
by Mellow Mare

First published

Two young fillies in search for help find themselves in some of the most wicked adventures a little pony could get themselves into!

"Two young fillies embark on a perilous quest, venturing into some of the most treacherous landscapes imaginable. From blinding blizzards to shadowy underground caves, and over towering mountains, their journey is fraught with danger and excitement.

Their love and patience will be tested, yet through it all, their unbreakable sisterhood remains their guiding light.

Can they find the help they desperately need to save their home from the encroaching cold?''

Hello, I'm Mellow Mare! Welcome to this headcanon prequel of the show!
I always felt that Luna and Celestia lacked screentime, their story is beautiful and they deserve to have fanwork like mine!!

I do all of the artwork for covers and such, but once in a while a guest artist will make an appearance to do one of the covers!

Please sit back and enjoy ...

Chapter 1: Unwanted cold...

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In the time before memory, when the whispers of gods echoed in the void, there existed a forgotten deity known as Vespera. With a touch as gentle as the sigh of a breeze, she bestowed upon a radiant star a kiss, igniting a dormant heart within its fiery core. From that heart bloomed a flower of celestial majesty, its brilliance unfurling to reveal the cosmos itself. This flower, swelling with each passing moment, now reigns as the Sun, illuminating the heavens with its luminous embrace.

Yet, as epochs unfurled like silk upon the loom of time, Vespera sensed a poignant solitude within her creation. Though she endeavored to kindle companionship within the heart of her sunflower, a profound loneliness lingered, resistant even to the touch of life's own goddess.

Then, a revelation blossomed within her divine mind—a sibling, a kin to share the expanse of existence. As if summoned by her thoughts, a celestial wanderer, a mote of dust in the cosmic dance, drifted into her path. With a gesture borne of magic and longing, she cradled the wayward wanderer, nurturing its growth until it bloomed into the entity now known as the m-...

"Celestia! Luna! What are you two fillies doing up past moonrise?"

Four little ears perked up in the air, and two young fillies giggled as their bedroom door swung open, revealing a quite disturbed mare. They quickly covered themselves with their blankets, trying to hide under their mother's candlelight. But they couldn't help but laugh at the situation.

The mare, weariness etched upon her features, shook her head in exasperation, yet a fond smile tugged at her lips.

"What is all that yakking I was hearing? You two know you need as much rest as possible before we head to the market tomorrow..."

Giggles danced like fireflies as the blankets fell, revealing smiles aglow with innocence. Celestia, the eldest and radiant as the dawn, bore a mane of rosy hues reminiscent of the morning sky. Luna, the younger, possessed a coat of tranquil blue and eyes that mirrored the depths of moonlit waters.

"I was simply telling a foal tale to Luna, Mother... She cannot rest without one," Celestia announced, trying to look innocent. She then received a pillow to her face from the side. Luna stuck her tongue out at her big sister, making a silly face.

Their mother approached their beds with a warm smile on her lips. She loved her daughters so much that it pained her to have to discipline them over such silliness.

"A foal tale, you say? I have one that may help you rest those little eyes of yours..."

The mare booped her youngest child's nose, making Luna giggle. She then used her magic to arrange both of her daughters' pillows and blankets. Once they were comfortable enough, she cleared her throat.

"In a faraway land, where peace and harmony reign, lived a colony of powerful creatures. There were ponies with horns..."

"Like us!" Luna exclaimed to her sister with excitement. Celestia hushed her sister to listen to their mother better.

"...ponies with wings, and ones with none of those..."

Both fillies looked shocked at the idea of ponies with wings and without powers at all. Never had they encountered such creatures.

"...Amongst them lived two little fillies with horns. The two sisters had powerful magic that others respected very much! In fact, they were so powerful that they could move the stars in the sky! They could move mountains and rivers! The ponies loved them both so much that they made them their Princesses..."

Luna and Celestia were in absolute awe of their mother's story, their eyes wide with wonder.


Their mother's story came to a sudden end as a massive and flashy thunder resonated across the starless night sky. All three of them jumped up, screaming.

"You two stay there!"

The mare ran out of the bedroom, leaving the two fillies on their own.

"T..Tia.. I'm scared," Luna said, her voice trembling.

Luna jumped out of her bed to join Celestia in hers. But Celestia barely held onto her little sister. Her eyes grew wide as she looked out of the window.

Luna was confused as to why everypony was looking outside. But when she finally looked out the window herself, she couldn't believe it.

In the village square, all the villagers gathered outside, absolutely flabbergasted by what they were seeing.

Snow. There was snow falling from the sky in the middle of a hot summer.

The wind started to pick up and get colder. Everypony was wondering whether they should panic or stay put.

Luna followed her sister closely. It was snowing so much that a fine layer had already formed under their hooves.

While Luna was quite impressed by what she was witnessing, Celestia seemed worried, just like her mother was. This was certainly not normal and quite concerning.

"What is the meaning of this??!" Everypony turned around as they heard their king arriving. Lord Ulric was the leader of the horned ponies of the Silverleap Empire.

He was quite a powerful and knowledgeable king, but even he could not understand this phenomenon.

Everypony bowed down as he marched, surrounded by his guards. He looked at the sky and then at the ground.

"Please remain calm, return to your homes and continue your tasks while we find a way to forbear this!" announced King Ulric.

Celestia felt a deep sense of unease gnawing at her. This was far worse than it seemed. Never before had they witnessed such an unnatural phenomenon.

The cold grew more intense, slicing through the air like a thousand icy daggers. The wind howled with a ferocity that sent shivers down their spines, its chill penetrating even their thick coats. Farmers, eyes wide with panic, abandoned the king's orders and sprinted towards their fields, desperate to save their crops from the relentless onslaught.

Celestia and Luna both yelped as chaos erupted around them. The panic of their people was palpable, a living, breathing entity that seemed to feed off the escalating storm. Instinctively, Celestia stepped back and positioned herself in front of her little sister, shielding Luna with her body. Her eyes darted frantically, searching for their mother amidst the swirling snow and frantic crowd, but she was nowhere to be seen.

The snow, once a gentle flurry, had transformed into a brutal barrage of ice, each flake striking them like tiny stones. The wind whipped around them, carrying the desperate cries of their people. The king and his guards battled against the storm, their shouts lost in the cacophony. They tried in vain to restore order, but the storm was a force beyond their control.

Suddenly, a loud, low, and terrifying sound reverberated through the sky. It was a deep, guttural noise, unlike anything they had ever heard, a sound that seemed to emanate from the very depths of the earth. The entire village froze, their collective breath caught in their throats. Heads snapped upward, eyes wide with terror, as the noise echoed through the night, a harbinger of something ominous and unknown.

The screams of their people filled the air, a chilling chorus that harmonized with the storm's fury.

".........EVERYPONY! TO THE CASTLE!!!" yelled the king to his people.

Celestia gasped, completely horrified and scared of whatever this sound was. With little to no hesitation, she picked Luna up with her magic, placed her onto her back, and ran towards the castle with everypony else, hoping her mother would join them both.

...Please, don't leave us alone...

Chapter 2: Looking for help...

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It has been weeks since the storm took over the SilverLeap Empire....
On that fateful night, many did not make it to the castle on time, due to the deadly cold and the thick gusts of snowy winds...

The mares and stallions were working day and night to tend to the wounded and the healthy ones.

Their king was not prepared for any of this, and many spells failed.

Whatever caused this storm was not from this realm. It was certainly not coming from SilverLeap...

The rations were getting thinner and thinner as each days passed. Causing malnutrition amongst the hopeless citizens. The king kept sending guards out for food, but to no avail.... They would bring a few roots on a good day.

Many attempted to go and find the source of this storm, but would not come back.

The king have now forbidden anypony from leaving the castle, as to not put any more lives at risk. Anypony who would disobey this rule would be locked away as to keep them safe.

"Tia... When can we go back home...?"

The young blue filly caught the mare off guard.
Celestia turned around to look at her little sister, standing there beside her half of the bunk bed they shared.

The room was dark and cold, only a few candles kept the light alive.

Celestia closed her history book and lifted her bed sheets.

Luna climbed into the already tiny bed and cuddled onto her big sister, he little body was frail and cold... She was slightly shivering as she tried to find warmt from her sibling.

The only thing that kept them going was their mother..

The poor mare was affected by the cold storm, and had multiple frostbites all over her body. She was in no shape to care for her children, which left Celestia to be the one in charge.

"I do not know yet Luna... We need to let mother rest peacefully until the storm leaves."

Replied Celestia while gently caressing her sister's mane... Trying to give her as much comfort as needed.

The little filly curled up and closed her eyes, she remained quiet, taking in as much details as she could.

Celestia used her magic to pull her book back towards herself, the pages opened before her.
She kept reading onto what may be the cause of all this.. If the current magic did not worked to explain this.. then maybe ancient magic could.....

Just as she was about to lose hopes, an image caught her attention...
It was a faded away drawing of multiple clouds with eyes and wings, which definitely looked unusual...


She whispered to herself...

"Cold evil, feeding off hatred and despair.... do not ever mention their name, do not ever think of them....

Keep the peace."

Celestia gasped loudly, this was it!! It has to be it!!
The young mare jumped out of her bed,waking up Luna in the process, she held her book close to her and ran where the king and most ponies where sheltered at.
Luna looked absolutely confused, but followed her sister anyways, as she did not want to be alone... The darkness scared her the most.

"Windi-what? Celestia! Wait up!!"

Yelled out Luna as she was trying to catch up.

"KING ULRIC, KING ULRIC!!! I know what is causing this storm!!!"

The pink mare bumped into multiple ponies, trying to get through.

King Ulric turned aroundwith quite a confused look onto his face, the sudden news were quite shocking to hear.

"King Ulric... I.. I found the reason that caused our misery!!"

Celestia held her book close to her chest, she felt relief as the king seemed interested by her speech.
Ponies began to gather around, they too wanted to know.

"Speak young one, tell us what you found!''

The king stepped closer to see what Celestia carried with her.
The young mare pulled the book out and showed it to the king.

A confused and annoyed look traced the king's face at the sight of the book.

''I.. I know this is just a foal book... But some foal stories may be true!''

Celestia flipped through the pages to show the windigos to the king.

''Windigos are an ancient evil that feeds off hatred, they create a snowy blizzard to keep misery upon it's victims!''

A deafening silence followed Celestia's announcement. The king and most citizen were just completely flabbergasted by this revelation.

Luna who was within the crowd, looked around as ponies began to hold back laughter. The filly seemed sad and confused as this made perfect sense.

The king then burted with laughter, one that echoed through Celestia's heart as if a blade peirced it. The tired mare looked at her king with disbelief and at the citizen as well. All were laughing at Celestia.

''Y-..Young one, please return to your quarters... Hahaha! Let us do the work!''

''But my king! I-...''

''Do you think this is a joke young one? This isn't the time for foal play! Lives are on the line here, mouths need to be fed!

We are searching as much as we can...."

Celestia's ears pearked up at the mention of it... there was one thing that they certainly haven't explored yet...


"....What about the mountains?...."

The king's eyes went big and his jaw dropped.
The citizen began to whisper and gasp amongst themselves.

"It is forbidden to reach the mountains! How dare you even mention them! It would be suicide!!"

Accused the king.

"But do we really know what is beyond them?? Nopony ever reac-...."

"Enough, young lady, return to your quarters this instant..."


"It is an order from your king...."

The king then turned around and Celestia shamefully walked down the throne's steps, She kept her head low and walked right pass Luna and everypony else, avoiding the looks of shame.

Luna immediately followed behind her sister, and together they entered a hallway that was currently empty.

''Dont listen to them, I think you are right about the... the wendigos??''

Said Luna full of encouragement.
The little filly expected her sister to reply back, but the young mare stayed silent by her side...

''Maybe they will find a way to stop this even without your book. We just have to wait, right?''

Asked Luna, trying to break the silence, but to no avail. Celestia stayed silent and looked focused, which made Luna lower her head.

Once they reached their sleeping quarters, Celestia helped luna reach the top bunk while she layed on the lower half. They wished good night to eachother...

What Luna did not know was that Celestia had a plan.... One that would change both of their lives forever, in quite an unexpected way.

Everypony was now peacefully asleep, which was the perfect time for Celestia to execute her plan...
She quietly got out of her bed and reached the top bunk to give her sister a soft kiss on the cheek, this was a bittersweet goodbye, but a necessary one.

She put on her cape to give herself some kind of warmt and strapped her father's sword around her waist.

Celestia had to pass the night guards in order to reach the outside world.
After successfully doing so, she crawled from a window and jumped down before sprinting into the night.
She ran far away, so far that the castle looked like a little dot on the horizon.
She looked at the starless sky, and her blood was so pumped with adrenalin that the cold did not hurt as bad as it did that day...
She took in a deep breath of fresh air before being interrupted-

''Celestia! I am coming with you!''

Yelled out Luna, trying her best to catch up.

''LUNA??! What in the world are you doing here??! Go back to the castle!!''

Celestia was now panicking, what in hell was Luna doing here??!
She looked around then back at her sister.

''I cant let you come...''

''But why?!''

''You are too young for this! I will not be able to care for you and protect you at all time Luna!!''

''I can take care of myself, I am not a baby anymore!''

''Yes you are!''

''No... I am not!!''

Luna then uses her weak magic to pick up some snow and throws it directly onto Celestia's face, making her back up.
Celestia angrily picks up more snow and throws it at Luna's face as well.
A snow battle ensues, the two fillies are chasing eachother laughing, throwing snow at eachother.

Celestia cannot take anymore and gives up, allowing Luna to join her in her quest... by now the guards were probably alerted and they would be locked up.

The two sister then begin their journey, gallopping further away from the only home they have ever known...

Chapter 3: An unfortunate descent...

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The snow was freshly fallen and the weather was luckily more calm, Luna was galloping and bouncing around her big sister.
She was still a little too young to understand the importance of their quest.. But Celestia was sure happy to have her by her side, she couldn't do it without her sister's young soul and her love.

So far, it has been at the very least 3 moons since they left their home, leaving behind their village, their family... All that they have ever known.

Celestia's plan was to reach the mountain, and possibly beyond. Elders talked of the mountains fairly often, it seemed to be legends told to scare off little foals and fillies... They talked that there was nothing beyond them, that the world ended at the edge of the mountains. But what if it wasn't true?

If anything, or anyone was causing this, it HAS to be there...

While the young mare was reflecting the possibilities of this quest, Luna was playing in the snow surrounding them, she saw a certain beauty within this cold evil. It was cold, white and shiny, and could be eaten!..

''Luna! Do not eat the snow!''

Exclamed Celestia, the young filly had a mouth full of snow as she looked up to her big sister.

''Bu..fff..t itff tafftes ffooo goodff!!''

She responded enjoying her frozen morning snack.

''Well... maybe the rabbit who peed there isn't so sure about that...''

Celestia had a big 'ol smirk on her face as she walked pass Luna, who now had big round eyes. She immediately spat out the snow, coughing with disgust on her face.


Celestia let out a little giggle as her sister catched up to her.

''So... What now Tia?''

''Do you see those mountains, aaaaaalllll the way over there?''

Celestia got down to her level and pointed at the horizon. A sudden feeling took over Luna, a fearful feeling... she knew that they would fall if they went beyond those mountains.... That there was nothing..

''Y...yeah? I do...''

''Well, I want to see if there is something causing this storm behind those... Are you okay Luna?''

The mare realised that her sister felt fearful of going there... but sadly it was too late to go back home, there was no going back and Luna knew this...

''Don't worry my dearest little sister, We are not meant to reach them before at least 5 more moons.''


The little filly looked away, fearfully.... Celestia Got back up and looked over at the horizon, the wind picked up a little bit, making both of their mane flow while they stood on this little snowy hill, admiring the horizon before them. She turned Luna's gaze towards the path they had to take together, it led to a big and quite dense forest.

''Dont think too much of the what if's... Just trust the present and who you are Luna.''


''Stay close, stay with me... Keep your eyes open at all times, and now.... breathe in...''

Luna now had a soft smile as she took in a deep breath, she finally realised the importance of their mission, she knew that she could do this, as long as she was with her sister, nothing could hurt her.

''... Remember, just one wrong move and we're dead.''

''*COUGH* TIA!! Dont say that!''

Celestia couldnt help but laugh at her sister's reaction, the two of them began chasing eachother, now more ready than ever.


By the time they reached the forest separating them from the mountains, the wind started to pick up once more and the snow followed closely behind.
They have noticed that the snow would only happen from sundown to sunrise., they did not know why, but at least it gave them enough time during the day without a blizzard ripping their skins off their bodies.

They were very happy to discover that the density of the forest blocked most of it anyways, it was such a relief.

The sunset made the forest look absolutely gorgeous, the trees did not had enough time to shed their leaves, so now each leaf was covered in a thin ice sheet, that would reflect the orange light that the sun emitted.

The two sister entered what seemed like an uncharted territory. It felt quiet and calming, and a little unnerving as well...

They both quietly walked in between branches and trees as there was no direct path, the snow made the ground quite uneven, they never knew what they could step into.

The sun finally layed down for the night, leaving Celestia and luna no choice but to use their horns and light themself a path.

The soft blue and golden glow of their magic made the trees look so beautiful, but no amount of light seemed to reassure Luna...

She has always been afraid of the dark, and the night times have always been a challenge ever since she was born.
When she was but a foal, Luna would cry until somepony came to her bedside, so Celetia simply welcomed her into her room so that she would never be alone in the darkness ever again...

Not having know their father, Luna always saw Celestia as a second figure in her life alongside their mother. She looked up to Celestia and wanted to grow just like her. Well, once she stops being afraid of the dark she can start to....


As Luna was lost in her toughts, she spotted a figure in the shadows, lurking and creeping up to them.... She could hear the snow crunching under the weight of this thing...

''C....Celestia, I don't think we are alone....''

Whispered the young filly to her big sister.

Celestia stopped and looked in the direction Luna pointed at. She too, noticed something that looked unusual, hiding behind the trees and frozen bushes...

The figure seemed to get bigger, taller.... very, very... tall...
The two young mares took a quick step back, Luna went ahead and hid behind her sister, she knew she had to keep quiet...

The figure stepped out of the shadows and into the light of Celestia's horn, it was an enormous brown bear, it was at least 3 times the size of Celestia! He creeped towards the two ponies while growling lowly, he was covered in bruises and had bald patches of furr all over his body, as if he fought something bigger than him before.

He stopped right in his track, Celestia was terrified as much as Luna, but she had to stay strong...

She used her magic to pick up her sword and pointed it at the beast. Which immediately enraged it.

''RUN LUNA!!!''

Screamed Celestia as she slashed the beast's paw, making him recoil.
Luna backed up from the fight and began to run away into the night, she was so afraid that she could barely use her magic to light her path ahead of her. She looked behind herself to see Celestia catching up to her.
The bear was right behind them both, he was leaving behind him a trail of blood from the cut Celestia gave him.

The Bear was so close to getting to them but suddenly, a deep hole into the ground opened up, making him fall in. Celestia was taken in shock by the sudden events.

Luna was so focus on what is behind her that she was not looking in front of her, she stepped on a softer patch of snow and a massive hole opened up, swallowing her in.


Celestia luckily had enough time to stop herself from meeting the same fate, but couldnt help herself and screamed in absolute shock and anger.


The young mare paced around, panicking and hyperventilating over the situation, how deep is this hole? how can she get down there too?!


Celestia, began to go towards the hole where the bear fell into, hoping, praying that her little sister would be safe... Maybe there's a way down over there.....

Oh Luna, please be safe....

Chapter 4: The dagger in the stone...

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''TIIIAAAAaaaaaaaa..........-- ''

The snow rumbled down with her, into this seemingly endless hole.
Luna descended into the darkness.
She turned herself around mid-air and moved her hooves around in hopes of grabbing a root, a ledge, anything that could prevent her from getting squished on impact.

She used the glow of her horn to try and see the bottom.
But as soon as she did so, Luna reached the very end of this hole.


The water felt like hard concrete against her little body, but thankfully, it wasnt enough to badly hurt the little filly.

'' *GAAASP* Ah!..- ah..... T...Tia''

The adrenaline kicked in at the right moment, which allowed Luna to swim safely to the shore despite being extremely sore from the impact.
She climbed out of the icy water, it was so cold down there that the dropplets would immediately freeze...


Luna looked at herself and shook the water off her boday as best as she could, which seemed to work well enough for the time being.
She walked to the edge of the water and looked up, the entrance of the hole now seemed like a tiny little dot that was barely bright enough.


Her voice echoed up this tunnel, but it couldn't reach up to her sister, there was no answer coming back to her.
And she even waited for one, but alas...

The young filly glow seemed more faint. which allowed the darkness to slowly creep up to her.

''No, no! You stupid horn! Not now... *tap-tap*''

She poked at her horn hoping it would do somehow help it glow stronger.
The tribe Luna came from were made of very powerful unicorns, their abilities were often shown at a very early age.
But Luna.... Luna was one of those late bloomers.
She only recently gained control of her magic, and yet it was limited... Never has anypony heard of a limit when it comes to magic, yet...

The young filly seemed quite frightened as her horn's glow died slowly.... She finally looked around the cave for the first time since her arrival.

It smelled like dirt and moss, the walls were made of dirt and stone, two elements clashing onto eachother.
The ground was covered in mud and moss. It was extremely dark.
There seemed to be no way out from here, she had to explore this underground prison...

''Please dont give out on me....''

Luna's horn began to glow a little bit brighter, which gave her enough hope...
She began to walk amongst the darkness, never knowing where her hooves might step on.

"It's okay... Celestia will find me, I just know it... I.. I just have to find an exi..-- *CRACK* EEEEYP!!!!! "

Luna's pace went from unsure to fast. She did not know where this noise came from! Little did she know, she simply stepped onto an old branch...


This cave system seemed endless! Luna dont even remember how many turns she took so far, nor what they were...

She knew for a fact she she was going up! Or..... down?...
At this point, exhaustion slowly started to creep over her... she was using most of her energy on keeping her horn on.

"I can't keep this on....-"



Luna tripped over a big and bright green root, it took her a moment to realise what just happened. She picked herself up slowly and tried to scrape the mud off her body...

"What is this?...."

The young filly's curiosity took over her, the root seemed.. abnormally... long....
It lead towards another system of roots, and vines. They all seemed to go in the same direction, through another, muddy and gross tunnel... And this one even stinks!

''Wait.... Aren't plants attracted to the sunlight??..... So the exit must be this way!!''

This sudden revelation gave Luna enough energy to keep going. She felt very proud of herself for figuring this out on her own!

With a big smile on her face, Luna pressed herself against the muddy ground to crawl into the entrance of that little tunnel. The roots and vines were taking up a lot of space.
The tunnel felt tighter and tighter as she crawled through.


''Oh.. Oh no... ''

Luna was now stuck in between the roots and the stone walls, no amount of mud could help her slip out of that one.

''O--...Okay, it's okay.... I will just.. *Squish* ....squeeze... *Swash* ...back out.... *Struggle* Oh no, no no no!!''

Tears began to form in the filly's bright blue eyes, she could not back away nor go forward.

The realisation that this might be the end made her weap softly.... She was so exhausted that she did not had the energy to try anymore.

''T..Tia... please come help me, please...''

As she softly weaped, her horn's glow slowly died, leaving Luna in complete darkness, she was sad to know that this is how her sister might find her.
Images of her poor mother came to mind, how worried she might be after learning her daughters went on a dangerous quest.

''Mama.....Mama, I'm sorry *sobs*''

Luna closed her eyes, because it felt safer to her than staring at the darkness and the creatures that may lurk in it.

Suddenly, the pressure on her hips moved away from her, letting Luna enough space to breathe better. In between sobs, she found just enough energy to bring back a soft glow from her horn.

The vines.. they moved aside? A very confused filly loked forward, and there it was, the end to this tight tunnel.
She sniffled and wipped her tears from her cheek and quickly crawled all the way out of it.
Was Luna dreaming or did those roots and vines truly moved?? Maybe she was too tired and felt stuck. It might have been in her head?

She stood from the ground, feeling so much better.

''I will NEVER complain about this place again..''

As Luna looked around, her gaze fell upon a stone, wrapped in the vines... They all seem to be connected to this one lone stone. With an intrigued look, she slowly approach this mysterious stone... The closer she got, the more she could see.

''Is that a.. a dagger?''

The stonne held onto a dagger, that has been stuck into it, vines where wrapped around said weapon, as if it tried to maintain it there.
Luna took a closer look, it was a golden handle with a nice leather wrap.

''Woah.... ''


She looked around her, thinking maybe this was a trap, but it seemed innocent enough..
She grabbed onto the handle with her mouth and began to pull, she used all of her body weight.
Surprisingly enough, this seemed to do the trick, because the dagger came right out, ripping the vines holding it down. Luna fell on her back, into the muddy ground again.

The root and vines suddenly changed color and seem to quickly die.

''Oof... I hope I did not do anything wrong...''

Luna sat up and held the dagger into her hooves, her expression went from amazed to disappointed.

''Eww.. it's all old and rusty, it's kinda useless....''

As soon as she said that, an eye opened onto the dagger, and it looked straight at her and seemed quite angry.

'' Hey! Mind your manners will ya?..-''


Luna threw the weapon onto the ground, she was in complete shock. Did it just spoke to her?? Why does it have an eye..-

''Well, that's one way to present yourself, would you mind picking me back up, I dont want to get a pink eye or something...''

Luna was completely flabbergasted, she slowly approached the dagger and with shaky hooves she picked it back up. She turned it around so that she could take a closer look, but when the eye opened again she couldn't help herself and screamed.





Luna pushed the dagger away from her, hoping this was all just a bad dream...-

''What the hell are you??!'' She asked in disbelief.

''A dagger, duh! I think you mean WHO the hell am I?'' Asked the dagger

''..... I'm having a conversation with a rusty blade....'' Expressed Luna

''Hey, watch it! 'Name's very sharp and pointy blade of the underworld's lord, but my friends call me James...''

Luna was still unsure of what she was experiencing right now.. it seemed quite surreal.

''Do you have a lot of friends?'' She asked him.

''No..... They are all dead and rotten now..... But that all good, they deserved it.!'' He answered, a little too excitedly...

''Okay, we're done here. I have to find my way out.''

Luna stood up and placed the blade back onto the stone, but not in.
As she began to walk off, James seemed a little panicked.

''Wait up! Dont leave a defenseless blade here! I know a way out!''

Luna stopped right there, she turned around, feeling unsure. She walked back to the stone pedestal

''So, if I take you with me, you will help me get out?'' She asked him, still feeling unsure.

''Aaaabsolutely!! I promise it on my grandmother's head!''

Luna picked the blade back up and used the straps on it to attach it around her waist.
As strange as it was, she needed to get out and back to Celestia as soon as possible...
Hopefully, she wont regret this.....

The two of them began their short journey out of this gross and muddy underground world...

''Say, what's your little name??'' Asked James with a curious stare.


''.... Luna, my name is Luna....''

Chapter 5: The end of the world...

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The sun shined brightly as Luna exited the cave with James around her waist. The sudden burst of light made her nocturnal eyes burn for a moment, enough for the young filly to look away.

Even James blinked a couple times before finally getting used to the daylight.

Luna rubbed her eyes and looked around to make sure no fiend were waiting out there, ready to gobble her up....

"FREEDOM! At last! It has been centuries since I have felt the wind on my eye!" Exclaimed James with pure joy.

"Oh, it looks like my plans to go to the beach will have to wait, seems a little too cold out there, I swear I counted my seasons right....." He added with confusion in his eye.

Luna looked over at the blade, then at the frozen river and snowy fields surrounding them.... her ears dropped and a sad look washed over her blue face.

"No, you did count your seasons right. We dont know where this snow came from nor how to stop it.... " She said with a sad tone in her voice.

"Huh... how interesting..." James added

Luna zoned out from her conversation with the talking blade and took a moment to look around, hoping that maybe her sister is somewhere around here.

She began to walk around, the fresh snow what crunching under the pressure of her body, leaving behind her a trail of deep holes.

The frozen trees looked absolutely breathtaken, it was as if the world was frozen in time, it was all covered in a thick coating of ice and snow and the sun's light shinned brightly, bouncing of every surfaces that would host it.
The filly looked around, hoping to find a trail, a clue,anything that could at the very least lead her back home.

"So... what are we doing exactly?" Asked James curiously.

"I.. I am not sure.. I have to find my big sister Celestia.." Replied Luna, she seemed unsure of where to go from there.

"Ah, I love your loyalty! Very nice trait to have.... If you want to die" James said in a mocking tone.

Luna's ear perked up as she noticed a little trail of blody snow leading back to where she fell down.

"...... Oh no..." She said with a bit of panic in her little voice.
She began to gallop, following this path tinted in red, she didn't want to believe that something had gotten to her sibling

"Tia!! Tia!!" She yelled out.

"Hey! Calm down will ya??!" Said James, worried she might attract predators...

Luna's heart and brain did not seem to synch, the ground felt soft and her body felt light.

"Calm down! Im sure she's fine!" Said James with an eye roll and a chuckle.

Luna came to a complete stop, her eyes widdened from the scene before her.
In front of them stood the sword that Celestia wields. Stabbed into the ground and covered in frozen blood. The snow clearly showed struggles and fighting.
The young filly's eyes began to slowly fill up with tears as she sat down quietly next to her sister's weapon.

"Oh noo.... she got turned into a sword too!? H E L L O, C A N Y O U T A L K???"

Expressed James, completely oblivious to the situation.

"*sniff* No you stupid butter knife! She wasnt turned into a sword... she's.... *sniff*"

Luna placed her dirty hooves over her eyes and layed onto the clean snow, silently weeping, not wanting to believe herself, it did not felt right in her heart.

"I was too late...*cries* I'm the one who ran this way... *weeps* I... It's all my fault!..."

James expression seemed regretful on behalf of the filly.

"Oh... Well, thats life. We live then die.... Except for me, I can't die! I'm a dagger!"

James was not known to have much empathy and seriousness when needed. But Luna seemed to have shut him down already, and cried to herself for a moment...


Luna was still beside her sister's sword, and even seemed to have fell asleep, many hours passed, the sound of the snow falling beneat her hooves and the scream her sister let out as she descended onto the darkness.

What would she tell her mother?.... How would she even get back home?...
She felt completely lost, powerless.....

The sun was ready to settle down in a few hours.

"Wait... what is that?..." Whispers James to himself.
Right there, beside them, hoof tracks that weren't theirs.

"Well, well, well... I think you might want to take a look at those, dear."

This statement made Luna's ears perk up, she looked around until she noticed the holes in the snow that showed tracks leafing in a whole other direction than were they came from.
A glow could be seen in Luna's eyes, one that fadded away earlier.
It was hope, just a glimpse of it.

"That's hers!! I am sure of it!" She exclaimed excitedly, Luna picked up the sword and found the strenght to gallop in their direction, praying to any divinity that her beloved sister was okay and looking for her too.

"-Oh thank you James, you are the best! Aah - phsst....." Mumbled the blade under his breath while rolling his eye.

The tracks led to the bottom of the mountains, the ones Luna and Celestia were meant to climb together... they stopped at the entrance of a cave at the bottom of one of them. Luna took a step back and seemed quite unsure.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" Asked James, confused by her hesitation.

"I... I... I can't go in there.... It's too dark..." She said as she stepped back, remembering being stuck in that underground cave for a few days. When she couldnt squeeze through before finding her dagger, when she believed that was the end.

"But dont you have magic or something?? Come on, use that horn of yours! Looks like this is the faster way to get to the other side!" Exclaimed James.

"Dont make me drop you right here and leave! .... Now, there has to be a way around this... " She said pondering... Even if Celestia went into the cave, she was surely already out of it.

The young blue haired filly walked along the mountain, looking for a possible ledge that would let them go around the mountains without being imprisoned in its belly...

The wind started to gently pick up once more, a fresh and cool breeze blowing some crazy snow onto Luna..
As she looked up to the sky, she spotted a little ledge, a perfect place to start climbing! She began her climb, the snow surely did not helped but at least it wasnt hard ice...

A strong gust of wind blew around both Luna and James, making them feel quite cold.


"James!! The wind is really strong!! I-I can't see anything!!" Yelled Luna.

"I-It's.. it's so cold!! I can't feel my hands anymore!!! Oh wait.." He replied with a confused look.

Luna rolled her eyes and pulled her hood over her head to block as much of the wind as possible.
It has been so long since she started her climb and yet, no traces of Celestia around.. not even one hoof print.. as if she completely disappeared....

The path she was on was quite narrow and slippery.

What if she is stuck in the cave that she refused to enter.... or what if.. she reached the end of the world...
The filly stoppedright there in her tracks.

"The end of the world... " She whispered to herself with a stunned look .

"The what now??" Asked James with an anoyed tone in his voice, trying to avoid ice crystals from flying in his eye.

Luna began to step back fearfully.

"Hey! What's going on?? Where are you going?!" Exclaimed James looking around frantically.

"I have to go back.. I can't do this...."



As Luna stepped back she misplaced her steps and in an instant was now hanging onto a root that was thankfully sticking out from the canyon's wall. The grip was quite painful as she had to use her mouth.

"OH!! OOOH!! OKAY!! DON'T PANIC!" Said James Looking down.
"Oh if I could feel sick.. I would be very much sick.. r.. right now..." He said with a quivering voice.

"VAMMME, DO PHOMTHING!!" Yelled Luna angrily, in absolute pain..

Her hooves were trying to grab anything that could help her hang on. The roots began to pull away from the sides of the mountain.

James was so used to be u derground that he as developped an immense fear of heights...

Thats it...

Luna's eyes simply closed while James just screamed.


Luna's heart skipped a beat at the sound of the roots letting go, the wind was suddenly quiet as well as everything else.



"*Quiet gasp*...."

Luna's eyes opened as soon as she heard her name. She looked up to see a familiar figure, one that was using their magic to lift Luna back up to the safety of the ledge.

"Tia?..." She asked quietly...

"Luna!! Are you okay??!" Asked Celestia, she seemed to struggle at lifting her little sister up.

The moment that Luna was safe, she leaped onto Celestia's hooves crying profusely.

"I...-I missed you so much *sobs* sister..." Said Luna in between sobs.

"Oh Luna, you're okay.. You're alright... " Said Celestia while holding her little sister tightly....

The celebrations were short lived when a violent gust of wind pushed them back a bit.

"We need to get off the mountain!! This is too dangerous!!" Yelled Celestia as she used her how coat to cover her little sister some more.

"But wait, what about getting help?!" Asked the filly, wondering why they would go back now that they were finally together.
Her confused expression made Celestia's heart sting, she couldn't risk losing her anymore..

"I can't let you get hurt Luna.. or worse...-"

Her phrase was cut short as Luna threw Celestia's sword at her. Luna had a quite serious look on her face.

"I can't give up on mom Tia...."



The two sisters looked up at the sky who was now getting dark from a formation of thick and unusual clouds, a look crackles and pow teared up the skies above.
With each thunder, Celestia could see something moving amongst the clouds, something almost surnatural.

The ground then began to shake under their hooves, the two of them got closer to eachother and Celestia pulled up her sword, the one she believed she had lost...

"T-..tia, what's going on?...." Asked Luna.


More rumbles could be heard, but these were not coming from the skies, these were coming from within the mountains.

Stones began to roll down around them and on the mountain wall accross from them, Celestia couldn't do anything more than a mere protection bubble around them both.. But even then this might not protect them well.

The rocks then began to roll in a certain directions, and they seemed to be forming into a giant stone gollem. Once it was finished, it's eyes began to glow of a bright blue light.
Celestia held the sword in front of Luna, to make sure she was entirely protected.

"Okay, Luna, you will begin to run away when I say so, okay? " Said a completely terrified Celestia.

"What??! No, not this time!! I can't leave you!!" Said Luna angrily.

The wind then blew harder, the sound of their voices attracted the beast towards them. He slowly approached the ledge that they were standing on.

The two ponies backed up in fear.

What now?....

"Who dares disturb my slumber, withing my domain?" Asked the stone gollem, his voice was so loud that it resonated withing every crevaces of the mountains and so deep that it made the grounds tremble, almost sweeping the two little ponies off their hooves.

Luna and Celestia stayed silent before the giant made of stone.
Celestia's magic seemed to lose it's forces.

The eldest looked over at the youngest and nodded while giving her a brave smile.

"Hey!! Over here pebble head!!" Screamed Celestia as she threw a pebble at it.

She then quickly picked up Luna with her magic and placed her onto her back, which was not the initial plan.

The giant mountain king began to feel the anger rising and raised his fist. But being so big also mean that you are slower.
Celestia was galloping at such a rapid speed, the snow would create a little cloud trail beind them both.

The ground shook as the gollem destroyed the ledge where they used to be standing on, that was it, the only way back home was now gone....

"Quick Tia!! You can do it!!!" Exclaimed Luna with a big smile on her face, usually she would feel absolutely terrified, (which she still does...) but for some reason, being with ber sister made her feel absolutely invincible.

The gollem stopped following them and let out a loud roar that reasonated within both their hearts.

"EAT. THAT. Evil monster!!!! "

Celestia could'nt help but laugh and cheer with her little sister, she finally found her moon in the darkness once more. And Luna found the sun in her grey skies.

But as Luna was cheering, she turned her attention away from the gollem to look forward, and right ahead of them was the end of their path.

"TIA, STOOOP!!!" She yelled trying to get her to stop.

Celestia looked over and did her best to stop themselves from falling off. But alas, both of their body weight combined with the icy ground had them slip right off...

Thankfully it was just a tall hill where they rolled all the way down into the snow.
After they were done rolling down, both sisters were completely covered in snow.

They both looked at eachother, silently, in complete disbelief to what just happened to them.... a growing chuckle was then heard coming from Celestia, and shortly after, Luna joined in..
All of this adventuring probably got to their heads.

While Celestia was still excitedly describing what just happened to them, Luna's gaze turned towards the horizon, and her joyful expression was now also smeared with pure amazement.....
Celestia looked in the same direction and her eyes widdened.

Right before them was a kingdom, a frozen kingdom, but it was there...

There never was an end of the world, only a continuation of their own....

"This is it.... whoever lives over there has to have the answer...." Said Celestia as the sun slowly descended behind them both.

Chapter 6: Hostile Host...

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As Luna and Celestia approached the frozen kingdom, they couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension that settled over them like a heavy blanket of snow. The once welcoming glow of the kingdom now seemed tainted with hostility, and they exchanged wary glances as they trudged forward.

Before they could take another step, a commanding voice shattered the icy silence. "Halt! What business do unicorns have in our kingdom?"

Startled, Luna and Celestia turned to see a group of armored pegasi descending from the sky, their wings beating with authority. At their forefront was a stern-looking Pegasus with a mane as dark as the storm clouds above. Beside said pegasus stood a younger one who seemed a bit less stern and seemed apologetic towards the two mares.

The two unicorns stood in awe at the sight of the group of flying ponies, they heard about them in foalstories, but never would they have believed they existed! Luna had a big whole smile plastered onto her face as her ans Celestia approched them.

"I am Commander Hurricane of the Royal Guard," he declared, his voice cutting through the frosty air like a blade. "Unicorns are not welcome here. State your purpose, and be quick about it."

Celestia stepped forward, her posture regal despite the chill in the air. "We seek answers and assistance. Our home is besieged by unending snow and ice, and we believe there may be knowledge within your realm that can aid us."

Commander Hurricane's gaze hardened, and he exchanged a tense glance with his fellow guards. "Your kind brought this curse upon yourselves," he spat, his words laced with bitterness.
The younger pegasus pulled him aside and whispered into his ear... they both looked back at Luna and Celestia, leaving them puzzled as to what they were talking about.

The two soldiers then turned back around and Commander Hurricane flew closer to the two mare
''If you seek answers, you will have to come with us. You will be treated as prisoners until we decide what to do with you."

Luna felt a knot form in her stomach, but she knew they had no choice but to comply. With a heavy heart, she followed her sister and the guards as they made their way through the imposing gates of the kingdom.

''Luna?.... this feels like a baaaad idea...'' Whispered a familiar voice.

Luna turned her head around before lifting her cloak, underneath it was James looking a bit decieved in the young filly.

''I know, I can't help but feel like this is more dangerous than that monster back there...'' She replied with a little quiver in her voice.

''QUIET!'' Said one of the guard as they poked the two sisters with their lances.

Luna dropped the cloak over James as he let's out a muffled ''Rude!''. She looks up at her big sister for reassurance but Celestia seems unsure as well of what is going on.

Inside, they were met with glares and muttered curses from the inhabitants, who eyed them with open hostility. Luna felt a pang of fear clutch at her heart as they were led through the icy streets, the cold seeping into her bones with every step.

They were brought before a figure seated upon a throne of clouds, her icy blue eyes gleaming with malice. "I am Queen Dormant Thunder," she announced, her voice like shards of ice. "What brings unicorns to my kingdom?"

Celestia stepped forward, her voice steady despite the tension in the air. "Your Majesty, we come seeking aid for our home, which has been cursed by unending winter. We believe there may be a connection between our plight and the magic that surrounds your realm."

Queen Dormant Thunder regarded them with a cold gaze, her lips curling into a disdainful sneer. "Unicorns are not welcome here," she spat, her words dripping with venom. "Your kind has always been a blight upon our land, with your frivolous magic and your arrogant ways."

Luna felt a surge of anger rise within her, but she forced herself to remain composed. "Please, Your Majesty, we only seek answers. Our kingdom is in grave danger, and if there is anything you can tell us that might help, we would be forever grateful."

The queen's eyes narrowed, and she leaned forward on her throne, her voice dripping with scorn. "You expect me to help those who have brought nothing but suffering to my people?" she scoffed. "Leave this kingdom at once, before I decide to rid myself of your presence permanently."

Luna and Celestia felt their hearts sink as the queen's words washed over them like a bitter wind. It seemed their hopes of finding aid here were dashed, and they were left with no choice but to retreat.

As Luna and Celestia made their way towards the outskirts of the frozen kingdom, their spirits weighed heavy with disappointment and uncertainty.

''At least we are alive! '' Yelled out Luna, trying to make the best out of their current situation

''But it still doesn't answer the meaning of this storm Luna.... I felt.. So close to the answer, yet so far'' Said Celestia in a glooming way ''We just discovered something BIG, something we were made to believe did not exist Luna!' She said puzzled and frustrated.

''Well... if they knew about our existence, how come we didn't? That doesnt seem fair'' Said Luna, draging her hooves in the snow creating a little path behind her.

Suddenly, a voice called out from behind them.

"Wait! Stop!"

Turning around, they saw the young Pegasus racing towards them, her wings flapping with urgency. She skidded to a halt in front of them, panting heavily.

"I'm Private Pansy," she gasped out, her eyes darting nervously between Luna and Celestia. "Please, don't leave just yet. I believe there's been a misunderstanding."

Luna and Celestia exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what to make of this sudden turn of events. But there was something in Private Pansy's demeanor that sparked a glimmer of hope within them.

"What do you mean, a misunderstanding?" Celestia asked, her voice tinged with caution.

Private Pansy took a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts. "You see, Queen Dormant Thunder is... well, she's not herself lately," she explained. "She's been consumed by anger and bitterness towards unicorns and Earth Ponies, ever since... well, that's a long story. But I believe you're not the ones to blame for our kingdom's troubles."

Luna and Celestia listened intently.

''Earth Ponies??'' Asked Celestia while tilting her head to the side.

"I know it may seem hopeless," Private Pansy admitted, her eyes pleading for understanding. "But perhaps there's a way to change Queen Dormant Thunder's mind. And I believe you two might hold the key."

Luna and Celestia exchanged a hopeful glance, sensing that Private Pansy was offering them a chance to make a difference. But before they could respond, the sound of approaching hoofsteps drew their attention.

Commander Hurricane and a contingent of guards approached, their expressions stern and unwelcoming. "What is the meaning of this, Private Pansy?" the commander demanded, his voice laced with suspicion.

Private Pansy stood her ground, her gaze unwavering. "Commander, please hear me out," she urged, stepping forward to address the group. "These unicorns may hold the key to resolving our kingdom's troubles. Instead of driving them away, perhaps we should consider keeping them here as... leverage."

The suggestion seemed to catch everyone off guard, including Luna and Celestia. But before anyone could protest, Private Pansy continued, her voice gaining strength with conviction.

"Think about it," she implored. "If the unicorns know that we hold two of their kinds, they may come to reason and.."

''And SURRENDER!!'' Exclamed the commander, filled with pride towards the young mare.

Private Pansy looked confused and couldn't mutter the words out of her mouth before the commander grabbed her and gave two big pats on her back, blowing the air out of her body.
"Very well, Private Pansy," he conceded. "We will give your plan a chance. But if these unicorns prove to be a threat to our kingdom, they will answer to me..."

The two unicorns exchanged uncertain looks to private Pansy, who gave them a somewhat reassuring look...

With that, Luna, Celestia, and Private Pansy were escorted back to the palace, where they would await an audience with Queen Dormant Thunder. Though the outcome was far from certain, they couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of determination.

As they entered the throne room, Luna and Celestia exchanged a hopeful glance, silently vowing to do whatever it took to bring about peace between their kingdoms. And with Private Pansy's unexpected support, they knew they had a fighting chance.


''ABSOLUTELY NOT!!'' Yelled out the pegasi queen.
''I've had just about enough of this nonsense, Commander Hurricane, I believed you were better than this!'' She accused her commander, who lowered his head in shame..

Private Pansy stood tall, though her expression betrayed a hint of nervousness. "Your Majesty, please hear me out," she implored, taking a step forward. "These unicorns may hold the key to ending our kingdom's troubles. If we work together-"

"Silence!" Queen Dormant Thunder interrupted, her voice echoing through the throne room like a blast of icy wind. "I will not hear any more of your treacherous lies, Private Pansy. These unicorns are not to be trusted."

''I gave you a chance to leave and NEVER come back...'' Said the queen with an ice cold snarl
''You may stay... But you will do so in a cell!''

"Your Majesty, please," Celestia pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation. "We mean you no harm. We only seek answers to the snow and ice that plagues our home!"

But Queen Dormant Thunder's expression remained unmoved, her eyes blazing with fury. "Enough!" she spat, rising from her throne with a sudden surge of power. "Guards, seize these unicorns and throw them into the dungeons below. They will rot there until I decide their fate."

Commander Hurricane and the guards moved forward, their faces impassive as they obeyed the queen's command. Luna and Celestia braced themselves as they were roughly seized and dragged away, their hopes of finding aid dashed once more.

Private Pansy could only watch them being dragged away as her ears flopped down in disappointment.

As they were led down into the depths of the palace, Luna and Celestia exchanged a solemn glance. They knew that their situation was dire, but they refused to give up hope. They had faced challenges before, and they would face this one together.

"We will find a way out of this, Luna," Celestia whispered, her voice filled with determination.

Luna nodded, her eyes shining with resolve. "Together," she agreed, her voice echoing in the dimly lit corridors of the dungeon.

And so, as Luna and Celestia were thrown into the darkness below, their spirits remained unbroken. For they knew that as long as they had each other, they would find a way to overcome whatever obstacles stood in their path.

Their weapons were taken from them and placed in a box far away from their cell.

Luna and Celestia found themselves confined in a cold, damp cell deep beneath the palace, the air heavy with the scent of mildew and decay. The stone walls were rough and uneven, coated with a layer of frost that shimmered faintly in the dim torchlight.

The cell was small and cramped, barely large enough for the two of them to stand side by side. A narrow slit high up on one wall served as the only window, offering a glimpse of the icy landscape outside, though it provided little comfort to the imprisoned unicorns.

A single straw pallet lay in one corner of the cell, its threadbare blanket offering little warmth against the chill that permeated the air. Luna and Celestia huddled together for comfort, their coats pressed tightly against each other in a futile attempt to stave off the cold.

The only sound was the drip, drip, drip of water echoing from somewhere in the depths of the dungeon, a constant reminder of their precarious situation. Luna and Celestia exchanged worried glances, their thoughts consumed by uncertainty and fear.

In the dim light of their cell, Celestia gently brushed her muzzle against Luna's mane, whispering soothing words of comfort as her sister nestled against her side. With each gentle stroke, Luna's tense muscles began to relax, and the worry lines on her face softened.

"Shh, it's okay, Luna," Celestia murmured, her voice a gentle melody in the darkness. "We'll get through this together. Just close your eyes and rest. I'll be right here with you."

Luna sighed softly, her eyelids growing heavy as Celestia's comforting presence enveloped her like a warm blanket. With a final reassuring nuzzle, Celestia watched as Luna's breathing slowed and her body relaxed into a peaceful slumber.

As Luna drifted off to sleep, Celestia remained by her side, her heart heavy with worry...


As the night wore on and Luna slept soundly beside her, Celestia remained vigilant, her senses attuned to every sound echoing through the cold stone corridors of the dungeon. Hours passed in silence, broken only by the occasional drip of water and the distant howl of the wind outside.

But as the moon reached its zenith and the darkness deepened, Celestia's keen ears detected the faint sound of hoofsteps approaching. Her heart quickened with anticipation as she strained to listen, wondering who could be making their way through the labyrinthine halls of the dungeon.

To her surprise and relief, the hoofsteps drew nearer, accompanied by the soft whisper of a voice that she recognized all too well. "Celestia, are you awake?" came the hushed tones of Private Pansy, her voice tinged with urgency.

Celestia's eyes snapped open, her pulse quickening with a mixture of hope and apprehension. "Private Pansy?" she whispered back, sitting up and nudging Luna gently to rouse her from her slumber.

Before she could say another word, the shadows shifted nearby, revealing the silhouette of another figure lurking in the darkness. "I hope you know what you are doing Pansy, this is such an idiotic idea. I cannot believe I agreed to this!" came the voice of a male unicorn, his form shimmering faintly as if cloaked in an invisible veil.

''This.. This is Clover the Clever, he is not like others, he is good... Just, look past the snarly attitude'' She whispered with a smirk, awarding her a light hoof kick from Clover.

Celestia's heart swelled with gratitude as she realized that Private Pansy and Clover the Clever had come to their aid. "Thank you both for coming," she whispered, her voice filled with relief. "We thought we were alone down here."

Private Pansy and Clover the Clever exchanged a knowing glance before turning their attention back to Celestia and Luna. "We've come to help you escape," Private Pansy explained, her voice tinged with determination. "But we'll have to move quickly before the guards catch wind of our plan."

With the guards patrolling the halls nearby, Celestia, Luna, Private Pansy, and Clover the Clever knew they had to act swiftly and silently to escape their cell. As they approached the heavy iron door that stood between them and freedom, they exchanged a silent nod, their determination steeling their resolve.

Pansy and Clover stepped forward, their hooves moving with practiced precision as they examined the lock securing the door. With a quiet click, Private Pansy produced a small set of lockpicks from her pocket, her movements deft and precise as she worked to manipulate the mechanism.

''Wait... where's the key??'' Asked Clover, surprised to see her use a lockpick, she is high ranked into the army after all.

''Queen Dormant Thunder had them taken from me as to.... avoid any 'funny business...'' She said while concentrated on the lock she was picking.

''I guess she was right...'' Said Clover in a mocking tone.

Meanwhile, Clover focused his magic, his horn glowing softly in the darkness as he cast a subtle spell to muffle the sound of their actions. The air shimmered around him as he wove his magic, the enchantment enveloping the group like a protective cloak.

With bated breath, Celestia and Luna watched as Private Pansy and Clover the Clever continued their efforts, their hearts pounding with anticipation as they waited for the telltale sound of the lock giving way. Time seemed to stretch on endlessly as they worked, the tension in the air palpable as they drew closer to their goal.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, there was a soft click as the lock yielded to Private Pansy's skillful manipulation. With a silent gesture, she eased the door open inch by inch, her movements careful and deliberate as she worked to minimize any noise.

As the door swung open on silent hinges, Celestia, Luna, Pansy, and Clover shared a triumphant glance, their eyes shining with determination as they prepared to make their escape. Celestia picked up their thing that were left in the box nearby. With a final nod, they slipped out into the corridor beyond, their steps light and cautious as they moved through the shadows, their journey towards freedom now well underway.

They crept out into the dimly lit corridor, their hearts pounding with adrenaline as they moved with stealth and caution. The narrow passageways of the dungeon seemed to stretch on endlessly, their footsteps muffled by the soft padding of their hooves against the cold stone floor.

As they neared the exit, the sound of approaching hoofsteps echoed through the corridor, sending a jolt of fear through the group. With quick thinking, Private Pansy motioned for them to duck into a nearby alcove, their bodies pressed against the rough stone walls as they held their breath and waited for the guards to pass.

Heartbeats thundered in their ears as the guards drew closer, their voices low and indistinct as they spoke amongst themselves. Closer and closer they came, until the flickering torchlight illuminated the alcove where they hid in the shadows.

For a heart-stopping moment, it seemed as though they had been discovered. But at the last possible instant, the guards passed by without so much as a glance in their direction, their attention focused on their patrol duties as they continued on their rounds.

With a collective sigh of relief, Celestia, Luna, Pansy, and Clover emerged from their hiding place, their nerves still on edge as they pressed forward towards the exit. They moved swiftly but silently, their senses attuned to every sound and movement as they sought to evade detection and reach the safety of the outside world.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they reached the heavy iron doors that marked the entrance to the dungeon. With a quiet prayer, Private Pansy and Clover the Clever set to work once more, their hooves moving with practiced precision as they worked to unlock the mechanism and open the doors.

As the doors swung open, they all shared a triumphant glance, their eyes shining with relief as they stepped out into the crisp night air. The moon hung high overhead, casting its silver light upon the snowy landscape before them, a beacon of hope guiding their way towards freedom.

''Okay Girls, let's get you out of here!'' Whispered Clover to Luna and Celestia.

As They began leaving, Celestia noticed that Pansy was missing from the group, she turned around to see her new friend nodding at her as she slowly crawled back into the door, leaving a soft smile on Celestia's face as she silently muttered a ''thank you'' before joining Clover and Luna into the frozen landscape.

Chapter 7: A strange feud...

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Since Celestia, Luna, and Clover the Clever emerged from the dungeons of the palace, they were met with a bitter cold that seemed to seep into their bones. The howling wind whipped through the plains of the frozen kingdom, sending clouds of snow swirling through the air.

"We need to find shelter," Celestia shouted over the roar of the blizzard, her voice barely audible above the deafening wind.

Clover nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of refuge. "I know a place," he called back, his voice barely carrying over the howling wind. "Follow me!" His horn's glow got brighter and stronger so that the two sister's wouldn't get lost in this cold snow.

With Luna clinging to Celestia's side, the trio set off into the blizzard, their hooves sinking into the deep snow with each step. The biting cold gnawed at their skin, and the icy wind threatened to knock them off their feet at every turn.

But they pressed on, driven by the desperate need to find shelter from the storm. Guided by Clover's knowledge of the land, they made their way through the blinding snow, their hearts pounding with each gust of wind that threatened to push them off course.

After what felt like an eternity, they stumbled upon a small village nestled in a sheltered valley, its lights flickering dimly through the swirling snow. With a sense of relief flooding through them, they hurried towards the village, their eyes scanning the snow-covered streets for any sign of life.

"This way!" Clover called out, leading the way through the deserted streets of the village. "We'll find shelter here."

As they made their way through the village, they were greeted by rows of quaint cottages, their windows glowing warmly in the darkness. Smoke rose lazily from the chimneys, and the sound of silent was deafening.

"This is my home," Clover explained, his voice tinged with pride. "It's a unicorn-only village, you'll be safe here as long as you stick with me."

With Clover's guidance, they found their way to a cozy cottage nestled at the edge of the village. The door swung open with a creak, revealing a warm and inviting interior bathed in the soft glow of firelight.

As Celestia, Luna, and Clover stepped into the warmth of the cottage, they were greeted by a scene that spoke of a life dedicated to learning and exploration. The interior of Clover's home was filled with the comforting glow of flickering candles, casting dancing shadows across the cluttered space.

Books, papers, and manuscripts were strewn haphazardly across every available surface, their pages filled with scribbled notes and diagrams. Piles of dusty tomes teetered precariously atop rickety bookshelves, their spines worn with age and use. Scrolls of parchment littered the floor, unfurled and forgotten in the chaos of the room.

Despite the apparent disarray, there was a sense of purpose to the clutter, as if each scattered book and crumpled manuscript held within it the promise of knowledge waiting to be uncovered. The air was thick with the musty scent of ancient parchment and ink, mingling with the warm aroma of burning candles.

In one corner of the room, a small desk was piled high with stacks of parchment and quills, their inkwells dried and empty from hours of diligent study. A lone candle flickered atop the cluttered surface, casting a soft glow over the scattered papers and half-finished sketches.

Despite the messiness of the space, there was a certain charm to Clover's home, a sense of warmth and comfort that seemed to radiate from every corner. The walls were adorned with faded tapestries and tattered maps, their colors muted with age but still filled with the promise of adventure.

As Celestia, Luna, and Clover settled into the cozy confines of the cottage, they couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the knowledge and wisdom that surrounded them. For in this cluttered sanctuary of learning, they knew that they had found not only shelter from the storm, but also a glimpse into the mind of a unicorn whose thirst for knowledge knew no bounds.

"I must offer my sincerest apologies for the disarray," Clover expressed with a sheepish grin, his hoof absently tousling his mane. "This unexpected visit caught me off guard, as you can see."

"Oh, no need to apologize," interjected a masculine voice, its playful tone resonating through the room. "I can totally relate to the bachelor life! My place used to be a disaster zone too," it continued, capturing Luna's attention.

"James!" Luna scolded, her embarrassment evident in her voice.

"Did you say something, Luna?" Celestia inquired, gently removing their dirty, wet cloaks. Clover quickly took charge, hanging them alongside his own. Luna huffed and shook her head, indicating she hadn't spoken.

"You two are quite the odd pair, I must admit," Clover remarked playfully as he guided them closer to the fireplace. With a soft, green aura emanating from his horn, he conjured a small fireball, igniting the wood within the fireplace and filling the room with warmth. "I must ask, where do you two come from? Certainly not from around here..."

Luna gazed up at Celestia, her eyes filled with sorrow. Celestia returned the look with a sympathetic smile, understanding her sister's emotions. They both lingered by the warmth of the fire, reluctant to address their situation, until Clover the Clever sensed the melancholy that enveloped them.

"We come from SilverLeap, beyond the mountains," Celestia began, her voice tinged with sadness. "Luna is my younger sister, sharing the same mother but different fathers. We journeyed here seeking aid, as our home has been engulfed by snow and ice. Yet, it seems your village faces a similar plight..."

Celestia's ears drooped, mirroring Luna's downcast expression. James listened intently, offering his silent support.

Clover stepped forward, a steaming pot of tea floated beside him as he poured them both a cup, a gesture of comfort amidst their somber conversation. As Celestia took a sip, Luna merely stared at the cup, her aversion to tea evident. Despite her reluctance, the warmth of the porcelain invoked memories of home, a bittersweet reminder of her mother's care.

"I am truly sorry to hear this... Is your mother here with you? Were you separated during the snowstorm?" Clover inquired, his concern evident. But before he could finish, Luna's sorrowful expression shifted to frustration.

"Our mother has passed..." Luna's voice wavered as tears welled up in her eyes. Celestia's initial shock turned to anger as she corrected her sister sternly. "Luna! Why do you speak such falsehoods? Mother is not gone; she is merely ill!" Her cup clattered against the table as she rebuked Luna, her frustration palpable. Luna turned away, her tears now a silent testament to her anguish.

"You don't know that, 'Tia! She was covered in sores when we left!" Luna yelled, her frustration boiling over.

"And what makes you think you're more right than I am, Luna?" Celestia shot back, equally exasperated.

As Clover moved to intervene, a fierce gust of wind burst through the window, extinguishing all the candles and plunging the room into darkness. Papers flew wildly, and snow swirled into the chaotic space. The two young fillies clung to each other, screaming in fear, while Clover battled the wind with his magic to close the window.

After a tense struggle, he finally succeeded in shutting it, taking a deep breath to steady himself. He then set about relighting the candles and rekindling the fireplace, restoring light and warmth to the room.

"Well, whatever the truth may be, you are here now, and you came for a reason. But why did you seek aid from the pegasi?" Clover asked, his tone laced with concern, prompting the two sisters to tilt their heads in curiosity.

"Pegasi? So, those ponies with wings are called pegasi?" Luna asked, intrigued.

"Why would they try to hurt us?" Celestia added, puzzled.

Clover offered a sad smile, touched by their innocence. "You truly aren't from here, are you?" he said softly, finding their naivety both refreshing and heartbreaking.

Using his magic, he pulled out a weathered leather notebook. Celestia reached for her cup of tea to take a sip, only to find it had been knocked over by the wind, spilling its contents. Seeing this, Luna silently handed her untouched cup to Celestia, a small gesture of comfort amidst their feud.

"Our pony species, as we know, consists of three distinct categories:

First, the Earth Ponies. Strong and resourceful, they have an unparalleled ability to cultivate the land and manage crops. Their connection to the earth makes them indispensable.

Then, there are the pegasi. With their powerful wings, they possess the freedom to soar through the skies. They are disciplined soldiers, fiercely loyal to their leaders, and form the most formidable army you could ask for.

Lastly, we have the unicorns. Graceful and scholarly, we are endowed with the unique ability to manipulate the physical world through magic. This gift can be used for great good or, unfortunately, great evil."

All their lives, Celestia and Luna had heard tales of these creatures, believing them to be mere foal stories. Yet, here they were, discovering the truth in Clover's words. They listened in awe, their eyes wide with wonder, which brought a warm smile to Clover’s face. It felt gratifying to teach again, even if it was something as fundamental as this.

"You already know Private Pansy. She’s a strong mare and holds a high rank beside Commander Hurricane. They are the ones responsible for keeping their territory secure," Clover said, his tone tinged with melancholy.

"Secure? Secure from what?" Luna asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Exactly!" Clover exclaimed, pleased to see the young fillies were engaged.

"Our tribes have never managed to agree on anything. Even when I was a colt, I witnessed my family constantly at odds with the pegasi and Earth ponies. It's so futile and brings nothing but harm," he said, stomping his hoof in frustration. His expression softened as he gazed out the window, the storm outside reflecting the turmoil within. The two sisters listened intently.

"I understand you came seeking our aid, but we too are facing our own struggles. Since this storm began, food has become scarce, and our tribes are on the brink of war. You might be better off returning home to care for your mother," he said, turning back to the fillies who now appeared deeply saddened. Neither the pegasi nor the unicorns could offer them help.

"May we stay the night, sir?" Celestia asked softly, her voice filled with pleading.

"Of course," Clover responded, his heart heavy with empathy. "I won't send you back in such harsh conditions. Stay and gather your strength before you journey home. I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more assistance," he added, feeling a pang of regret for shattering the sisters' hopes.

As the conversation wound down, Celestia and Luna found themselves feeling a mix of disappointment and relief. Disappointment at the realization that their quest for help may have hit a dead end, yet relief at the prospect of a warm place to spend the night.

Clover led them to a cozy guest room, where one plush bed awaited them, adorned with a soft blanket and fluffy pillows. The warmth of the room enveloped them like a comforting embrace, easing the chill that had settled into their bones.

After bidding them goodnight, Clover left them to settle in, promising to check on them in the morning. Alone in the quiet room, Celestia and Luna exchanged weary glances, their thoughts heavy with worry for their mother and uncertainty about their next steps.

As the chilly night wore on, about an hour later, Celestia carefully poured the last bucket of warm water over Luna's head, though her younger sister seemed less than enthused by the gesture. With a sigh, Celestia joined Luna in the bath, settling into the soothing warmth alongside her.

In the dim light of the flickering candles, the tension between the two sisters hung heavy in the air, palpable enough to slice through. Celestia reached for a cloth and began to gently scrub Luna's back, the rhythmic motion providing a small measure of comfort in the midst of their strained relationship.

Unexpectedly, Luna broke the silence with a soft, remorseful tone. "I'm sorry," she murmured, her voice heavy with guilt. The apology caught Celestia off guard; her sister was not one to readily admit fault.

Pausing in her movements, Celestia considered Luna's words, her heart softening despite the lingering hurt. "I know...'' she murmured softly, her tone tinged with sadness yet devoid of any lingering resentment.

Celestia's response elicited a faint smile onto Luna, conveying a depth of understanding between them that surpassed mere words. Celestia continued her gentle scrubbing, and with each stroke, the atmosphere in the room shifted, becoming imbued with a sense of lightness and joy that contrasted starkly with the heaviness of moments prior.

The next morning, after a well-deserved rest and a hearty bowl of oatmeal, Clover shared the next step in their plan with the two sisters. "We are going to meet Princess Platinum," he announced, his tone both serious and hopeful. "As her advisor, I believe I can persuade her to help us. We need to find a way to safely send you two home."

While finishing his bowl of oatmeal and cup of tea, Clover simultaneously read through several books, as if he couldn't bear to stop researching even for a moment. His eyes darted across the pages, absorbing information at a rapid pace.

Celestia and Luna exchanged anxious glances but nodded in agreement. They trusted Clover, and after everything he had done for them, they were willing to follow his lead. However, Luna had a question that had been nagging at her ever since their escape from the dungeons.

"Sir, how do you know Miss Pansy? Why did you help her if you are supposed to be enemies?" she asked innocently, taking a spoonful of her oatmeal. The question seemed to intrigue Celestia as well, and she looked at Clover with a curious gaze.

Caught off guard, Clover nearly choked on his tea, spraying a bit of it in surprise. Clearing his throat and stroking his beard thoughtfully, he pushed his books aside. "Well," he began hesitantly, "I hadn't planned on discussing this, but I think you two are clever and deserve to know the truth."

He sighed, feeling the weight of the revelation. "Pansy and I... we’ve known each other since we were young. Back then, the divisions between our tribes weren’t as pronounced, and we forged a bond of friendship that has endured despite the growing tensions. When I heard of your plight, I couldn’t ignore it, knowing that Pansy was involved. I helped her because, enemy or not, there are some things more important than old rivalries."

The sisters listened intently, their eyes wide with understanding. Celestia gave a slow nod, appreciating the depth of Clover's character and the complexities of their world. Luna, too, seemed to grasp the gravity of the situation, her earlier curiosity now replaced with a newfound respect for their unicorn protector.

"Thank you for trusting us with this," Celestia said softly. "It means a lot."

Clover offered a warm, reassuring smile. "Now, let's prepare to meet Princess Platinum. With any luck, she'll see the importance of helping you"

With that, they gathered their things and stepped out of Clover's home, the village was a sight to behold. The early morning sun cast a warm, golden glow over the snow-covered roofs, making the frost sparkle like a thousand tiny diamonds. Despite the cold and the lingering storm clouds in the distance, the village buzzed with activity.

Unicorns of all ages were out and about, working together to repair the damages caused by the relentless blizzard. Groups of unicorns, their horns glowing with various hues of magic, lifted and secured new shingles onto roofs, while others reinforced the walls of homes with sturdy planks. Some unicorns were clearing the pathways of snow, creating safe walkways for the villagers. The air was filled with the sounds of hammers, saws, and cheerful chatter, a testament to the resilience and community spirit of the unicorns.

Children played nearby, their laughter ringing out as they built snow ponies and engaged in friendly snowball fights. The village, though clearly struggling, displayed a vibrant sense of camaraderie and determination.

As they made their way through the bustling streets, Clover greeted many of the villagers by name, exchanging words of encouragement and offering assistance where needed. Celestia and Luna followed closely, taking in the sights and sounds with wide eyes. They had never seen such a lively and cooperative community before.

''Well, I honestly believed you would've died before this Luna. But I am glad you are still here! It feels so good to be out!'' Exlaimed James as he excitedly looks around.

"Zip it, you dumb butter knife!" Luna hissed, quickly concealing the talking dagger under her cloak.

Celestia turned around, raising an eyebrow in confusion. Luna laughed awkwardly, trying to hide her embarrassment.

"Hey, wait!" James's muffled protests came from beneath the thick fabric.

Finally, they arrived at the grand hall where Princess Platinum resided. The building stood tall and majestic, its stone walls adorned with intricate carvings and tapestries depicting the rich history of the unicorn tribe. Guards stood at the entrance, their armor gleaming in the morning light.

"Stay close," Clover whispered to the sisters as they approached the entrance. "Princess Platinum is a fair ruler, but she can be a bit..... extravagant?"

The guards, recognizing Clover, allowed them entry. Inside, the grand hall was even more impressive, with high ceilings and large stained-glass windows that cast colorful patterns on the marble floor. At the far end of the hall, seated on an ornate throne, was Princess Platinum. She was a regal unicorn, her mane flowing like liquid silver, and her eyes sharp and discerning.

Clover bowed deeply, and the sisters followed suit. "Your Highness," Clover began, his voice steady, "I bring before you two young fillies, Celestia and Luna, who have come seeking our aid. They hail from SilverLeap, a land beyond the mountains, which has been struck by the same relentless storm that plagues our home. I believe their plight is genuine, and I ask that we consider how best to help them get home."

Princess Platinum's gaze softened slightly as she looked at the two sisters. "Rise," she commanded with a gracious attitude. "I am already aware of their presence, Advisor Clover." With a flick of her horn, she produced a letter and handed it to Clover, who began reading it immediately. The letter accused Celestia and Luna of being unicorn spies who had escaped the pegasi dungeons and warned that they might be dangerous.

Clover cleared his throat, struggling to find the right words, but Princess Platinum waved her hoof dismissively and reclined dramatically on her throne. "Tell me, Celestia and Luna of SilverLeap, why did you seek aid from the pegasi before coming to us?" she asked, exasperation evident as she placed a hoof on her forehead in a theatrical gesture.

Celestia, her voice trembling slightly, recounted their journey. "Your Highness, we did not know of the divisions among the tribes. We were taken prisoner by the pegasis, and we were hoping they might know how to stop the storm. Unfortunately, Queen Dormant Thunder did not trust us and imprison...-"

" 'QUEEN' Dormant Thunder? Ah! Don't make me laugh," Princess Platinum exclaimed with a derisive chuckle. "She couldn’t lead a parade, let alone a kingdom! She’s no more a queen than a rock painted as a ruby—a complete fraud with no royal heritage or true claim to the title." The princess's voice dripped with disdain as she continued, "She thinks that just because she can fly, she's superior to us? Preposterous!"

"Oh... I like her!" came James's muffled voice from beneath Luna's cloak. The extravagant scene unfolding before them made Luna chuckle, her amusement clear. This prompted Celestia to give her a gentle nudge, trying to maintain decorum. However, even Celestia found it difficult to suppress her own smile in the face of Princess Platinum's theatrics.

After a moment of silence, she turned to Clover. "Your faith in these young ones speaks volumes, Clover. I will consider their request, but we must tread carefully. The storm has caused much fear and uncertainty among our people."

Clover nodded. "I understand, Your Highness. Perhaps, due to recent circumstances, it would be wise to keep the fillies under our care to avoid any more conflict..."

Princess Platinum sighed, her regal demeanor softening slightly as she spoke. "Very well. Celestia, Luna, you may stay here under Clover's supervision... for now. We will discuss this matter furth—"

Her words were abruptly cut off by a loud commotion at the entrance of the throne room. All eyes turned, curious to see what was causing such a disturbance. The guards struggled to contain someone determined to break through.

"PRINCESS PLATINUUUUUM!" sang a joyful voice from within the ruckus.

Princess Platinum's expression shifted to one of exasperation. "Oh no... Not... Chancellor Puddinghead..."

The commotion reached a peak as the Chancellor managed to squeeze past the wall of guards, her exuberance undeterred. "It's CHANCELLOR Puddinghead to you, madam!" she exclaimed, pointing an accusatory hoof at Princess Platinum.

Luna and Celestia exchanged bewildered glances, the sudden turn of events both amusing and confusing them. Clover, standing beside them, could only shake his head slightly, a wry smile forming on his lips at the familiar antics of the Chancellor. The throne room, moments ago a place of serious discussion, now buzzed with unexpected energy.

"But that's what I sa—" Princess Platinum couldn't finish her sentence before the Earth pony with a pudding cup hat dramatically pulled out a letter, the same one Luna and Celestia had seen earlier.

"Mind explaining this?? MmmMMMH???" demanded Puddinghead, scrutinizing the princess with a mixture of accusation and absurdity.

The two young sisters couldn't contain themselves any longer and burst out laughing. The Chancellor's ridiculous mane and oversized pudding hat were too comical. Clover quickly hushed them, trying to avoid drawing more attention from the Chancellor. However, it was too late. The vibrant and eccentric Chancellor Puddinghead had already turned around and noticed the giggling fillies.

"Ah-HA! So it is true! Two young unicorns as spies! And they are goooooood, because I know everypony from every tribe!!" The Chancellor bounced over to Luna and Celestia, her stance shifting to a mock menacing pose. "And I mean... everypony..."

"Chancellor Pudding, please, let's not create another scene," interjected an exasperated female voice from the crowd that had gathered at the entrance. Emerging from it was another Earth pony in a similarly silly outfit, adorned with a single feather on the side of her hat. "Remember what we discussed before this supposedly 'formal' visit?"

Princess Platinum sighed heavily, looking at Clover and the sisters with a mix of frustration and resignation. The throne room, now filled with unexpected chaos, echoed with the unending antics of Chancellor Puddinghead, who was already being gently but firmly guided away by the new arrival.

Puddinghead let out an exaggerated sigh. "But Smart Cookie!! This is, like, so not boring stuff!"

The mare, now introduced as Smart Cookie, looked towards Clover and subtly bowed her head in respect. The gesture was slight, intended not to draw attention, yet Luna and Celestia noticed. They exchanged knowing glances, recognizing the secretive mannerisms exchanged between Smart Cookie and Clover.

The air in the throne room was charged with a mix of tension and curiosity. Smart Cookie, with her composed demeanor, contrasted sharply with the lively and whimsical Puddinghead. As the latter continued to prance around, Smart Cookie's eyes met Clover's, silently conveying a message of understanding and solidarity.

“Chancellor, please make this quick so that we can be rid of your presence,” Princess Platinum declared, turning away as if the very sight of Puddinghead offended her royal sensibilities.

As the two continued their heated exchange, Clover the Clever seized the opportunity to shepherd Luna and Celestia out of the throne room. He knew that such political bickering was no place for young ponies already burdened by the uncertainty of their home’s situation. He led them through a dimly lit corridor behind the throne room.

“Just stay here,” Clover instructed firmly, his voice carrying a note of authority. “You’ve already heard enough fighting. Don’t go anywhere and wait until I return. Understood?”

The two fillies nodded frantically, their eyes wide with understanding. They settled onto the cold marble floor, watching as Clover stepped back into the corridor, closing the door quietly behind him. Though he wished he could remain with them, his duties as the royal advisor required his presence in the throne room.

The floor was made of polished marble, cool to the touch. The air was damp and carried a faint musty smell, likely from being enclosed and rarely used. Old tapestries hung at intervals, their once vibrant colors faded to muted shades by time, depicting scenes of unicorn history and legends.

Ancient wooden doors, their heavy frames adorned with ornate carvings, lined one side of the corridor, each leading to unknown rooms filled with secrets of the castle's past. Cobwebs clung to the corners of the ceiling, a testament to the corridor's infrequent use.

As Luna and Celestia sat on the marble floor, the silence was interrupted only by the muffled sounds of the argument from the throne room. The dim light and eerie stillness made the corridor feel like a hidden world within the castle, a place of quiet waiting and contemplation amidst the turmoil outside. They huddled together, drawing comfort from each other's presence as they tried to stay brave in this unfamiliar and daunting environment.

The subtle sounds of a singing voice gently echoed to Celestia's ears, making them perk up. Intrigued, the young mare stood up and began to follow the voice, her curiosity piqued and guiding her steps.

“Hey! 'Tia, we're supposed to wait for Clover!” Luna called out, her voice a mix of worry and frustration as she hurried to catch up to her sister.

Celestia pressed forward, her hoofsteps light yet determined.As Celestia followed the ethereal singing, the voice seemed to weave through the darkness, drawing her deeper into the castle's heart. The corridor twisted and turned, each step taking them further from the safety of the throne room. The stone floor was uneven and cold beneath their hooves, the chill seeping up through their legs.

“Celestia, this place gives me the creeps,” Luna whispered, her eyes darting nervously to the shifting shadows. “We should go back.”

But Celestia was resolute. “Just a little further, Luna. I have a feeling this is important.”

The singing grew clearer, a hauntingly beautiful melody that seemed to beckon Celestia forward. She moved with a sense of purpose, her heart pounding in her chest. Luna, on the other hand, felt a growing sense of dread. The corridor was narrowing, the walls closing in around them, and the torchlight seemed to dim with each step they took.

Every creak of the floorboards, every whisper of the wind through the cracks in the stone, seemed amplified in the oppressive silence. Luna couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched, and the dark corners of the corridor seemed to hide unseen eyes.

Finally, they reached a door at the end of the corridor. The singing stopped abruptly, leaving them in a heavy silence. The door was slightly ajar, and a faint, inviting glow spilled out from the room beyond.

“Do you think we should go in?” Luna asked, her voice trembling with fear.

Celestia took a deep breath and nodded. “We’ve come this far. Let’s see what’s inside.”

With Luna clinging close behind, Celestia pushed the door open further. The light from the room spilled out, casting their shadows long and thin behind them as they crossed the threshold and stepped into the unknown. The room was bathed in a warm, golden glow, a stark contrast to the cold, dark corridor they had just left behind.

In the center of the room, an elderly unicorn gently turned around, levitating old parchments in the air. A kind smile emerged from beneath his thick gray beard.

''Oh, hello there, it is so nice to finally meet you two....''

Chapter 8: The war's curse...

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“Well, aren’t you clever,” said an aged male voice.

A young colt, no older than twelve, spun around in fear at the unexpected sound. He had been certain he entered the royal library quietly and without a trace. His enchanted cloak, designed to render him invisible, had seemingly failed him. Standing before him was an old unicorn stallion with a short grey beard, a long royal blue cloak adorned with stars, and bells trimming the hem. A tall, pointy hat matching his attire topped his head, and his piercing blue eyes seemed to glow with a mysterious light.

The colt hastily closed the book he had been reading and used his magic to pick up his candle. As he scrambled to stuff his belongings back into his torn saddlebag, the old stallion placed a hoof on his shoulder and chuckled warmly.

“You needn’t fear me, young one. I won’t tell anypony. I promise,” the stallion said joyfully, his horn casting a glow that illuminated the library.

The colt looked up, confused. Why wouldn’t he tell? Why was he so calm about a peasant breaking into the royal library in the dead of night?

“I... I’m so sorry, sir. Please don’t tell my father. He’ll send me to Tartarus if he finds out!” the colt exclaimed, tears welling in his eyes. As he gazed at the old stallion, recognition dawned. The beard, the blue cloak, the bells... Could it be?

“Are... Are you Starswirl the Bearded?” he asked, full of admiration, taking a step back to marvel at his hero—the legendary Starswirl, who banished the Dazzlings, creator of many spells, and renowned archmage... LEADER of the Pillars!

“Ah! Is that what they call me? How lovely!” Starswirl replied with a hearty laugh. He began to place the pile of books back onto the shelves, making them orderly. “And you must be the thief I’ve been meaning to catch...” His tone shifted from joyous to slightly annoyed as he glanced at the colt, who now felt as if he were caught in a glue trap.

“T-Thief? I... I am not a thief, sir! I... I bring the books back, I swear!” the colt stammered, desperately trying to defend himself. But the look on Starswirl's face did not need any words, it said it all.

“All but one book!” Starswirl exclaimed, retrieving the book from the colt’s saddlebag. The tome in question was a children's book about myths, legends, and monsters roaming the world. Starswirl examined it, his expression a mix of curiosity and amusement. “Hmm... How interesting. A whole library containing some of the world’s most dangerous secrets, and yet... you choose a children’s book filled with foal stories,” he said warmly.

The young colt bowed his head, feeling a pang of shame. “I... I’ll work and pay you back. Just please don’t tell my father, sir,” he begged, his voice trembling.

The library was vast and dimly lit, with towering shelves lined with ancient tomes and scrolls. The scent of old parchment filled the air, and the flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows on the stone walls. Starswirl, an imposing figure, seemed to blend seamlessly with the mystical ambiance of the room.

“That cloak of yours is impressive, a spell I know well, yet none of my apprentices have ever mastered it. How... clever,” Starswirl remarked, completely ignoring the colt’s pleas. He was simply amazed at the young unicorn's ingenuity.

The colt, no longer scrambling to pack his things, looked up at Starswirl with wide eyes. The old unicorn’s warm smile and kind eyes suggested he might not be in trouble after all.

“What is your name?” Starswirl asked, his tone gentle and encouraging.

The colt hesitated for a moment, then trusted the legendary mage. “I’m Clover.”

“And then, a GIANT stone golem rose from the mountains! 'Tia took out her sword to protect us, but then the sto—” Luna was recounting the story of their perilous journey to the elderly unicorn who had introduced himself as Starswirl the Bearded.

When Luna and Celestia had entered the library, they found Starswirl engrossed in ancient spell books and parchments. Despite his intense focus, he welcomed the young fillies warmly into the expansive library, which was far more inviting than the cold, stone corridors outside. The sisters eagerly sat down beside him, and Starswirl had asked about their journey. What followed was Luna's animated retelling.

As Luna continued to entertain the now very amused Starswirl, Celestia took the opportunity to explore her surroundings. The library was significantly larger than Clover's home, with towering stone walls lined with massive bookshelves that hosted thousands of books and parchments. In one corner, a cauldron bubbled with some mysterious concoction, and various alchemy instruments adorned the shelves above it. Herbs and spices hung from the ceiling, filling the air with their rich, earthy scents.

In another corner of the library, a large crystal ball rested atop a golden pedestal, its surface swirling with a mystical mist. The entire room exuded an aura of enchantment and wonder, with tapestries depicting constellations and stars hanging high above.

But what truly caught Celestia's eye was the elegant spiral staircase that wound its way up to a second floor. The staircase seemed to beckon her, hinting at even more secrets and treasures hidden above.

As Luna's tale continued, Celestia felt a sense of awe and curiosity grow within her. The library was a place of endless discovery, a haven of knowledge and magic. For a moment, the worries of their journey and the perils they had faced seemed distant, overshadowed by the marvels around them.

The loud creak of the heavy wooden door echoed through the library, causing all three ponies to turn their heads toward the source of the sound. There, standing in the doorway and panting heavily, was Clover the Clever. He had clearly been running, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath.

"Why... How can you... disappear so... quickly?" Clover gasped, struggling to form coherent words between breaths.

Starswirl raised an amused eyebrow, his eyes twinkling with mirth. "Easy there, Clover," he began with a chuckle, "I know chasing after fillies can be exhausting, but you look like you just tried to outrun a dragon!" He paused, his lips curling into a grin. "Though, in your case, I imagine the dragon would probably be the one needing a rest."

The room filled with laughter as Luna and Celestia giggled at the joke, the tension of the moment melting away. Clover managed a sheepish smile, his cheeks flushed with both exertion and mild embarrassment.

Starswirl continued, his tone now more reassuring. "These two younglings have quite the knack for finding trouble—and sometimes, trouble finds them. But worry not, Clover, they’re safe and sound here." He then gestured to the warm, inviting space of the library, filled with its many wonders.

As Clover composed himself, he straightened his cloak and cleared his throat, trying to regain a semblance of dignity. He approached the table where Luna and Starswirl sat, a hint of exasperation still lingering in his expression.

"Girls," he began, his voice steadier now, "this is my mentor, Archmage Starswirl the Bearded. But I believe he has already introduced himself quite thoroughly."

Starswirl chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Indeed, Clover. I've just been regaled with tales of their adventures—and quite entertaining ones at that."

Clover couldn't resist a playful retort. "Well, Sir, if you ever need a break from your books, you might consider writing foal stories. It seems you have quite the audience."

Starswirl laughed heartily, appreciating the clever comeback. "Touché, my clever apprentice. Touché. But I think I'll leave the storytelling to Luna for now. She does have a flair for the dramatic."

Luna beamed at the compliment, while Celestia continued to survey the library, her eyes lingering on the spiral staircase. Clover, now more at ease, joined them at the table, his earlier frustration dissipating in the warmth and camaraderie of the moment.

Starswirl's keen eyes caught the glint of the dagger Luna carried around her waist. Its golden glow indicated it was no ordinary weapon. He leaned in, his curiosity piqued, the usual warmth of his expression now tinged with intrigue.

"Say, young one, where did you find this peculiar weapon?" he inquired, his voice carrying a mix of fascination and concern.

Luna, taken aback by the sudden interest, fumbled with her words. "I... I, um..." She hesitated before carefully unsheathing the dagger. For the first time in a while, the blade seemed unnervingly still and silent. She gently placed it on the wooden surface of the round table. Everypony in the room, save for Luna, leaned in to examine it more closely.

Celestia, her tone accusatory yet curious, added, "Yeah, Luna, where did you find this dagger? Ever since you got it, I've heard you talking to yourself more and more."

Even Clover, who had been catching his breath from his frantic search, seemed drawn into the sudden shift in their conversation. His eyes narrowed as he inspected the dagger, recognizing the aura of powerful enchantment surrounding it. The room grew quieter, the atmosphere thick with anticipation as they waited for Luna's explanation.

Feeling the weight of their stares, Luna took a deep breath. "I found it in an old cave, buried deep beneath ground atop a pile of stones. It... called to me. Ever since then, it's felt like it's a part of me."

Starswirl's expression grew more serious. "A calling weapon," he murmured. "These are rare and often come with their own will and history. We must be cautious, for such items are not mere tools—they have their own intentions."

Clover nodded, adding a touch of humor to lighten the mood. "Well, Luna, looks like you've managed to stumble upon one of the most mysterious artifacts I've seen in a while. Leave it to you to find the one thing that has everyone, including Starswirl, intrigued."

Starswirl chuckled, his earlier amusement returning. "Indeed, Clover."

The tension eased slightly, but the air of mystery lingered, wrapping around the dagger and Luna like a shroud. Luna stared at her dagger, wondering why it was so still. Was she losing her mind?

"It also talks to me," she confessed, her voice tinged with shame. "He helped me find my sister and get out of that cave."

Everypony's ears perked up at this revelation. Starswirl stroked his long, thick beard, lost in thought. "A talking blade, with an eye, made of gold, and a soul? Now this day just got more interesting!" he exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Rising from the pillow he had been sitting on, Starswirl used his magic to lift the dagger from the table, examining it closely. "Follow me," he said in a mysterious tone, leading the way toward the spiral staircase in the corner of the room.

Celestia's eyes sparkled with excitement as she glanced at the grand staircase. "I've always wondered what was up there!" she whispered to Luna, her voice tinged with eagerness.

Starswirl ascended the spiral staircase, his robes swishing softly with each step. The group followed closely behind, the atmosphere charged with anticipation. The glow from his horn cast eerie shadows on the stone walls as they climbed higher, passing rows of ancient tapestries depicting constellations and legendary creatures.

At the top of the staircase lay another room, though it more closely resembled a scholarly study. The space was filled with books, quills, and parchments scattered across a large desk. Windows carved into the stone walls allowed sunlight to filter in, casting a soft glow over the room. Near one of the windows stood a magnificent telescope, its polished surface gleaming in the dim light.

Luna's eyes widened with excitement. She had never seen a telescope before, though she remembered her father speaking fondly of them. She dashed over to it, her enthusiasm palpable, but quickly realized she was too short to reach the eyepiece. Clover, noticing her dilemma, smiled warmly and used his magic to lift her gently. Luna's face lit up with joy as she peered through the lens, marveling at the wonders it revealed.

Meanwhile, Celestia's attention was drawn to a giant hourglass partially concealed by a haphazardly draped blanket. The intricately crafted timepiece stood out amidst the scholarly clutter, its golden sand shimmering under the sunlight.

Starswirl, observing the fillies' fascination with his collection, couldn't help but chuckle. "Welcome to my observatory," he said, his voice tinged with pride. "Here, I delve into the mysteries of the cosmos and the secrets of time."

Celestia, her curiosity piqued, approached the hourglass. "What does this do, sir?" she asked, looking up at Starswirl.

He smiled enigmatically. "Ah, that is a tale for another time, my dear. For now, let us focus on the task at hoof...."

After many hours of research and countless books piling up beside the four ponies, Starswirl still could not find the one book he had read a long time ago. "I swear I saw a page with an image of this specific blade! Where is it?..." Starswirl muttered to himself, flipping through pages as if there were no tomorrow.

Luna was leaning against Celestia, dozing off. All that research had tired the poor filly out. Celestia, still poring over pages and books, had a very focused look. She wanted to help the archmage as much as she could with this... and then, maybe, they could find a way to stop the storm.

"Starswirl, I think those fillies have had just about enough of this," Clover said, gently draping two of Starswirl's blankets over the sisters. "Besides, they're forming the group of unicorns in the village square. It's time," he continued, giving a pressing glance at the bearded unicorn.

Hearing these words, the archmage lifted his head, the pain in his neck evident from looking down for so long. "Already?!" he questioned in surprise. He stepped up and walked to the stone window. From there, he saw a group of unicorns forming a circle on the pedestal in the town square. "Oh! I am never late for this! We have to go!" he exclaimed, grabbing his hat and trotting down the stairs.

"Late for what?" asked Celestia, confused.

"Raising the moon and lowering the sun. Without us, there would be no days or nights," answered Clover, tucking in Luna, who was now completely asleep against her big sister. "It takes an incredible amount of magic to do so, so we use the best unicorns we have for the task," he continued. "We will be back, and this time, stay here," he demanded in a playfully menacing way.

Celestia nodded at Clover's orders as he began following after Starswirl. His explanation left her with more questions than answers. Raising the sun? Lowering the moon? It sounded like a foal's story her mother would tell before bedtime.

A bittersweet smile crept onto her lips as memories of home flooded her mind: the beautiful days at the market selling crops with her mother, the pride in her father's eyes when she cast her first spell. The smile faded into a sorrowful frown as her thoughts turned darker. Despite her resolve to stay hopeful, Luna's words from the night before weighed heavily on her. What if they were too late? What if their home was already gone?

Her body tensed at the thought of such horrid possibilities. Shaking her head to banish these dark thoughts, she took a deep breath to steady herself. Looking down at her little sister, Celestia saw Luna's innocent and peaceful face. Despite all that had happened, Luna's childish attitude was a beacon in the darkness, a reminder of what they were fighting for.

"Oh, Luna... Thank you for coming with me. I couldn't do it without you," Celestia softly whispered, gently stroking her little sister's mane. Luna's breathing was slow and steady, a testament to how exhausted she was from their long journey. The firelight flickered, casting a warm glow over Luna's peaceful face, her mouth slightly open as she slept.

Drool began to drip from Luna's mouth, making Celestia chuckle softly. She used her magic to bring her saddlebag closer, knowing there was a handkerchief in there somewhere. As she rummaged through the bag, her hoof brushed against a peculiar object she had forgotten about. "Is this...?"

Her eyes widened as she pulled out the fairytale book she had brought from home. The cover, though worn and slightly frayed at the edges, still held the vibrant illustrations that had enchanted her as a filly. A wide smile spread across her lips; it had been moons since she had the opportunity to read it again. She almost forgot the joy this book had given her.

Celestia noticed a bookmark sticking out from the pages of the old, tattered book. Curiously, she opened it to that page, wondering what sort of story she had last read. Was it about dragons soaring majestically over mountains? Or knights in shining armor embarking on noble quests?

As she carefully turned the fragile pages, the familiar scent of old paper and ink filled her nostrils, bringing back memories of cozy nights by the fireplace, her mother’s gentle voice narrating tales of heroism and magic.

But that feeling and smile soon turned sour as the image on the page showcased a ghostly storm creature. A sudden flash of memory struck her, one she couldn't believe she had forgotten. It was a vision from their perilous journey—an apparition that had haunted her dreams. The Windigos.

Her heart raced, and she gasped, jerking hard enough to wake Luna from her slumber. The little filly stirred, blinking sleepily as she tried to make sense of her surroundings.

"W-what?! What's the big deal?" Luna asked, her voice laced with confusion and a hint of irritation. She looked around, disoriented by the sudden disturbance and unsure of the time or place.

Celestia's eyes were wide with a mixture of fear and realization. "Luna, look at this," she whispered urgently, her hoof trembling as she pointed to the illustration in the book. "Do you remember this creature?"

Luna rubbed her eyes and squinted at the page. The ghostly storm figure seemed to shimmer on the paper, its ethereal form almost coming to life under the flickering firelight. Recognition slowly dawned on her face as the memory resurfaced.

"That... that's the Windigo we saw in the sky, the one that brought the blizzard," Luna said, her voice now tinged with the same mixture of awe and dread that Celestia felt. "How could we have forgotten?"

Celestia nodded, her mind racing. "I don't know, but it's here in this book. There must be something important about it, something we need to remember."

The room felt colder as they both stared at the haunting image. The Windigo, with its hollow eyes and swirling, icy mane, seemed to hold secrets that were just out of reach. It was a reminder of the dangers they had faced and the mysterious forces at play.

Luna's initial irritation melted away, replaced by a sense of urgency mirroring her sister's. "What does it say about this creature?" she asked, leaning closer to the book.

Celestia began to read the text accompanying the illustration. The words described ancient spirits known as Windigos, ghostly storm creatures that lived in the skies. They fed off anger and discord among mortals, creating intense snowstorms that could blanket entire lands in ice. Also known as.. the war's curse...

Her voice trembled slightly as she read, the weight of the revelation settling over them. "Luna, these Windigos might be the key to understanding what's happening to our home. If we can find a way to counter them, maybe we can stop this endless winter."

Luna nodded, her determination returning. "Then we have to find a way to get rid of them, 'Tia. We can't give up now."

Celestia looked at her sister, drawing strength from her resolve. She closed the book gently and tucked it back into her saddlebag. "You're right. We have to tell Starswirl and Clover, come on!."

The unicorn mages had already assembled on the makeshift wooden pedestal, which rose slightly above the ground, when Starswirl rushed to join them, with Clover the Clever following closely behind. Impatience hung in the air, punctuated by a few throat-clearings from the gathered mages, which earned them a stern, judgmental look from the archmage himself.

Starswirl, despite being renowned for his immense magical prowess, remained an object of scrutiny among his peers. His willingness to engage with other tribes had not been forgotten, and the whispers and sideways glances persisted, marking him as a crazy old pony to many. All except for Clover, his faithful apprentice, who looked up to him with unwavering respect and admiration.

Taking his place at the center of the circle, Starswirl prepared himself, while Clover stepped in to close the formation. The old mage cleared his throat, a subtle but commanding sound that signaled the beginning of the ritual. As Starswirl's horn began to glow, the other mages followed suit, casting the intricate and powerful spell needed to manipulate the celestial bodies.

A soft, ethereal light enveloped the sun, a sign of the immense effort required to control its movement. Shifting the sun and moon was no simple task; it demanded extraordinary concentration and vast reserves of magical energy. Each unicorn's horn glowed brighter, their faces etched with determination and strain. The air hummed with the raw power being channeled, the very atmosphere crackling with magical intensity.

Starswirl's expression was one of profound focus. His eyes, usually full of mirth and wisdom, now bore the weight of the task at hand. The sun began its slow descent, casting elongated shadows across the village, while the moon inched its way up from the horizon. The transition was gradual, a delicate balance of forces that required absolute precision.

Despite the visible strain, Starswirl stood tall, his presence a pillar of strength within the circle. Clover, mirroring his mentor's resolve, poured his magic into the spell, his brow furrowed in concentration. The other mages, though they might harbor doubts or grudges, were united in this monumental effort, their combined powers achieving what no single unicorn could.

The sky gradually shifted from the warm hues of sunset to the cool blues of twilight. The sun and moon, guided by the collective will of the unicorns, moved into their appointed places, maintaining the cycle of day and night. This task, though routine, never ceased to be an awe-inspiring demonstration of their magical capabilities.

As the ritual neared completion, the glow around the sun and moon dimmed, and the mages began to lower their horns, exhaustion evident in their movements. Starswirl, with a final surge of effort, ensured the celestial bodies were perfectly aligned before allowing the spell to dissipate.

Panting slightly from the exertion, he turned to address the group, his voice steady despite his fatigue. "Well done, everyone. Another day ends, and another night begins, thanks to your dedication and skill."

The mages nodded in acknowledgment, some more grudgingly than others, but the respect for the achievement was mutual. Clover, his admiration for Starswirl only deepened, stepped forward. "Master, you never cease to amaze."

Starswirl gave him a tired but appreciative smile. "It's not just me, Clover. It's all of us, working together. Remember that."

As the mages dispersed, the archmage and his apprentice lingered for a moment, gazing up at the newly risen moon. The quiet of the night settled around them, a brief respite before the next day's challenges.

As Starswirl and Clover turned to return to the library, they found themselves face to face with Celestia and Luna. The two young fillies stood there, their eyes wide with wonder, completely captivated by what they had just witnessed. The powerful display of magic had left them speechless, their awe evident in their glowing expressions.

For Celestia and Luna, something about the spectacle felt profoundly right, as if they were witnessing a natural extension of themselves. The synchronization of the unicorn mages, the delicate balance of power required to move the sun and moon, resonated deeply within them. It was a rare glimpse into the immense potential of magic, and it stirred something fundamental in their hearts.

Celestia felt a surge of inspiration, her mind racing with possibilities. She could almost feel the magic in the air, a tangible force that beckoned to her. Luna, on the other hand, was mesmerized by the beauty of the celestial dance, the graceful way the sun dipped below the horizon as the moon rose to take its place.

The incredible demonstration of power almost made them forget why they had come in the first place. For a brief, shining moment, the worries and fears that had driven them here seemed to fade into the background. They were left with a sense of hope and a newfound determination, inspired by the magical prowess they had just witnessed.

Starswirl, noticing their awe, gave them a knowing smile. "Impressive, isn't it?" he said gently, his voice filled with pride. "Magic, when used wisely, can create wonders beyond imagination."

Clover, on the other hoof, was visibly annoyed and disappointed that the fillies had not heeded his instructions. His eyes narrowed as he cast a stern, disapproving glance at the two sisters, his expression speaking volumes without the need for words. The lines of frustration etched across his face clearly conveyed his displeasure, making it abundantly clear that he expected better from them.

The wind began to pick up again, continuing its relentless assault from the previous night. Gentle snowflakes descended, each one a harsh reminder of the seemingly endless winter. The clouds gathered thickly in the sky, quickly obscuring the fleeting beauty of the stars and moon.

Celestia and Luna clutched their blankets more tightly around themselves. The cold felt even more biting after the warmth of the indoors. The chill seeped through the fabric, making them shiver.

"Starswirl... we believe this is the answer to our problems," Celestia said, her voice trembling from the cold. Luna nodded eagerly in agreement with her sister.

Celestia levitated the book towards the two adults, opening it to the bookmarked page. The old, worn pages fluttered briefly before settling, revealing the illustration of the Windigos.

Clover chuckled lightly, a hint of skepticism in his tone. "Windigos? I don't think a fairytale book will help us with... whatever this is," he said, a friendly grin on his face. His intention wasn't to hurt the fillies' feelings, but he found it hard to believe that a children's book could hold the solution to their very real and dire situation.

Starswirl, however, didn't share Clover's amusement. He took the book from Celestia's magical grasp, placed it onto a nearby table and studied the page carefully. His eyes, sharp and wise, scanned the ancient text and illustrations with growing interest.

"Clover, sometimes the most profound truths are hidden within the tales we dismiss as mere stories," Starswirl said, his tone thoughtful. "The Windigos are not just creatures of legend. They are real and dangerous, feeding off anger and discord among mortals. If this is what we are dealing with, we must be prepared."

Clover's expression shifted from amusement to concern. He had never doubted his mentor's wisdom before, and he wasn't about to start now. The gravity of Starswirl's words began to sink in.

Celestia and Luna watched anxiously, their breaths visible in the cold air, as Starswirl closed the book and looked at them with a determined glint in his eye.

"We have much to prepare for," he said, his voice resolute. "If Windigos are behind this endless winter, we will need all the knowledge and strength we can muster to face them."

Starswirl turned to his apprentice, his usual genial expression replaced by one of grave seriousness. "Clover," he said, his voice low and urgent, "go and fetch Smart Cookie and Private Pansy. Be discreet. We must not alarm the tribe's leaders. Bring them back to my study."

Clover nodded, understanding the weight of the task. Without hesitation, he galloped off into the swirling snow, his silhouette quickly swallowed by the storm. The biting wind whipped around him, but he pressed on, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination.

Starswirl turned his gaze to the sky, where the clouds were growing thicker and darker, casting an ominous shadow over the land. The young fillies’ fears suddenly seemed less like childish fantasies and more like a grim reality. He had heard of these legendary foes—the Windigos. Was it wise to rely on a tale from a foal’s storybook? It seemed to be their best hope so far.

"Sir?" Celestia's voice broke through his thoughts, tinged with worry. She had never seen the elderly mage look so shaken. His face, usually composed and enigmatic, was now etched with horror.

Starswirl shook his head, trying to dispel his fear. He couldn’t afford to lose his composure, not with these young sisters now under his care. "Everything is alright," he said, though his voice carried a note of uncertainty. "Let us hurry back to my study. I will prepare a place for you to rest.

''I fear this... this is only the beginning of the end....."