches of furr all over his body, as if he fought something bigger than him before.

He stopped right in his track, Celestia was terrified as much as Luna, but she had to stay strong...

She used her magic to pick up her sword and pointed it at the beast. Which immediately enraged it.

''RUN LUNA!!!''

Screamed Celestia as she slashed the beast's paw, making him recoil.
Luna backed up from the fight and began to run away into the night, she was so afraid that she could barely use her magic to light her path ahead of her. She looked behind herself to see Celestia catching up to her.
The bear was right behind them both, he was leaving behind him a trail of blood from the cut Celestia gave him.

The Bear was so close to getting to them but suddenly, a deep hole into the ground opened up, making him fall in. Celestia was taken in shock by the sudden events.

Luna was so focus on what is behind her that she was not looking in front of her, she stepped on a softer patch of snow and a massive hole opened up, swallowing her in.


Celestia luckily had enough time to stop herself from meeting the same fate, but couldnt help herself and screamed in absolute shock and anger.


The young mare paced around, panicking and hyperventilating over the situation, how deep is this hole? how can she get down there too?!


Celestia, began to go towards the hole where the bear fell into, hoping, praying that her little sister would be safe... Maybe there's a way down over there.....

Oh Luna, please be safe....